C#'s Tasks have ConfigureAwait(false) for libraries to prevent synchronization to (for example) the UI-thread which is not always necessary:
In .NET I believe there can only be one SynchonizationContext, so it's clear on which threadpool a Task should execute it's continuation.
For a library, when you can't assume the user is in a webrequest(in .NET HttpContext.Current.Items flows), commandline (normal multithreaded), XAML/Windows Forms (single UI thread), it's almost always better to use ConfigureAwait(false), so the Waiter knows it can just execute the continuation on whatever thread is being used to call the Waiter (this is only bad if you do blocking code in the library which could lead to thread starvation on the threadpool where the initial workload is started, let assume we don't do that).
The point is that from a library perspective you don't want to use a thread from the caller's threadpool to synchronize a continuation, you just want the continuation to run on whatever thread. This saves a context switch and keeps the load of the UI thread for example.
In Scala, for each operation (namely map) on Futures, you need an ExecutionContext (passed implicitly). This makes managing threadpools incredibly easy, which I like a lot more than the way .NET has somewhat strange TaskFactory's (which nobody seems to use, they just use the default TaskFactory).
My question is, does Scala have the same problem as .NET in respect to context switches being sometimes unnecessary, and if so, is there a way, similar to ConfigureAwait, to fix this?
Concrete example I'm finding in Scala where I wonder about this:
def trace[T](message: => String)(block: => Future[T]): Future[T] = {
if (!logger.isTraceEnabled) block
else {
val startedAt = System.currentTimeMillis()
block.map { result =>
val timeTaken = System.currentTimeMillis() - startedAt
logger.trace(s"$message took ${timeTaken}ms")
I'm using play and I generally import play's default, implicit ExecutionContext.
The map on block needs to run on an execution context.
If I wrote this piece of Scala in a library and I would add an implicit parameter executionContext:
def trace[T](message: => String)(block: => Future[T])(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): Future[T] = {
instead of importing play's default ExecutionContext in the libary.
From this tutorial https://github.com/slouc/concurrency-in-scala-with-ce#threading
async operations are divided into 3 groups and require significantly different thread pools to run on:
Non-blocking asynchronous operations:
Bounded pool with a very low number of threads (maybe even just one), with a very high priority. These threads will basically just sit idle most of the time and keep polling whether there is a new async IO notification. Time that these threads spend processing a request directly maps into application latency, so it's very important that no other work gets done in this pool apart from receiving notifications and forwarding them to the rest of the application.
Bounded pool with a very low number of threads (maybe even just one), with a very high priority. These threads will basically just sit idle most of the time and keep polling whether there is a new async IO notification. Time that these threads spend processing a request directly maps into application latency, so it's very important that no other work gets done in this pool apart from receiving notifications and forwarding them to the rest of the application.
Blocking asynchronous operations:
Unbounded cached pool. Unbounded because blocking operation can (and will) block a thread for some time, and we want to be able to serve other I/O requests in the meantime. Cached because we could run out of memory by creating too many threads, so it’s important to reuse existing threads.
CPU-heavy operations:
Fixed pool in which number of threads equals the number of CPU cores. This is pretty straightforward. Back in the day the "golden rule" was number of threads = number of CPU cores + 1, but "+1" was coming from the fact that one extra thread was always reserved for I/O (as explained above, we now have separate pools for that).
In my Cats Effect application, I use Scala Future-based ReactiveMongo lib to access MongoDB, which does NOT block threads when talking with MongoDB, e.g. performs non-blocking IO.
It needs execution context.
Cats effect provides default execution context IOApp.executionContext
My question is: which execution context should I use for non-blocking io?
But, from IOApp.executionContext documemntation:
Provides a default ExecutionContext for the app.
The default on top of the JVM is lazily constructed as a fixed thread pool based on the number available of available CPUs (see PoolUtils).
