How can I properly animate the removal of an item from a data model in Cascades? - blackberry-10

When I try to animate the removal of an item from a data model, the item gets removed, but apparently because the animation I am using sets the item's dimensions to 0, the next item added to the data model is not visible. To see it, I have to reload the entire data model, or close and re-open my app. If I don't do the animation, items are removed and added correctly, just not with the effect I'm trying to achieve. My sample code is as follows:
ListView {
dataModel: GroupDataModel {
id: noteDataModel
listItemComponents: [
ListItemComponent {
type: "item"
StandardListItem {
id: noteItem
title: ListItemData.noteTitle
description: ListItemData.noteText
animations: [
ScaleTransition {
id: deleteAnimation
toY: 0
toX: 0
duration: 500
onEnded: {
contextActions: [
ActionSet {
DeleteActionItem {
onTriggered: {;

The reason the issue is occurring is that the Cascades framework at times reuses objects for better performance. When you remove an item from the data model, and set its dimensions to zero, that object is held in memory for a time, with the dimension properties set to 0. The next item you add will reuse the removed item object, but with dimensions of 0, so it won't be visible.
To resolve this, change the animation's onEnded event and re-scale the item back to dimensions of 1.0 after removal:
onEnded: {
noteItem.scaleX = 1.0;
noteItem.scaleY = 1.0;


Highchart Gantt chart Navigator color

I am rendering a Gantt chart with different series color. The colors are somehow not reflected on the navigator at the bottom. How can I display the same colors in both series and navigator?
Fiddle link : Fiddle
Note: These colors are going to be dynamic which will be based on different cases. So I want them to reflect in the navigator too, dynamically.
I am changing color of the series like so :
chart: {
events: {
load: function() {
Highcharts.each(this.series[0].points, function(p) {
p.color = 'grey'
As you can see series color is grey but in the navigator below, I see different colors.
As per highcharts-gantt documentation:
Update the series with a new set of options. For a clean and precise handling of new options, all methods and elements from the series are removed, and it is initialized from scratch.
On event, you should then go through given serie points and change its options (in your case 'color').
The changes will be applied in the timeline below - example code changes the color after 1,5sec.
//Updating the color
setTimeout(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < chart.series[0].points.length; i++) {
color: "grey"
}, 1500);
Working example
In your code it would be:
events: {
load: function() {
Highcharts.each(this.series[0].points, function(p) {
p.update({color: "grey"});
To avoid shrink of timeline - launch setExtremes() after chart update.
Fires when the minimum and maximum is set for the axis, either by calling the .setExtremes() method or by selecting an area in the chart.
//Fully selected timeline
Working example - timeline selection
You can also set options for series of navigator, like below:
navigator: {
series: {
colorByPoint: false,
color: 'grey'
Live demo:
API Reference:

Vizframe Datalabel show for one Line

I'm using Vizframe component where there is two lines, when I try to show the Datalabel, the modifications is applied to both lines, I want to apply it just to one of them (A line with Datalabel set to True and a line with DataLabel set to False.)
Here's how it looks
This is how I change DataLabel property:
plotArea: {
dataLabel: {
visible: false
Well I know that this question might be older, but I had a similar issue recently. You can use the renderer function to customize the data labels to your needs.
For me, it worked, when I checked the context data for the correct measure and decide then, if I return nothing, which shows the label normally or return an empty DOM node.
dataLabel: {
visible: true,
style: {
color: "#000"
renderer: function (ctx) {
var node = document.createElement("text");
if (ctx.ctx.measureNames === "Optimum") {
var text = document.createTextNode("");
return node;
As you can see in the picture below, the label for the orange line (Optimum) is gone.
You can hide the values when they are overlapped using this:
plotArea: {
dataLabel: {
visible: true,
hideWhenOverlap: true
Julian's answer is useful yet in order for the change to take effect on the document we need to attach the returned node to the parent data point node.
The renderer function does not provide data regarding the graph itself but only the selected label, which leaves us clueless on how to render the node effectively.
Something like this would make me happier:
renderer: function(...) {
var parent = document.getElementById(some_given_data_point_id);
return parent;

How to change position of record in the grid permanently

I have problem with changing position of the records which are displaing in the grid. I have added arrows into column and wrote handler like below:
text: "Down",
width : 80,
xtype: 'actioncolumn',
tdCls : "row-shifter",
icon: appContext + "/images/arrow-dark-down-40.png",
handler: function(grid,index,c,d,f,row){
if(index >= grid.all.endIndex){
index++;, true);
grid.getStore().insert(index, row);
dataIndex : "Down",
textResource : "Down"
When i click arrow button, the row is moved correctly but when i change displayed page (via pagination) the old records order is back. What should i do to do this changes permanent?
I suggest a new approach... You should set a new field to your model, call it 'order' for example with type 'number', then add sorter to your store to sort by this new field.
In your handler, just set a new value to the order field of the record according to the direction (add for up, subtract for down) and you have the up and down effect on the rows. This will also handle the paging correctly.
And its easier to restore the rows order if you save the order field with the rows.

