Is there a GNU Octave equivalent for the Matlab function "fit"? - matlab

My teacher in the signal analysis course has given me some Matlab code that I have to execute in order to complete a home assignment. I have always been using GNU Octave without troubles, but this time there is this command that is giving me headaches.
[c8,g8]=fit(time, sin_4_harmonic,’fourier8’)
I cannot find the function "fit" in GNU Octave, which is referenced for Matlab at the following url
Does anyone knows which package should I load, or if there is any equivalent?
Thanks =)

As far as I know, that function is not present in any of the Octave packages. However, the best place to look for something similar would be the optim package, probably the function nonlin_curvefit. Looking at the documentation, the model fourier8 is of the type Y = a0+a1*cos(x*p)+b1*sin(x*p)... +a8*cos(8*x*p)+b8*sin(8*x*p).

A work-around may be using "polyfit" function. To get the values, use "polyval".


'webread' Matlab function not found

I am using Matlab R2010a but could not find 'webread' function but with the message : "Undefined function or variable 'webread'." is shown.
The only available web function is 'web'.
How to download that function or solve the problem anyway?
As you can see at the bottom of the documentation for webread function, it has been introduced only in matlab 2014b.
You might find this (aka this), or this helpful as a substitute. I do not know whether any of them will work well on such an old version of Matlab though.

Laguerre polynomials in MATLAB

I tried using the .. command in MATLAB to generate Laguerre polynomials but I keep getting this error every time:
I found this in the help section:
Since I have defined x as symbolic I shouldn't be getting this error.
Also on website I found this which says that the function does not run in MATLAB.
Can anyone help? Thanks in advance
Like you say, and the matlab help says this function only works inside mupad, maybe in later versions it works in matlab console.
If you want to use it, write mupad in Matlab Command window and then use it in the mupad, matlab will return you the result as I show in the picture
In R2014b+, there is a laguerreL function available directly from within Matlab. However, a version of this function was introduced to MuPAD in R2009a. You can call the MuPAD version from within Matlab
syms x;
Both return x^2/2 - 2*x + 1.
You can read more about interacting with MuPAD functionality from Matlab here. However, I'd recommend browsing and searching the archived documentation for your specific version or using your built-in HTML documentation (e.g., doc mupad or doc 'calling mupad').

Call dll function from matlab

I have an m file from which I use to create dll using the Matlab deploytool. the code simply reads as:
function hello
there are six functions in the compiled dll exported as:
uint8 helloInitialize
[uint8, voidPtr, voidPtr] helloInitializeWithHandlers(voidPtr, voidPtr)
uint8 mlfHello
[uint8, MATLAB arrayPtr, MATLAB arrayPtr] mlxHello(int32, MATLAB arrayPtr, int32, MATLAB arrayPtr)
Now I want to run this dll from my matlab command window using calllib and use
the hello function. Assuming that I use the correct function mlfHello, calllib('hello','mlfHello') gives me nothing. Please advise me on what function to call and how to do it?
I'm not 100% its still the case but it certainly used to be that you couldn't load DLL's which were created in Matlab back into Matlab.
I suspect its still the case - so you cant do what your trying to do.
[edit] I dont have a link because they dont like to advertise the fact. The reason AFAIK is to avoid users compiling toolbox capability into DLL and giving to others to use in Matlab without a toolbox license.

MATLAB: Error in fig2texPS

I want to use fig2texPS to export plots from MATLAB to LaTeX. I copied the the script to D:\Eigene Dokumente\MATLAB\fig2TexPS and added this folder as a path in MATLAB. Unfortunately, I receive the following error:
>> fig2texPS()
Undefined function 'find' for input arguments of type ''.
Error in fig2texPS (line 526)
lsh = double(find(handle(lshandles),'-class','graph2d.lineseries')); % find plots
PS: I use a version of the script which was updated in order to work with pdtlatex ( that I found in the MATLAB Central File Exchange. The same error also occurs when I use the original script.
This might not be the answer you are looking for, but there is the marvelous matlab2tikz that does the job of conversion of figures quite nicely, which you could use as an alternative to fig2texPS.
I also use the function fig2texPS.m and it works very well. It might be an answer for your question to use an older version of Matlab. I am using 2013b and it works. While I have tried this function with Matlab 2015a, I was getting the same error message.
I hope my answer helps you with your problems.

One sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov to test gof of theoretical distribtion (makedist error) matlab

I have few continuous variables that look like this:
durs1=[3,40933 0,033630 0,25103 0,6361 0,71971 1,18311 1,91946 0,12842 0,97639 1,1383 0,46871 3,05241 2,34907 1,03788 0,76434 1,08798 1,462 0,4241 2,32128 0,29017..]
Each has more than 1000 values (all positive). I used
[a, b]=gamfit(durs1)
a =
2.3812 0.4200
b =
2.2316 0.3907
2.5408 0.4514
to find parameters of gamma distribution. Now I want to make a goodness of fit test in order to see how well the model fits my data. Matlab provides the one sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to solve the problem (
But when I run my code (based on their examples):
[h, p]=kstest(durs1,'CDF',test_cdf)
I have this error: "Undefined function 'makedist' for input arguments of type 'char'."
Can somebody help me to fix my code?
It seems like the function makedist of the statistics toolbox is available only from Matlab version r2013a. Looking in the documentation of earlier versions, even as late as r2012b, there is no mention of makedist. So I think updating to the latest version of matlab should solve your problem.