JBOSS - The transaction is not active error - jboss

I get transaction timeout error as follow, when I run my JBOSS.
SystemException The following problem occured: null; nested exception is:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: [com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.arjunacore.inactive] [com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.a
rjunacore.inactive] The transaction is not active!; - nested throwable: (java.lang.IllegalStateException: [com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transactio
n.arjunacore.inactive] [com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.arjunacore.inactive] The transaction is not active!): null; nested exception is:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: [com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.arjunacore.inactive] [com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.a
rjunacore.inactive] The transaction is not active!; - nested throwable: (java.lang.IllegalStateException: [com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transactio
n.arjunacore.inactive] [com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.arjunacore.inactive] The transaction is not active!): [com.arjuna.ats.internal.jt
a.transaction.arjunacore.inactive] [com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.arjunacore.inactive] The transaction is not active! called at com.jco
I googled the error and came across a solution which involves changing the transaction timeout from 300 to a higher value and I did so,
<mbean code="com.arjuna.ats.jbossatx.jta.TransactionManagerService"
<attribute name="TransactionTimeout">3000</attribute>
<attribute name="ObjectStoreDir">${jboss.server.data.dir}/tx-object-store</attribute>
but still the error persist.
My heapsizes are as follow:
Before the error occurs, Garbage collector unloads a large number of classes and the RAM is left only with few MB of free space. I have aroung 6GB of RAM + 3GB of pagefiles
Any help will be really appreciated.
Thanks a lot in advance.

I have seen that exception when the transaction timeout is reached, I think that increasing the timeout should solve the problem.
Try to set the transaction timeout to UserTransaction object like is showed here. (Using BMT section)


NullPointerException when forwarding a record in a Punctuator (kafka clients 2.5.0)

I am working on a Kafka stream application based on spring-boot and java 8. We use Kafka clients version 2.5.0
I noticed that sometimes (not always) when forwarding a record from a punctuator, the operation fails with a null pointer exception. Here is the stack trace:
Caused by: org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException: task [2_2] Abort sending since an error caught with a previous record (timestamp 1603721062667) to topic reply-reminder-push-sender due to java.lang.NullPointerException\tat
org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordCollectorImpl.send(RecordCollectorImpl.java:111)\tat org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.SinkNode.process(SinkNode.java:89)\tat
org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.ProcessorContextImpl.forward(ProcessorContextImpl.java:133)\t... 24 common frames omitted
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null\tat
org.apache.kafka.common.record.DefaultRecord.recordSizeUpperBound(DefaultRecord.java:633)\tat org.apache.kafka.common.record.DefaultRecordBatch.estimateBatchSizeUpperBound(DefaultRecordBatch.java:534)\tat
org.apache.kafka.common.record.AbstractRecords.estimateSizeInBytesUpperBound(AbstractRecords.java:125)\tat org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer.doSend(KafkaProducer.java:914)\tat
org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer.send(KafkaProducer.java:862)\tat org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordCollectorImpl.send(RecordCollectorImpl.java:181)\t... 29 common frames omitted
It looks like there is a null pointer exception in the library when calculating the size of record headers but I donĀ“t think I am creating or updating them. Is there any way to fix it?

Why JBOSS ORACLE datasource doesn't fail fast when query times out?

Why JBOSS ORACLE datasource doesn't fail fast when query times out?
Environment: jboss-eap-7.0
I was waiting a fast fail with the exception:
java.sql.SQLTimeoutException: ORA-01013 user requested cancel of current operation
But I get the following after the end of transaction.
Caused by: java.lang.Throwable: setRollbackOnly called from:
at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.arjunacore.TransactionImple.setRollbackOnly(TransactionImple.java:339)
How do I force it to fail fast?
This is related to the JDBC driver version and firewall stuff.
This is not related to JBOSS, XA, JTA, DATASOURCE or something else.
See: https://www.ibm.com/mysupport/s/question/0D50z000062kF2p/why-is-the-webspheredefaultquerytimeout-property-for-timing-out-sql-queries-not-working

how to identify the exception if file is not found while Reading (Spring Batch)

I have just started working on Spring Batch (version 3.0.6). I have a job and inside step I'm having Reader->Processor->Writer.
How we can catch or identify the exception is thrown if file is not found while reading. In this case I want to trigger email.
You can use the StepExecutionListener to process the exception that is thrown by the ItemStream#open (as the opening of a file in the FlatFileItemReader is), sending your email from there. To get the exception that caused the failure, you can look at StepExecution#getFailureExceptions which will contain the exception that caused the step to fail.
You can read more about the StepExecutionListener in the javadoc here: https://docs.spring.io/spring-batch/apidocs/org/springframework/batch/core/StepExecutionListener.html

Could not roll back JPA transaction; javax.persistence.PersistenceException: unexpected error when rollbacking" exceptions?

