TYPO3 6.1.3
How to get the logged in user details in ext/myext/Configuration/TCA/mytca.php ?
I am getting $GLOBALS['BE_USER'] is empty.
I have tried by initializing beuser like this.
$BE_USER = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\Bootstrap::initializeBackendUser();
Now I get be_user details.
But the main problem is, if I logout TYPO3, I can not login back!
I have also tried this, but no success (same issue as above)
if (!is_object($GLOBALS['BE_USER'])) {
$GLOBALS['BE_USER'] = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_beUserAuth');
$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->start(); // Object is initialized
You have to use the backend permission.
Take a look at the documentation.
I am building a website app in MVC5 that allows a user to login using Facebook/Twitter. Once they are logged in we will look through their photos for ones marked with a certain hashtag.
I have the login working for both FB and Twitter - and using Linq2Twitter I can get the and post photos.
However with Facebook I am having some problems. My understanding with Facebook is that after the login I have to make a second call to https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token in order to get a short lived access token.
However this call requires a "code" and a returnUri. I am unsure what this code is or how to get it, and what return URI to use.
My startup.Auth.cs looks like this
var facebookOptions = new FacebookAuthenticationOptions();
facebookOptions.AppId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["facebookAppId"];
facebookOptions.AppSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["facebookAppSecret"];
And everything logs in fine and I end back at ExternalLoginCallback
So where do I go from here. How do I find this code and what returnUri do I use in order to get the access code.
Once I have this access code I plan to call (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.1/user/photos)
Hopefully I am going about this the correct way and my question makes sense
Many thanks.
Okay - This solves my problem
I think this is because Facebook just made some changes to their login process.
A few days ago, my air app was working with the FacebookDesktop class from the facebook-actionscript-api. Today I opened the project, and noticed that the Facebook login screens are a little different than when I started building my app. After I type my userID and password in, I grant the app access to my public profile, friend list and photos. Then another screen comes up where I grant the app permission to post to my friends on my behalf.
Then the window closes, and I get 'OAuthException 2500 An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.'
When I sign into Facebook through a browser, I see that my app shows up under "Your Apps" but I can't log in and do anything through my app.
I'm using Adobe Flash with GraphAPI_Desktop_1_8_1.swc on OSX Lion.
Here is my code:
public function MyApp(){
FacebookDesktop.init(APP_ID, onInit);
protected function onInit(result:Object, fail:Object):void {
if (result) {
trace("onInit, Logged In\n");
} else {
trace("onInit, Not Logged In\n");
var permissions:Array = ["publish_stream", "user_photos"];
FacebookDesktop.login(onLogin, permissions);
protected function onLogin(result:Object, fail:Object):void {
if (result) {
trace("Logged In as:");
} else {
trace("Login Failed");
trace('code: '+fail.error.code); //code: 2500
trace('message: '+fail.error.message); //message: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.
trace('type: '+fail.error.type); //type: OAuthException
I get the same results when I use the FlashDesktopExample provided in the SDK (modified with my app ID of course).
Any help would be great! Thanks in advance!
I ran into this problem, too: the success URL did not have any parameters.
Cadderly82 is correct; it's a problem with secure navigation. Turning off my Facebook account's "Secure Browsing" option fixed the problem, but I didn't want to have to require users to do that.
I was able to solve this by setting ALL of the FacebookURLDefaults values to use "https://".
Now I get a valid user-access-token in the success URL; and I get valid values regardless of my facebook account's secure-browsing setting.
I have figured out the problem:
The LoginWindow class sets the token based on the uri.
This worked fine until the LOGIN_SUCCESS_URL (http://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html) and the LOGIN_SUCCESS_SECUREURL (https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html) pages stopped including the access token in the uri.
Hence, the token is never set. Even though my app shows up under the 'Your Apps' section in Facebook after I login, my app still can't do anything without a token.
