Using Scala Play and Slick, how do I pass non-trivial relationships to the view - scala

I'm looking at building an application using Play. Imagine a typical eCommerce domain model: Customer, Order, Order Line Item, Product.
In investigating various options for persistence the recommendation seems to be to avoid ORM layers in Scala and use a different abstraction, such as Slick.
Where I am stuck is that with an ORM I could pass a single "Order" object to my view, which could then use existing relationships to pull related information from the Customer, OrderLines, and Products. With Slick, I'm currently passing a tuple of (Order, Customer, Seq[(OrderLine, Product)]) to the view to provide the same information. If you start to complicate the model a bit more, say with an Address on the customer object, it gets very messy quickly.
Is this the recommended approach or am I missing something? I've found several Play-Slick example applications, but they just have 1 or 2 entities, so they don't really address the issue I bring up here.

Have a look at the Slick-Examples, especially: This one
If you implemented your classes correctly you should be able to access either Customer-object via the Order-object or vice-versa (for example or something like that to access the customer's Name).


Domain Driven Design - Shared entities across bounded contexts

I am new to domain driven design and trying to learn and implement in my project. My project structure up till now similar to this.
Maintainance Folder Maintainance.Data(Class
Library) Maintainance.Domain(Class Library)
Maintainance.Domin.Tests(test project)
MovieBooking Folder MovieBooking.Data(Class
Library) MovieBooking.Domain(Class Library)
MovieBooking.Domain.Tests(test project)
SharedKernel Common things
Web Application MovieBooking MVC Web
Application(which have reference to MovieBooking Domain)
In Maintainance boundned context I am keeping all CRUD, GetAll type things for say Movie, Country, Category, Subcategory entities in Maintainance DBContext.
Now in MovieBooking data layer I will also need to use these entities (mostly to display name or dropdown fills in view, kind of subset needed - not all properties needed, only few like Id, name)
There are few ways I can access this entities in Movie booking Bounded Context
Via web services - Need to create web api for common entities like Movie,Country,Category,Subcategory and call web api in web project (to fill Dropdowns or get name from entities)
Via Reference Context (Seperate Dbcontext) - Need to configure Dbset and then map a database view (with only require fields) to Dbset
Example :
For (1) it can be long term implmentation solution for me
(2) I have to create view (with only few properties) for each require table and it will increase my number of views in my DB drastically as I have enterprise level application.
Is there any other way I can achieve this? Anything I am missing in DDD to look for ?
Option 2, while it will save you time, is actually a very bad idea from the DDD perspective as it allows for violations of the transactional boundary guarantees that each aggregate is meant to enforce\represent.
Option 1 seems a better option, although there are still quite a bit of wiggle room for interpretation based on your brief description of your proposed solution. If I understood correctly, it is generally recommended to follow the below:
Do not expose your aggregate state directly since this exposes internals and increases coupling. Simple create meaningful DTO's and use something like Automapper to map your Aggregates to DTO's easilly and with little effort before sending it over.
Have a duplicate of the DTO definition in your client. This will reduce coupling and allow for easier deployments.
I strongly recommend reading the DDD orange book although I have to say that I cannot recall specifically on which chapter this is discussed. You will also benefit a lot by reading about hexagonal architecture (and I would search for that term in the orange book to find more info about your question).
There is actually one alternative that I can think of: if you're publishing events from your BC's you can create a workflow to translate the domain events to "public" events and then in the other BC listen for the public events that you need to and store the data that you need somewhere inside there. The difficulty of this ranges from very easy to quite problematic depending on your infrastructure. Be aware that it is not a very good idea to re-use your domain events for transmitting data to other BC's since this closely couples the two BC's.
I hope this helps. Please do not hesitate to elaborate if I did not understood the question well enough.

