GWT+GXT serialization goes wrong after minor changes. But why? - gwt

I thought I knew GWT serialization rules, but apparently I don't. This case is just weird, I'm trying to figure it out for couple of hours, still no luck. Maybe you, guys, could lend me a hand on this one?
First things first: the stack trace.
...blah blah blah...
Caused by: Type 'geos.dto.common.client.Market' was not included in the set of types which can be serialized by this SerializationPolicy or its Class object could not be loaded. For security purposes, this type will not be serialized.: instance = null
... 78 more
So it appears the problem lies in geos.dto.common.client.Market. Let's see the minimal that still can be compiled.
package geos.dto.common.client;
public class Market extends RowModel<Integer> {
public static final String ID="id";
public static final String NAME="name";
public Market() { }
public Market(int id, String name) { }
public String getName() { }
public void setName(String name) { }
Either I really need a vacation, or it's just fine. A LOT of DTO classes inherit from RowModel, they are working and are serialized properly, no problems there. But of course I'll show you anyway. This time some GXT stuff ahead. This class is unedited, but still fairly simple.
package geos.dto.common.client;
public class RowModel<I> extends BaseModelData implements IdentifiableModelData<I> {
private I identifier;
private String identifierProperty;
public RowModel() { }
public RowModel(String identifierProperty) {
public I getIdentifier() {
return identifier;
public void setIdentifier(I identifier) {
this.identifier = identifier;
if((identifierProperty!=null)&&(!identifierProperty.isEmpty())) {
public void setIdentifierProperty(String identifierProperty) {
this.identifierProperty = identifierProperty;
if(identifier!=null) {
public String getIdentifierProperty() {
return identifierProperty;
public <X> X set(String property, X value) {
if(property.equals(identifierProperty)&&((identifier==null)||(!getIdentifier().equals(value)))) {
return super.set(property, value);
Looks somewhat weird, I know, but these identifier is really important. I removed toString() which - in this case - returns null (because internal RpcMap is null, and it's null because no values are set in Market class). And the last piece of code, the interface implemented by RowModel:
package geos.dto.common.client;
public interface IdentifiableModelData<I> extends ModelData, Serializable {
public I getIdentifier();
The versions are GWT 2.4.0 and GXT 2.2.5. I want to upgrade it soon, but first I want to deal with problems like this one.
And that would be all, I think. Do you see anything I can't see? I certainly hope so! Thanks!

Expecting, that your package structure follows the naming conventions: Is it possible that you have to move your Market-class into the shared package?
If you make a rcp call, the class is serialized on the client side and deserialized on the server side. There fore the class have to be accessible from the client and the server. If you class lies in the client-package, the server can't access this class. Classes that are used on the client and server side are put in a package called shared.
So, all classes that are only needed in your client, should be inside a package called client. Classes, that are needed on the server and the client side should be inside the shared package and classes, that are only neede on the server side are inside the server package.
This is my abstract class, that extends BaseModelData and lies inside the shared package:
package de.gishmo.leela.application.shared.models;
public abstract class MyBaseModel
extends BaseModelData
implements Serializable {
public final static String MYFIELD = "myField";
public abstract String getModelName();
works well in RCP-calls.
And please implement the Serializable Interface.

I've got an oblivion.
The problem wasn't in that class, not at all. Thing is, it's transferred using another class, that extends RowModel as well. And it's set this way:
public void setMarkets(Set<Market> markets) {
And because I haven't included the Market type in that class, GWT didn't know it should be serialized at compilation time. Adding private Market _market; in that class did the trick. Actually it's well known issue related to subclasses of BaseModelData (that it can't serialize types that are not declared as class fields), but I totally forgotten it...


