Determining direct-feedthrough paths without compilation/execution - matlab

I am currently working on a tool written in M-Script that executes a set of checks on a given simulink model. This tool does not compile/execute the model, I'm using find_system and get_param to retrieve all the information I need in order to run the routines of my tool.
I've reached a point where I need to determine whether a certain block has direct-feedthrough or not. I am not entirely sure how to do this. Two possible solutions come to mind:
A property might store this information and might be accessible via get_param. After investigating this, I could not find any such property.
Some block types have direct-feedthrough (Sum, Logic, ...), some other do not (Unit Delay, Integrator), so I could use the block type to determine whether a block has direct-feedthrough or not. Since I'm not an experienced Simulink modeller, I'm not sure if its possible to tell whether a block has direct-feedthrough by solely looking at its block type. Also, this would require a lookup table including all Simulink block types. An impossible task, since additional block types might get added to Simulink via third party modules.
Any help or pointers to possible solutions are greatly appreciated.

after some further research...
There is an "official solution" by Matlab:
just download the linked m-file
It shows that my idea was not that bad ;)
and for the record, my idea:
I think it's doable quite easily. I cannot present you some code yet, but I'll see what I can do. My idea is the following:
programatically create a new model
Add a Constant source block and a Terminator
add the Block you want to get to know the direct feedthrough ability in the middle
run the simulation and log the states, which will give you the xout variable in the workspace.
If there is direct feedthrough the vector is empty, otherwise not.
probably you need to include some try/catch error catching for special cases
This way you can analyse a block for direct feedthrough by just migrating it to another model, without compiling your actual main model. It's not the fastest solution, but I can not imagine that performance matters that much for you.
Here we go, this script works fine for my examples:
function feedthrough = hasfeedthrough( input )
% get block path
blockinfo = find_system('simulink','Name',input);
blockpath = blockinfo{1};
% create new system
% add test model elements
src = add_block('simulink/Sources/Constant','feed/Constant');
src_ports = get_param(src,'PortHandles');
src_out = src_ports.Outport;
dest = add_block('simulink/Sinks/To Workspace','feed/simout');
dest_ports = get_param(dest,'PortHandles');
dest_in = dest_ports.Inport;
test = add_block(blockpath,'feed/test');
test_ports = get_param(test,'PortHandles');
test_in = test_ports.Inport;
test_out = test_ports.Outport;
% setup simulation
% run simulation and get states
% if condition for blocks like state space
feedthrough = isempty(xout);
if ~feedthrough
a =;
if ~any(a == xout);
feedthrough = ~feedthrough;
delete system
When enter for example 'Gain' it will return 1, when you enter 'Integrator' it will return 0.
Execution time on my ancient machine is 1.3sec, not that bad.
Things you probably still have to do:
add another parameter, to define whether the block is continuous or discrete time and set the solver accordingly.
test some "extraordinary" blocks, maybe it's not working for everything. Also I haven implemented anything which could deal with logic, but actually the constant is 1 so it should work as well.
Just try out everything, at least it's a good base for you to work on.
A famous exception is the StateSpace Block which can have direct feedthrough AND states. But there are not sooo much standard blocks with this "behaviour". If you also have to deal with third party blocks you could get into some trouble, I have to admit that.
possible solution for the state space: if one compares xout with yout than one can find another indicator for direct feedthrough: if there is, the vectors are not equal. If so, than they are equal. Just an example, but I can imagine that it is possible to find more general ways to test things like that.
besides the added simout block above one needs the condition:
% if condition for blocks like state space
feedthrough = isempty(xout);
if ~feedthrough
a =;
if ~any(a == xout);
feedthrough = ~feedthrough;

From the documentation:
To determine if a block has direct feedthrough:
Double-click the
block. The block parameter dialog box opens.
Click the Help button in
the block parameter dialog box. The block reference page opens.
to the Characteristics section of the block reference page, which
lists whether or not that block has direct feedthrough.
I couldn't find a programmatic equivalent though...

Based on a similar approach to the one by #thewaywewalk, you could set up a temporary model that contains an algebraic loop, similar to,
(Note that you would replace the State-Space block with any block that you want to test.)
Then set the diagnostics to error out if there is an algebraic loop,
If an error occurs when the model is compiled
>> modelname([],[],[],'compile');
(and you should check that it is the Algebraic Loop error that has occured), then the block has direct feed though.
If no error occurs then the block does not have direct feed though.
At this point you would need to terminate the model using
>> modelname([],[],[],'term');
If the block has multiple inports or outprts then you'll need to iterate over all combinations of them.