Structuring nested rest API

I'm writing an API with spring boot, trying to keep it restful but the structure is quite nested. So say I have:
I have a controller for every noun that will take in all Id's, the problem with this is that I don't really need an ebid or a qid for modules, they only really need to be concerned with subjects most of the time. The mapping between them all is quite simple. An examboard will have many qualifications, a qualification will have many subjects etc....
Now the problem is say I go for a simpler API design where I only need the parent Id so the Subject controller will also have:
then I need to include multiple services in my controller based on the way JPA works. As I need to include SubjectEntity based calls and ModuleEntity based calls. However I want to maintain a one to one relationship between my controllers/services and services/repositories. This is why I opted for the longer url as I've mentioned above, but it does seem like overkill. Does anyone have any advice on how I should structure an API like this, most examples are quite small and don't really fit.
Without knowing more about your models and the relations between them, this answer will have to stay a bit diffuse.
First of all - "it depends". I know, but it really does. The way you should design an API depends heavily on your use cases that will define required access patterns. Do you often need all modules for a subject? Then introduce /subjects/{sid}/modules, if you need the details for a module of a subject in a qualification in an examboard - by all means have a /examboards/{ebid}/qualifications/{qid}/subjects/{sid}/modules/{mid}
As you say there are many relations between your entities. That is fine, but it does not mean that you need your API to capture each of these relations in a dedicated endpoint. You should distiguish between retrieving and modifying entities here. Find below examples for certain operations you might want to have (not knowing your models, this may not apply - let's consider this an illustration)
Retrieve qualifications for an examboard
GET /examboards/{ebid}/qualifications plain and simple
GET /qualifications?ebid={ebid} if you feel you might need sophisticated filtering later on
or create a new qualitication for an examboard
POST /examboards/{ebid}/qualifications with the details submitted in the body
POST /qualifications with the details submitted in the body and making the associated examboard ebid part of the submitted data
or update an existing qualification
PUT /qualifications/{qid} (if this operation is idempotent)
POST /qualifications/{qid} (if it should not be considered idempotent)
or delete qualifications
DELETE /qualifications/{qid} deletes entities, cascade-deletes associations
DELETE /examboards/{ebid}/qualifications clears all qualifications from an examboard, without actually deleting the qualification entities
There are certainly more ways to let an API do all these things, but this should demonstrate that you need to think of your use cases first and design your API around them.
Please note the pluralisation of collection resources in the previous examples. This comes down to personal preference, but I tends to follow the argumentation of Sam Ruby in RESTful Web Services (available as PDF) that collections should be first-class citizens in an API
Usually, there should not be a reason to have 1:1:1 relationships between controllers, services and repositories. Usually, this is not even possible. Now, I don't know the reason why you might want to do this, but following through with this will force you to put a lot of logic into your database queries and models. While this (depending on your setup and skills) may or may not be easily testable, it certainly shifts the required test types from unit (simpler, usually faster, more fine-grained) to integration tests (require more setup, more complex, usually slower), when instead of having the bulk of your business logic in your services you put them into many joins and subselects in your repositories.
I will only address your REST API structure question.
As you already pointed out
The problem with this is that I don't really need an ebid or a qid for modules, they only really need to be concerned with subjects most of the time
You need to think of your entities as resources if your entity can stand for itself give it its own top level resource. If instead your entity exists only as a part of another entity build a subresource below its parent. This should correspond with the association type aggregation and composition in your object model design.
Otherwise every entity that is part of a many relationship should also be accessible via a subresource on the other side of the relationship.
As I understood you you have a OneToMany relationship between examboard and qualification so we get:
Yo could also remove the examboard subresource and include it in the qualification response.
For ManyToMany realtionships you need two subresources:
And another resource to manipulate the relationship itself.
Or likewise.

Need some advice concerning MVVM + Lightweight objects + EF

We develop the back office application with quite large Db.
It's not reasonable to load everything from DB to memory so when model's proprties are requested we read from DB (via EF)
But many of our UIs are just simple lists of entities with some (!) properties presented to the user.
For example, we just want to show Id, Title and Name.
And later when user select the item and want to perform some actions the whole object is needed. Now we have list of items stored in memory.
Some properties contain large textst, images or other data.
EF works with entities and reading a bunch of large objects degrades performance notably.
As far as I understand, the problem can be solved by creating lightweight entities and using them in appropriate context.
I'm afraid that each view will make us create new LightweightEntity and we eventually will end with bloated object context.
Second. As the Model wraps EF we need to provide methods for various entities.
Third. ViewModels communicate and pass entities to each other.
So I'm stuck with all these considerations and need good architectural design advice.
Any ideas?
For images an large textst you may consider table splitting, which is commonly used to split a table in a lightweight entity and a "heavy" entity.
But I think what you call lightweight "entities" are data transfer objects (DTO's). These are not supplied by the context (so it won't get bloated) but by projection from entities, which is done in a repository or service.
For projection you can use AutoMapper, especially its newer feature that I describe here. This allows you to reduce the number of methods you need to provide "for various entities" (DTO's), because the type to project to can be given in a generic type parameter.

