Installing Older Version of Module in Active Perl - perl

I am trying to install the Date::Manip Module in Perl. I am running Perl Version 5.14.2 and it does not seem to be installing successfully through the PPM. (PPM throws a 401 Access required error). I am guessing that the error here is that the Version of Perl is outdated for the module in the ppm. Since this is in the server and there are many other scripts running on a day to day basis, I can not upgrade the Perl version. I need to install the previous version of the Date::Manip module but this is not found in the ppm. How do I go about doing this ?
Thanks !

The reason the 401 error occurs is because you are using ActivePerl 5.14 which is no longer considered as a Community Edition. This means you no longer have access to the PPM server to install modules unless you buy a license from ActiveState.
See here for reference
You have several options:
You could buy an ActiveState Business Edition License which will give your access to the PPM repository again.
If you have MinGW and dmake installed, you can install this module from CPAN instead. Just enter cpan Date::Manip in the command-line.
Upgrade to the latest version of ActivePerl. (But you'll have the same problem again when this version expires.)
You could install another Perl distribution, like Strawberry Perl.

Try to use the below link and download then install.


ppm gives "401 Authorization Required" [duplicate]

I am trying to install the Date::Manip Module in Perl. I am running Perl Version 5.14.2 and it does not seem to be installing successfully through the PPM. (PPM throws a 401 Access required error). I am guessing that the error here is that the Version of Perl is outdated for the module in the ppm. Since this is in the server and there are many other scripts running on a day to day basis, I can not upgrade the Perl version. I need to install the previous version of the Date::Manip module but this is not found in the ppm. How do I go about doing this ?
Thanks !
The reason the 401 error occurs is because you are using ActivePerl 5.14 which is no longer considered as a Community Edition. This means you no longer have access to the PPM server to install modules unless you buy a license from ActiveState.
See here for reference
You have several options:
You could buy an ActiveState Business Edition License which will give your access to the PPM repository again.
If you have MinGW and dmake installed, you can install this module from CPAN instead. Just enter cpan Date::Manip in the command-line.
Upgrade to the latest version of ActivePerl. (But you'll have the same problem again when this version expires.)
You could install another Perl distribution, like Strawberry Perl.
Try to use the below link and download then install.

CPAN install module failed: don't know what it is

I am installing this module in Ubuntu:
with bash command:
sudo cpan CatalystX::DynamicComponent::ModelsFromConfig
However I always get this message:
Warning: Cannot install CatalystX::DynamicComponent::ModelsFromConfig, don't know what it is.
Is this means this module is not a standard module?
There is no stable, indexed release of that module, only a developer preview release. With a recent version of cpanminus you could do
cpanm --dev CatalystX::DynamicComponent::ModelsFromConfig
with regular you should be able to do
cpan BOBTFISH/CatalystX-DynamicComponent-0.000000_01.tar.gz
That or come onto #catalyst and talk to t0m about the module and whether it makes sense for you to be using it — it seems to be abandoned since 2009. I think the sensible replacement is CatalystX::ComponentsFromConfig.

Changing installation directory of CPAN perl module using MinGW

I installed MinGW for installing perl modules from CPAN. after successful installation in C:/MinGW, I started msys.bat typed
cpan> install File::List
The module installed successfully. But it is not found in lib or site directory of c:/perl.
It is installed in C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\lib\perl5\site_perl\5.8\File instead.
How could I change the installation directory of CPAN modules to c:/perl/site or c:/perl/lib?
I used all default setting of MinGW. OS is Windows 7. Perl version 5.12.2.
"How could I change the installation directory of CPAN modules to c:/perl/site or c:/perl/lib?"
It's not clear to me why you would want to do that. If you used MinGW to install modules from CPAN, it is presumably because you want the advantages of the MinGW toolset (as described at And MinGW presumably knows what it is doing when it installs in the directory you cited.
If you really want to install to c:/perl/site or c:/perl/lib, you should probably use the cpan client that comes with Perl itself.
I figured out the problem. I don't have Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable 2008, 2010. I installed it and my problem is solved. May be Perl module builds which requires C compiler required this components.
Anyone ever have similar experience?

