Reduce postgresql log verbosity - postgresql

Every time I invoke a parameterized query I get too much output in the log file. For example, when inserting 3 users into a table I get the following log output:
2013-10-29 06:01:43 EDT LOG: duration: 0.000 ms parse <unnamed>: INSERT INTO users (login,role,password) VALUES
2013-10-29 06:01:43 EDT LOG: duration: 0.000 ms bind <unnamed>: INSERT INTO users (login,role,password) VALUES
2013-10-29 06:01:43 EDT DETAIL: parameters: $1 = 'guest', $2 = 'user', $3 = '123', $4 = 'admin', $5 = 'admin', $6 = '123', $7 = 'mark', $8 = 'power user', $9 = '123'
2013-10-29 06:01:43 EDT LOG: execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO users (login,role,password) VALUES
2013-10-29 06:01:43 EDT DETAIL: parameters: $1 = 'guest', $2 = 'user', $3 = '123', $4 = 'admin', $5 = 'admin', $6 = '123', $7 = 'mark', $8 = 'power user', $9 = '123'
2013-10-29 06:01:43 EDT LOG: duration: 4.000 ms
Notice, that the whole query appears three times - for parse, for bind and for execute. And the complete set of parameters appears twice - for bind and for execute.
Note, that this extra verbosity is only present when running parameterized queries.
Here is my config:
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2\data>findstr log_ postgresql.conf
# "postgres -c log_connections=on". Some parameters can be changed at run time
log_destination = 'stderr' # Valid values are combinations of
log_directory = 'pg_log' # directory where log files are written,
log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log' # log file name pattern,
log_file_mode = 0600 # creation mode for log files,
#log_truncate_on_rotation = off # If on, an existing log file with the
#log_rotation_age = 1d # Automatic rotation of logfiles will
#log_rotation_size = 10MB # Automatic rotation of logfiles will
#syslog_facility = 'LOCAL0'
#syslog_ident = 'postgres'
log_min_messages = notice # values in order of decreasing detail:
log_min_error_statement = error # values in order of decreasing detail:
log_min_duration_statement = 0 # -1 is disabled, 0 logs all statements
#log_checkpoints = off
#log_connections = off
#log_disconnections = off
#log_duration = off
#log_error_verbosity = default # terse, default, or verbose messages
#log_hostname = off
log_line_prefix = '%t ' # special values:
#log_lock_waits = off # log lock waits >= deadlock_timeout
log_statement = 'all' # none, ddl, mod, all
#log_temp_files = -1 # log temporary files equal or larger
log_timezone = 'US/Eastern'
#log_parser_stats = off
#log_planner_stats = off
#log_executor_stats = off
#log_statement_stats = off
#log_autovacuum_min_duration = -1 # -1 disables, 0 logs all actions and
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2\data>
So, my question is how can I reduce the verbosity of the log for parameterized queries without affecting the other queries? Ideally, I would like to have the query SQL and its parameters logged just once.

I don't think that's possible out of the box. You could write a logging hook and filter log entries.

The same issue I was facing before Above config which you have mentioned just change log_min_duration_statement=-1 ( disable) the query will be once only logged
BUT you have enabled the duration it will just log duration 3 times but not the query
2013-10-29 06:01:43 EDT LOG: duration: 0.000 ms
2013-10-29 06:01:43 EDT LOG: duration: 0.000 ms
2013-10-29 06:01:43 EDT LOG: execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO users (login,role,password) VALUES
2013-10-29 06:01:43 EDT DETAIL: parameters: $1 = 'guest', $2 = 'user', $3 = '123', $4 = 'admin', $5 = 'admin', $6 = '123', $7 = 'mark', $8 = 'power user', $9 = '123'
2013-10-29 06:01:43 EDT LOG: duration: 4.000 ms


pg_badger report is empty?

Using pg badger to generate daily reports of the database but the report is empty ? ANy ideas why?
log_min_duration_statement = -1
log_duration = on
log_line_prefix = '%t [%p]: user=%u,db=%d,app=%a,client=%h'
log_checkpoints = 'on'
log_lock_waits = 'on'
log_temp_files = 0
log_autovacuum_min_duration = 0
log_error_verbosity = 'default'
-bash-4.2$ pgbadger -f stderr -d dbdev /var/lib/pgsql/13/data/log/postgresql-*.log -x html -o
/var/lib/pgsql/13/data/log/pgbadger_dbdevv_date +\%F.html
[========================>] Parsed 23526878 bytes of 23526878
(100.00%), queries: 0, events: 0 LOG: Ok, generating html report...
The pgBadger documentation states:
You must first enable SQL query logging to have something to parse:
log_min_duration_statement = 0

Combining postgres query and log duration

I am aware that you can show the duration and log queries using the configuration below in postgresql.conf
log_statement = 'all'
log_duration = on
log_line_prefix = '{"Time":[%t], Host:%h} '
And then returns logs like
{"Time":[2018-08-13 16:24:20 +08], Host:} LOG: statement: SELECT "auth_user"."id", "auth_user"."password", "auth_user"."last_login", "auth_user"."is_superuser", "auth_user"."username", "auth_user"."first_name", "auth_user"."last_name", "auth_user"."email", "auth_user"."is_staff", "auth_user"."is_active", "auth_user"."date_joined" FROM "auth_user" WHERE "auth_user"."id" = 1
{"Time":[2018-08-13 16:24:20 +08], Host:} LOG: duration: 7.694 ms
But can I combine the duration and statement in a single line like?
LOG: { statement: ..., duration: 7.694 ms}
The way you are logging, the statement is logged when the server starts processing it, but the duration is only known at the end of the execution.
This is why it has to be logged as two different messages.
If you use log_min_duration_statement = 0 instead, the statement is logged at the end of execution together with the duration.

