Insert SVG using Catalyst Framework - perl

I would like to add an SVG bar chart into my web application.
I have to use Catalyst Framework and Template::Toolkit view.
While searching cpan, I have found this module.
I followed the example instructions in the above web-page in order to create a simple graph.
Unfortunately, no chart is rendered in my application.
Firstly I created the view class
./script/ view Chart SVG::TT::Graph
and added this code inside it
package myapp::View::Chart;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
use SVG::TT::Graph::BarHorizontal;
my #fields = qw(Jan Feb Mar);
my #data_sales_02 = qw(12 45 21);
my $graph = SVG::TT::Graph::BarHorizontal->new({
'height' => '500',
'width' => '300',
'fields' => \#fields,
'data' => \#data_sales_02,
'title' => 'Sales 2002',
print "Content-type: image/svg+xml\n\n";
print $graph->burn();
Then I set the chart preferences in my config
format png
style_sheet /home/john/myapp/root/static/css/style2.css
show_graph_title 1
Finally I created the below subroutine in my controller
sub getchart :Local :Args(0){
my ( $self, $c ) = #_;
$c->stash->{chart_title} = 'Sales data'; # optional
$c->stash->{chart_type} = 'BarHorizontal'; # or Pie/Line/BarHorizontal
$c->stash->{chart_conf} = {
height => 400,
width => 600
$c->stash->{chart_fields} = [ qw(Jan Feb March) ];
$c->stash->{chart_data} = [ 12, 45, 21];
Obviously I am missing something fundamental but I am inexperienced with Catalyst. Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks

Your are printing your graph results to STDOUT. Perhaps this is ending up in your server logs or somewhere else, but if you want Catalyst to send something to a client you have to set the body of your server response. The message body is accessible through the Catalyst context.
There is already some sample code on how to print graphs using a Catalyst::View in the fabulous Catalyst Advent Calendar. At the end of the view's process subroutine you can see how to set the response body.
You could use this sample code and just replace the graph generator with some SVG creation module of your choice.


Adding language variable into WWW::Mailchimp (subscription)

I'm trying to work out how I can use WWW::Mailchimp ( ) to sign someone up to our list, but also assign the language of the person (i.e english, french, german, spanish, etc).
Here is what I have thus far:
my $mailchimp = WWW::Mailchimp->new(apikey => 'xxxx' );
$mailchimp->listSubscribe( id => "xxx", email_address => $in->{Email}, merge_vars => [ FNAME => $name[0], LNAME => $name[1], mc_language => "fr", LANG => "fr", LANGUAGE => "fr" ] );
mc_language => "fr", LANG => "fr", LANGUAGE => "fr" doesn't seem to do anything (been trying all the params I see laying around, in the vain hope one of them works!)
While it works (and asks you to confirm your subscription), all the language variables are ignored. Looking at their documents, I'm a bit confused as to what to use:
The code "fr" is ok, but I'm unsure what params to pass along to it.
Has anyone had any experience with this before? Apart from the language, it works fine (but I need to be able to send the confirmation emails in their own language, and then also filter down when doing mailings)
UPDATE: Ok, so it looks like its not going to be a simple case of updating to the newer API. I've been looking into the v3.0 API, and its a total overhaul of the older one (new function names, new ways of sending requests, etc). What I'm going to do is look into a "Curl" method, so we can at least get it going with that. Once I've got that going, I'll probably have a look at coding something to work with LWP::UserAgent, as that'd be cleaner than doing lots of curl requests. Shame there isn't anything out there already for Perl and MailChimp (with the new API, or even version 2.0!)
From looking at the source, it defaults to API 1.3:
has api_version => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Num,
lazy => 1,
default => sub { 1.3 },
The documentation for that shows you need to use MC_LANGUAGE:
string MC_LANGUAGE Set the member's language preference. Supported
codes are fully case-sensitive and can be found here.
It looks like the module just shoves whatever data structure you provide into JSON and POSTs it to Mailchimp, so the appropriate Mailchimp API doc version for the API you target should be referenced as a primary source.
Ok, so I got there in the end! I have been talking with MailChimp support, and they were very helpful. Turns out it was a double issue.
1) Auto-Translate needed to be enabled for the list in question. This was their answer around that:
After taking a look at the call, it appears to be set up properly now, so you are all good on that front. That being said, I am seeing
that the Auto-translate option doesn't seem to be enabled for any of
your lists. In order for the Confirmation and all other response
emails to automatically translate, this will need to be enabled for
all of the lists being used.
We have a bit of additional information on that, here, if you'd like to check that out:
2) When making the request via the API, you need to specifically set the Accept-Language: xx value. For example, en, fr, es, de, etc.
Here is a working function for anyone who needs it in the future. Just be sure to update the apikey,listId and endpoint URL.
do_register_email_list('','Andrew Test',"en")
sub do_register_email_list {
# (email,name,lang)
use WWW::Curl::Easy;
use Digest::MD5;
use JSON;
my #name = split /\s+/, $_[1];
my $apikey = 'xxxx-us6';
my $listid = 'xxxx';
my $email = $_[0];
my $endpoint = "";
my $lang = $_[2]||'en';
my $json = JSON::encode_json({
'email_address' => $email,
'status' => 'pending',
'language' => $lang,
'merge_fields' => {
'FNAME' => $name[0]||'',
'LNAME' => $name[1]||''
my $curl = WWW::Curl::Easy->new;
my $url = "$endpoint/$listid/members/" . Digest::MD5::md5(lc($email));
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, $url);
# $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_USERPWD, 'user:' . $apikey);
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type: application/json',"Accept-Language: $lang"]);
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $json);
# A filehandle, reference to a scalar or reference to a typeglob can be used here.
my $response_body;
# Starts the actual request
my $retcode = $curl->perform;
#print "FOO HERE";
# Looking at the results...
if ($retcode == 0) {
print "Transfer went ok\n";
my $response_code = $curl->getinfo(CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
print "Received response: $response_body\n";
} else {
# Error code, type of error, error message
print "An error happened: $retcode ".$curl->strerror($retcode)." ".$curl->errbuf."\n";
Hopefully this saves someone else from all the grief I had with it :) (the MailChimp support lady also said she will get their team to add something about this in the developer notes, so its made a bit clearer!)

