Is there a way how to fetch a git revision variable from Capistrano 3?
I can't figure out how to access capistrano variables:
namespace :deploy do
after :finished, :set_current_version do
on roles(:app) do
# dump current git version
within release_path do
execute :echo, "#{fetch(:revision_log_message)} >> public/version"
This one works
after :finished, :set_current_version do
on roles(:app) do
# dump current git version
within release_path do
execute :echo, "#{capture("cd #{repo_path} && git rev-parse --short HEAD")} >> public/version"
This feature is added in 3.0.1, see their changelog!
Sometimes, We meet a situation that remote source code fetched by a recipe need to be modified so that suit a specific machine.
How do we create a patch for remote source code locally? After that everytime we build the recipe (even clean it all) we can patch the remote source code automatically.
For example, I have a special machine with architecture A which is not common, so the remote source code need to be modified so that support architecture A.
Suppose there was a file called utils.h (which is code that we fetched by from remote git repository)
#if defined(__x86_64__) || \
defined(__mips__) || \
defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__ppc__) || defined(__ppc64__) \
Apparently I need to add archtecture A support in the file.
#if defined(__x86_64__) || \
defined(__mips__) || \
defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__ppc__) || defined(__ppc64__) || \
defined(__A__) \
But if we just modified like that, next time we execute
bitbake -c cleanall example
bitbake example
then we get a unchanged copies again(which means we have to modify it again).
How do we create a Add-architecture-A-support.patch locally so that we can patch the remote source code automatically?
This is a simple one from answers.
(Note: If there was no git in the source code directory, before modifying the source code, you need to create a git repository and commit all in the top directory of the source code.)
git init # create a git repository
git add .
git commit -m "First commit" # first commit
After change the utils.h as above, we can check the git status. It usually looks like that.
$ git status
HEAD detached from 87b933c420
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be comitted)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: ../../utils.h
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Then we add and commit the change locally (usually we don't have the permission to push to upper stream).
$ git add utils.h
$ git commit -m "Patch test"
After that we can use git to create a patch for the recent commit.
$ git show >Add-architecture-A-support.patch
It will creat a patch in the current directory with contents looks like that
commit a79e523...
Author: 杨...
Date: ...
Patch test
diff --git a/somedir/utils.h b/somedir/utils.h
index 20bfd36c84..
--- a/somedir/utils.h
+++ b/somedir/utils.h
+ defined(__A__) \
Then we can move the patch to the local layer where the recipe stayed.
|-- example
| |-- Add-architecture-A-support.patch
And add the patch in with this.
SRC_URI += "\
file://Add-architecture-A-support.patch \
Work finished. (Also, if want to undo the local commit after creating the patch, you can use git reset HEAD^ utils.h. emmm, I think so, maybe there are some faults, just google it)
When I attempt a buildbot try command, the patch is sent and the build starts, but the patch is never actually applied.
My setup uses SVN, with 2 source control steps:
c['change_source'].append(SVNPoller("%s/trunk/a" % base_url , pollinterval=10))
c['change_source'].append(SVNPoller("%s/trunk/b" % base_url , pollinterval=10))
self.addStep(SVN(repourl="%s/trunk/a" % base_url, workdir="build/a"))
self.addStep(SVN(repourl="%s/trunk/b" % base_url, workdir="build/b"))
These get put into the build directory on the slave like:
Then I attempt to run the 'try' command from my local computer:
svn co '.../trunk/a'
cd a
update some files
buildbot try --vc svn --connect pb -m192.168.0.100:5555 \
-uuser --passwd=pass -w user -C "comment" --topdir="a"
I can see on the server that the patch is generated:
svn update ( 11 secs )
svn_1 update ( 3 secs )
and the patch looks correct-ish
Index: mmfx/project/se_lib_tests/mmif_unit_tests.c
--- mmfx/project/se_lib_tests/mmif_unit_tests.c (revision 5952)
+++ mmfx/project/se_lib_tests/mmif_unit_tests.c (working copy)
However, the patch is never actually applied to the source files. My suspicion is that buildbot doesn't know how to apply the patch to just the 'build/a' tree -- it attempts to do it to the 'build' tree, and silently fails.
Any ideas how to make this work right?
- Caleb
I try to create REVISION file with full commit hash on deploy.
revision = %x[git rev-parse HEAD]
set :revision, revision
namespace :assets do
task :install do
on roles :all do
puts fetch(:revision, "") #it's good, print ee51dc1308a07cb0dfadd60b2a9d1b3485614034
execute :sh, "-c 'echo #{fetch(:revision, "")} > #{release_path}/REVISION2'"
execute :sh, "-c 'cat #{release_path}/REVISION2'" #empty output
execute :php, "#{release_path}/public/index.php assetic build"
As a result I have file REVISION2 with no content.
Capistrano Version: 3.4.0 (Rake Version: 10.1.0)
Dev machine: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
Deploy to CentOS release 6.4 (Final)
I solve this problem by writing REVISION file on the local and then upload it with the following task
task :save_revision do
revision = %x[git rev-parse HEAD]"REVISION", 'w') { |file| file.write(revision) }
set :revision, revision #save for future
puts revision #print
on roles :all do
upload! "REVISION", "#{release_path}"
In Capistrano 2.x the DSL used to provide a variable/method release_name that would return the name of the directory into which the app was just deployed, e.g. 20140225134251, corresponding to .../releases/20140225134251.
I can't seem to find an equivalent for this in cap 3.
Also missing is current_revision, although I've replicated that with
`git rev-parse HEAD`.chomp
Did you try release_path and release_timestamp?
I am using Chef, invoked by Capistrano.
There is a directive to clone a repository using git.
git node['rails']['rails_root'] do
repository ""
reference "master"
action :sync
user node['rails']['rails_user']
group node['rails']['rails_group']
When it gets to this point, I get:
** [out ::] STDERR: Host key verification failed.
So, I need to add a "known_hosts" entry. No problem. But to which user? The core of my problem is that I have no idea which user is executing what commands, and if they are invoking sudo, etc.
I've run keyscan to populate the known_hosts of root, and the user I ssh in as, to no avail.
Note, this git repo is read-protected, and requires ssh key access.
Another way to solve
this worked for me
You can use an ssh wrapper approach. Look here for details.
Briefly do the following steps
First, create a file in the cookbooks/COOKBOOK_NAME/files/default directory that is named and which contains the following:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
/usr/bin/env ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" $1 $2
Then, use the following block for your deployment:
directory "/tmp/private_code/.ssh" do
owner "ubuntu"
recursive true
cookbook_file "/tmp/private_code/" do
source ""
owner "ubuntu"
mode 00700
deploy "private_repo" do
repo ""
user "ubuntu"
deploy_to "/tmp/private_code"
action :deploy
ssh_wrapper "/tmp/private_code/"
The git repository will be cloned as user node['rails']['rails_user'] (via - I assume that users known_hosts file is the one you have to modify.
I have resolved this issue as below
_home_dir = nil
node['etc']['passwd'].each do |user, data|
if user.eql? node['jenkins']['username']
_home_dir = data['dir']
key_config ="Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n"
file "#{_home_dir}/.ssh/config" do
owner node['jenkins']['username']
group node['jenkins']['username']
mode "0600"
content key_config