Free CORS proxy - mongodb

I have a chrome extensions that, for now, uses storage.sync as a data store.
I am trying upgrade to a more robust data store (cloudant, iriscouch) so I can expand what the extension can do.
The problem I am facing is that none of the free cloud store options I have seen (cloudant, iriscouch, mongolab) support cors (or in case of mongolab - free tier is not enough)
So I have fewquestions:
Is there a free nosql cloud store option that fully supports cors?
If not, is there a free proxy that I can use. I have tried but it only seems to support GET so it's not enough for me.
How would you solves this problem for free and without hosting anything on my own hardware.
Thank you!

Cloudant will have CORS support from January 2014. Iris Couch also supports CORS, just not via a UI - you have to modify the configuration via the CouchDB API.
Couchappy supports CORS and PouchDB, and introduces a selective domain security feature, which allows fine-grained security(https only or both https+http) on a per-domain basis.


Atomic Update in Cloud Storage APIs?

I am working on an app where I would like to allow users to bring their own cloud storage account. That is, the app needs to work with the APIs for as many cloud storage services as possible.
One feature that seems important is atomic update. The app reads a version of a file from the cloud, makes some changes, then uploads a new version. However, it needs to be able to detect if a concurrent update was made to that file (for example, if the user was concurrently logged in from a different computer). The ifGenerationMatch parameter in the Google Cloud Storage API seems to make this kind of thing possible.
Does anyone know how to accomplish it with other APIs?
Sorry to answer my own question, but I think after months of intermittent digging I found at least a partial answer in the form of a couple HTTP headers:

Does COS S3 support putBucketLifecycleConfiguration?

AWS S3 supports lifecycles for buckets, does this work in Bluemix S3?
When I call it (using the aws-sdk nodejs module), I get back a 400 saying 'The operation requested is not supported'. The docs say a subset of s3 is handled but I'm not sure what ISNT't handled.
No, lifecycle configurations aren't supported at this time. The full list of supported operations is on the API overview page. If you want to, feel free to send me an email (nicholas.lange[at] and let me know what you are trying to do. Having developer feedback makes it easier to advocate for prioritizing new feature work.
Also, FYI, there is a new release of object storage that will be available on the IBM Cloud platform (Bluemix) soon, with IAM permissions and OAuth2 support instead of AWS signatures. The docs will migrate there shortly.

Are Database-as-a-Service providers like Modulus and Mongolab actually secure?

Recently, I have been looking at the security of the customer data for my product and found out that one major concern was using third-party services like Mongolab, Modulus, Heroku.
Are these products actually secure? I understand that you can only do so much to secure the services on the cloud where you get shared resources, but even from a cloud standpoint, do you guys feel comfortable using these services?
I was checking with mlab and as far as you can got is:
ssl for connection protection,
authentication -
but there is one question left: Is data at rest encrypted?
If you need to comply with data protection acts (PCI) - this could be still an issue, but for other purposes I have no issues with mLab service.
Any comments welcome!

.NET Web Service / API for BLOB/File Storage

I am looking for an API that performs functionality roughly analogous to Rackspace Cloud Files / OpenStack Swift, Microsoft Azure Blob Storage, or Amazon S3 that can be run on a Windows Server.
I am not speaking of all the add-ons including replication, etc, but an API that enables a similar RESTful API for the storage/serving (including Anonymous). Some examples of functionality I like, and would be missing if I rolled my own right now, are:
Rackspace's Large Files support.
Amazon S3's Root Document support.
Microsoft Azure BLOB storage Page Blobs and Authentication.
Options like MongoDB's GridFS are getting close, but wouldn't quite cut it. RavenDB's "Attachments" functionality is pretty close, I understand it only supports up to 2Gb via the ESENT storage engine
Just to clarify, I'm not exactly sure what form this would take. I'm not looking for a pre-built product (which I don't see exists), but perhaps a stub of a project, an open source project planning to provide this functionality, people who might have developed their own similar solution in C#, etc.
We have RavenFS that handles that scenario, I think.
It is a commercial offering, though.

Cloud Content Management Systems

In search of a 'Cloud Content Management System' like,
I could not find a single other CCMS that does what I want it to do :)
Basically, what I need is content management without a website frontend attached.
Just basic storage of data, documents, images, etc. etc. with a simple API to access, like Osmek. Just NoSQL or SQL based services won't do, because there can be images or documents attached. And, ofcourse, I'd like to have a backend to manage the data (like a typical CMS does) without writing a backend myself (if it's just the service)
Osmek is great, and it works most awesome in conjunction with Actionscript 3, but I'm just looking / searching for alternatives (if there even are any yet).
I need this form of hosted content management for content-manageing a mobile application.
So the question is: Is there anything else out there that does the same as osmek that you know of? OR, how do you manage application specific content?
I'd encourage you to take a look at Cloud CMS (
Cloud CMS is a JSON content management (CMS) platform built on top of MongoDB with a REST API and drivers for a variety of languages. You just drop in a driver and call methods to query, create, update and delete content.
The platform provides everything you need to power the back-end for mobile and HTML5 applications - from managing your content to managing users and groups, credentials, security tokens (OAuth2), Git-like collaborative workspaces, real-time analytics, activities, data transformations and more.
Everything runs in the cloud on an elastic back-end. It's probably more akin to Parse than a traditional CMS. You just make calls to the APIs. We keep the costs low by letting you only pay for what you use (almost like a utility). You just pay for storage and data transfer.
Disclaimer: I'm one of the founders of Cloud CMS. So I'm a pretty lousy reference in terms of its objective value. However, a couple of us worked at traditional "ECM" companies in the past and we think we've built something that puts a genuine beating on those guys.