I have read many articles but i could not get exactly what are the advantages of using MVP can you please tell me why
MVP is better than three tier architecture.
thanks in advance for giving reply

MVP/MVC and 3-Tier (or N-Tier) are not exclusive - they address very different concerns.
MVP is one option for how to architect your user interface. The N-Tiered data access is one way to architect the "model" portion of MVP (or MVC, Presentaiton Model, MVVM, etc).


MVP or activities & places, for GWT 2.2

I've been looking into GWT and MVP recently and to be honest I'm very confused. My project will include around 40 different places or views all together. While reading multiple tutorials, some follow Model-View-Presenter and others use Activities and Places, all under the subject of MVP, GWT.
I'm not sure what to follow for a new MVP, GWT 2.2 project.
Many thanks,
Activities and Places are Google's implementation of the MVP framework. There are many well established additional MVP frameworks for GWT which encompass many additional features not yet incorporated into GWT. The two I would recommend are:
GWT Platform:
They have many additional features to reduce the amount of boilerplate code you have to write to implement solutions. They are worth a peak before choosing Google's A&P.
Activities and Places is the MVP solution that was implemented in GWT 2.2. Before that, MVP was only a recommended approach without an official framework provided by Google. That's why you're getting confused.
I would recommend you to stick with Activities and Places, since it's the official Google solution for MVP.
I hope it helps.
It turns out that an Activity takes the role of a Presenter in the MVP design pattern. Not all of your presenters need to be Activities, but if you have an Activity you can think of it as being a special kind of Presenter with a well-defined lifecycle used for transitions from one "place" to another.
So it's not a choice between MVP and "activities & places". Rather, they're all of the same idea. The new activities & places framework is just a refinement.
Activities and Places (as well as ActivityMapper and more) are classes which the GWT team provided to formalize their earlier MVP pattern recommendations. Some time ago I've tried the "raw" MVP recommendations and am currently using the higher-level approach the aforementioned classes provide. It certainly feels easier to use the new classes. In addition to a nice MVP abstraction, you get the important aspect of handling browser history navigation in your application practically for free.
The MVP API is here to stay, it seems, so if you're using GWT 2.2.x I'd also recommend utilizing the new MVP classes from the inception of your project.
Activities and Places are not a MVP framework! Google removes this "disturbance" in later docs. it is just a browser history framework (to easily (de)serialize state of the app). but on implementing MVP and using A&P it turns out that in many cases it is a good idea to merge activity and presenter.
in a more general case one activity could start n presenters.
We used activities and places along with presenters in our design. We also used MVP.
The setup was a view, viewImpl, and inside the view interface, if needed, was a presenter interface that was also declared. The view interface was a pass through to the viewImpl implementation class. The activity went to the viewImpl based on it's business logic and in our case, the viewImpl went to a stand-alone composite widget.
If it was needed, the composite widget used a presenter to get back (another pass through) to the activity. No business logic was in the view or the viewImpl by the way, that was only in the activity. It worked well!

Looking for a technique to reduce "controller repetition" for CRUD operation in ASP.NET MVC

I am developing the administration part of a site. It mostly consist of manipulating list of data such as:
Tax profiles
I find the task of creating a controller that handle the CRUD operations of each model a little too repeating and prone to mistake from one controller to another.
I would still need to adapt some of these controller for additional operation, but not all.
Does someone know a proven approach for reducing the implication of controller for the usual CRUD operations?
One suggestion would be to look at tweaking the T4 template that is used to generate the scaffold methods. Check out Rob Conery's MVC Starter Site to see what he's done (look in /Web/CodeTemplates in the source for the general idea).
There are also some other MVC libraries out there such as FubuMVC that aim to cut down on code repetition, but it's not based on the actual ASP.NET MVC framework (and it's not really my thing).