Perl RRD::Simple no display data

I am new in Perl and also RRDs.
I have tried to implement a simple example, and although it seems that is operating correctly the output is not displayed. The pictures are produced normally but there is no data in the graphs.
I have been following the CPAN documentation for implementation RRD::Simple and theoretically I am doing something wrong. I tried to debug the code and it seems fine, but when it comes to print the graphs there is no data.
use strict;
use warnings;
use RRD::Simple ();
use Data::Dumper;
$| = 1; # Flush the output
my ($rrd, $unixtime, $file);
$file = "perl.txt";
my $path = '/home/os/Desktop/Test_Perl/';
my $period = '3years';
my $rrdfile = 'myfile.rrd';
while (sleep 15) {
open(FH, ">>", $file) || die "Unable to open $file: $!\n";
my $range = 50;
my $minimum = 100;
my $random_number_in = int(rand($range)) + $minimum;
my $random_number_out = int(rand($range)) + $minimum;
my $random_number_sec = int(rand($range)) + $minimum;
# Create an interface object
$rrd = RRD::Simple->new(
file => $rrdfile,
cf => [qw( AVERAGE MIN MAX LAST )],
#default_dstype => "DERIVE",
unless (-e $rrdfile) {
# Create a new RRD file with 3 data sources called
# bytesIn, bytesOut and faultsPerSec.
step => 5, # 5 sec interval
bytesIn => "GAUGE",
bytesOut => "GAUGE",
faultsPerSec => "GAUGE"
# Put some arbitary data values in the RRD file for the same
# 3 data sources called bytesIn, bytesOut and faultsPerSec.
bytesIn => $random_number_in,
bytesOut => $random_number_out,
faultsPerSec => $random_number_sec
print FH "This is the bytes_in: $random_number_in\n";
print FH "This is the bytes_out: $random_number_out\n";
print FH "This is the bytes_sec: $random_number_sec\n";
# Generate graphs:
# /home/os/Desktop/Test_Perl/myfile-hourly.png, /home/os/Desktop/Test_Perl/myfile-daily.png
# /home/os/Desktop/Test_Perl/myfile-weekly.png, /home/os/Desktop/Test_Perl/myfile-monthly.png
my %rtn = $rrd->graph(
destination => $path,
basename => "my_graph",
timestamp => "both", # graph, rrd, both or none
periods => [qw(hour day week month)], # omit to generate all graphs
sources => [qw(bytesIn bytesOut faultsPerSec)],
source_colors => [qw(ff0000 aa3333 000000)],
source_labels => [("Bytes In", "Bytes Out", "Faults Per Second")],
source_drawtypes => [qw(LINE1 AREA LINE)],
line_thickness => 2,
extended_legend => 1,
title => "Network Interface eth0",
vertical_label => "Bytes/Faults",
width => 800,
height => 500,
interlaced => "", # If images are interlaced they become visible to browsers more quickly
printf("Created %s\n", join(", ", map { $rtn{$_}->[0] } keys %rtn));
# Return information about an RRD file
my $info = $rrd->info($rrdfile); # This method will return a complex data structure containing details about the RRD file, including RRA and data source information.
print Data::Dumper::Dumper($info);
my #sources = $rrd->sources($rrdfile);
my $seconds = $rrd->retention_period($rrdfile); # This method will return the maximum period of time (in seconds) that the RRD file will store data for.
# Get unixtime of when RRD file was last updated
$unixtime = $rrd->last($rrdfile);
print FH "myfile.rrd was last updated at " . scalar(localtime($unixtime)) . "\n";
# Get list of data source names from an RRD file
my #dsnames = $rrd->sources;
print "Available data sources: " . join(", ", #dsnames) . "\n";
my $heartbeat_In = $rrd->heartbeat($rrdfile, "bytesIn");
my $heartbeat_Out = $rrd->heartbeat($rrdfile, "bytesOut");
my $heartbeat_sec = $rrd->heartbeat($rrdfile, "faultsPerSec"); # This method will return the current heartbeat of a data source.
printf "This is the heartbeat_in: %s\n", $heartbeat_In;
my #rtn_In = $rrd->heartbeat($rrdfile, "bytesIn", 10);
my #rtn_Out = $rrd->heartbeat($rrdfile, "bytesOut", 10);
