Problems while working with Webdriver on HTML 5 and ExtJs - eclipse

I am working on an application which is developed in ExtJs and is a HTML 5 type.
I an confronting a problem while interacting with button clicks and selecting drop down elements where only one option is present in the DD list.
Is this a problem with my Webdriver Code
Is this a problem with Eclipse (By Kepler)
Or is this a problem of HTML 5 or ExtJs

If driver.findElement(By.something).click(); is not working for you you cant try click through java script:
((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript(script, element);
WebElement element = driver.findElement("MainButton"));
((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("arguments[0].click()", element);

HTML 5, at the time of writing, is not fully supported with Selenium IDE. A good
example of this is elements that have the contentEditable=true attribute. If
you want to see this, you can use the type command to type something into the
html5div element. The test will tell you that it has completed the command but
the UI will not have changed


Locate elements inside Shadow-root using Protractor

Most of my application's elements are under shadow-root(open). I need to automate them using Protractor framework. deepCSS didnt work out. Please help me with automating these elements - mostly click.
I have to click on shadow-root elements using my protractor automation framework. I tried deepCSS, xpath etc. nothing worked.
var spanElem = element.all(by.deepCss('.heading'));
Similar questions:
deepCss is failing to identify an element inside the shadow root in Protractor
Protractor: Unable select input element inside a shadow DOM (Polymer) using by.deepCss('input')
It seems Shadow DOM is not yet well supported by protractor. The Second question has an answer pointing to this issue and a workaround for adding a custom locator by.addLocator('css_sr', (cssSelector: string, opt_parentElement, ..... I confirm this works in my case too.

Selenide test fails to interact with Material`s checkbox

Dear stackoverflowers.
We are using Selenide framework in our project to write automation tests for UI.
We switched to Material-UI recently and faced with technical problems when it comes to simple checkbox.
I am trying to select checkbox.
SelenideElement rememberMeCheckBox = $(By.cssSelector("input[type=\"checkbox\"]"));
But while doing that I get an exception:
Element should be visible {input[type="checkbox"]}
Element: '<input type="checkbox" value="on" displayed:false></input>'
And indeed when I check the real DOM it contains opacity: 0:
When I set the opacity by force my automation tests works well. How to deal with that ?
It's not a Selenide problem, but a common Selenium problem.
Selenium defines elements with "opacity: 0" as invisible.
See How to force Selenium WebDriver to click on element which is not currently visible?
One simple way to enable this checkbox is to click its parent element:
At least it works for me.

WebDriver GWT TabPanel Issue

I'm trying to create a WebDriver Test for a GWT application which uses a TabPanel. Clicking on a tab works fine in the IDE (it uses the x-path to find the tab) however I cannot get the tab click working in the JUnit test.
All elements have a debugID including the Tabs (although tab id's do not appear to work even in the IDE) and I'm inheriting I've attempted to locate by Xpath which is the IDE default.
I've tried the code outlined in the documentation
I've also attempted a moveToelement(as clickAt is no longer supported) and click but that falls over too(unless I'm misunderstanding it). I'd also like to avoid this as it seems bad practice.
Actions builder = new Actions(driver);
genericElement = driver.findElement("gwt-debug-mainTabPanel"));
Action action = builder.moveToElement(genericElement,400, 370).click().build();
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Moving to arbitrary X,Y
coordinates not supported.
I know GWT and Webdriver aren't getting along too well - but I feel like this will have a solution. Can anyone offer any help - has anyone implemented a working Webdriver test in which they click a tab in a GWT TabPanel?
I've managed to locate the node using Firebug and xpath locators ( you can add / move to the parent gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabInner or add /../.. to mover to grandparent gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabInner and it should still work - it does in the IDE)
genericElement = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(#class,'gwt-HTML') and contains(text(),'Users')]"));
However not the click doesn't change to the required tab - seems to be a known issue (likely don't need both moveToElement and click(genericElement) - hust giving it a shot)
Actions builder = new Actions(driver);
See section 3 ....This is fun :)

How do you get Selenium to work with SmartGWT components?

I'm trying to use Selenium to select a row in a SmartGWT table.
I have tried the following commands to no avail (the click definitely happens but the table widget doesn't respond):
selenium.mouseDownAt("isc_ContactListGrid_0_wrapper", "50,50");
selenium.clickAt("isc_ContactListGrid_0_wrapper", "50,50");
You need to install SmartGWT user extensions and use specific SmartGWT locator (scLocator)
See more here -

SmartGWT Widgets not displaying properly

I have a basic GWT Maven project going. I added SmartGWT and started playing around with some widgets and nothing displays correctly. The ListGrid seems to somewhat render but things are off and even data isnt showing up (though the rows respond to indicate there is data within the row). Sorting arrows dont appear but are clickable, and filters are wildy off. Whats causing this. I deleted everything in the .css file.
GWT newbie here.
Did you add the following to your host html file?
var isomorphicDir = "MODULE_NAME/sc/";
where MODULE_NAME is the name of your GWT module. ie the name you have in your GWT module xml file.
fyi the next release of Smart GWT will no longer require users to add the isomorphicDir variable to the host html file.