Are digits allowed in a knockout.js custom binding name? - netbeans

I have an application with a custom binding declared like
ko.bindingHandlers.slideContent2 = {
init: ...,
update: ...
and I use that in my html with (among other things)
<div data-bind="slideContent2: true"></div>
It works and produces no errors. Today I discover that the new knockout.js syntax checker in Netbeans 7.4 thinks that <div data-bind="slideContent2: true"> is in error. It objects to the digit 2. If I remove that, it thinks the name is fine. Looking around web examples, I haven't found an example of a digit used in the name of a custom binding.
Are digits legal in custom binding names? Is the Netbeans checker being overenthusiastic?

From the Knockout point of view every valid JavaScript identifier name is a valid custom binding handler name.
So you can have digits in custom binding handlers. For the full identifier name reference you can check: Valid identifier names
However from the Netbeans syntax checker point of view only letters are allowed in custom binding names.
For reference check out the source of KODataBindLexer (I've added some comments)
case IN_KEY:
if (!Character.isLetter(c)) { // the character 2 is not a letter
if (c == ':') {
state = State.AFTER_KEY;
input.backup(1); //backup the colon
return tokenFactory.createToken(KODataBindTokenId.KEY);
} else if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
state = State.WS_AFTER_KEY;
input.backup(1); //backup the ws
return tokenFactory.createToken(KODataBindTokenId.KEY);
} else { // 2 is not a the colon and not a whitespace so it returns Error:
state = State.INIT;
return tokenFactory.createToken(KODataBindTokenId.ERROR);
//stay in IN_KEY


vscode shows error in JSX attribute name that has colon

In my JSX code I have attribute name that has colon in its name but vscode shows error. Even after formatting my code, vscode automatically create a space after colon. How to solve these two problems?
By not having colon in your attribute name. While technically possible, attribute names should be camelCase.
If you can't get around this, you could create and object and destructure it onto props.
const A = () => {
const fooProps = {
'on:resize': onResize
return <Foo {...fooProps} />

How do i poulate a field with a parameter from previous page in a multipage form in gravityforms?

I want to build a multipage from.
The first page asks for first name and last name.
I want to greet the user with his first name in the second page.
The best way to do this is to use Live Merge Tags with Populate Anything:
If you collected the user's first name in a Name field on page 1, you could great him in the field label for a field on page 2 like so:
Hello, #{Name (First):1.3}
(In this example, the field ID for the Name field is 1. The 3 refers to the first name input of a Name field and will always be 3).
If avoiding another plugin (as useful as that one is), you can use either the pre_submission_filter or pre_submission hooks to do this.
If their name was field 1 and lets say the field you'd like to show is field 2...
add_filter('gform_pre_render', 'populate_forms');
add_filter('gform_pre_validation', 'populate_forms');
add_filter('gform_pre_submission_filter', 'populate_forms', 10);
add_filter('gform_admin_pre_render', 'populate_forms');
function populate_forms($form) {
$form_id = $form['id'];
$current_form = 2; // pretending the form id you are working on is 2.
$future_form = 10; // imaginary form you'll create later for another purpose.
switch($form_id) {
case $current_form:
$first_name = !empty(rgpost('input_1_3')) ? rgpost('input_1_3') : null; // gets the value they entered into the first-name box of field 1.
foreach ($form['fields'] as &$field) {
if ($field->id === '2') { // Make as many of these as necessary.
if ($first_name) { // make sure there's actually a value provided from field 1.
$field->placeholder = $first_name; // not necessary, just habit since sometimes you'd need to have a placeholder to reliably populate some fields.
$field->defaultValue = $first_name; // this is the piece that will actually fill in the value like you'd expect to see in your question.
//case $future_form: do more stuff.
return $form;
That should be a decent start for your functionality plugin where you can populate the current and future forms without much hassle. This can also be done with the gform_field_value hook; I've always found the language a bit clumsy with that one, personally.
The plugin mentioned earlier is definitely neat, but I found myself wanting to rely on that stuff less and less.

How can customData can be binded with JavaScript

In the affected application is a responsive table whose ColumnListItems are added via JavaScript code. Now the lines should be highlighted by the highlighting mechanism depending on their state. The first idea was to control the whole thing via a normal controller function. I quickly discarded the idea, since the formatter is intended for such cases. So I created the appropriate Formatter function and referenced it in the JavaScript code. The call seems to work without errors, because the "console.log" is triggered in each case. Also the transfer of fixed values is possible without problems. However, the values I would have to transfer are located within customData of each line...
No matter how I try to form the path I get an "undefined" or "null" output.
I have already tried the following paths:
The code from Controller.js (with consciously differently indicated paths):
var colListItem = new sap.m.ColumnListItem({
highlight: {
parts: [{
path: "/mAggregations/items/0/mAggregations/customData/0/mProperties/value"
}, {
path: "/edited"
formatter: Formatter.setIndication
cells: [oItems]
// first parameter to pass while runtime to the formatter"editable", false);
// second paramter for the formatter function"edited", false);
The code from Formatter.js:
setIndication: function (bEditable, bEdited) {
var sReturn;
if (bEditable && bEdited) {
// list item is in edit mode and edited
sReturn = "Error";
} else if (bEditable || bEdited) {
// list item is in edit mode or edited
sReturn = "Success";
} else {
sReturn = "None";
return sReturn;
The goal would also be for the formatter to automatically use the value of the model in order to avoid its own implementation of a listener, etc.
I hope one of you has a good/new idea that might bring me a solution :)
Many thanks in advance!
You cannot bind against the customData. Because the customData is located in the element, it is like a property.
Thats why you defined it here on colListItem:"key", value)
You only can bind against a model.
So I see three solutions
Store the information in a separate local JSON model whereof you can speficy your binding path to supply the values to your formatter
Do not supply the information via a binding path to the formatter, but read a model/object/array from a global variable in the controller holding the information via this (=controller) in formatter function
Store the information in the customData of each element and access the element reference in the formatter function via this(=ColumnListItem).data().
Passing the context to the formatter similar to this formatter: [Formatter.setIndication, colListItem]
Cons of 1. and 2: you need a key for a respective lookup in the other model or object.
From what I understand I would solve it with solution 3.