Dagger2 Using an entire Dependency Graph

I have set up dagger2 dependencies in my app as I understand it and through the many examples. What I have not found is the proper way to use all of the dependencies once they are injected.
Each of the singletons in the module depends on the output of the singleton before it. How is the entire dependency graph used without calling each singleton in turn to get the required inputs?
Given the following:
#Component(modules = {
public interface AppComponent {
void inject(MyGameActivity activity);
public class DownloaderModule {
public static final String NETWORK_CACHE = "game_cache";
private static final int GLOBAL_TIMEOUT = 30; // seconds
public DownloaderModule(#NonNull String endpoint) {
#Provides #NonNull #Singleton
public HttpUrl getEndpoint() {
return this.endpoint;
#Provides #NonNull #Singleton #Named(NETWORK_CACHE)
public File getCacheDirectory(#NonNull Context context) {
return context.getDir(NETWORK_CACHE, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
#Provides #NonNull #Singleton
public Cache getNetworkCache(#NonNull #Named(NETWORK_CACHE) File cacheDir) {
int cacheSize = 20 * 1024 * 1024; // 20 MiB
return new Cache(cacheDir, cacheSize);
#Provides #NonNull #Singleton
public OkHttpClient getHttpClient(#NonNull Cache cache) {
return new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.connectTimeout(GLOBAL_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.readTimeout(GLOBAL_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.writeTimeout(GLOBAL_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
public class MyGameApp extends Application {
private AppComponent component;
private static Context context;
public static MyGameApp get(#NonNull Context context) {
return (MyGameApp) context.getApplicationContext();
public void onCreate() {
component = buildComponent();
MyGameApp.context = getApplicationContext();
public AppComponent component() {
return component;
protected AppComponent buildComponent() {
return DaggerAppComponent.builder()
.downloaderModule(new DownloaderModule(""))
I'll try to shed some light into this, but there are several ways you can read this. I prefer a bottom up approach - Basically start on what your objects require and work my way up. In this case, I would start at MyGameActivity. Unfortunately, you didn't paste the code for this, so I'll have to be a bit creative, but that's ok for the purpose of the exercise.
So in your app you're probably getting the AppComponent and calling inject for your MyGameActivity. So I guess this activity has some injectable fields. I'm not sure if you're using there directly OkHttpClient but let's say you do. Something like:
public class MyGameActivity extends SomeActivity {
OkHttpClient okHttpClient;
// ...
The way I like to think about this is as follows. Dagger knows you need an OkHttpClient given by the AppComponent. So it will look into how this can be provided - Can it build the object itself because you annotated the constructor with #Inject? Does it require more dependencies?.
In this case it will look into the modules of the component where this client is being provided. It will reach getHttpClient and realise it needs a Cache object. It will again look for how this object can be provided - Constructor injection, another provider method?.
It's again provided in the module, so it will reach getNetworkCache and once more realise it needs yet another dependency.
This behaviour will carry on, until it reaches objects that require no other dependencies, such as your HttpUrl in getEndpoint.
After all this is done, your OkHttpClient can be created.
I think it's easy to understand from this why you can't have cycles in your dependency graph - You cannot create an object A if it depends on B and B depends on A. So imagine that for some weird reason you'd reach the method getEndpoint which would depend on the OkHttpClient from that module. This wouldn't work. You'd be going in circles an never reach an end.
So if I understand your question: How is the entire dependency graph used without calling each singleton in turn to get the required inputs?
It's not. It has to call all the methods to be able to get the singletons. At least the first time they're provided within the same component/scope. After that, as long as you keep the same instance of your component, the scoped dependencies will always return the same instance. Dagger will make sure of this. If you'd for some reason destroy the component or recreate it, then the dependencies wouldn't be the same instances. More info here. In fact this is true for all scopes. Not just #Singletons.
However, as far as I can tell you're doing it right. When your application is created you create the component and cache it. After that, every time you use the method component() you return always the same component and the scoped dependencies are always the same.

how to inject a uiBinder with #Inject (instead of GWT.create())?

