MongoDB: How to remove an index on a replicaset? - mongodb

I see that the MongoDB documentation says that removing index is by calling db.accounts.dropIndex( { "tax-id": 1 } ). But it does not say whether the node needs to be removed from the replicaset or not.
I tried to take a secondary node in a replicaset offline and restart as a standalone node (in a different port) and tried to drop the index.
But after bringing back the node in the replica set with regular process sudo service mongod start, the mongod process is dying saying the index got corrupted.
Thu Oct 31 19:52:38.098 [repl writer worker 1] Assertion: 15898:error in index possibly corruption consider repairing 382
0xdddd81 0xd9f55b 0xd9fa9c 0x7edb83 0x7fb332 0x7fdc08 0x9d3b50 0x9c796e 0x9deb64 0xac45dd 0xac58df 0xa903fa 0xa924c7 0xa71f6c 0xc273d3 0xc26b18 0xdab721 0xe26609 0x7ff4d05f0c6b 0x7ff4cf9965ed
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo+0x21) [0xdddd81]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo11msgassertedEiPKc+0x9b) [0xd9f55b]
/usr/bin/mongod() [0xd9fa9c]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo11checkFailedEj+0x143) [0x7edb83]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZNK5mongo12BucketBasicsINS_12BtreeData_V1EE11basicInsertENS_7DiskLocERiS3_RKNS_5KeyV1ERKNS_8OrderingE+0x222) [0x7fb332]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZNK5mongo11BtreeBucketINS_12BtreeData_V1EE10insertHereENS_7DiskLocEiS3_RKNS_5KeyV1ERKNS_8OrderingES3_S3_RNS_12IndexDetailsE+0x68) [0x7fdc08]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZNK5mongo30IndexInsertionContinuationImplINS_12BtreeData_V1EE22doIndexInsertionWritesEv+0xa0) [0x9d3b50]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo14IndexInterface13IndexInserter19finishAllInsertionsEv+0x1e) [0x9c796e]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo24indexRecordUsingTwoStepsEPKcPNS_16NamespaceDetailsENS_7BSONObjENS_7DiskLocEb+0x754) [0x9deb64]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo11DataFileMgr6insertEPKcPKvibbbPb+0x123d) [0xac45dd]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo11DataFileMgr16insertWithObjModEPKcRNS_7BSONObjEbb+0x4f) [0xac58df]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo14_updateObjectsEbPKcRKNS_7BSONObjES4_bbbRNS_7OpDebugEPNS_11RemoveSaverEbRKNS_24QueryPlanSelectionPolicyEb+0x2eda) [0xa903fa]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo27updateObjectsForReplicationEPKcRKNS_7BSONObjES4_bbbRNS_7OpDebugEbRKNS_24QueryPlanSelectionPolicyE+0xb7) [0xa924c7]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo21applyOperation_inlockERKNS_7BSONObjEbb+0x65c) [0xa71f6c]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo7replset8SyncTail9syncApplyERKNS_7BSONObjEb+0x713) [0xc273d3]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo7replset14multiSyncApplyERKSt6vectorINS_7BSONObjESaIS2_EEPNS0_8SyncTailE+0x48) [0xc26b18]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo10threadpool6Worker4loopEv+0x281) [0xdab721]
/usr/bin/mongod() [0xe26609]
/lib64/ [0x7ff4d05f0c6b]
/lib64/ [0x7ff4cf9965ed]
Thu Oct 31 19:52:38.106 [repl writer worker 1] ERROR: writer worker caught exception: error in index possibly corruption consider repairing 382 on:
xxxxxxxx--deleted content related to the data...xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thu Oct 31 19:52:38.106 [repl writer worker 1] Fatal Assertion 16360
0xdddd81 0xd9dc13 0xc26bfc 0xdab721 0xe26609 0x7ff4d05f0c6b 0x7ff4cf9965ed
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo+0x21) [0xdddd81]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo13fassertFailedEi+0xa3) [0xd9dc13]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo7replset14multiSyncApplyERKSt6vectorINS_7BSONObjESaIS2_EEPNS0_8SyncTailE+0x12c) [0xc26bfc]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo10threadpool6Worker4loopEv+0x281) [0xdab721]
/usr/bin/mongod() [0xe26609]
/lib64/ [0x7ff4d05f0c6b]
/lib64/ [0x7ff4cf9965ed]
Thu Oct 31 19:52:38.108 [repl writer worker 1]
***aborting after fassert() failure
Thu Oct 31 19:52:38.108 Got signal: 6 (Aborted).
Is this due to dropping the index in the offline mode on the secondary? Any suggestions on the proper way to drop the index is highly appreciated.

