Why are these line heights varied? - emacs

Note the attached screenshot from my Emacs 24. It is in Fundamental mode, no visual line mode is turned on, and I don't think I've turned on any word wrap mode either:
You can clearly see that the lines at the bottom are closer together than the lines at the top, but I have no idea why.. it's all just text? Why is emacs doing that?
This is the mode I am in:
Update: It just occured to me that perhaps this issue is that I am copying/pasting this text into emacs as I take notes from a PDF I am reading. Perhaps emacs is somehow getting formatting based from this copy/paste? I thought this was a text-only file with no formatting, but perhaps that is not true?

The issue is due to unusual quote symbols, both apostrophes and quotation marks, that are affecting the line heights. Removing these and using "normal" quote marks resolves the issue.


Line wrapping TeX from Visual Studio Code

I'm seeking a command that when I highlight a paragraph of text in Visual Studio Code will let me remove all line breaks, and correspondingly a command that if I highlight a paragraph without line breaks will insert them at the end of the display width.
It wont be enough to just use Alt-Z because that just makes the display show the line wrapping but doesn't actually insert the line breaks.
For context: I'm using a VS Code latex plugin which is a compiled text editor format. Errors in this system trace back to line numbers so if you don't have line breaks you have to hunt down the error somewhere in a large paragraph. But of course this being a text document there you often have to edit paragraphs and end-of-lines become jagged and hard to read/update.
You can set this behavior searching for "Word Wrap" in the settings. Set to "on" to wrap the words.
Found a solution, maybe it will help someone in the future.: install "rewrap" extension. Select portion of text, and use Alt-q. Seems to work like Emacs' M-q command. (Thx Grant)

Emacs highlighting: how to deal with highlighting messed up by unusual usage of special characters?

In Emacs configuration modes (e.g. conf-xdefaults-mode or conf-space-mode), some special characters are used in unusual ways, for instance when they define keybindings. This messes up the highlighting for the rest of the buffer.
The ranger rc.conf file uses conf-space-mode which greatly helps its readability. But lines such as:
map # console shell -p%space
map "<any> tag_toggle tag=%any
mess up the highlighting since # usually defines a comment and is followed by font-lock-comment-face until the end of the line and " defines the beginning of a string and is followed by font-lock-string-face until it encounters a closing quote.
Escaping those characters is not an option because it would prevent them from defining the keybindings.
Possible solution:
The best solution I can think of is to fiddle with font lock settings for those configuration modes to remove the highlighting after those special characters. But I will then loose the proper highlighting after those characters when it is suitable.
A compromise could be to keep highlighting after # since this only messes up one line and there are a lot of comments in those configuration files, while removing the highlighting after single and double quotes since those mess up the entire rest of the buffer and strings are not so common in configuration files.
What is the proper way to deal with these situations?
Is there a way to reset the highlighting at a point in the buffer? or to insert a character which would affect the highlighting (to fix it) without affecting the code? or is there a way to "escape" some characters for the highlighting only without affecting the code?
The easy way
It's probably easiest to just live with it but keep things constrained. Here, I took ranger's default rc.conf and re-arranged some of the font-lock errors.
Let's ignore the blue "map" for now. We have two visible font-lock errors. The map #... is font-locking as a comment, and the map "... font-locking as a string to the end of the buffer. The first error is self-constrained. Comments end at the end of the line. The second error we constrain by adding a comment. (I don't know if ranger would accept comments in the middle of the line, so I'm only using beginning-of-line comments here.)
The second error is now constrained to one line, but a couple more errors have popped up. Quickly adjusting these we get.
This is something that I could live with, as I'm not in conf files all day long (as opposed to say, source code.) It would be even neater if our new "comments" could be included on the same line.
The hard way
You'll want to use Emacs font-lock-add-keywords. Let's get back to that blue map in the first image. It's rendering blue because conf-space-mode thinks that a string, followed by any amount of whitespace, followed by an opening brace should be rendered in font-lock-type-face (the actually regexp that triggers this is ^[_space__tab_]*\\(.+?\\)[_space__tab_\n]*{[^{}]*?$ where _space_ and _tab_ are actual space and tab characters.)
We can override this in a simple fashion by evaluating
'(("^\\<\\(map\\)\\>" 1 font-lock-variable-name-face)))
and reloading the buffer with C-x C-v RET. Now, every time that the word "map" appears at the beginning of a line it's rendered as font-lock-variable-name-face (yellow in our example.)
You can make this change permanent by adding a hook to your init file.
(add-hook 'conf-space-mode-hook (lambda ()
'(("^\\<\\(map\\)\\>" 1 font-lock-variable-name-face)))))
This method doesn't appear to work for your comment (#) and string (' ") delimiters as they're defined in the syntax table. Modifying the syntax table to provide special cases is probably more effort than it's worth.