Firstly, is doing such thing a good practice ?
I tried what seems to be the right way for me but wasn't successful :
public class FormViewImpl extends CompositeView implements HasUiHandlers<C>, FormView {
public interface SettlementInstructionsSearchFormViewUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, SettlementInstructionsSearchFormViewImpl> {}
static FormViewImpl uiBinder;
static Provider<DateEditorWidget> dateEditorProvider;
#UiField(provided = true)
MyComponent<String> myComp;
DateEditorWidget effectiveDateFrom;
// .. other fields
public FormViewImpl () {
myComp = new MyComponent<String>("lol");
if (uiBinder == null)
uiBinder = GWT.create(SettlementInstructionsSearchFormViewUiBinder.class);
DateEditorWidget createDateEditor() {
return dateEditorProvider.get();
What other things than a class with no arguments is required ? In my company's project the same kind of code works at some other place. Sorry from the high level of noob here...
If you guys had any pointers it would be nice.
Two issues:
First, two of your #Inject fields are static - have you done anything to make static fields be injected? Static fields don't get set when Gin (or Guice) creates new instances, those have to be set once and done. As they are static, they will never be garbage collected - this may be okay with you, or it might be a problem, and you should change them to instance fields. If you want to keep them static, then you must invoke requestStaticInjection in your module to ask Gin to initialize them when the ginjector is created.
Next, if you do choose to remove static, the uiBinder field must still be null in that constructor, because the fields can't have been injected yet! How do you set a field on an object that you haven't yet created? That's what you are expecting Gin to be able to do. Instead, consider passing that as an argument into the #Inject decorated constructor. You don't even need to save it as a field, since the widget will only use it the one time.
To have a class generated by GIN (doesn't matter if it is a uiBinder or not) it is not necessary for it to have a default constructor (i.e. the one without parameters). The class you want to inject must have the constructor annotated with #Inject:
public InjectMeClass(Object a, Object b)
The other class which is injected, suppose it is a UiBinder, must have the injected fields annotated with #UiField(provided=true):
public class Injected extends Composite {
private static InjectedUiBinder uiBinder = GWT
interface InjectedUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, Injected> {
InjectMeClass imc;
public Injected(final InjectMeClass imc) {
So, back to your case:
#UiField(provided = true)
MyComponent<String> myComp;
public FormViewImpl (MyComponent<String> myComp) {
this.myComp = myComp;
and for example:
public class MyComponent<T> extends Composite {
private T value;
public MyComponent(T t) {
this.value = t;
In the GIN module you can have a provider:
public MyComponent<String> createMyComponent() {
return new MyComponent<String>("lol");

How must one use a ListEditor as a child of another Editor?