The proper way to remove index from replica set is to drop it on primary. The idea of replica is having the same copy of data (with small time lags). So whenever you do something on primary is copied to the secondaries. So if you start doing anything on the primary, right after it finishes this process, the process propagates to secondaries.
If you are removing index from primary - the index will be removed on the secondary as well.


MongoDB replica set configuration crashed

Overview: I have a 3 member replica set configuration. 1 primary, 1 secondary and 1 arbiter. All 3 are running and are in perfect sync with each other.
Problem: All the instances were stopped for server maintenance. They were started in the following order:
Primary instance.
Secondary instance.
Arbiter instance.
After all the 3 instance services were started, the arbiter failed to start correctly in the replica set. Upon checking the logs, I found the following line being printed repeatedly
Thu Jul 12 18:32:20 [rsStart] replSet can't get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (yet)
Thu Jul 12 18:32:30 [rsStart] replSet can't get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (yet)
Thu Jul 12 18:32:40 [rsStart] replSet can't get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (yet)
Thu Jul 12 18:32:50 [rsStart] replSet can't get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (yet)
Steps performed to resolve:
Stopped the arbiter instance.
Deleted the local db files from arbiter's data folder.
Removed the instances from the replica set (including secondary).
Started the arbiter instance.
Added both the secondary and arbiter instance to the replica set
I am trying to figure out the following questions:
Why is the above log statement printed repeatedly?
What might be the cause of such an issue?

MongoDB primary stepDown does not succeed

Setup: replica set with 5 nodes, version 3.4.5.
Trying to switch PRIMARY with rs.stepDown(60, 30) but consistently getting the error:
rs0:PRIMARY> rs.stepDown(60, 30)
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "No electable secondaries caught up as of 2017-07-11T00:21:11.205+0000. Please use {force: true} to force node to step down.",
"code" : 50,
"codeName" : "ExceededTimeLimit"
However, rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo() running in a parallel terminal confirms that all replicas are fully caught up:
rs0:PRIMARY> rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo()
source: X.X.X.X:27017
syncedTo: Tue Jul 11 2017 00:21:11 GMT+0000 (UTC)
0 secs (0 hrs) behind the primary
source: X.X.X.X:27017
syncedTo: Tue Jul 11 2017 00:21:11 GMT+0000 (UTC)
0 secs (0 hrs) behind the primary
source: X.X.X.X:27017
syncedTo: Tue Jul 11 2017 00:21:11 GMT+0000 (UTC)
0 secs (0 hrs) behind the primary
source: X.X.X.X:27017
syncedTo: Tue Jul 11 2017 00:21:11 GMT+0000 (UTC)
0 secs (0 hrs) behind the primary
Am I doing something wrong?
UPD: I've checked long running operations before and during rs.stepDown as was suggested below and it looks like this:
# Before rs.stepDown
$ watch "mongo --quiet --eval 'JSON.stringify(db.currentOp())' | jq -r '.inprog[] | \"\(.secs_running) \(.desc) \(.op)\"' | sort -rnk1"
984287 rsSync none
984287 ReplBatcher none
67 WT RecordStoreThread: none
null SyncSourceFeedback none
null NoopWriter none
0 conn615153 command
0 conn614948 update
0 conn614748 getmore
# During rs.stepDown
984329 rsSync none
984329 ReplBatcher none
108 WT RecordStoreThread: none
16 conn615138 command
16 conn615136 command
16 conn615085 update
16 conn615079 insert
Basically, long running user operations seem to happen as a result of rs.stepDown() as secs_running becomes nonzero once PRIMARY attempts to switch over and keeps growing all the way up until stepDown fails. Then everything gets back to normal.
Any ideas on why this happens and whether that's normal at all?
I have used below command to step down to secondary
db.adminCommand( { replSetStepDown: 120, secondaryCatchUpPeriodSecs: 15, force: true } )
You can find this in below mongodb official documentation
To close the loop on this question, it was determined that the failed stepdown was due to time going backward on the host.
MongoDB 3.4.6 is more resilient to time issues on the host, and upgrading the deployment fixes the stalling issues.
Before stepping down, rs.stepDown() will attempt to terminate long running user operations that would block the primary from stepping down, such as an index build, a write operation or a map-reduce job.
Do you have some long running jobs on going? Check db. Check result of db.currentOp()
You can try to set longer stepping down time rs.stepDown(60, 360).
Quoting an answer from
This is most likely due to the fact that by default the shutdown command will only succeed on a primary if the secondaries are fully caught up at the exact moment that the shutdown command is executed.
I faced a similar issue and tried the db.shutdownServer() command several times, however it worked exactly when the secondary was 0 seconds behind the primary.