What events cause "org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException - Could not roll back JPA transaction; nested exception is javax.persistence.PersistenceException: unexpected error when rollbacking" exceptions?
I got the same error with spring and Jpa.
The problem was with disconnection to Mysql database in case of timeout. I didn't use application during the night and in the morning I got the same error. When you inactive, spring do nothing and it get timeout.
To prevent it you can add into application.properties next lines:
spring.datasource.connection-test-query="SELECT 1"
Now it works fine.
Also additional info from Virtustilus blog can be useful.
If the transaction is a XA-Transaction (distributed) then one of the participants might have rejected the rollback.

Starting Eclipse on AIX throws java/lang/OutOfMemoryError

I've installed the Eclipse (eclipse-SDK-3.6.2-aix-gtk-ppc64.zip) on an AIX instance. Initially it appeared to be starting but buttons would just stop working. I eventually tracked this down to Eclipse throwing the following exception:
JVMDUMP006I Processing dump event "systhrow", detail "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError" - please wait.
JVMDUMP032I JVM requested Snap dump using '/home/atginst/eclipse/Snap.20120309.111040.8650798.0001.trc' in response to an event
JVMDUMP010I Snap dump written to /home/atginst/eclipse/Snap.20120309.111040.8650798.0001.trc
JVMDUMP032I JVM requested Heap dump using '/home/atginst/eclipse/heapdump.20120309.111040.8650798.0002.phd' in response to an event
JVMDUMP010I Heap dump written to /home/atginst/eclipse/heapdump.20120309.111040.8650798.0002.phd
JVMDUMP032I JVM requested Java dump using '/home/atginst/eclipse/javacore.20120309.111040.8650798.0003.txt' in response to an event
JVMDUMP010I Java dump written to /home/atginst/eclipse/javacore.20120309.111040.8650798.0003.txt
JVMDUMP013I Processed dump event "systhrow", detail "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError".
Exception in thread "[Timer] - Main Queue Handler" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: native memory exhausted
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassImpl(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:274)
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.baseadaptor.DefaultClassLoader.defineClass(DefaultClassLoader.java:188)
at org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.loader.ClasspathManager.defineClass(ClasspathManager.java:580)
at org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.loader.ClasspathManager.findClassImpl(ClasspathManager.java:550)
at org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.loader.ClasspathManager.findLocalClassImpl(ClasspathManager.java:481)
at org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.loader.ClasspathManager.findLocalClass_LockClassLoader(ClasspathManager.java:469)
at org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.loader.ClasspathManager.findLocalClass(ClasspathManager.java:449)
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.baseadaptor.DefaultClassLoader.findLocalClass(DefaultClassLoader.java:216)
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findLocalClass(BundleLoader.java:393)
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.SingleSourcePackage.loadClass(SingleSourcePackage.java:33)
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClassInternal(BundleLoader.java:457)
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass(BundleLoader.java:422)
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass(BundleLoader.java:410)
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.baseadaptor.DefaultClassLoader.loadClass(DefaultClassLoader.java:107)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:618)
at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.util.ref.Log.getService(Log.java:424)
at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.util.ref.Log.logMessage(Log.java:438)
at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.util.ref.Log.error(Log.java:155)
at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.util.impl.tpt.threadpool.ThreadPoolManagerImpl.getObject(ThreadPoolManagerImpl.java:98)
at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.util.impl.tpt.threadpool.ThreadPoolManagerImpl.execute(ThreadPoolManagerImpl.java:201)
at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.util.impl.tpt.threadpool.ThreadPoolFactoryImpl.execute0(ThreadPoolFactoryImpl.java:112)
at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.util.impl.tpt.timer.TimerImpl.run(TimerImpl.java:110)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:736)
I have changed the -Xms and -Xmx values to different settings to no avail. Analyzing the corresponding thread dump shows that 99% of the memory in the VM is available.
Am I missing something obvious in setting this up?
I would try setting the -Xss and -Xmso option to set the internal/OS thread stack size. Its a nonstandard option on IBM's JVM.
After various attempts at editing the eclipse.ini file, the only reliable way I can currently start it with is by passing the -vm parameter in the startup as follow:
./eclipse -vm /Websphere/java/bin/java -vmargs -Xmx1024M &