Rules of thumbs for writing "queries" using ADO.NET Entity Framework

I’m currently working on a prototype of a medium size web application, and I thought that it would be good to also experiment with Entity Framework. The problem is that the major part of the application is not the data layer and logic, and so that I don't have much time to play with Entity Framework. On the other hand, the database schema is quite simple.
One of the problems I’m facing is that I cannot find a consistent way to "write queries". As far as I can tell, there are four "interfaces" for the job:
LINQ to Entities
LINQ to Entities using LINQ extension methods
Entity SQL
Query builder
OK, the first two are essentially the same, but it’s good to use just one for maintenance and consistency.
I’m mostly puzzled by the fact that none of them seems to be complete and the most general. I often find myself cornered and using some ugly looking combination of several of them. My guess is that Entity SQL is the most general one, but writing queries using strings feels like a step back. The main reason I’m experimenting with something like Entity Framework is that I like the compile time checking.
Some other random thought / issues:
I often also use the ObjectQuery.Include() method, but again it takes a string. Is this the only way?
When to use ObjectQuery.Execute() (vs. ToList())? Does it actually execute the query?
Should execute queries as soon as possible (e.g. using ToList()) or should I not care just let leave the execution for the first enumeration which gets in the way?
Are ObjectQuery.Skip() and ObjectQuery.Take() available only as extension methods? Is there a better way to do paging? It’s 2009 and almost every web application deals with paging.
Overall, I understand there are many difficulties when implementing an ORM, and often one has to compromise. On the other hand, the direct database access (e.g. ADO.NET) is plain and simple and has well defined interface (tabular results, data readers), so all code - no matter who and when writes it - is consistent. I don’t want to faced with too many choices whenever writing a database query. It’s too tedious and more than likely different developers will come up with different ways.
What are your rules of thumbs?
I use LINQ-to-Entities as much as possible. I also try and formalise to the lambda-form, as opposed to the extended SQL-style syntax. I have to admit to have had problems enforcing relationships and making compromises on efficiency just to expedite my coding of our application (eg. Master->Child tables may need to be manually loaded) but all in all, EF is a good product.
I do use EF's .Include() method for lazy-loading, which as you say, does require a string input. I find no problem with this, other than that of identifying the string to use which is relatively simple. I guess if you're keen on compile-time checking of such relations, a model similar to: Parent.GetChildren() might be more appropriate.
My application does require some "dynamic" queries to be performed, though. I have two ways of meeting this:
a) I create a mediator object, eg. ClientSearchMediator, which "knows" how to search for clients by name, etc. I can then put this through a SearchHandler.Search(ISearchMediator[] mediators) call (for example). This can be used to target specific data structures and sort results accordingly using LINQ-to-Entities.
b) For a looser experience, possibly as a result of a user designing their own query (using high level tools our application provides), eSQL is ideal for this purpose. It can be made to be injection-safe.
I don't have enough knowledge to address all of this, but I'll at least take a few stabs.
I don't know why you think ADO.NET is more consistent than Entity Framework. There are many different ways to use ADO.NET and I've definitely seen inconsistency within a single code base.
Entity Framework is currently a 1.0 release and it suffers from many 1.0 type problems (incomplete & inconsistent API, missing features, etc.).
In regards to Include, I assume you are referring to eager loading. Multiple people (outside of Microsoft) have developed solutions for getting "type safe" includes (try googling something like: Entity Framework ObjectQueryExtension Include). That said, Include is more of a hint than anything. You can't force eager loading and you have to always remember to call the IsLoaded() method to see if your request was fulfilled. As far as I know, the way "Include" works is not changing at all in the next version of Entity Framework (4.0 - to ship with VS 2010).
As far as executing the Linq query as soon as it's built vs. the last possible moment, that decision is situational. Personally, I would probably execute it as soon as it's built for the most part unless there was a compelling reason not to, but I can see other people going the opposite direction.
There are more mature ORMs on the market and Entity Framework isn't necessarily your best option. For the most part, you can bend Entity Framework to your will, but you may end up rolling your own implementation of features that come out of the box with other ORMs.

Linq to SQL, Entity Framework, Repository Pattern, and Dependency Injection

Stephan Walters video on MVC and Models is a very good and light discussion of the various topics listed in this questions title. The one question listed in the notes unanswered was:
If you create an Interface / Repository pattern for Linq2SQL, does Linq2SQLs classes still cause a dependency on Linq, even though you pass the classes as toList?
It is probably an easy answer YES, however, what standard mechanic would you use to represent the data?
Lets say you have a Product entity that is made up of three tables (Prices, Text, and Photos) (you could have sets of price for different regions, different text for localization, and different photos). (Sounds like a builder pattern) Would you create a slice of these tables grabbing the right prices, text, and photos in to a single List? Since Lists may be proprietary, would you use a Dictionary object?
I thank you for your answers. I am very interested in the "standard and proper" way to do it rather than 101 possibilities.
Another quick question: is Entity Framework ready for a complicated database yet? There are a lot of constructs that Linq2SQL likes that EF does not. EF seems to require identity fields as primary keys (HAHA), but it seems like every demo does this. I want to use EF, but I constantly fail to make it work, falling back to Linq2SQL.
If you keep the L2S on the other side of the Repository facade (remember, that's all a Repository is - a facade) then you decouple the rest of your application from L2S. This means that the job of the code behind your repository is to turn the L2S into "domain" objects, custom classes, and then the Repository returns those.
In this sense, the Repository is returning fully formed "Product" objects with all their related Price, Text, and Photo data. This is called an Aggregate Root.
There shouldn't be a problem with Lists, since they are CLR objects.
As far as EF for advanced scenarios, my advice would be not yet, for the reasons you note.
The standard mechanism I'd use to represent the data is a Data Transfer Object. I would never return a LINQ to SQL or Entity Framework object across a service boundary, and I would hesitate to return it across a layer boundary of any kind. This is because these objects will serialize implementation-dependant data.