MongoDB SECONDARY becoming RECOVERING at nighttime

I am running a conventional MongoDB Replica Set consisting of 3 members (member1 in datacenter A, member2 and member3 in datacenter B).
member1 is the current PRIMARY and I am adding members 2 and 3 via rs.add(). They are performing their initial sync and become SECONDARY very soon. Everything is fine all day long and the replication delay of both members is 0 seconds until 2 AM at nighttime.
Now: Every night at 2 AM both members shift into the RECOVERING state and stop replication at all, which leads to a replication delay of hours when I am having a look into rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo() in the morning hours. At around 2 AM there are no massive inserts or maintenance tasks known to me.
I get the following log entries on the PRIMARY:
2015-10-09T01:59:38.914+0200 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #11954 (37 connections now open)
2015-10-09T01:59:55.751+0200 [conn11111] warning: Collection dropped or state deleted during yield of CollectionScan
2015-10-09T01:59:55.869+0200 [conn11111] warning: Collection dropped or state deleted during yield of CollectionScan
2015-10-09T01:59:55.870+0200 [conn11111] getmore cursorid:1155433944036 ntoreturn:0 keyUpdates:0 numYields:1 locks(micros) r:32168 nreturned:0 reslen:20 134ms
2015-10-09T01:59:55.872+0200 [conn11111] end connection (36 connections now open)
And, which is more interesting, I get the following log entries on both SECONDARYs:
2015-10-09T01:59:55.873+0200 [rsBackgroundSync] repl: old cursor isDead, will initiate a new one
2015-10-09T01:59:55.873+0200 [rsBackgroundSync] replSet syncing to: member1:27017
2015-10-09T01:59:56.065+0200 [rsBackgroundSync] replSet error RS102 too stale to catch up, at least from member1:27017
2015-10-09T01:59:56.066+0200 [rsBackgroundSync] replSet our last optime : Oct 9 01:59:23 5617035b:17f
2015-10-09T01:59:56.066+0200 [rsBackgroundSync] replSet oldest at member1:27017 : Oct 9 01:59:23 5617035b:1af
2015-10-09T01:59:56.066+0200 [rsBackgroundSync] replSet See
2015-10-09T01:59:56.066+0200 [rsBackgroundSync] replSet error RS102 too stale to catch up
2015-10-09T01:59:56.066+0200 [rsBackgroundSync] replSet RECOVERING
Which is also striking - the start of the oplog "resets" itself every night at around 2 AM:
configured oplog size: 990MB
log length start to end: 19485secs (5.41hrs)
oplog first event time: Fri Oct 09 2015 02:00:33 GMT+0200 (CEST)
oplog last event time: Fri Oct 09 2015 07:25:18 GMT+0200 (CEST)
now: Fri Oct 09 2015 07:25:26 GMT+0200 (CEST)
I am not sure if this is somehow correlated to the issue. I am also wondering that such a small delay (Oct 9 01:59:23 5617035b:17f <-> Oct 9 01:59:23 5617035b:1af) lets the members become stale.
Could this also be a server (VM host) time issue or is it something completely different? (Why is the first oplog event being "resetted" every night and not "shifting" to a timestamp like NOW minus 24 hrs?)
What can I do to investigate and to avoid?
Upping the oplog size should solve this (per our comments).
Some references for others who run into this issue
Workloads that Might Require a Larger Oplog Size
Error: replSet error RS102 too stale to catch up link1 & link2

MongoDB 2.6.6 crashed with "Invalid access at address"

