String formatting in SyncFusion? - syncfusion

String formatting:
"#0.##%;(#0.##%); "
The above will format a double into a percentage string with two decimal points, put it into parenthesis if it’s negative and leave it a blank string if it’s zero.
The problem is, if the double value has no decimal points, eg if the value is 2, then for some reason the resulting string is “2%” and not “2.00%”.
My question is: how do I make it go to “2.00%”?
p.s. the formatting is happening on a Syncfusion grid cell object and requires a string mask.
p.s.s. the existing functionality described above in italics must be maintained.

Hashes denote an optional character. Use “#0.00%” (etc.).

You can use the string format #0.00% for 2 digital places.
"#" means optional to show the digital while "0" means mandatory to show. In this case (#0.00%) stands for the 2 digital places are mandatory and the digital right before the "." is mandatory as well. If there is any digital before the "0", it will show up. Otherwise, it won't as this digital is optional.
2 -> 2.00%
12 -> 12.00%
120 -> 120.00%
11.234 -> 11.23%
And using "P" or "P2" also works fine in this case. "P" stands for percent, "2" is the amount of digital places.
double number = .2468013;
Console.WriteLine(number.ToString("P", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// Displays 24.68 %
// Displays 24,68%
Console.WriteLine(number.ToString("P1", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// Displays 24.7 %
You can refer to the MSDN for more details.


Applescript: return specific index positions from a date string

I have already used the text delimiters and item numbers to extract a date from a file name, so I'm clear about how to use these. Unfortunately the date on these particular files are formatted as "yyyyMMdd" and I need to covert the date into format "yyyy-MM-dd". I have been trying to use the offset function to get particular index positions, and I have found several examples of how you would return the offset of particular digits in the string, example:
set theposition to offset of 10 in theString -- this works
(which could return 5 or 7) but I have not found examples of how to call the digits at a specific index:
set _day to offset 7 of file_date_raw -- error
"Finder got an error: Some parameter is missing for offset." number -1701
How would you do this, or is there a totally better way I'm unaware of?
To "call the digits at a specific index", you use:
text 1 thru 4 of myString
If you know that each string has 8 characters in the yyyymmdd format, then you don't need to use 'offset' or any parsing, just add in the -'s, using text x thru y to dissect the string.
set d to "20011018"
set newString to (text 1 thru 4 of d) & "-" & (text 5 thru 6 of d) & "-" & (text 7 thru 8 of d)

Power Query - remove characters from number values

I have a table field where the data contains our memberID numbers followed by character or character + number strings
For example:
My Data
Should Become
I want to get just the member number (as shown in Should Become above). I.E. all the digits that are LEFT of the first character.
As the length of the member number can be different for each person (the first 1 to 7 digit) and the letters used can be different (a to z, 0 to 8 characters long), I don't think I can SPLIT the field.
Right now, in Power Query, I do 27 search and replace commands to clean this data (e.g. find T10 replace with nothing, find T20 replace with nothing, etc)
Can anyone suggest a better way to achieve this?
I did successfully create a formula for this in Excel...but I am now trying to do this in Power Query and I don't know how to convert the formula - nor am I sure this is the most efficient solution.
There are likely several ways to do this. Here's one way:
Create a query Letters:
Source = { "a" .. "z" } & { "A" .. "Z" }
Create a query GetFirstLetterIndex:
Source = (text) => let
// For each letter find out where it shows up in the text. If it doesn't show up, we will have a -1 in the list. Make that positive so that we return the index of the first letter which shows up.
firstLetterIndex = List.Transform(Letters, each let pos = Text.PositionOf(text, _), correctedPos = if pos < 0 then Text.Length(text) else pos in correctedPos),
minimumIndex = List.Min(firstLetterIndex)
in minimumIndex
In the table containing your data, add a custom column with this formula:
Text.Range([ColumnWithData], 0, GetFirstLetterIndex([ColumnWithData]))
That formula will take everything from your data text until the first letter.

Data exporting from Financial Times

I am new at Matlab and I am currently working with financial data exporting from financial times website. I would like to know how can I get, for example, share price forecast information from this page
High +34.7 % 85.00
Med +15.7 % 73.00
Low -9.6 % 57.00
And save this information as a variables.
Here's a simple solution using urlread and regexpi:
% Create URL string and read in HTML
ftbaseurl = '';
ticksym = 'DIS:NYQ';
s = urlread([ftbaseurl ticksym]);
% Create pattern string for regular expression matching
trspan = '<tr><td class="text"><span class="';
tdspan1 = '</span></td><td><span class="\w\w\w color ">'; % \w\w\w matchs pos or neg
matchstr1 = '(?<percent>[\+|\-]*\d+.\d+)'; % percent: match (+or-)(1+ digits).(1+ digits)
tdspan2 = ' %</span></td><td>';
matchstr2 = '(?<price>\d+\.\d\d)</td></tr>'; % price: match (1+ digits) . 2 digits
pat = [trspan 'high">High' tdspan1 matchstr1 tdspan2 matchstr2 '|' ...
trspan 'med">Med' tdspan1 matchstr1 tdspan2 matchstr2 '|' ...
trspan 'low">Low' tdspan1 matchstr1 tdspan2 matchstr2];
% Match patterns in HTML, case insensitive, put results in struct array
forecasts = regexpi(s,pat,'names');
The result is a 1-by-3 struct array where each element has two fields, 'percent' and 'price', that each contain strings extracted by the regular expression parser. For example
>> forecasts(3)
ans = percent: '-10.3'
price: '57.00'
>> str2double(forecasts(3).percent)
I'll leave it to you to convert the strings to numbers (note that financial software usually stores prices in integer cents (or what ever the lowest denomination is) rather than floating point dollars to avoid numerical issues) and to turn this into a general function. Here's some more information on regular expressions in Matlab.
My comment above still stands. This is very inefficient. You're downloading the entire webpage HTML and parsing it in order to find a few small bits of data. This is fine if this doesn't update very often or if you don't need it to be very fast. Also, this scheme is fragile. If the Financial Times updates their website, it may break the code. And if you try downloading their regular webpages very often they may also have means of blocking you.

