Error in Open MPI run configurations with eclipse kepler - eclipse

I have created a simple Open MPI project from default list ("MPI Pi C Project") using eclipse-kepler and PTP tools 7 (both latest). The project builds without any errors, and if I click on run, the output is also shown. However, when I configure project through "Run Configurations", and then press on "run" button, it gives me this error:
"Can't open perl script "C:/Documents": No such file or directory".
I tried my best to find out the reason of this error. At least in the "Path" variable, there is no path that contains "C:/Documents".
I am working on windows xp, with cygwin installed. The perl is also installed with cygwin, and working. Thank you in advance.


Eclipse CDT doesn't run the program

I have written a small piece of code in C++(gui/wxWidgets) . It compiles/ links without any errors and produces an executable that when launched from command line opens the desired 'Hello World!' window, but when tried from within eclipse (menu, toolbar or ctrl-F11), it doesn't run. A quick error dialog appears/disappears before it can be read. After many runs I could make out that of the two msgs it displays, one reads something like "Looking for executables...". Apparently eclipse is unable to get to the executable in the Debug folder.
I tried a console application which runs without any issue from within eclipse as well.
My installation is indigo on Ubuntu 12.04.
Any ideas what could be the problem?
Problem resolved.
There was no Launch Configuration in Project Properties -> Run/Debug Settings.
Added one with defaults and it worked.

Eclipse on Ubuntu gives "Update LCD" error when setting up a run configuration with a File System working directory

When configuring a new run on Eclipse, and selecting a working directory from "Other" -> "File System", the whole 'Run Configurations' box becomes unusable and I cannot access any more settings for that launch configuration or any other ones that was already there. This only happens if at least one of the run configurations is set up to use another folder from "Other" instead of the default. It has always worked on my other machines running Ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10 but it just happened on the new one with 13.04. I could not get it to work, I tried different versions of Eclipse, different versions of the Java. Any idea on how to solve this?
I had same error. Perhaps its throw because you have installed on eclipse run Jetty plugin, you have one debug configuration realtive to close project.
To solve it, you have to open the project before open run configurations.

Eclipse CDT not launching executable

I've been using MinGW, no real problems until Eclipse decides it doesn't want to run the executables any more. The run config is still the same, the project builds 100% fine, and I can run the built executable from command line/GUI. The console in Eclipse is empty, save for on the top bar followed by the executable name and time/date.
Just made a hello world project from the menu, same thing happens to it.
I just had the same error, and here is what I did:
Proper binary parser must be selected so Eclipse can recognize the executable: Select the project, then right click.
Project->Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->Binary Parsers, PE Windows Parser (or you can select Cygwin if you use that compiler, on Linux I use Elf parser.).
That worked for me at least for Cross compiler (both on Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.04)

"Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:" when running a gtkmm project in Eclipse

I'm trying to run a gtkmm project in Eclipse CDT (On Ubuntu). The project compiles fine, there are no errors reported but when I try to run the project the console prints out this message
"Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:"
If I go to where the executable is located, in nautilus, I can open it and it runs fine. It's just a problem when trying to run directly from Eclipse.
It sounds like the the "DISPLAY" environment variable is not being set in the environment used by eclipse to launch your application.
To check this, Edit the Run Configuration for the the program you are trying to launch. Next, select the Environment tab. If there is a DISPLAY variable already set, make sure it is correct (usually it should be ":0.0"). If there is not one, create one and set it to ":0.0".

Setting up Pylint with PyDev

I have installed pylint via easy_install. I can run pylint <filename> with success. But pydev refuses to use it.
I checked "use pylint"
I configured correct path
I updated my python interpreter in eclipse to have pylit in pythonpath
I use Eclipse Galileo
I have build automatically checked
I tried cleaning whole project and no errors
What am I doing wrong?
I'm guessing you may need to mark the folder that contains your code as a source folder. You can do this under project properties.
add relevant folders to the list of sources.
I've noticed that Pydev won't run Pylint on files with dashes (hyphens) the the filename; according to the Pydev devs, '-' is not a valid Python module name character, and it doesn't look like they intend to fix it:
As if nobody writes scripts in Python... Grumble grumble...
To provide an alternative solution, pylint can be used as an External Tool in Eclipse. This requires having previously installed the pylint package for a Python installation.
Remember to first have a pylintrc file somewhere where pylint can find it, failing which a "No config file found" error is printed. Typically I would touch pylintrc inside the project directory, and keep the file in version control. For reference, see pylint command-line options.
In Eclipse, select Run, External Tools, External Tools Configurations.... Click the toolbar button to create a New launch configuration. Configure as below or as desired:
Name: pylint
Location: ${system_path:pylint}
Working Directory: ${project_loc}
Arguments: --reports=n "${resource_loc}"
Remember to click inside an open file to switch focus to it before running the above external tool for it. Failing this, an error can occur.
The output of the external tool will by default be printed to the console.
Related: Setting up pep8 as an External Tool in Eclipse