Add character end of line in PowerShell - powershell

I'm looking for a solution for the following challenge:
I run the following command in PowerShell.
Import-Module servermanager
Get-WindowsFeature | where {$_.Installed -eq "True"} | ft DisplayName, Installed > output.txt
Now I want to add a character at the end of each row. How can I do that?
I think I have to add the content into an array, but I don't know how to finish the code.
At the end I have to load the content into the EventViewer. If I send it directly, the event description isn't formatted well.

You could add another field to the records like this:
Get-WindowsFeature | ? { $_.Installed } |
select DisplayName, Installed, #{n='Other',e={'c'}} | ft

It sounds like instead of using ft > output.txt, you want something like:
foreach { echo ( $_.DisplayName + " " + $_.Installed + " extra_stuff" ) } > output.txt
It doesn't give you a nicely formatted table though.

It's a little outside the scope of what you directly asked, but I'd suggest skipping the 'write to text file' stage and pass directly to the destination.
Import-Module servermanager
$installedFeatures = #() # Creates a blank array for the features
$output = #() # Creates a blank array for formatted results
$yourChar # The character/ string you want to add at the end of each row
$installedFeatures = Get-WindowsFeature | Where-Object {$_.Installed -eq "True"}
foreach($feature in $installedFeatures)
$output += "$($feature.displayName) $($feature.installed) $yourChar"
Once you've iterated through all the Windows features, your $output variable will have an array of strings in the format of displayName installed $yourChar. You can then write to disk, or send the object somewhere else (this is the beauty of PowerShell objects!).


Iterate thru SubjectOrBodyContainsWords of an Exchange transport rule

I want to create a PowerShell script to extract a text file with a list of words specified in an Exchange Server 2016 transport rule. I'm stuck with handling the obtained list.
To get the list, I do this within Exchange Management Shell:
$SubjectOrBodyContainsWords = Get-TransportRule "My rule name" | Select-Object -Property SubjectOrBodyContainsWords
I verify that the list is correct using this:
$FormatEnumerationLimit = 10000
$SubjectOrBodyContainsWords | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders | Out-String -width 10000
The output looks like (Just an example, actual list is much much bigger):
{unsubscribe, mailing, blabla}
Now I want to iterate the list to do something with each item. I tried something like this (Just a simple example):
$I = 10;
foreach ($A in $SubjectOrBodyContainsWords)
The problem is that it doesn't loop all the items. It looks like there is only one item.
What am I doing wrong?
I don't have access to my Exchange server at the moment but just try the following suggestions. Just ask for and expand the property.
(Get-TransportRule "My rule name").SubjectOrBodyContainsWords
# Or
Get-TransportRule "My rule name" |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty SubjectOrBodyContainsWords
Since this returns an array, you need to expand that listing.
Or you can do this to turn into a list to work with...
"{unsubscribe, mailing, blabla}" -replace '\s|{|}' -split ',' | foreach {
# Code to do something with each item
$PSItem }
# Results
... and
Potential duplicate of this use case
Exchange Shell - SubjectOrBodyContainsWords

Using Powershell to compare two files and then output only the different string names