my #rtn_sec = $rrd->heartbeat($rrdfile, "faultsPerSec", 10); # This method will set a new heartbeat of a data source.
Part of the output:
'myfilerrd' => {
'last_ds' => 'U',
'value' => undef,
'min' => '0',
'max' => undef,
'minimal_heartbeat' => 120,
'index' => 3,
'type' => 'DERIVE',
'unknown_sec' => 15
I do not understand why the value is undefined?
After 3-4 days of testing and searching over the Internet for more information I just found the answer to my problem. RRD is a very simple to use tool but very very powerful. I would recommend anybody to use it through Perl especially with RRD::Simple module is very easy.
I was adjusting the heart beat of my RRD to 10 sec, while my step (data collection time) is 300 by default. If the user do not specify the step "sampling frequency" by default the system will use 300. In result the graph takes 0 values so there is not output. More information and very nice analysis can be found here HeartBeat
Based on my experimentation, I found that since I am using a while loop inside the create function I have to first give the command:
my $rrd = RRD::Simple->new( file => "myfile.rrd" );
and as a second step I had to kill the process and set the step by entering the command:
my $rrd = RRD::Simple->new(
file => "myfile.rrd",
step => 50 );
Based on my experimentation I found that I had to remove this block of code below had to be added to the file as a second step. First had to make the creation and then add it on my loop. This is because initially the "myfile.rrd" has to be created with all the settings, before the user start modifying them.
unless (-f "myfile.rrd") {
step => 50,
bytesIn => "GAUGE",
bytesOut => "GAUGE",
faultsPerSec => "COUNTER"
Another point that worth mentioning here is that by default RRD Data Source (DS) is set to GAUGE. More information can be found here RRDtool
The Perl module can be found easily CPAN RRD::Simple which provides analysis and extra "features" that you can add to your code.
In conclusion RRD::Simple is very simple, it can be executed by copy-paste into your program. Any further modifications (e.g sample rates, Average/Max/Min values etc.) need a bit of reading upon but definitely worth the effort. Unfortunately there is not much of examples online so some testing need it to be done in order to understand what I need to modify in my code to make it work. By writing this short analysis and providing some links to read upon I hope to save someone else from spending a few days to come up with the answer to his problem.
Again I encourage anyone to try implementing RRD's is a very powerful tool to graphically view your results and store the data up to 3 years.
Another update that I think is useful to some people maybe. Instead of following all this process by adding and removing code in order to make the rrd file working.
After modifications and experimentation I found another solution.
use strict;
use RRD::Simple;
use RRDs;
my $rrd = RRD::Simple->new(
file => "myfile.rrd",
rrdtool => "/usr/local/rrdtool-1.2.11/bin/rrdtool", #optional
tmpdir => "/var/tmp", #optional
cf => [ qw(AVERAGE MAX) ], #optional
default_dstype => "COUNTER", #optional
on_missing_ds => "add", #optional
RRDs::tune("myfile.rrd", "-i", "Source_Name:0") #optional -i or --minimum
RRDs::tune("myfile.rrd", "-a", "Source_Name:200") #optional -a or --maximum
There are several optional values that someone can use, but I recommend to use all of them so you can take full control of the program.
I am using:
default_dstype => "COUNTER", #optional
Because by default RRD's will set GAUGE as Data Source (DS). By setting the DS to COUNTER the user can set the minimum and maximum values. Short examples can be found here also RRD::Simple::Examples.

