If I have a scene, let's say is 100x100. When I scale it up to the size of the phones screen, it gets all blurry, like MIP-Mapping. How can I make it so it is just pixelated when I scale up the scene?
Change each affeced texture's filteringMode to nearest filtering. Refer to https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/SpriteKit/Reference/SKTexture_Ref/Reference/Reference.html#//apple_ref/occ/instp/SKTexture/filteringMode
This is what the game looks like in the 'game' window in unity, which is what it should look like https://ibb.co/xjst4vw achieved by removing all lighting including ambient lighting.
And this is what it looks once built https://ibb.co/4RcbMv8
Why is there a haze in the border between colors? How do I get it to be pixel perfect?
The aspect ratio of the in editor display is 160x144
I have change the game resolution by going to >edit >project setting >player and changing the height and width to the right size
The camera is also passing to a render texture which is of the right size, with the filter mode set to point.
I cant figure out what is causing this. to my knowledge All lighting is turned off. It looks like some up scaling error or maybe some sort of anti-aliasing effect which has also been turned off everywhere i could find.
Does anyone have an idea about what might be causing this? thanks.
There is postprocessing window in unity where you can specify such things like antyaliasing and so on. I think that this will make your game pixel perfect.
Found the answer to my own question the resolution in the >edit >project setting >player >resolution and presentation need to be as high res as it can be so in my case for a 1920x1080 screen it should 1120,1008 which is 160x144 scaled up by 7.
Then send data from you're main camera to a render texture that is set to the resolution you want (in my case 160x144) and create UI canvas that takes up the whole screen and a raw image as a child. Then put the render texture you created in the texture.
I'm working on a 2D project in unity and I'm having trouble getting the camera to the exact size I need. I would like the camera to be centered around a level I've already created, so I know exactly how tall and wide it should be, and where it should be centered. Where I get lost is translating these values to the properties of the camera. Any advice would be appreciated.
You can put more details about your problem.
Unity's camera rect is resolution depend. So you cannot set width and height of camera size. For example if you have resolution 16:10, camera rect will have that ratio, you can only change scale of that real resolution.
Pretend i have 3 nodes in total. One of the nodes is a large SCNShere and i put the camera inside this sphere and make the sphere double sided with a textured image. I then put in two smaller spheres next to each other in the center inside this sphere. I also allowCameraControl. I want to be able to zoom into these two smaller spheres without zooming into the larger sphere and messing up the detail on that sphere.
You can't put limits on the camera that's automatically created with allowCameraControl. You'll have to do your own camera management, using your own gesture recognizers.
Another solution would be to rethink your approach to the background image. Instead of using a sky sphere for the background (which is what it sounds like you're doing), use a skybox, or cube map. You can supply a cube map through the scene's background property. The SCNMaterial documentation explains the options for supply a cube map.
Hmm, I wonder what would happen if you use the large sphere's textured image/material as the scene's background, instead of putting it on an enclosing sphere?
I like the idea of using an image as the background but there are two problems. One is i looked on the web for ways to make an image the background and none of them work. Two I want the background to have depth so in order to go on that idea I need to find a way to zoom into the background and have the image pan in the opposite direction that I drag.
I have a Unity 2D project with a fixed screen size of 800x450 pixels.
I have imported a background image that is also 800x450 pixels.
When placed on the stage, the image only takes up half of the screen.
The scale of the image is set to 1,1. The Z position is 0.
Why is the image displayed too small? How can I display the image at the correct resolution?
Does this mean that I have to design all my game assets at 2x the required size? Or that I somehow have to set the scale for all imported assets at 2? What is the recommended workflow?
I have added a screenshot of the camera settings:
I would trying making your camera orthographic, and set the size of the camera (not the transform) to be half the height that you would like it to be (225)
Also if you are looking for pixel perfect game. here is a pretty good article from Unity about how to make that work and it explains some of the camera aspect ratios and scaling
I have an open GL ES (1.1) scene with many 3d objects and a "player" model. I'd like the player to have the same pixel size, regardless of the screen orientation on an Android phone or Iphone.
I'm not using glOrtho or billboards. That's a perspective 3d scene, but I just want the objects to have the same size in both screen orientation. Currently, if I rotate the phone, I keep the same aspect ratio but the scene "zooms out" in landscape mode.
I suspect that I have to play with parameters to glFrustrum to get this; but can't figure out yet how to do it.
So any ideas are welcome!
You will need to change the aspect ratio when the device is turned to go from a the otherwise the size of the objects are going to change. THink of yourself looking out through a window, the objects on the other side of the window are only going to be the same size if you don't change your distance from the window (i.e. zooom in and out), when you "turn" the window sidewayse, the aspect ratio of the window changes (the metaphor is starting to not work).
If you draw a square in the view with the side length being the short side of the screen, then you should still have a square when you turn the phone sideways, still covering the same area on the screen.
Things will probably be easier to calculate if you use the code from gluPerspective. You set the aspect ratio to the actual aspect ratio, fix the fovy for the first aspect ratio. You can then use what would be fovx for this aspect ratio as the fovy for your rotated view.