Wicket AjaxLink generates no JavaScript - wicket

I started experimenting with Wicket AJAX functionality and wanted to implement an AjaxLink.
This is the associated markup/java-code:
<a wicket:id="testlink"></a>
AjaxLink<Component> link = new AjaxLink<Component>("testlink") {
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
But the onClick-method is never called, I guess because the generated HTML looks like this:
<a wicket:id="testlink" id="testlink7" href="javascript:;"></a>
Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

This href="javascript:;" works because Wicket 6 uses JavaScript Event registration. Look at your webpage in some browser dev tool like in firefox. Point the inspector to the link and read it's id, then go the the head section and expand one of the <script type= text/javascript></script> tags. There you should find the id of the link and see that there is an line where a click event is attached to the id of the link. The URL there is executed when you click the link.

Thanks Robert for clarifying the ajax mechanisms of Wicket 6 - I'm rather new to this topic and the insights you gave me helped solve the problem.
Actually it was caused by some jQuery inconsistency I still haven't fully untangled, apparently coworkers used different jQuery-versions within different of our Wicket modules and somehow Wicket used not the one it was shipped with but a wrong one when trying to attach the event listener to the component.
When removing the unneccessary old jQuery libraries Wicket started to work fine - now I just have to get the components depending on the other jQuery libraries working again, but thats a different story :)

In my situation, I removed the following onload on body tag and the AjaxLink onclick function worked again.
<body onLoad="MM_preloadImages('template-image/searchbto.png');">


how to call a GWT module entry point class?

l split my GWT code in different different modules like
and every module has its own entry point class
in my HTML host page I am calling script like
I have a menu like
Print Application
Reject Application
New application
whenever user will click on new application default new application will open
as I declare EmployeeResponse.nocache.js statically in my HTML host page.
now I want to call other modules on click button print and reject button
how can i call nocache js for print and reject modules. is there any way to dynamic call.
please help me guys.
Here's how I've done it in the past:
First of all, in the module you want to export, you need to make sure that the code you're going to export doesn't end up obfuscated. This can be accomplished with the liberal use of #JsType; this is the new way of exporting JS, available in GWT 2.8 (as opposed to JSNI).
Your module's entry point onModuleLoad can be empty; it doesn't need to do anything.
Include your JS in the HTML you want to use (maybe the same page as your "main" module)
Check JSInterop documentation (perhaps the one available here) on how you can use native JS in your GWT app (because now, your GWT module became native JS). Import the classes via JSInterop from your library, and use them.
Please be aware of the async nature of the GWT JS loading; your library will be loading in an async manner, just like any JS application (and therefore, it won't be available immediately when your page loads). To overcome this, I've placed a call to a native JS function in my library's onModuleLoad function (i.e. to make sure you notify any potential listeners that the code has loaded; because when onModuleLoad runs, the code surely loaded).
There is a example of an InterAppEventBus:
which shows the communication between two GWT applications.
I have adopted it and replaced JSNI with Elemental2 and WebStorage:
Hope that helps.
You can achieve this through separate Html file for each module.
So first of all create separate html for each application e.g. PrintPermit.html and specify corresponding nocache.js in each html.
then on your buttons in menu, add click handlers and in each on click load a corresponding html through Window.open()
e.g. for PrintPermit,
printPermitButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler{
public void onClick(ClickEvent arg0) {
String s = GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + "PrintPermit.html";
Window.open(s, "PrintPermit", "");
Please note the window.open will open in new tab in browser, you can also use gwt iframe to open html in same browser page.
Each module will have corresponding nocache.js and will be loaded through html using Window.open()