Seems like this execution context falls into 3rd group I listed above - CPU-heavy operations (Fixed pool in which number of threads equals the number of CPU cores.),
and it makes me think that IOApp.executionContext is not a good candidate for non-blocking IO.
Am I right and should I create a separate context with a fixed thread pool (1 or 2 threads) for non-blocking IO (so it will fall into the first group I listed above - Non-blocking asynchronous operations: Bounded pool with a very low number of threads (maybe even just one), with a very high priority.)?
Or is IOApp.executionContext designed for both CPU-bound and Non-Blocking IO operations?
The function I use to convert Scala Future to F and excepts execution context:
def scalaFutureToF[F[_]: Async, A](
future: => Future[A]
)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): F[A] =
Async[F].async { cb =>
future.onComplete {
case Success(value) => cb(Right(value))
case Failure(exception) => cb(Left(exception))
In Cats Effect 3, each IOApp has a Runtime:
final class IORuntime private[effect] (
val compute: ExecutionContext,
private[effect] val blocking: ExecutionContext,
val scheduler: Scheduler,
val shutdown: () => Unit,
val config: IORuntimeConfig,
private[effect] val fiberErrorCbs: FiberErrorHashtable = new FiberErrorHashtable(16)
You will almost always want to keep the default values and not fiddle around declaring your own runtime, except in perhaps tests or educational examples.
Inside your IOApp you can then access the compute pool via:
If you want to execute a blocking operation, then you can use the blocking construct:
blocking(IO(println("foo!"))) >> IO.unit
This way, you're telling the CE3 runtime that this operation could be blocking and hence should be dispatched to a dedicated pool. See here.
What about CE2? Well, it had similar mechanisms but they were very clunky and also contained quite a few surprises. Blocking calls, for example, were scheduled using Blocker which then had to be somehow summoned out of thin air or threaded through the whole app, and thread pool definitions were done using the awkward ContextShift. If you have any choice in the matter, I highly recommend investing some effort into migrating to CE3.
Fine, but what about Reactive Mongo?
ReactiveMongo uses Netty (which is based on Java NIO API). And Netty has its own thread pool. This is changed in Netty 5 (see here), but ReactiveMongo seems to still be on Netty 4 (see here).
However, the ExecutionContext you're asking about is the thread pool that will perform the callback. This can be your compute pool.
Let's see some code. First, your translation method. I just changed async to async_ because I'm using CE3, and I added the thread printline:
def scalaFutureToF[F[_]: Async, A](future: => Future[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): F[A] =
Async[F].async_ { cb =>
future.onComplete {
case Success(value) => {
println(s"Inside Callback: [${Thread.currentThread.getName}]")
case Failure(exception) => cb(Left(exception))
Now let's pretend we have two execution contexts - one from our IOApp and another one that's going to represent whatever ReactiveMongo uses to run the Future. This is the made-up ReactiveMongo one:
val reactiveMongoContext: ExecutionContext =
and the other one is simply runtime.compute.
Now let's define the Future like this:
def myFuture: Future[Unit] = Future {
println(s"Inside Future: [${Thread.currentThread.getName}]")
Note how we are pretending that this Future runs inside ReactiveMongo by passing the reactiveMongoContext to it.
Finally, let's run the app:
override def run: IO[Unit] = {
val myContext: ExecutionContext = runtime.compute
scalaFutureToF(myFuture)(implicitly[Async[IO]], myContext)
Here's the output:
Inside Future: [pool-1-thread-1]
Inside Callback: [io-compute-6]
The execution context we provided to scalaFutureToF merely ran the callback. Future itself ran on our separate thread pool that represents ReactiveMongo's pool. In reality, you will have no control over this pool, as it's coming from within ReactiveMongo.