I have two solutions:
The easiest is to change the LOGIN_SUCCESS_URL and/or the LOGIN_SUCCESS_SECUREURL properties in com.facebook.graph.core.FacebookURLDefaults like the following.
beginning on line 82:
public static var LOGIN_SUCCESS_URL:String = 'http://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html';
public static var LOGIN_SUCCESS_SECUREURL:String = 'https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html';
Change to:
public static var LOGIN_SUCCESS_URL:String = 'http://www.yourwebsite.com/';
public static var LOGIN_SUCCESS_SECUREURL:String = 'https://www.yoursecurewebsite.com/';
of course you would use your own website - not 'http://www.yourwebsite.com/'. I tried it using http://localhost/ and it worked great.
Another solution is:
Change com.facebook.graph.windows.LoginWindow with the following code. I have made some changes to my files, so please forgive me if the line numbers are different than what they are in a fresh copy of the SDK.
around line 143:
vars.redirect_uri = FacebookURLDefaults.LOGIN_SUCCESS_URL;
vars.redirect_uri = 'http://localhost/';
In production code, you probably want to use your own website address instead of localhost, but I used localhost for testing purposes.
Then, in the handleLocationChange function (should be around line 168) add this to the else if statements:
}else if (html.location.indexOf ('http://localhost/') == 0) {
loginCallback(getURLVariables(), null);
userClosedWindow = false;
html.removeEventListener(Event.LOCATION_CHANGE, handleLocationChange);
As I said before, change localhost to your website address.
I hope this helps!
I was having the same problem for random users and I don't really know if it is a Facebook problem with secure navigation:
Check user properties in Facebook: Security Settings > Secure Browsing
For users with "disabled" state it works fine.
For users with "migration" state it gives the error.
For users with previously "enabled" state it works fine.
When I tried with users in "migration" state and changed to "disabled", it worked fine.
Then if I turned it "enabled", the "migration" state is gone and marked as "enabled", but the error it's still there.
So I guess this is the problem, but don't know how to fix it.
alot has change in a year this is what i think the answer is now
you need a token to login FacebookDesktop.getSession().accessToken
public function MyApp(){FacebookDesktop.init(APP_ID, onInit, FacebookDesktop.getSession().accessToken); }
I'm developing using the Facebook PHP SDK.
I wanted to make it so that when the user logs out of Facebook, they will automatically be logged out of my website too.
I am using the following code to detect the session, using the session cookie:
For some reason, the getUser() function still returns the user's Facebook ID, even after they have logged out of Facebook on their website.
Am I to detect the session first using another Function?
On the official documentation example here, is the following excerpt from their comments:
// Get User ID
$user = $facebook->getUser();
// We may or may not have this data based on whether the user is logged in.
// If we have a $user id here, it means we know the user is logged into
// Facebook, but we don't know if the access token is valid. An access
// token is invalid if the user logged out of Facebook.
This lead me to believe that the session cookie for Facebook would become unset upon Facebook logout?
Kind Regards,
I have the same issue!
The FB PHP SDK saves those things into the $_SESSION!
You can delete them like this when your user clicks logout:
$_SESSION['fb_'.APP_ID.'_user_id'] = '';
$_SESSION['fb_'.APP_ID.'_access_token'] = '';
Although this is not the final solution, it works for now.
I appreciate comments and solutions on that!
I want to give an alternative, in a way you don't have to handle session stuff. Although, I must warn you this is slower than cleaning up the session, because it relies on a new request. What we're doing in the code below is to check on Facebook if the token is still valid. Here it's:
try {
$logged = true;
} catch(FacebookApiException $e) {
$logged = false;
In my case, I was doing everything using the JavaScript SDK, so I couldn't clean session on logout. But in my landing page, I was needing a work around to check it before send the response back.
If you're facing something like this, definitely a good solution.
The problem seems to be in php-sdk in basefacebook.php at line 567
protected function getSignedRequestCookieName() {
return 'fbsr'.$this->getAppId();}
This method returns the name of the cookie the sdk is looking for. However, javascript-sdk uses 'fbs_' prefix. Change this to 'fbs_' and it works fine.
return 'fbs'.$this->getAppId();}
To destroy the session you can also use:
I'm trying to integrate the scoring system in my canvas app with Facebook's, implemented using MVC 3 and the Facebook SDK.