Emacs: auto-fill-mode weird indentation behaviour

I am currently working on a major mode derived from auto-fill-mode where I need the text to show in a special indented way (it's a derivation of the screenwriter.el project), and I just got stuck with a peculiar behaviour of the auto-fill when there are multi line indentations:
(NOTE: use-hard-newlines is nil, and left-margin is 0):
How I expect it to work:
DUDE <-- here I insert a newline
(sad) <-- here I insert another newline
Hello, look how good <-- here I let the auto-fill-mode fill the text automatically
of a day it is!
But what happens is the following:
DUDE <-- here I insert a newline
(sad) <-- here I insert another newline
Hello, look how good <-- here I let the auto-fill-mode fill the text automatically
of a day it is!
So basically the fill mode acts weirdly when there are multi indented paragraphs, indenting to the second line's left margin. I could not find anywhere how to avoid such a behaviour.
Even stranger, the following works just fine, indenting to the precedent line's margin.
DUDE <-- here I insert a newline
Hello, look how good <-- here I let the auto-fill-mode fill the text automatically
of a day it is!
I wonder if it's just a bug or if there is a way to avoid this since it's quite annoying. Could anyone test if it works differently on other versions of emacs, or at least give me a hint on how to work around this? Thank you very much.
Emacs version: 24.3.1 on Windows
EDIT: I just checked and the same behaviour happens with use-hard-newlines on, so I'm oblivous to how to solve this
You could customize the adaptive-fill-mode variable, which is what causes a prefix to be automatically determined when filling text. Set the variable to nil to disable that behaviour.
For details of how the prefix is worked out, see the fill-context-prefix function.

Org-Mode Inline Code with Equals Signs

In org-mode, I want to give inline code with equals signs and quotation marks:
<div class="foo">
The way I would normally do this in org-mode is
=<div class="foo">=
When I export this to HTML, it gets rendered like this:
<div class"foo">=
What is the right way to do this inline (rather than just creating a source block)?
You could use verbatim markers, ~, instead:
~<div class="foo">~
The problem is that the equals sign after 'class' is interpreted as the closing code section delimiter. You can prevent this by inserting a space before the equals sign, like this:
=<div class = "foo">=
I wanted org-mode's source code to appear correctly in Github's parser. But, just as =:echo "hello"= would not appear correctly in Emacs, it also did not appear correctly in Github. However, I tried other characters with C-x 8 RET, and the LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK and RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK work. That is,
=:echo “hello“=
appear successfully as
:echo “hello“
Unfortunately, I don't think they will actually work if copy-and-pasted into all environments. Vim gives E15: Invalid expression: “hello“. But then, how often do we paste commands into Vim's command line. Well, okay, there is :#".
After almost a decade, here's the correct answer:
Org's escape character is zero width space. When this character is inserted, Emacs will not interpret = as the end of the verbatim. Emacs can correctly interpret =<div class​="foo">=. Note that this string has an invisible zero width space character.
However, I think due to a bug, exports from org to other formats, will have this character and need to be removed manually. For example, the export of the string above to markdown will be `<div class​="foo">` which is what we want, except that it has an additional zero width space character.
It is not very hard to fix this. Removing all these additional characters can be easily done with replace-string command.
Tip: You can use C-x 8 RET (or insert-char command) and choose 200B to insert zero width space character inside Emacs.

Is there a quick way in Emacs to word wrapping?

Is there a quick and easy way to word wrap like "Apply Word Wrap" function of KDE's Kate?
Enter to wrapping mode = M-x auto-fill-mode
Wrap text = select text -> M-q
While the mishadoff's answer is great for default word wrapping, I once had to re-implement it because I wasn't content with the way Emacs did it, so I tried to scratch the bits of it together and here it is: http://pastebin.com/75q65hRf in case you need it.
With that bit of code you can configure what characters to wrap on, what characters terminate words, and also set exception rules for when the characters that would've otherwise break the line won't do it. It may also pad the created column on the right and on the left (I was using this function to format and display documentation text).