ReSharper 8 - Live Template Macros - HotspotItems

I am currently using ReSharper V8.1. I've only recently began using ReSharper and have found some interest in their LiveTemplate Macros. I've conjured up a solution to return a list of HotspotItems from a constant, similar to ReSharper's predefined macro "Comma-delimited list of values". In the method I take the constant variable of the template parameter and do a split string on them to provide a collection of HotSpotItems. Unfortunately it doesn't work if I use the macro more than one time within a template. Below is an extreme hack job showing my implementation of the method HotspotItems of IMacroImplementation.
I am hoping that someone out there may have done some work in this area and could possibly provide an example of how they've implemented IMacroImplementation which provides a list of items from a constant and also allows for multiple uses within a single template.
Thank you.
public override HotspotItems GetLookupItems(IHotspotContext context)
HotspotItems hotSpotItems = null;
foreach (var hotspot in context.HotspotSession.Hotspots)
if (hotspot.Expression != null && ((MacroCallExpressionNew)hotspot.Expression).Definition is Macros.DisplayMultipleItems)
var multiItems = ((MacroCallExpressionNew) hotspot.Expression).Definition as DisplayMultipleItems;
if (!multiItems.ItemSet)
var expression = hotspot.Expression as MacroCallExpressionNew;
IMacroParameterValueNew baseValue = expression.Parameters[0].GetValue(context.SessionContext.Solution.GetLifetime(), context.HotspotSession);
string templateValue = baseValue.GetValue();
multiItems.ItemSet = true;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateValue) && templateValue.Split(',').Any())
var lookupItems = templateValue.Split(',').Select(param => new TextLookupItem(param)).Cast<ILookupItem>().ToList();
if (hotSpotItems == null)
hotSpotItems = new HotspotItems(lookupItems);
foreach (var item in lookupItems)
return hotSpotItems;
You should fire up dotPeek and point it to the ReSharper bin directory and take a look at ListMacroDef and ListMacroImpl, which is the implementation for the comma-delimited list macro.
The definition derives from SimpleMacroDefinition. It gets given the parameters in the call to GetPlaceholder, looks at the first and splits it by comma, returning the first item as the placeholder.
ListMacroImpl is just as simple. Its constructor has an [Optional] parameter of type MacroParameterValueCollection. This is the list of parameter values specified in the hotspot editor. You'll want to check for null and take the first parameter, which will be your delimited list. It then overrides GetLookupItems and returns HotspotItems.Empty if the parameter value is null, or parses the value and returns a list of TextLookupItem.
You don't need to look at the session and list of hotspots - that will get you all hotspots in the session, when you're only interested in the current hotspot, and ReSharper will create a new IMacroImplementation for each hotspot and give you those values in your constructor.

Form errors i18n Play framework

I'm using the form helper and a custom form template to render my forms in the Play framework like this:
#(lang: Lang)(myForm: Form[MyModel])
#import play.i18n._
#import helper._
#implicitField = #{ FieldConstructor(formTemplate.f) }
#form ( action = routes.Application.index() ){
field = myForm("username"),
'_label -> Messages.get(lang, "username")
When the template is called with different values for lang, the label is displayed in the respective language.
However, when the form is submitted, error messages are always displayed in the main language. (i.e. for Required fields it's always This field is required.)
As the answer to this post mentioned, I changed the default error messages like so in my language files (currently only 2):
error.required=This field is required
error.required=Dit veld is verplicht
How can I make sure the errors are printed in the correct language?
I've already tried doing the following in my custom template, but without success:
#(elements: helper.FieldElements)
<!-- snipped some HTML code -->
<span class="help">
#(elements.infos(elements.args.get('_lang) match {
case Some(language) => language.asInstanceOf[play.api.i18n.Lang]
case None => new Lang("en","uk")
}).mkString(", "))
And by adding '_lang -> lang to my #inputText call.
I'm used to programming in Java and have only done some Scala in the Play templates. I'm using Play 2.0.4.
I have found the easiest way of doing this (note: I program in Java) is by defining a static method in one of your models that returns the users language:
public class User{
import play.i18n.Lang;
public static Lang getLanguage(){
if(session("language" != null){
return Lang.forCode(session.get("language"));
} else {
return Lang.forCode("en"); //default language
You can then call this static function in your Scala form template like this:
<span class="errors">#elements.errors(User.getLanguage()).mkString(", ")</span>
to display translated errors based on the default error messages in your messages.xx files.
As a general matter, if your error codes are also found in the messages.xx resource files, they get localized, even if you program a custom validator somewhere else. You don't have to have the Lang in scope or call Messages() yourself. E.g. in Scala Play:
val validPhone = """\+?[0-9_\-\. \(\)]*$""".r
val phoneCheckConstraint: Constraint[String] = Constraint("constraints.phonecheck")({
plainText =>
val errors = plainText match {
case validPhone() => Nil
case _ => Seq(ValidationError("error.phonenumber"))
if (errors.isEmpty) {
} else {
If you merely have
error.phonenumber=Invalid phone number
in your messages.en file and translated versions in other messages.xx files they will get localized by Play even though no Lang was in scope at the point of declaration. So no need to pass Lang around other than in your templates and elsewhere for explicit Messages() calls.