A simplified hello-world variant of my game controller looks like:
public class MyController : Controller
[CanvasAuthorize("publish_action" /*And some others*/)]
public ActionResult Index()
var fb = new FacebookWebClient();
var scores = fb.Get("/me/scores"); // Works (I think)
fb.Post("/me/scores", new { score = 10 }); // Throws an exception
The call to get scores looks like it's giving me something sensible; the call to write a score value throws "(OAuthException) (#15) This method must be called with an app access_token."
What've I missed? The application id and secret are correctly set in my web.config - for example, I can successfully post an application apprequest in other parts of the actual application not shown in this stripped down test copy. Rummaging around with the debugger shows me that the FacebookWebClient object contains a non-empty access token field, and that that's included in the URI that fb.Post eventually uses.
The Facebook scores page (that Björn links to) mentions only publish_actions but I've tried including other pertinent sounding permissions, such as offline_access and user_games_activity to no effect.
I am assuming that the CanvasAuthorize attribute does the login correctly - it certainly seems to let me send an application apprequest, so it looks as if it's doing the right thing...
Your app needs the permission to write to the users profile. You can use the Graph API to request the required permissions from the user. If granted, Facebook will give you the required access token that you can then use in your request to Facebook. This practice ensures that you only perform actions, the user allowed you to.
Edit_: After looking at the docs: Are you sure you have the required permissions from the user like described here http://developers.facebook.com/docs/score/ ?
Please see this link. You'll need to get an facebook app. Using the apiId and SecretId, you can then post using the information in the link below. The key is adding &scope=manage_pages,offline_access,publish_stream to the url.
like so:
You know how users can clear the pre-populated form and revert to normal registration?
I'm developing an iframe registration app and when the user clears the form fields, it looks like the signed_request is still valid (if upon load the user was logged into facebook).
Anyone know how we are supposed to know if the user is really using FB info or registration info? I previously thought the session would tell us but my session is still valid after the
user hits "clear form".
// Check to make sure we have a signed_request object, if not, redirect to home
var sreq = Request.Form["signed_request"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sreq))
var app = new FacebookApp();
WHy is app.UserId still populated if the user clears the FORM!
How do I detect that we really want to integrate with FB or not ?
I agree about the authentication vs registration but I think the Facebook API is not clearing the authentication cookie correctly because it is still valid if you clear the form or logout (i'm using iFrame registration), so I guess I'm looking for a best practice since when I get the signed-request, the id is the authenticated user so the only work-around I have right now is to check for String.IsEmptyOrNull( on the password field) - which tells me that this user did not use facebook registration). I think this is a hack but if anyone knows the "proper" way to take a signed request and convert it to an object please comment on my approach. It is kinda amazing that we still have to write a ton of code for what should be a straight forward approach to getting what we need. I've seen tons of complaints about FB development and they are mostly true - the Google API is not this frustrating and FB makes it almost impossible to test different environments as well (not to mention the famous cookie problems with localhost).
Problem : App.UserId is still the authenticated user after clearing the iframe form or logging out of FB - go figure.
Solution : check the presense of password field - this tells us that we have a non-fb registration going on....
C#.NET for all the minority out there.
// Check to make sure we have a signed_request object, if not, redirect to home var sreq = Request.Form["signed_request"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sreq)) { Response.Redirect(WebConstants.SiteConstants.Home); }
JObject meObject = null;
var app = new FacebookApp();
if (app.SignedRequest != null)
meObject = JObject.Parse(app.SignedRequest.Dictionary["registration"].ToString());
// Access meObject
JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
fbReg = ser.Deserialize<FBRegistration>(meObject.ToString());
if (fbReg != null)
// 02 Feb 2011 - MCS - bug in facebook API, does not delete cookie if logout of FB
// We check to see if we have password - then - we know we can check the UserId
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fbReg.password))
// FB Registration
FacebookUserId = app.UserId;
FacebookUserId = 0;
// Non FB Registration
Registration and authentication are two completely different things. Just because the user "clears" a form does not log them out of facebook. The C# SDK is just detecting if a signed_request exists and is valid.