I am using GWT 2.5.0
My intent was to create an editor hierarchy which binds to a ParentBean object. The ParentBean contains a List<Group>, and the Group bean has a List<ChildBean> and List<Group>. From the Editor tutorials I have found, it seemed simple enough to create an editor which contains a ListEditor as one of its sub-editors. But the parent editor never seems to properly initialize the sub ListEditor.
Here is an explanation of how I attempted to do this.
From the code below, I created a ParentBeanEditor which is composed of one other editor, GroupListEditor.
The GroupListEditor implements IsEditor<ListEditor<Group, GroupEditor>>.
Then, the GroupEditor contains a GroupListEditor subeditor and a ChildBeanEditor.
I initialized the ParentBeanEditor with a ParentBean which contained a list of Group objects, but no GroupEditor was ever constructed for any of the Group objects. I put break points in the EditorSource<GroupEditor>.create(int) method to verify that GroupEditors were being created for each Group in the ParentBean, but the break point was never hit (the ListEditor was not constructing editors).
I expected that the GroupListEditor would be initialized since it was a subeditor of ParentBeanEditor. Neither the list nor the editor chain was set in the GroupListEditor. I tried to set the list of the GroupListEditor subeditor directly in ParentBeanEditor by having it extend ValueAwareEditor<ParentBean>. Doing this, the break point I mentioned above was hit, and the GroupListEditor tried to attach a GroupEditor to the editor chain. But the editor chain was never set, and a NPE is thrown in ListEditorWrapper line 95.
Here is the example where the GroupListEditor is not initializing as expected. The EditorChain is never set, and this results in a NPE being thrown in ListEditorWrapper line 95.
Data Model
public interface ParentBean {
List<Group> getGroups();
public interface Group {
List<ChildBean> getChildBeans();
List<Group> getGroups();
public interface ChildBean {
// ChildType is an enum
ChildType getChildType();
The ParentBean Editor
public class ParentBeanEditor extends Composite implements ValueAwareEditor<ParentBean> {
interface ParentBeanEditorUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, ParentBeanEditor> {
private static ParentBeanEditorUiBinder BINDER = GWT.create(ParentBeanEditorUiBinder.class);
GroupListEditor groupsEditor;
public ParentBeanEditor() {
public void setDelegate(EditorDelegate<ParentBean> delegate) {}
public void flush() {}
public void onPropertyChange(String... paths) {}
public void setValue(ParentBean value) {
public class GroupListEditor extends Composite implements IsEditor<ListEditor<Group, GroupEditor>>{
interface GroupListEditorUiBinder extends UiBinder<VerticalLayoutContainer, TemplateGroupListEditor> {
private static GroupListEditorUiBinder BINDER = GWT.create(GroupListEditorUiBinder.class);
private class GroupEditorSource extends EditorSource<GroupEditor> {
private final GroupListEditor GroupListEditor;
public GroupEditorSource(GroupListEditor GroupListEditor) {
this.GroupListEditor = GroupListEditor;
public GroupEditor create(int index) {
GroupEditor subEditor = new GroupEditor();
GroupListEditor.getGroupsContainer().insert(subEditor, index);
return subEditor;
public void dispose(GroupEditor subEditor){
public void setIndex(GroupEditor editor, int index){
GroupListEditor.getGroupsContainer().insert(editor, index);
private final ListEditor<Group, GroupEditor> editor = ListEditor.of(new GroupEditorSource(this));
VerticalLayoutContainer groupsContainer;
public GroupListEditor() {
public InsertResizeContainer getGroupsContainer() {
return groupsContainer;
public ListEditor<Group, GroupEditor> asEditor() {
return editor;
public class GroupEditor extends Composite implements ValueAwareEditor<Group> {
interface GroupEditorUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, GroupEditor> {}
private static GroupEditorUiBinder BINDER = GWT.create(GroupEditorUiBinder.class);
FieldSet groupField;
ChildBeanListEditor childBeansEditor;
GroupListEditor groupsEditor;
public GroupEditor() {
public void setDelegate(EditorDelegate<Group> delegate) {}
public void flush() { }
public void onPropertyChange(String... paths) {}
public void setValue(Group value) {
// When the value is set, update the FieldSet header text
The ChildBeanListEditor will be using the polymorphic editor methodology mention here. Meaning that a specific leafeditor is attached to the editor chain based off the value of the ChildBean.getType() enum. However, I am not showing that code since I am unable to get the GroupListEditor to properly initialize.
Two concerns about your code:
Why is ParentBeanEditor.setValue feeding data to its child? It appears from this that this was a way to work around the fact that the GroupListEditor was not getting data. This should not be necessary, and may be causing your NPE by wiring up a subeditor before it is time.
Then, assuming this, it seems to follow that the GroupListEditor isn't getting data or a chain. The lack of these suggests that the Editor Framework isn't aware of it. All the basic wiring looks correct, except for one thing: Where is your EditorDriver?
If you are trying to use the editor framework by just invoking parentBeanEditor.setValue and do not have a driver, you are missing most of the key features of this tool. You should be able to ask the driver to do this work for you, and not not to call your own setValue methods throughout the tree.
A quick test - try breaking something in such a way that shouldn't compile. This would include changing the #Path annotation to something like #Path("doesnt.exist"), and trying to run the app. You should get a rebind error, as there is no such path. If you do not get this, you definitely need to be creating and user a driver.
First, try driver itself:
It isn't quite clear from your code what kind of models you are using, so I'll assume that the SimpleBeanEditorDriver will suffice for you - the other main option is the RequestFactoryEditorDriver, but it isn't actually necessary to use the RequestFactoryEditorDriver even if you use RequestFactory.
The Driver is generic on two things: The bean type you intend to edit, and the editor type that will be responsible for it. It uses these generic arguments to traverse both objects and generate code required to bind the data. Yours will likely look like this:
public interface Driver extends
SimpleBeanEditorDriver<ParentBean, ParentBeanEditor> { }
We declare these just like UiBinder interfaces - just enough details to let the code generator look around and wire up essentials. Now that we have the type, we create an instance. This might be created in your view, but may still be owned and controlled by some presenter logic. Note that this is not like uibinder - we cannot keep a static instance, since each one is wired directly to a specific editor instance.
Two steps here - create the driver, and initialize it to a given editor instance (and all sub-editors, which will be automatic):
ParentBeanEditor editor = ...;
Driver driver = GWT.create(Driver.class);
Next we bind data by passing it to the driver - it is its responsibility to pass sub-objects to each sub-editor's setValue method, as well as wiring up the editor chain required by the ListEditor.
Now the user can view or edit the object, as your application requirement works. When editing is complete (say they click the Save button), we can flush all changes from the editors back into the instance (and note that we are still using the same driver instance, still holding that specific editor instance):
ParentBean instance = driver.flush();
Note that we also could have just invoked driver.flush() and reused the earlier reference to parentInstance - its the same thing.
Assuming this has all made sense so far, there is some cleanup that can be done - ParentBeanEditor isn't really using the ValueAwareEditor methods, so they can be removed:
public class ParentBeanEditor extends Composite implements Editor<ParentBean> {
interface ParentBeanEditorUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, ParentBeanEditor> {
private static ParentBeanEditorUiBinder BINDER = GWT.create(ParentBeanEditorUiBinder.class);
GroupListEditor groupsEditor;
public ParentBeanEditor() {
Observe that we still implement Editor<ParentBean> - this allows the driver generics to make sense, and declares that we have fields that might themselves be sub-editors to be wired up. Also: it turns out that the #Path annotation here is unnecessary - any field/method with the same name as the property (getGroups()/setGroups() ==> groups) or the name of the property plus 'Editor' (groupsEditor). If the editor contains a field that is an editor but doesn't map to a property in the bean, you'll get an error. If you actually did this on purpose (say, a text box for searching, not for data entry), you can tag it with #Ignore.