So I am a complete beginner at Powershell but need to write a script that will take a file, compare it against another file, and tell me what strings are different in the first compared to the second. I have had a go at this but I am struggling with the outputs as my script will currently only tell me on which line things are different, but it also seems to count lines that are empty too.
To give some context for what I am trying to achieve, I would like to have a static file of known good Windows processes ($Authorized) and I want my script to pull a list of current running processes, filter by the process name column so to just pull the process name strings, then match anything over 1 character, sort the file by unique values and then compare it against $Authorized, plus finally either outputting the different process strings found in $Processes (to the ISE Output Pane) or just to output the different process names to a file.
I have spent today attempting the following in Powershell ISE and also Googling around to try and find solutions. I heard 'fc' is a better choice instead of Compare-Object but I could not get that to work. I have thus far managed to get it to work but the final part where it compares the two files it seems to compare line by line, for which would always give me false positives as the line position of the process names in the file supplied would change, furthermore I only want to see the changed process names, and not the line numbers which it is reporting ("The process at line 34 is an outlier" is what currently gets outputted).
I hope this makes sense, and any help on this would be very much appreciated.
Get-Process | Format-Table -Wrap -Autosize -Property ProcessName | Outfile c:\users\me\Desktop\Processes.txt
$Processes = 'c:\Users\me\Desktop\Processes.txt'
$Output_file = 'c:\Users\me\Desktop\Extracted.txt'
$Sorted = 'c:\Users\me\Desktop\Sorted.txt'
$Authorized = 'c:\Users\me\Desktop\Authorized.txt'
$regex = '.{1,}'
select-string -Path $Processes -Pattern $regex |% { $_.Matches } |% { $_.Value } > $Output_file
Get-Content $Output_file | Sort-Object -Unique > $Sorted
$dif = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(Get-Content $Sorted) -DifferenceObject $(get-content $Authorized) -IncludeEqual
$lineNumber = 1
foreach ($difference in $dif)
if ($difference.SideIndicator -ne "==")
Write-Output "The Process at Line $linenumber is an Outlier"
$lineNumber ++
Remove-Item c:\Users\me\Desktop\Processes.txt
Remove-Item c:\Users\me\Desktop\Extracted.txt
Write-Output "The Results are Stored in $Sorted"
From the length and complexity of your script, I feel like I'm missing something, but your description seems clear
Running process names:
$ProcessNames = #(Get-Process | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)
.. which aren't blank: $ProcessNames = $ProcessNames | Where-Object {$_ -ne ''}
List of authorised names from a file:
$AuthorizedNames = Get-Content 'c:\Users\me\Desktop\Authorized.txt'
$UnAuthorizedNames = $ProcessNames | Where-Object { $_ -notin $AuthorizedNames }
optional output to file:
$UnAuthorizedNames | Set-Content out.txt
or in the shell:
#(gps).Name -ne '' |? { $_ -notin (gc authorized.txt) } | sc out.txt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. #() forces something to be an array, even if it only returns one thing
2. gps is a default alias of Get-Process
3. using .Property on an array takes that property value from every item in the array
4. using an operator on an array filters the array by whether the items pass the test
5. ? is an alias of Where-Object
6. -notin tests if one item is not in a collection
7. gc is an alias of Get-Content
8. sc is an alias of Set-Content
You should use Set-Content instead of Out-File and > because it handles character encoding nicely, and they don't. And because Get-Content/Set-Content sounds like a memorable matched pair, and Get-Content/Out-File doesn't.

Issue with Powershell custom table

I'm trying to create a custom table based on two other tables (csv-imported) - some kind of a VLOOKUP, but I can't seem to find a solution. I've come up with the following (failing) code:
$DrawPlaces | select Module, Workplace, #{ Name = "IPaddress"; Expression = {$Workstations.workstation.where($_.WorkPlace -eq $Workstations.Workplace)}} -First 15
Both Drawplaces and $Workplaces are PSCustomObject. The result of this would then go to another variable.
I'm not even sure the logic or syntax is correct, but the result table has the IPaddress column empty. I've also tried with -match instead of -eq.
This doesn't make sense: $Workstations.workstation.where($_.WorkPlace -eq $Workstations.Workplace)
.where() requires a scriptblock parameter like .where({}).
Keeping in mind that inside the where-statement $_ is refering to the current object in the $workstations.workstation-loop, your where-statement is testing ex. $workstations.workstation[0].workplace -eq $workstations.workplace. Is that really what you want?
Are you trying to achieve this?
$DrawPlaces |
Select-Object -First 15 -Property #(
#{ Name = "IPaddress"; Expression = {
#Save the Workspace-value for the current object from $DrawPlaces
$wp = $_.WorkPlace;
#Find the workstation with the same workplace as $wp
$Workstations | Where-Object { $_.WorkPlace -eq $wp} | ForEach-Object { $_.Workstation }

In Powershell -- Export object to textfile in custom format

Since, i am a beginner, i 've no much hands-on to the powershell programming.Although
i had a script developed to insert data from an array to the csv file as follows:
#Following is the array
$InventoryReport = New-Object -TypeName PSobject -Property #{
ComputerName = "1myComputerName"
DomainName = "2myComputerDomain"
Manufacturer = "3myComputerManufacturer"
#Now to export the data to csv, i am using following:
$InventoryReport |Select-Object -Property ComputerName, DomainName, Manufacturer | Export-Csv -Path "c:\abc.csv" -NoTypeInformation -ErrorAction Stop
#This works fine
and the output of above is :
Now, i don't want this , i want the ouput to appear in columnar fashion i.e.
What code changes should be done to achieve this. ?
Either you want CSV, which you already have, or you want a custom txt-file. If you want the latter, try this:
$comp = gwmi win32_computersystem
"# | Out-File test.txt
sample of test.txt output below. I've got a non-domain, custom built pc, so don't worry about the values.
"Manufacturer","System manufacturer"
EDIT I suggest you learn what CSV is. Remember that CSV is not a fileformat, it's a formatting-style used in a normal textfile. The .csv extension is just cosmetic to let people know that the textfile uses the csv-style. Check out Wikipedia and Technet
In the CSV file, each object is represented by a comma-separated list
of the property values of the object. The property values are
converted to strings (by using the ToString() method of the object),
so they are generally represented by the name of the property value.
Export-CSV does not export the methods of the object.
The format of an exported file is as follows:
-- The first line of the CSV file contains the string '#TYPE ' followed by the fully qualified name of the object, such as #TYPE
System.Diagnostics.Process. To suppress this line, use the
NoTypeInformation parameter.
-- The next line of the CSV file represents the column headers. It contains a comma-separated list of the names of all the properties of
the first object.
-- Additional lines of the file consist of comma-separated lists of the property values of each object.
You could try something like this:
$InventoryReport | Format-List ComputerName, DomainName, Manufacturer `
| Out-String -Stream `
| ? { $_ -ne '' } `
| % { $_ -replace '\s+:\s+', '","' -replace '(^|$)', '"' }