Running MongoDB on my company's QA env, I ran into this error in the log:
2015-02-22T04:48:06.194-0500 [rsHealthPoll] SEVERE: Invalid access at address: 0
2015-02-22T04:48:06.290-0500 [rsHealthPoll] SEVERE: Got signal: 11 (Segmentation fault).
Backtrace:0xf62526 0xf62300 0xf6241f 0x7fc70b581710 0xca12c2 0xca14e7 0xca3bb6 0xf02995 0xefb6d8 0xf9af1c 0x7fc70b5799d1 0x7fc70a2d28fd
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo+0x26) [0xf62526]
/usr/bin/mongod() [0xf62300]
/usr/bin/mongod() [0xf6241f]
/lib64/ [0x7fc70b581710]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo21ReplSetHealthPollTask12tryHeartbeatEPNS_7BSONObjEPi+0x52) [0xca12c2]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo21ReplSetHealthPollTask17_requestHeartbeatERNS_13HeartbeatInfoERNS_7BSONObjERi+0xf7) [0xca14e7]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo21ReplSetHealthPollTask6doWorkEv+0x96) [0xca3bb6]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo4task4Task3runEv+0x25) [0xf02995]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo13BackgroundJob7jobBodyEv+0x128) [0xefb6d8]
/usr/bin/mongod() [0xf9af1c]
/lib64/ [0x7fc70b5799d1]
/lib64/ [0x7fc70a2d28fd]
It seems there's some segmentation fault in rsHealthPoll.
This is from a mongod instance running as part of a replica set in a shard-ready cluster (2 mongods + 1 arbiter running with config servers and mongos processes).
This DB mostly receives writes of new records, periodically updating a boolean to True for some records, and some reads, according to user activity querying it. (Single collection at the moment)
Googling this error only gave me other, older, already-solved segmentation fault bugs in MongoDB Jira.
Anyone seen this recently or knows the reason?

MongoDB Assertion Error

I started seeing this in my mongodb production database logs
ns:my_app_production.artists query:{ $query: {}, $orderby: { semester: 1, name: 1 } }
Wed Jul 25 19:20:59 [conn199] Assertion: 10334:Invalid BSONObj spec size: -286331154 (EEEEEEEE) first element:_id: "agelio-batle"
Wed Jul 25 19:20:59 [conn199] assertion 10334 Invalid BSONObj spec size: -286331154 (EEEEEEEE) first element:_id: "agelio-batle"
first i tried running a repair
mongo --repair
Wed Jul 25 22:20:39 [initandlisten] Assertion: 10334:Invalid BSONObj spec size: -286331154 (EEEEEEEE) first element:_id: "agelio-batle"
0x467eaa 0x4183ca 0x62dd82 0x643478 0x532b22 0x64d196 0x6578b7 0x65ac31 0x65cd75 0x65d6d9 0x51a419 0x6195f5 0x61b0c5 0x61bd3d 0x4914c8 0x47ad9a 0x5e2e7c 0x5e60b9 0x5e78ad 0x6346a2
# several more what i assume memory addresses omitted
Wed Jul 25 22:20:39 [initandlisten] assertion 10334 Invalid BSONObj spec size: -286331154 (EEEEEEEE) first element:_id: "agelio-batle" ns:my_app_production.artists query:{}
Wed Jul 25 22:20:39 [initandlisten] exception in initAndListen std::exception: nextSafe(): { $err: "Invalid BSONObj spec size: -286331154 (EEEEEEEE) first element:_id: "a...", code: 10334 }, terminating
Wed Jul 25 22:20:39 dbexit:
i also tried running db.repairDatabase(); from the mongo shell with the same results.
I have never seen this before. Typically with mongodb a repair fixes most problems so im not sure how to proceed or troubleshoot this. any ideas?
If an overall repair fails you can mongodump out the individual collections with a --repair option and attempt to isolate the issues. You can even pass queries in to filter out the corrupt data from a corrupted collection, essentially working around the bad data, but it is an incremental and often slow process. This is why it is always recommended to take backups and run in replica sets to avoid the scenarion where you are left with a potentially corrupt data set.
That said, if you have no way to restore from a backup or another replica set member, then you can try something like (with the database shut down):
mongodump --dbpath /path/to/source/data/files --repair --db <dbname> --out /path/to/repaired
If that does not work, then to skip the index read (which might be tripping you up):
mongodump --forceTableScan --dbpath /path/to/source/data/files --repair --db <dbname> --out /path/to/repaired
Thanks to Ren in the comments, the other thing you can try is dropping/rebuilding the index. The table scan option (mongodump walks _id index by default) will avoid using the indexes for the dump. So assuming you get the path and the database names right, the second option should work.