Double being displayed with unnecessary zeros after decimal

In my calculator app, I am trying to display a "double" value in a UILabel. However, the value always has more zeros than it needs. For example, 64 is displayed as 64.000000, 4.23 is displayed as 4.230000, etc.
How can I make it display only as many decimal places as fits?
vector<Token> postfix; // create empty postfix vector
infixToPostfix(infix, postfix); // call inToPost to fill up postfix vector from infix vector
answer = postFixEvaluate(postfix); // evaluate expression
expNSString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%f", answer]; // convert "answer" to NSString
displayScreen.text = expNSString; // display answer in UIlabel "displayScreen"
As mentioned in the [NSString stringWithFormat:] class reference:
format A format string. See “Formatting String Objects” for
examples of how to use this method, and “String Format Specifiers” for
a list of format specifiers. This value must not be nil.
and following the first link, one of the first examples is:
NSString *string1 = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"A string: %#, a float: %1.2f",
#"string", 31415.9265]; // ^
// string1 is "A string: string, a float: 31415.93"
You need to learn to think for yourself. Read the documentation!
This question is a little old, but did you try %g? This will produce scientific notation in some cases:
64-bit floating-point number (double), printed in the style of %e if the exponent is less than –4 or greater than or equal to the precision, in the style of %f otherwise.
But, as it says, you can control this to some extent using the precision field: if your numbers are large, you will need to increase the precision to avoid scientific notation. If your numbers are small, then I think there is nothing you can do about it when using %g.
I get this output:
64.0 -> "64"
64.1 -> "64.1"
64.15555 -> "64.1556" // default precision is 6

Objective C - Adding characters at specific parts of a string

I have made a quadratic equation solver for the iPhone and when the text box is clicked, my own custom keypad appears. I have a button that changes whether the number is positive or negative. Right now I what happens is that when the button is pressed (0 - current value of text) is what is displayed in the text box, so if the number is positive, it will become negative and if it is negative it will become positive. I am having some problems doing this so what I wanted to is to put a minus sign at the beginning of the string if the number is positive and if the number is negative, the minus sign will be removed. Can anyone give me guidance on this?
Instead of negating using a mathematical function I assigned a NSMutableString to my UITextField then I inserted a "-" sign using insertString:atIndex: then I reassigned the changed string to my UITextField. To toggle between positive and negative, I created an if function so if the float value of my textfield is greater or equal to 0, then an "-" is inserted but if the float value of my text field is less than zero, the "-" is removed using deleteCharactersInRange. Here is my code as it stands:
- (IBAction)positivity{
NSMutableString *a = [NSMutableString stringWithString:aVal.text];
if([aVal.text floatValue]>=0){
[a insertString: #"-" atIndex: 0];
aVal.text = a;
else if([aVal.text floatValue]<0){
NSRange range = {0,1};
[a deleteCharactersInRange:range];
aVal.text = a;
aVal is the name of the UITextField that i am changing.
An alternative to the straight string approach is to not use a string. A while back I wrote a graphing calculator for iPhone that stored the equation internally in an NSMutableArray of NSStrings. Each slot in the array corresponded to one element in the equation, such as "x", "^", "sin(", etc.
When I needed to negate the equation, it was much easier to tell the array to insertObject:#"-" atIndex:0 than to try and insert it directly into the string. Then whenever the array was changed, I just remade the equation string like this:
NSString * newEquation = [equationElements componentsJoinedByString:#""];
While you could directly manipulate a string representation of a numeric value, such an approach is a bad idea. Not only is it less efficient than other alternatives, but potentially incorrect. (For example, #Ken's answer would result in two minus signs.)
What you probably want to do is negate the numeric value (just multiply it by -1, or subtract it from 0 as you suggested) and reflect that change in the interface (you mention a text box).
If you're using standard Cocoa controls (which inherit from NSControl, as NSTextField does) I suggest using -[NSControl setIntegerValue:] to change the text of the text field. If you (can) break up your UI well and have a text field for each variable in the quadratic equation, this should be fairly simple. (If you're using something other than an integer value, use something like -setDoubleValue: or -setFloatValue: instead.)
If you must create your own string beforehand, using an integer format specifier will display a "-" sign automatically if appropriate. Be sure to use %ld instead of %d (thanks, #Peter!) as the format specifier for NSInteger values to avoid possibly truncating values larger than 32-bit. For example:
NSString *result = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%ld", nsIntegerValue];
In a more general sense, if you need to insert a dynamically-obtained string (not just something for which you can create a format string at compile time) you can also use an NSMutableString and its methods -appendString: and -insertString:atIndex: as well.