ASP.Net MVC real world-level sample business applications

I need to re-write a businesss InfoPath / SharePoint application that has a fair bit of logic associated the operations a user performs - such as enable / disable controls; show / hide controls (complex tab controls); retrieve different data nad display differenty - as determined by user activity.
In trying to decide whether to use ASP.Net Web forms or ASP.Net MVC. As such I have been hunting around for a good realworld ASP.Net MVC sample business application (with Source code).
Does anyone know of anything that can demonstrate to me how to achieve the 'richness' of user interactions and responses in ASP.Net MVC that one can achieve using Web Forms?
I am know the Dinner Nerd application; and have checked out the offerings on CodePlex. So far most of the sample applications I have found do not have much of the complexity we have become used to dealing with in Web forms; and that I need to try and achieve. I posiibly have have to rethink the presentation & flow of the application in response to user actions in an MVC application (as compared to how one migh structure the flow in InfoPath / Winforms and Web forms). This might shift me more to what the existing sample applications might be indicating to me -'change the focus of the Views to be of presentational bias'. As such one would end up with many views each only permitting a reduced set of use interactions.
Thanks for any comments in advance.
There is exactly the same question asked here (ok, it is not about business apps) - Real World ASP.NET MVC Applications with Source Code?
just keep in mind that makes it really easy to write unit tests, which is the most important thing when coding applications.
If you have complex interaction scenarios you might be interested in performance too, asp-net.mvc performance is a way better... 2 (I haven't looked at 3 yet) makes the validation really easy and you can choose at which level you want it.

EF and design pattern

I’m working on a high volume transactional enterprise application(, windows app, oracle app as client) which has been designed using n-tire application and SOA architecture .The application was developed in the .NET platform utilizing C#,VB.NET, Framework 3.5 (I’m planning to upgrade to the , Framework 4.0), EF( EF in the data layer level) and WCF(WCF services in the service layer level)
Since this is the first project using EF, and having read about using EF in n-tier and SOA applications, and the features available in the EF Feature, I have the following points:
Which design pattern should I use in EF( Simple Entities, Change Set, Self-Tracking Entities and DTOs) in the data layer level
In addition Which design pattern should I use in the other tier and layer to get the best practices of EF
"In addition Which design pattern should I use in the other tier and layer to get the best practices of EF "
I would use the saperation of concerns using IoC at the root of my design patterns. for Data Layer Abstraction purpose I would definately go for Repository patterns. There are some interesting work which you see on the web for e.g. UnitOfWork for transactions etc.
Not sure about your knowledge in Repository pattern but here's a good start.
There is also a good project on the CodePlex called Project Silk which can give you a good heads up for both the above topics among others.
All the best

MVVM, REST and AsyncModels

I feel, that MVVM and REST being considered together can produce a solid and reliable pattern for programming for many years. (My intuition says me that we SHOULD consider them together). Also it seems that it should be a proper abstraction for Asynchronous operations in ViewModels and Controllers - like a composable asynchronous data dependency graph (with support of transactions) - thing that operates at higher level of abstraction than c# 4.0 parallels (closer to busines logic).
Are there any investigations, or best practices on that?
MVVM + AsyncModels - ?
REST + AsyncModels - ?
MVVM + REST + AsyncModels - ?
I'm afraid your question is a little vague to give a really clear answer, but I will give you my thoughts.
If you are talking about using MVVM on the desktop (or JS in the browser) and REST on the server then then I think this is a very viable approach, as long you consider the Model as the media-type that is returned from the Http request.
If you are talking about implementing RESTful endpoints using MVVM then I tend to prefer a straight MVC pattern.
I'm really not sure what you are asking with regards to AsyncModels. Are you inferring that the model asynchronously load their own data from REST endpoints? Are these "asyncmodels" a replacement for the M in MVVM or are they in addition.
It would be much easier to give you a valid answer if you could tell me on which physical tier you expect these various components to run.
I completely agree with you in that MVVM + Rest together are a perfect combination.
Maybe the problem for this to get more interest is that his natural target are Silverlight applications, and the framework they are promoting there is RIA Services.
I personally prefer to get data from a Rest server, and to have my MVVM Model objects correspond to Rest resources.
I don't know any investigations about this, but sure is an interesting topic. About the async operations i would suggest using couroutines, based in IEnumerable. I know 2 frameworks that use that:
1) caliburn
2) the Dream Rest framework, but (for what i know) is not silverlight.