Extra info
By the way, if you're not working with the type class hierarchy (F), but with IO values directly, then you could use this simplified method:
def scalaFutureToIo[A](future: => Future[A]): IO[A] =
See how this one doesn't even require you to pass an ExecutionContext - it simply uses your compute pool. Or more specifically, it uses whatever is defined as def executionContext: F[ExecutionContext] for the Async[IO], which turns out to be the compute pool. Let's check:
override def run: IO[Unit] = {
IO.executionContext.map(ec => println(ec == runtime.compute))
// prints true
Last, but not least:
If we really had a way of specifying which thread pool ReactiveMongo's underlying Netty should be using, then yes, in that case we should definitely use a separate pool. We should never be providing our runtime.compute pool to other runtimes.
I have some cats IO operations, and Future among then. Simplified:
.flatMap(v => IO.fromFuture(IO(blockingProcessValue(v)))(myBlockingPoolContextShift))
So I have some value in IO, then I need to do some blocking operation using a library that returns Future, and then I need to do some more processing on the value returned from Future
Future runs on a dedicated thread pool - so far so good. The problem is after Future is completed. moreProcessing runs on the same thread the Future was running on.
Is there a way to get back to the thread getValue() was running on?
After the discussion in the chat, the conclusion is that the only thing OP needs is to create a ContextShift in the application entry point using the appropriate (compute) EC and then pass it down to the class containing this method.
// Entry point
val computeEC = ???
val cs = IO.contextShift(computeEC)
val myClass = new MyClass(cs, ...)
// Inside the method on MyClass
.flatMap(v => IO.fromFuture(IO(blockingProcessValue(v)))(myBlockingPoolContextShift))
.flatTap(_ => cs.shift)
This Scastie showed an approach using Blocker and other techniques common in the Typelevel ecosystem but were not really suitable for OP's use case; anyways I find it useful for future readers who may have a similar problem.
Is there an idiomatic way to deal with side-effecting scala.concurrent.Future whose result is not really needed in the caller (i.e. neither success nor failure will be necessary to calculate the calling method's return value)? For example,
object XYZ {
def log(s: String): Future[Unit] = ???
Is it correct to simply call XYZ.log("xyz") without any callbacks and proceed with the really important tasks? Won't this orphan Future be considered code smell? Any chance for it to be garbage collected before it is executed?
Won't this orphan Future be considered code smell?
Not any more than any other discarded non-Unit value. Note that some people do consider any discarded value to be a code smell, which is why -Ywarn-value-discard and NonUnitStatements wart exist.
Any chance for it to be garbage collected before it is executed?
The Future object itself might be garbage collected, but it will submit a task to a thread pool which won't be (because the pool holds a reference to the task). Except cases like
def log(s: String): Future[Unit] = Future.just(())
of course.
When we have such Futures which are not part of main business logic but executed for their side effect, that is, represent a separate concern such as logging, then consider running them on a separate dedicated execution context. For example, create a separate pool with
val numOfThreads = 2
val threadPoolForSeparateConcerns = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numOfThreads, (r: Runnable) => new Thread(r, s"thread-pool-for-separate-concerns-thread-${Random.nextInt(numOfThreads)}"))
val separateConcernsEc = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(threadPoolForSeparateConcerns)
and then make sure to pass it in when running separate concerns
object XYZ {
def log(s: String, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] = ???
XYZ.log("Failed to calculate 42", separateConcernsEc)
By separating main business logic thread pool, from thread pool for side-concerns, we minimise the chances of breaking main business logic through things like resource starvation etc.
I wrote this code
package com.abhi
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
object FutureNesting extends App {
def measure(future: => Future[Unit]) : Future[Long] = {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val ec = implicitly[ExecutionContext]
val t = future
t map { case _ =>
val end = System.currentTimeMillis()
end - start
measure(Future{ Thread.sleep(10000) }) onSuccess {case a => println(a)}
So how many threads am I using in this code. The broader question is that what is the impact of going on nesting future inside futures.