PgBadger report from AWS RDS log parsed not fully

I use pgbadger as following:
pgbadger -p %t:%r:%u#%d:[%p]: postgresql.log
log_line_prefix are set for RDS and cannot be changed. Its same that i pass to pgbadger ( %t:%r:%u#%d:[%p]: )
When i launch pgbadger i get following stdout output.
[=======================> ] Parsed 52063631 bytes of 52063634 (100.00%), queries: 66116, events: 0
LOG: Ok, generating html report...
So it parsed queries, and it output i see most of stats. But in Top section i see wrong info. Time consuming queries and Slowest individual queries says "no dataset". And in Most frequent queries (N) all queries have all durations as 0 . See screenshot here : . And examples for query dont show any examples at all.
I checked postgresql log and duration is there. For example:
2016-04-13 22:00:02[20584]:LOG: statement: SELECT DISTINCT "reports2_report"."id", "reports2_report"."created", "reports2_report"."modified", "reports2_report"."data", "reports2_report"."person_info", "reports2_report"."status", "reports2_report"."source_profile_id", "reports2_report"."application_id", "reports2_report"."error_detail" FROM "reports2_report" INNER JOIN "reports2_reportsourceprofile" ON ( "reports2_report"."source_profile_id" = "reports2_reportsourceprofile"."id" ) INNER JOIN "reports2_reportsource" ON ( "reports2_reportsourceprofile"."report_source_id" = "reports2_reportsource"."id" ) INNER JOIN "applications_applicationdocument" ON ( "reports2_report"."application_id" = "applications_applicationdocument"."slug" ) WHERE ("reports2_reportsource"."identifier" = 'redridge_credit' AND "reports2_report"."application_id" = 'jqLoMe' AND ("reports2_report"."application_id" IN (SELECT DISTINCT V0."slug" FROM "applications_applicationdocument" V0 LEFT OUTER JOIN "auth_user" V1 ON ( V0."seller_id" = V1."id" ) LEFT OUTER JOIN "accounts_companymembership" V2 ON ( V1."id" = V2."user_id" ) LEFT OUTER JOIN "applications_applicationbundle" V5 ON ( V0."bundle_id" = V5."id" ) LEFT OUTER JOIN "applications_applicationbundle_sharees" V6 ON ( V5."id" = V6."applicationbundle_id" ) WHERE (V2."company_id" IN (SELECT U0."id" FROM "accounts_company" U0 WHERE (U0."lft" > 2 AND U0."tree_id" = 6 AND U0."rght" < 3)) OR V0."applicant_id" = 111827 OR V0."seller_id" = 111827 OR V6."user_id" = 111827)) OR "applications_applicationdocument"."seller_id" = 111827 OR "applications_applicationdocument"."applicant_id" = 111827 OR "reports2_reportsourceprofile"."user_id" = 111827)) ORDER BY "reports2_report"."created" DESC LIMIT 20
2016-04-13 22:00:02[20584]:LOG: duration: 517.047 ms
How to get PgBadger to generate full proper report?
It was due to log_statement = all instead of log_statement=none. log_min_duration_statement works only if log_statement = none

Firebird: Query execution time in iSQL

I would like to get query execution time in iSQL.
For instance :
SELECT * FROM students;
How do i get query execution time ?
... query output removed ....
Current memory = 34490656
Delta memory = 105360
Max memory = 34612544
Elapsed time= 0.59 sec
Buffers = 2048
Reads = 17
Writes 0
Fetches = 270

Why are long-running queries blank in postgresql log?

I'm running a log (log_min_duration_statement = 200) to analyse some slow queries in PostgreSQL 9.0 but the statements for worst queries aren't being logged. Is there any way I can find out what the queries actually are?
(some values replaced with *** for brevity and privacy.)
2012-06-29 02:10:39 UTC LOG: duration: 266.658 ms statement: SELECT *** FROM "oauth_accesstoken" WHERE "oauth_accesstoken"."token" = E'***'
2012-06-29 02:10:40 UTC LOG: duration: 1797.400 ms statement:
2012-06-29 02:10:49 UTC LOG: duration: 1670.132 ms statement:
2012-06-29 02:10:50 UTC LOG: duration: 354.336 ms statement: SELECT *** FROM ***
There are some log file destination options in postgresql.conf, as shown below. I suggest to use csvlog.
log_destination = 'csvlog'
logging_collector = on
log_directory = '/var/applog/pg_log/1922/'
log_rotation_age = 1d
log_rotation_size = 10MB
log_statement = 'ddl' # none, ddl, mod, all
log_min_duration_statement = 200
After making any changes, you need to reload the postgresql.conf file.
It turns out because I was keeping an eye on the logs with tail -f path | grep 'duration .+ ms' any statement starting with a newline was not visible. I was mainly doing this to highlight the duration string.