Alternatives to global variables: persistent variables and nested functions in MATLAB

First, I have had a look at this excellent article already.
I have a MATLAB script, called sdp. I have another MATLAB script called track. I run track after sdp, as track uses some of the outputs from sdp. To run track I need to call a function called action many many times. I have action defined as a function in a separate MATLAB file. Each call of this action has some inputs, say x1,x2,x3, but x2,x3are just "data" which will never change. They were the same in sdp, same in track, and will remain the same in action. Here, x2,x3 are huge matrices. And there are many of them (think like x2,x3,...x10)
The lame way is to define x2,x3 as global in sdp and then in track, so I can call action with only x1. But this slows down my performance incredibly. How can I call action again and again with only x1 such that it remembers what x2,x3 are? Each call is very fast, and if I do this inline for example, it is super fast.
Perhaps I can use some persistent variables. But I don't understand exactly if they are applicable to my example. I don't know how to use them exactly either.
Have a look at object oriented programming in Matlab. Make an action object where you assign the member variables x2 ... to the results from sdp. You can then call a method of action with only x1. Think of the object as a function with state, where the state information in your case are the constant results of sdp.
Another way to do this would be to use a functional approach where you pass action to track as a function handle, where it can operate on the variables of track.
Passing large matrices in MATLAB is efficient. Semantically it uses call-by-value, but it's implemented as call-by-reference until modified. Wrap all the unchanging parameters in a struct of parameters and pass it around.
params.x2 = 1;
params.x3 = [17 39];
params.minimum_velocity = 19;
action('advance', params);
You've already discovered that globals don't perform well. Don't worry about the syntactic sugar of hiding variables somewhere... there are advantages to clearly seeing where the inputs come from, and performance will be good.
This approach also makes it easy to add new data members, or even auxiliary metadata, like a description of the run, the time it was executed, etc. The structs can be combined into arrays to describe multiple runs with different parameters.

Get the handle of a block calling an Interpreted Matlab Function

I am using Simulink to model a waste recycling plant out of a number of masked blocks that I created, representing sorting steps, buffers etc. Each module (that is, a masked block) has a failure probability, modeled using Discrete Events. If a failure event occurs, a triggered subsystem calls an Interpreted Matlab Function ("outside" of simulink). This function is supposed to set a parameter status of the masked block representing the module that failed as well as the upstream modules' status to 0 (because obviously, everything upstream has to stop as well or the material will just pile up).
`set_param(gcb, 'status', num2str(status));
PortConnectivity = get_param(gcb,'PortConnectivity');
sources = PortConnectivity.SrcBlock;`
Basically, this will be looped until I reach a block with no own Source Block.
This all works quite well, except for one problem: The gcb command gives me the block path to the last block I highlighted manually, and not to the block that called the Interpreted Matlab function. Is there any way to get the calling block's handle (which I would use with it's Parents parameter to access the Mask's status)? (A similar question has been asked here, with no results...)
I hope you get my problem - I'll be happy to elaborate if anything's unclear; I am not claiming to be a Simulink expert, so sorry for maybe using wrong terminology.
Ok, for everyone stumbling upon this:
For the mask that contains the caller of the Matlab Interpreted Function, in the mask editor I define a parameter 'this_block' (turn visibility off), that I initialize in the Initialisation pane using
parent = get_param(gcb,'Parent');
set_param(gcb, 'this_block','Parent')
Since this masked block (responsible for modelling the failure and its upstream communication) is itself used in another masked block also present in the library (responsible for modeling the module's behaviour), I also had to check "Allow library blocks to modify it's contents" in the mask editor Inititlization pane of the parent's mask. The parameter 'this_block' is then handed over as one of the input arguments of the called function (in my case, status_communication(u, this_block)).

set initial conditions in matlab function block (simulink)

I'm currently trying to learn some basis for a bigger project that will make a massive use of simulink.
Right now, I would like to code my own simulink block whith a feedback. It means that one of the inputs is also the output (with a 'memory' block between them to ensure everything goes right!).
My code looks like
function out = func(cmd,in)
if in == 0 && cmd == 1
out = 1;
elseif in == 1 && cmd == 0
out = 0;
As I said, 'in' is linked to 'out'. Unfortunatly, it is required to set an initial value for out otherwise I get some errors. Of course I can't do it in the code like that :
out = 0;
In that case, the value 'out' is set to 0 at each time step.
Have you any advice to do it ? I've read that S-functions and flag could be used, but I have no idea how it works.
Your function gets called during model initialization (t=0), and the value of out will be calculated based on the value of cmd and in value at t=0.
Hence you need to make sure cmd and in are initialized correctly you shouldn't be setting a value explicitly for out.
If you really need to (which you won't) then the simplest thing to do is use an Initial Condition block after this block.
Note that the above is only applicable to a block that has no states, as with your example. For your bigger project, you may have custom written blocks with states, in which case the approach to setting initial conditions for the states is different depending on whether you are using a MATLAB Function block or an S-Function.
Finally, note that if you want an error to be thrown then throw an error in the usual MATLAB way. Using disp as you are doing doesn't stop the simulation, but you haven't set a value for out, which is bad coding.
Well, I think that I've solve that issue. I put it here, I could help someone else
by adding a clock and initialize out with an if statement if time <=0 out = ...
However, it requires to add an extra input, which is not very convinient. Maybe someone could tell me how to solve that.
do the if properly and terminate it by else out = in;
I belive that was the main problem here. I've also placed my matlab-function block in a subsystem with a mask that initializes in and cmd.
Thanks again for your help, it helped a lot.
However, my problem is still unsolved since the statement if t<0 doesn't work for some reason.

