Ext.grid.ColumnModel minimum width and auto resize column - extjs3

How to set minimum width in Ext.grid.ColumnModel? Also, is there any property for auto resize column for length of content?

You can set minColumnWidth for all columns in grid (this is grid config option).
You can use autoExpandColumn to set one column which will adjust it's size. For that column you can also set autoExpandMin and autoExpandMax to constrain it's max/min width.


How to achieve auto width Column in sap.ui.table.Table?

I am using sap.ui.table.Table. This table has some very good feature but I am having a tough time to figure out how to set the column to auto width.
Currently, all the columns are fixed size but I want something if column A value is small, then auto adjust it rather than having fixed size. Same for if the column value is large, then adjust it to show the value.
I saw the other question sap.ui.table.Table how to optimize column widths but the answers there are to get column layout with fixed sizes, not auto width.
The control sap.ui.table.Column offers a property called autoResizable by which the user can resize the column width depending on the content of the column's template.
From API Reference:
Enables auto-resizing of the column on double clicking the resize bar. The width is determined on the widest currently displayed content. It does not consider rows which are currently not scrolled into view.
However, as you can see, it requires user interaction. Doing it without user interaction programmatically can be achieved by using the (currently experimental) API autoResizeColumn from sap.ui.table.Table.
myTable.autoResizeColumn(/*ColumnIndex*/); // experimental!
Here is an example of both approaches: https://embed.plnkr.co/NQpkJo/.

GWT DataGrid resizes the columns

From what I understand the DataGrid auto resizes the columns.
What I would like is DataGrid to respect the column widths I set, and to show the horizontal scrollers accordingly. Is there a way to achieve this?
DataGrid gives you complete control over the width of its columns.
For example, if you set the width of all columns in pixels except for one column which has a width equal to 100%, then all columns will have exactly the width you specified, except for the percentage column which will shrink or expand based on the width of a DataGrid itself. If you want all columns to have fixed width, then you should set the width of the entire DataGrid explicitly in pixels.
There is also an important .setMinimumTableWidth method. You can use it to tell the DataGrid that it can resize with the width of its parent container, but never be smaller than a certain number of pixels. In this case, if a parent container is too small to accommodate all columns at their desired width, the horizontal scrollbar will appear.

set minimum height in VerticalSplitPanel of GWT

I am using VerticalSplitPanel to split two panel. I want to set the minimum allowable size for the given widget.
Its associated splitter cannot be dragged to a position that would make it smaller than this size.
This panel is deprecated. Use SplitLayoutPanel instead.
Use .setWidgetMinSize() to set the minimum width of a child widget.

JasperReports: set textfield height to height of other element in band

I have several textfields on a single row in the same band. The first of them is having a larger font than the rest. However, the size of this font might change for each record. How can I set the height of the other textfields to be dependant of the height of the first one?
Thanks for your help,
On each field in the row set Stretch Type to be Relative to Tallest Object.

define height of tine mce

I want to set height of tiny mce depending on the type of element it is initialized for. For example, I want to set height 200px for headings and use mce's default size for for paragraph and ordered and unordered lists. Also, I want to adjust height of the mce instance with the content. Instead of adding vertical scrolls, it should increase with content.
For this you need to specify editor_css in the tinimce init.
There you should change the desired values.