Perl OpenOffice::OODoc - accessing header/footer elements

How do you get elements in a header/footer of a odt doc?
for example I have:
use OpenOffice::OODoc;
my $doc = odfDocument(file => 'whatever.odt');
my $t=0;
while (my $table = $doc->getTable($t))
print "Table $t exists\n";
When I check the tables they are all from the body. I can't seem to find elements for anything in the header or footer?
I found sample code here which led me to the answer:
#! /usr/local/bin/perl
use OpenOffice::OODoc;
my $file='asdf.odt';
# odfContainer is a representation of the zipped odf file
# and all of its parts.
my $container = odfContainer("$file");
# We're going to look at the 'style' part of the container,
# because that's where the header is located.
my $style = odfDocument
container => $container,
part => 'styles'
# masterPageHeader takes the style name as its argument.
# This is not at all clear from the documentation.
my $masterPageHeader = $style->masterPageHeader('Standard');
my $headerText = $style->getText( $masterPageHeader );
print "$headerText\n"
The master page style defines the look and feel of the document -- think CSS. Apparently 'Standard' is the default name for the master page style of a document created by OpenOffice... that was the toughest nut to crack... once I found the example code, that fell out in my lap.

Settings in pdf::table perl

I'm trying to create a table in PDF format using PDF::Table in perl.
However, it seem to not read my header/cols/rows settings.
Here's my code for the table:
use PDF::API2;
use PDF::Table;
my $pdftable = new PDF::Table;
my $pdf = PDF::API2->new();
my $page = $pdf->page;
my $some_data =[
["2","2","2","2","2","2","2"],# x 100 time to have pages
#build the table layout
x => 5,
w => 600,
start_y => 750,
next_y => 750,
start_h => 700,
next_h => 700,
# some optional params
font_size => 8,
border => 0,
background_color_odd => "white",
background_color_even => "lightblue",
header_props => $hdr_props, # see section HEADER ROW PROPERTIES
$hdr_props =
# This param could be a pdf core font or user specified TTF.
# See PDF::API2 FONT METHODS for more information
font => $pdf->corefont("Times", -encoding => "utf8"),
font_size => 10,
font_color => '#006666',
bg_color => 'yellow',
repeat => 1, # 1/0 eq On/Off if the header row should be repeated to every new page
print "Content-Type: application/pdf;\n\n";
print $pdf->stringify;
It should make the first row as header by default but the output shows no header properties being set on the first row. And there is no header shown for all pages.
Any help will be appreciated.
I did not run your code.
You are referencing $hdr_props before the variable is filled. Perl does not work that way, you need to order definitions properly.
Add use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; to the top of your programs and Perl will alert you about mistakes like this.
theres no warnings at all, and i followed daxim to put the $hdr_props to top first but it still would not read in the header settings.
The documentation says that header_props needs to be a hash reference, so:
header_props => \$hdr_props, # see section HEADER ROW PROPERTIES
I ran into a similar problem. However, daxim is right, you should also order your code as he suggested.

How can I use Perl and RRD to plot ping times?

I'm trying to do my first rrd graph through Perl.
I have tried RRD::Simple and rrds and just can't get either one to work.
Here's what I have so far:
use strict;
use RRD::Simple ();
# Create an interface object
my $rrd = RRD::Simple->new( file => "server.rrd" );
# Put some arbitary data values in the RRD file for the same
# 3 data sources called bytesIn, bytesOut and faultsPerSec.
EqSearch => "DERIVE",
MfSearch => "DERIVE",
EQCostBasis => "DERIVE",
MFCostBasis => "DERIVE"
EqSearch => 2,
MfSearch => 3,
EQCostBasis => 10,
MFCostBasis => 15
# Generate graphs:
# /var/tmp/myfile-daily.png, /var/tmp/myfile-weekly.png
# /var/tmp/myfile-monthly.png, /var/tmp/myfile-annual.png
my %rtn = $rrd->graph(
destination => "/Users/cmuench/Documents/Code/perl",
title => "Server A",
vertical_label => "",
interlaced => "",
periods => [qw(hour)]
The output is:
From your above script, the main issue is that you don't have enough data to show in graphs. you can see the data in your rrd using 'rrdtool fetch`.
If you can use bash instead of perl. Look at this "Round Trip and Packet Loss stats with rrdtool"
If you still want to use perl module RRD::Simple, please look at the examples provided with this module i.e. RRD::Simple::Examples Or provide more details about the problem you are facing.