GWT 2.7: Warn users they are using an unsupported browser

I recently upgraded my application to GWT 2.7 from GWT 2.5. This has caused me to drop support for IE6 and IE7.
I would like to provide users with IE6 or IE7 with a warning that their browser is outdated and will not work. At the moment if you go to the app with one of those browsers, you get a blank screen.
I know there are a couple ways that I could hack something together but I would rather use the GWT way, rather than some hack. Is there a GWT hook for unsupported browsers?
Option (hack) One
Drop this into my main.html:
if(document.documentMode === 6 || document.documentMode === 7){
Potential problem with this is that if someone is using a browser that GWT doesn't recognise and I don't recognise (mobile opera? Some other browser), they will still get a blank page.
Option (hack) Two
GWT looks for the compiled JS here:
When someone is using an unsupported browser the following is requested (and is not found):
It would be possible to create undefined.cache.js and put your unsupported browser code there. This is obviously a brittle solution and will break with future GWT updates.
Option Three
A recent patch (available in GWT 2.7) allows you to provide a default
permutation (e.g. safari) if GWT can not detect the browser and with
deferred binding you can display a warning that the provided app might not
work correctly as the browser is generally unsupported by GWT.
-- J.
I don't want to set a default permutation for unsupported browsers. I want the site to not work and to display a warning. So this solution doesn't really provide what I am looking for.
Similar Questions & Posts
The same question was asked for an eariler version of GWT in 2009. I hope that GWT has added some kind of hook or best practice in the last 6 years.
More info on setting a default (fallback) permutation
You should be able to use onLoadErrorFn for that: https://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=8135
function gwtLoadError(errMsg) {
// GWT app couldn't load, reason in errorMsg
<meta name="gwt:onLoadErrorFn" content="gwtLoadError">
or possibly onPropertyErrorFn:
function gwtPropError(propName, allowedValues, actualValue) {
if (propName == 'user.agent') {
// unsupported browser
<meta name="gwt:onPropertyErrorFn" content="gwtPropError">
(I don't think user.agent.runtimeWarning would help in this case, but maybe have a look)
There is an easy way:
Conditional Comments
<!--[if lt IE 8]>
<p>You are using an unsupportet browser. Please perform an update</p>
I think Option 3 may be the best one, but there is a problem: This will start the actual application (which still may be incompatible).
If this is an issue and you want a clear warning, you can rewrite the permutation selection script (You would need to update the script with the upcoming GWT releases)
You will need to copy this source:
You could add something like:
between line 90 and 91

How to test all links on a page with Selemiun IDE

I'm new at using Selenium and I'm surprised this question hasn't been asked before but, does anymore know how I can check all the links on a page to make sure none of them are broken?
If you want to check all the links on a page using selenium if so the first you need to click and you need to record first. And you can check with assertLocation. It was broken or not.But I want to give you some advice if you have many tests if so please use webdriver. Because IDE have many limitation.
You can check this article for webdriver Finding the broken links in a webpage using Selenium
First you need to fetch all the links.
public static void allLinks(WebDriver driver)
List<WebElement> links =driver.findElements(By.tagName("a"));
for(int i =0;i<links.size();i++)
Here I am just printing all the hyper links by using tag name as all hyperlinks have this anchor tag <a>.
Hope this helps.

Calling GWT from jsp page

I am totally new to GWT concept and JSP. Right now i need to call a gwt application from my login.jsp .
So how can i achieve this. I am building a gwt-java project using eclipse and compiling it.
Now what all i need to do is just call a .nocache file(which is obtained from gwt compilation) from my login.jsp..
I found one link based on this but i was totally confused
can any one help me in how to do this...
Thanks in advance:)
After login form submission you can dispatch the page(gwtDispatcher.jsp) in your LoginServlet.
request.getRequestDispatcher("/gwtDispatcher.jsp").forward(request, response);
if you want to debug the code in development mode you have to add the query parameter
.forward(request, response);
In your gwtDispatcher.jsp by adding the line
<script language="javascript" src="../yourAppName.nocache.js"></script>//make sure of the path,you can dispatch the gwt program.
I guess https://developers.google.com/web-toolkit/articles/dynamic_host_page will answer all your questions.

Flash wmode="direct" issue on FB canvas app

I develop a FB app using Flash using wmode="direct" (for 3D graphics).
In Internet Explorer, every time I popup any FB dialog (e.g Purchase Credits dialog), the flash disappears and when the dialog is closed, the flash does not re-appear...
I tried to set the visibility after dialog is closed:
http://developers.facebook.com/docs/appsonfacebook/tutorial/ (under "Special Considerations for Adobe Flash developers"), but it didn't work.
I've also tried the use FB.Init hideFlashCallback:
http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/555/ (under "Detecting visibility of Flash objects in Canvas apps"), but it doesn't seem to call the callback function...
Any one had the same issue and manage to make it work?
Any other suggestions?
P.S - I use swfobject to embed the SWF file.
Thank a lot!
UPDATE: I removed the appId param from the FB JS url:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#appId=XXXX&xfbml=1"></script>
and now the hideFlashCallback is executed, but still - the flash does not re-appear...
I've updated the section Special Considerations for Adobe Flash developers because the code snippet was a bit out-of-date.
The new snippet should give you an idea of how to use the hideFlashCallback, whose semantics have changed since that now out-of-date blog post, in that the function now takes a flash element as an argument. (Unfortunately, we haven't redocumented it yet, but will soon). One thing to note is that the callback does not currently work on IE8, but will after a fix gets pushed next Tuesday.
That said, it should work without that callback. It may be caused by a javascript fatal that stops script execution before the re-showing happens. Look in your javascript console to see if you see any errors.
Otherwise, if you can give me the canvas URL for your application, I can look into it.
Did you try it with other wmodes? what you can try is actually remove the div where you write your flash to, add it with innerHTML and run the swfobject.embed again