GWT RPC serializing

I am trying to send over MyClass through RPC, but am getting :
Type MyClass was not assignable to '' and did not have a custom field serializer.For security purposes, this type will not be serialized.
I have looked at GWT - occasional and tried their solution, but it did not work.
The difference is that MyClass is located in another project.
The project structure is:
-contains MyClass
I have also tried passing an enum through the RPC from MyApiProject, which also failed.
public class MyClass
implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5258129039653904120L;
private String str;
private MyClass()
public MyClass(String str)
this.str = str;
public String getString()
return this.str;
in the RemoteService I have:
mypackage.MyClass getMyClass();
in the RemoteServiceAsync I have:
void getMyClass(AsyncCallback<mypackage.MyClass> callback);
I had to change implements Serializable to implements IsSerializable
This usually pops up when you are using another type inside of your class that is not serializable. Check the properties of your class and make sure they are all serializable, post the code of MyClass here and I can look at it as well.
I believe GWT requires an RPC serializable class to also have a public no-argument constructor.
Try removing
private MyClass()
or set it to
public MyClass()

Deserialization of ArrayList GWT

In my application I'm getting some data from a file located in the server. The data is stored in a text file (.obj), so I'm using an rpc to read the file and get the data. The file is read using a third party library I'm sending the data to the client using ArrayLists, basicly I'm sending this: ArrayList[ArrayList[Vertex3dDTO]] where Vertex3dDTO is an serializable object with contains float parameters. ArrayList[Vertex3dDTO] is contained in another serializable class Face3dDTO, and ArrayList[Face3dDTO] is in the serializable class Group3dDTO.
package com.nyquicksale.tailorapp.shared;
public class Vertex3dDTO implements Serializable {
float x,y,z;
public Vertex3dDTO(){
public Vertex3dDTO(float x, float y, float z){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
public class Face3dDTO implements Serializable {
ArrayList<Vertex3dDTO> vL = new ArrayList<Vertex3dDTO>();
Vertex3dDTO normal = new Vertex3dDTO();
Vertex3dDTO color = new Vertex3dDTO();
public Face3dDTO(){
public Face3dDTO(ArrayList<Vertex3dDTO> v) {
for(Vertex3dDTO v3dDTO : v){
public class Group3dDTO implements Serializable {
ArrayList<Face3dDTO> fL = new ArrayList<Face3dDTO>();
String name;
public Group3dDTO(){
public Group3dDTO(ArrayList<Face3dDTO> f) {
for(Face3dDTO f3dDTO : f){
Now, everything is working well in development mode, but when I tested the application in hosted mode, everything I receive as response is: //OK[0,1, ["java.util.ArrayList/4159755760"],0,7]
So, I've been checked some other questions and seems the problem is about deserialization, but I've not found anything concrete.
The question is what do I have to do to get the app working well in hosted mode?
To successfully use RPC, your object needs to implement Serializable and should also have a default no arg constructor
Have you made sure this is a serialization problem? You can write a simple RPC test method to pass an array list of your DTO's over the wire in hosted mode.
If I were to bet money on a guess, I would say the problem is those array lists are sent empty in hosted mode. The .obj file read could be the problem. Perhaps in hosted mode the path of file doesn't match as in dev mode(different server configurations perhaps?), since file operations are in a try catch block an exception is most likely swallowed.
Long word short, Did you make sure those array lists are not sent empty in hosted mode?
Your object may well be Serializable, but that doesn't equate to something usable by Remote Procedure Calls. You need to implement Serializable, have a default contructor with no arguments (that calls super() if necessary), and a serial version ID, like so:
public class MyObject implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1796729355279100558L;
private Float someValue;
public MyObject() {
public MyObject(Float someValue) {
this.someValue = someValue;
public Float getSomeValue() {
return someValue;
public void setSomeValue(Float someValue) {
this.someValue = someValue;