Installing modules on Active Perl 5.6 on Windows

I am using ActivePerl 5.6.1 Build 635 (let's assume that I absolutely have to work with this version and cannot update to a newer one) on a Windows XP machine. The ppm version with this version of Perl is 2.2.0 and is not the same as the ppm for later versions (as mentioned here ). I am trying to accomplish a simple task : INSTALLING THE PERL MODULE "RPC::XML". Here is a list of things I have done :
1 : Tried installing using CPAN (one of many links as to how to do this is here) but the make commands won't run on my command line as I do not have nmake installed.
2 : Tried using ppm. However I get the following error despite using a direct internet connection.
**PPM> search "RPC::XML"
Error connecting to ''.**
Also I have read that some perl modules for versions 5.8 and above are not even compatible with version 5.6. The activeperl website doesn't even have a version for download for verison 5.6 (as can be seen here).
So my problem is simple.
All I want to do is install a perl module (RPC::XML say) on 5.6.1 using 2.2.0. Also let me know why ppm seems to be unable to connect when I am using a simple direct internet connection.
I am about 2 days old to perl. Ignore any noob statements I might have written, and correct me.
The nice folks at ActiveState give free access to their PPM repositories for folks using their 2 latest releases of perl. Access to their legacy repositories is available for a price.
As such your choices seem to be:
install nmake & use cpan (may also require a c compiler for some modules)
install a relatively modern copy of perl (i.e. free support)
shell out cash for an 'enterprise' subscription of ActivePerl and get your stuff via ppm. (Of course even the Activestate folks my not choose to support any software versions that old.)
do without any of the above, manually parse the make file & type in the commands yourself.

installing wxPerl on strawberry

I am trying to install wxperl on strawberry. I can't install Alien::wxWidgets. I tried everything I can think of. Usually I get an error like this one:
Creating library file: ..\..\src\stc\..\..\..\lib\gcc_dll\libwxmsw28u_stc.a
compilet.exp:fake:(.edata+0x3c): undefined reference to `boot_compilet'
compilet.exp:fake:(.edata+0x40): undefined reference to `boot_compilet'
I don't know what that means. I tried with wxWidgets v 2.8.12 and 2.9.3 and various options. I started with cpanm and later evoking perl Build.PL manually with all kinds of options.
I am on Windows 7 64 bit. I tried with 5.14.2 32bit and 64bit. I am pretty sure that my path has no other perl installation than the one I currently using.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Using strawberry-perl- on Windows 7.
It seems that even though the build process crashes with the error message above, Alien::wxWidgets has, in fact, been successfully made, and is ready to install.
Got the same error message building Alien::wxWidgets from SVN trunk. I ran 'build test' and the tests passed so I ran 'build install'. Wx compiled successfully, all tests passed. Padre editor compiled successfully, all tests passed, and it works well.
It is also possible to install via PPM in Strawberry perl:
ppm set repository wxPerl (for WxWidgets-2.9.4)
ppm install Alien::wxWidgets (version 0.61)
Unfortunately, the latest version of Padre editor requires Alien::wxWidgets 0.62, so building Alien::wxWidgets from source is necessary to make Padre from CPAN.
Alternately, you can use the Citrus Perl distribution created by Mark Dootson. One caveat, the version of Perl, 5.16.1, is not the latest, but it is more recent than DWIM Perl build of Strawberry Perl RC.
I would recommend using the latest Strawberry Perl 5.16.3, or for security reasons because it has a a fix for the rehashing flaw which could be used for denial of service attacks. Described here:
One idea is to install DWIM Perl, which is a Perl distribution which contains Strawberry preloaded with a whole lot of commonly used CPAN modules, and includes Alien::wxWidgets.