Are there any documentation on DnD in GWT? - gwt

I have failed to find any documentation on how to implement drag and drop in the Google Web Toolkit. The official documentation page does not even mention it (besides on a reference to a HTML5-feature page that does not, itself, mention anything about drag and drop. Can anyone point me to some official documentation on how to actually do it in GWT?

Take a look at this tutorial:
The trip is done by:


Implement inline help/guided tour for SAPUI5 apps

I'm searching for a way to create a sort of inline help / guided walkthrough tour to explain certain elements/sections displayed on an SAPUI5 apps. I was checking examples, e.g. intro.js and others ( How would this work with xml views? Anyone has an idea or can point me to a resource? thx
The UI5Lab community has a custom library for guided tours, see here.
This library uses UI5 controls, so you could either use this library for your project or check the source code for some ideas on how to implement a UI5 native tour yourself.

AVAudioEngine documentation

I'm trying to find a detailed documentation for how to work with AVAudioEngine. Does anyone know where I can find it?
I've found this, but it seems extremely spartan in comparison to the richly documented UI stuff.
Is this it? Are there header files somewhere I can at least peruse, like there was with AUGraph (before they deprecated it).
You can also try Apple's official sample code at
The link you provided should be enough to be able to work with AVAudioEngine. If you go to the parent page of AVAudioEngine, that can be found here, you can see all the building blocks you need to work with the audio.

A-Frame link traversal support

In A-Frame FAQ, it is written that:
Link traversal support was introduced in the WebVR 1.0 API and A-Frame
0.3.0. There is a link component that can trigger navigation and built-in support for knowing whether the user is navigating from
another WebVR experience.
However, it seems there is no entry in A-Frame Docs about this link component.
How could one use such a component to trigger link traversal ?
Thank you.
Oops, that is a mistake. Built-in link traversal and documentation has not yet been introduced as we improve link traversal experiences in the WebVR specification and the browsers themselves.
This has just been introduced in AFrame 0.6
Here's the page for it:

Setting up ReactiveUI.Mobile

In the following documentation,
It states that by setting up ReactiveUI.Mobile, you will be able to achieve correct handling of the back button for free. I've tried to look around for documentation but can't seem to find any.
Could someone point me to a suitable link / sample that I can refer to?
It states that by setting up ReactiveUI.Mobile, you will be able to achieve correct handling of the back button for free. I've tried to look around for documentation but can't seem to find any.
Setting up RxUI.Mobile is super platform-dependent, and you only get a free back button on WP8 Silverlight apps. I'd stick with just using routing (or avoiding routing altogether) for now. RxUI.Mobile will probably change quite a bit in 6.0 (it's my least favorite part of the framework at the moment).

Tutorials and resources on jqgrid and flexigrid

Am currently trying to use for the first time both jqgrid and flexigrid to make database driven pages whos backend uses Zend Framework.
I have been googling and the search results that turn up aren't very helpful.
Any links that can be helpful?
Sorry I'm not fammiliar with the Zend framework, but as per a useful link for jqGrid documentation I find this wiki to be the best.
Edit: This is also a valid documentation resource here.
The Demo page on the official jqGrid site provides a lot of good examples and the code behind them.
Well worth checking out as it covers most things you can do with it.