Use exist to check if Simulink-Block has parameter 'SampleTime'

I want to write a function that automatically changes the parameter SampleTime of all blocks in my model to a specific value. I can use find_system to find all blocks and then I can loop through all blocks and use set_param('Blockpath','SampleTime','0.001'). But if I do this and the block does not have a parameter called SampleTime, it'll make my program crash.
So my question is how can I find out if the parameter exists before setting it? I tried something like exist(['blockpath','/SampleTime']), but it didn't do what I expected. Any ideas?
You can use get_param('blockpath','ObjectParameters') to get a struct with all parameters and then use isfield to check if you can find SampleTime.
I think what you are doing is not a good idea. In typical simulink models, you have the sample time set only at very few places, running all other models with inherited sample time. In most cases, it is not a problem to change these few places.
If you have to many blocks or you frequently change the sample time, better use a workspace variable or a mask parameter. Set all blocks to to have sample time x and put x=0.01 in your base work space to set it for all blocks.
Building on #Daniel's answer, if you really must do this, which for reasons given in the comments to #Daniel's answer is a bad idea, then the simplest approach is
% Define the new value as a string
>> newSampleTime = '10';
% Find all blocks in the model
>> allBlocks = find_system(gcs);
% Identify the blocks that have a SampleTime property
>> blockIdx = cellfun(#(c)isfield(get_param(c,'ObjectParameters'),'SampleTime'),allBlocks);
% Change the sample time
>> cellfun(#(c)set_param(c,'SampleTime',newSampleTime),allBlocks(blockIdx));

Make signal names coming from library links unique?

OK, I've been struggling with this for a while. What is the best way to accomplish the following:
where Reaction Wheel 1-4 are links to the same block in a library. When the Speed Counter, Speed Direction and Current signals are added to the final bus output as shown, MATLAB (rightfully) complains:
Warning: Signals 9, 10, 11, 12 entering Bus Creator
'myAwesomeModel' have duplicated names 'Current'. These are being made unique
by appending "(signal #)" to the signals within the resulting bus. Please
update the labels of the signals such that they are all unique.
Until now I've been using a "solution" like this:
that is, place a size-1-mux/gain-of-1/other-dummy block in the middle, so the signals can be renamed into something unique. However, I really like to believe that The MathWorks has thought of a better way to do this...
What is the "proper" way to construct bus signals like this? It feels rather like I'm being pushed to adopt a particular design/architecture, but what that is precisely, eludes me for the moment...
It was quite a challenge for me but looks like I kinda sorted it out. Matlab R2007a here. I'll do the example with an already done subsystem, with its inputs, outputs, ...
1- In Block Properties, add a tag to the block. This will be done to identify the block and its "siblings" among the system. MY_SUBSYSTEM for this example.
2- Block Properties again. Add the following snippet in CopyFcn callback:
%Find total amount of copies of the block in system
len = length(find_system(gcs,'Tag','MY_SUBSYSTEM'));
%Get handle of the block copied/added and name the desired signal accordingly
v = get_param(gcb,'PortHandles');
set(v.Outport(_INDEX_OF_PORT_TO_BE_RENAMED_),'SignalNameFromLabel',['BASENAME_HERE' num2str(len)]);
3- In _INDEX_OF_PORT_TO_BE_RENAMED_ you should put the port signal index (starting from 1) that you want to have renamed for each copy of the block. For a single output block this should be 1. BASENAME_HERE should be the port basename, in this case "Current" for you.
4- Add the block to the desired library, and delete the instance you used to create this example. From there on, as you add from the library or copy an existing block, the outport should name Current1, Current2, Current3, and so on. Notice that you could apply any convention or formatting.
Hope this helps. It worked for me, don't hesitate to ask/criticize!
Note: Obviously, as the model grows, this method may be computer-demanding as find_system will have to loop through the entire model, however looks like a good workaround for me in small-medium sized systems.
Connect a Bus Selector to each Data Output. Select the signals you want and set "Output as bus". Then connect all Bus Selectors to a Bus Creator.
simulink model