PowerShell: Format-Table without headers

In a PowerShell script, I have some objects that I pass to the Format-Table CmdLet.
The output of my script looks like this:
Operation AttributeName AttributeValue
--------- ------------- --------------
Delete Member John Doe
Something else...
Since the meaning of the fields is pretty self-explanatory, I would like to remove the headers, the '---' separators and the blank lines at the beginning and at the end from the output of Format-Table.
I don't think that the CmdLet supports this (or at least if there's a parameter to do this I couldn't find it).
What would the best way to leave only the lines with the actual values from the output of Format-Table?
Try the -HideTableHeaders parameter to Format-Table:
gci | ft -HideTableHeaders
(I'm using PowerShell v2. I don't know if this was in v1.)
Try -ExpandProperty. For example, I use this for sending the clean variable to Out-Gridview -PassThru , otherwise the variable has the header info stored. Note that these aren't great if you want to return more than one property.
An example:
Get-ADUser -filter * | select name -expandproperty name
Alternatively, you could do this:
(Get-ADUser -filter * ).name
The -HideTableHeaders parameter unfortunately still causes the empty lines to be printed (and table headers appearently are still considered for column width). The only way I know that could reliably work here would be to format the output yourself:
| % { '{0,10} {1,20} {2,20}' -f $_.Operation,$_.AttributeName,$_.AttributeValue }
Here is how I solve this. I just pipe the output to Out-String and then pass that output to the .NET Trim function:
(gci | ft -HideTableHeaders | Out-String).Trim()
This will strip out the line breaks before and after the table.
You can also use TrimStart to just take care of the header's line break if you still want the trailing line breaks.
(gci | ft -HideTableHeaders | Out-String).TrimStart()
Another approach is to use ForEach-Object to project individual items to a string and then use the Out-String CmdLet to project the final results to a string or string array:
gci Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID | foreach { "CID Key {0}" -f $_.Name } | Out-String
#Result: One multi-line string equal to:
CID Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID\2a621c8a-7d4b-4d7b-ad60-a957fd70b0d0
CID Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID\2ec6f5b2-8cdc-461e-9157-ffa84c11ba7d
CID Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID\5da2ceaf-bc35-46e0-aabd-bd826023359b
CID Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID\d13ad82e-d4fb-495f-9b78-01d2946e6426
gci Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID | foreach { "CID Key {0}" -f $_.Name } | Out-String -Stream
#Result: An array of single line strings equal to:
"CID Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID\2a621c8a-7d4b-4d7b-ad60-a957fd70b0d0",
"CID Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID\2ec6f5b2-8cdc-461e-9157-ffa84c11ba7d",
"CID Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID\5da2ceaf-bc35-46e0-aabd-bd826023359b",
"CID Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID\d13ad82e-d4fb-495f-9b78-01d2946e6426")
The benefit of this approach is that you can store the result to a variable and it will NOT have any empty lines.
I know it's 2 years late, but these answers helped me to formulate a filter function to output objects and trim the resulting strings. Since I have to format everything into a string in my final solution I went about things a little differently.
Long-hand, my problem is very similar, and looks a bit like this
write-verbose (ls | ft | out-string) # this generated too many blank lines
Here is my example:
ls | Out-Verbose # out-verbose formats the (pipelined) object(s) and then trims blanks
My Out-Verbose function looks like this:
filter Out-Verbose{
[scriptblock]$script={write-verbose "$_"})
Begin {
Process {
$val += $inputobject
End {
$val | ft -autosize -wrap|out-string |%{$_.split("`r`n")} |?{$_.length} |%{$script.Invoke()}
Note1: This solution will not scale to like millions of objects(it does not handle the pipeline serially)
Note2: You can still add a -noheaddings option.
If you are wondering why I used a scriptblock here, that's to allow overloading like to send to disk-file or other output streams.