Selectfield events are lost when changing views

I have a strange problem with all my selectfields. When I enter a view for the first time containing a selectfield with a change event listener defined in the controller, it works fine. I can do a select and the event will fire. But when I enter an other view and pop that view so I return in the view with the selectfield, the change event does not fire anymore. Also the selected value is gone. I've tried to add the listeners to the config in the view, but that is not working at all?
This is more ore less an example of what I'm doing.
Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Search', {
extend: '',
config: {
Ext.define('', {
xtype: 'selectfield',
id: 'distanceSelect',
options: [{
text: '- All -',
value: '0'
}, {
text: '5 Km.',
value: '5'
}, {
text: '10 Km.',
value: '10'
I have this in my app.js. I call these when I want to change the views.
launch: function() {
// Destroy the #appLoadingIndicator element'appLoadingIndicator').destroy();
// Initialize the main view
var view = Ext.create('Abedrijven.view.Main');
Ext.Viewport.add(view); = view; = function(xtype,data){{xtype:xtype,data:data});
} = function(){;
}, = function(){;
My main view:
Ext.define("Abedrijven.view.Main", {
fullscreen: true,
The first time it all works, change to other view, and than change back to this view and the change event will not fire. I'm using ST GPL. Tested on iOS and browser.
Any help would be great!
Thanks in advance!
I had the same problem because I was using views defined and instantiated at runtime. First time was fine, second one the controller was loosing the listeners.
I solved the problem simply using dom subqueries.
config: {
refs: {
RecordTypeSelectField : 'NewRecordPanel #recordTypeSelectField'
Essentially you simply add the parent container to the query key. That's all!
I've found the bug. I was using id's, but itemId is better. Here the answer that helped me figuring this out.
replaced to
Needed to change some code to get the right elements again, but now it works

Dynamic Carousel Content does not show

I have been working on this for a number of days now, but my limited JS knowledge seems to hurt me.
I am creating a dynamic Ext.Carousel component in my ST2 application, which is based on the contents of a Store file.
That all works fine, but I will show the code anyway, so that nothing is left to imagination:
function(i) {
Ext.each(i, function(i) {
if ( == 'Audio Ring') {
var carousel = Ext.ComponentManager.get('speakerCarousel');
var items = [];
Ext.each(i.raw.speakers, function(speaker) {
sci: Ext.create('SmartCore.view.SpeakerCarouselItem', {
speakerId: speaker.speakerid,
speakerName: speaker.speakername,
speakerEnabled: speaker.speakerenabled
Now, this adds me the appropriate number of items to the carousel. They display, but without the content I specified:
This is the Carousel itself:
Ext.define('SmartCore.view.SpeakerCarousel', {
extend: 'Ext.Carousel',
xtype: 'speakerCarousel',
config: {
id: 'speakerCarousel',
layout: 'fit',
listeners: {
activeitemchange: function(carousel, item) {
This is the item class, that I want to fill the data from the store into:
Ext.define("SmartCore.view.SpeakerCarouselItem", {
extend: Ext.Panel,
xtype: 'speakerCarouselItem',
config: {
styleHtmlContent: true,
layout: 'fit'
constructor : function(param) {
layout: 'panel',
style: 'background-color: #759E60;',
html: 'hello'
Again, the right number of items shows in the carousel (11), but the content is not visible, nor is the background colour changed.
When I check the console.log(item) in the browser, the items show as innerItems inside the carousel object.
Any help is greatly appreciated!!
Well, I fixed it myself, or better, I found a workaround that seems to be what I want.
I ended up ditching the constructor all together.
Instead I overwrote the apply method for the 'speakerName' key-value pair.
From there, I can use:
to set the content inside the item.
If anyone knows the "real" way to do this, I would still greatly appreciate input!