So I ran the application above and observed it using Visual VM. This is what I saw
So the application launched 2 threads ForkJoinPool-1-worker-5 and ForkJoinPool-2-worker-3. However it launches the same 2 threads even if I remove the nesting. So I am not sure what is the overhead because of nesting the futures like above.
Edit:: Some people said it depends on the type of ThreadPool (ForkJoin etc).
I won't know what type of pool do Akka.HTTP or Spray use? I planned to use a code snippet similar to the one above in a Spray web service. The idea was to measure the performance of the web service using Futures.
In your case, you are using wrap over thradpool (ForkJoingPool from java.util.concurrent). Of course, all Futures are executed in it.
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionConext.Implicits.global
Based on this you must implicitly instantiate pool instead import, like this:
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext
And use method from ForkJoinPool: getActiveThreadCount()
Second approach:
You can open profiler (like JProfiler - from Jetbrains or Jvisualvm - attached with jdk) and watch meta information including threads parameters like their amount, activity, memory usage and etc.
I am trying to understand Scala futures coming from Java background: I understand you can write:
val f = Future { ... }
then I have two questions:
How is this future scheduled? Automatically?
What scheduler will it use? In Java you would use an executor that could be a thread pool etc.
Furthermore, how can I achieve a scheduledFuture, the one that executes after a specific time delay? Thanks
The Future { ... } block is syntactic sugar for a call to Future.apply (as I'm sure you know Maciej), passing in the block of code as the first argument.
Looking at the docs for this method, you can see that it takes an implicit ExecutionContext - and it is this context which determines how it will be executed. Thus to answer your second question, the future will be executed by whichever ExecutionContext is in the implicit scope (and of course if this is ambiguous, it's a compile-time error).
In many case this will be the one from import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global, which can be tweaked by system properties but by default uses a ThreadPoolExecutor with one thread per processor core.
The scheduling however is a different matter. For some use-cases you could provide your own ExecutionContext which always applied the same delay before execution. But if you want the delay to be controllable from the call site, then of course you can't use Future.apply as there are no parameters to communicate how this should be scheduled. I would suggest submitting tasks directly to a scheduled executor in this case.
Andrzej's answer already covers most of the ground in your question. Worth mention is that Scala's "default" implicit execution context (import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits._) is literally a java.util.concurrent.Executor, and the whole ExecutionContext concept is a very thin wrapper, but is closely aligned with Java's executor framework.
For achieving something similar to scheduled futures, as Mauricio points out, you will have to use promises, and any third party scheduling mechanism.
Not having a common mechanism for this built into Scala 2.10 futures is a pity, but nothing fatal.
A promise is a handle for an asynchronous computation. You create one (assuming ExecutionContext in scope) by calling val p = Promise[Int](). We just promised an integer.
Clients can grab a future that depends on the promise being fulfilled, simply by calling p.future, which is just a Scala future.
Fulfilling a promise is simply a matter of calling p.successful(3), at which point the future will complete.
Play 2.x solves scheduling by using promises and a plain old Java 1.4 Timer.
Here is a linkrot-proof link to the source.
Let's also take a look at the source here:
object Promise {
private val timer = new java.util.Timer()
def timeout[A](message: => A, duration: Long, unit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[A] = {
val p = Promise[A]()
timer.schedule(new java.util.TimerTask {
def run() {
}, unit.toMillis(duration))
This can then be used like so:
val future3 = Promise.timeout(3, 10000) // will complete after 10 seconds
Notice this is much nicer than plugging a Thread.sleep(10000) into your code, which will block your thread and force a context switch.
Also worth noticing in this example is the val p = Promise... at the function's beginning, and the p.future at the end. This is a common pattern when working with promises. Take it to mean that this function makes some promise to the client, and kicks off an asynchronous computation in order to fulfill it.
Take a look here for more information about Scala promises. Notice they use a lowercase future method from the concurrent package object instead of Future.apply. The former simply delegates to the latter. Personally, I prefer the lowercase future.