Suppose I have
def foo(x: Any) = x match {
case s: String => println(0)
case i: Int => println(1)
case l: Long => println(2)
Is there any way to make something like the following?
def foo(x: Any) = x match {
case s: String => println(0)
case i: Numeric => println("Numeric")
You could match against the Number interface:
def foo(x: Any) = x match {
case s: String => println(0)
case i: java.lang.Number => println("Numeric")
You could try this:
def foo[A](x: A)(implicit num: Numeric[A] = null) = Option(num) match {
case Some(num) => println("Numeric: " + x.getClass.getName)
case None => println(0)
Then this
will print
Numeric: java.lang.Integer
Numeric: java.lang.Double
Numeric: scala.math.BigDecimal
Numeric: java.lang.Character
Note that obtaining a null implicit parameter would not mean that no such implicit exist, but just that none was found at compile time in the search scope for implicits.
Say I define the following:
type Func1 = PartialFunction[Int, String]
case class A(f: Int => String)
implicit def toA(func: Func1): A = A(func(_))
Then I might want to use the implicit conversion thus:
val a: A = {
case i: Int => i.toString
But this does now compile. However explicit use of the function is fine:
val a: A = toA({
case i: Int => i.toString
Why is this?
val f = {
case i: Int => i.toString
doesn't compile either:
missing parameter type for expanded function
The argument types of an anonymous function must be fully known. (SLS
Expected type was: ?
val f = {
According to Scaladocs, working code is
val f: PartialFunction[Int, String] = {
case i: Int => i.toString
If you want implicit conversion try
val a: A = {
case i: Int => i.toString
} : PartialFunction[Int, String]
Essentially, what I would like to do is write overloaded versions of "map" for a custom class such that each version of map differs only by the type of function passed to it.
This is what I would like to do:
object Test {
case class Foo(name: String, value: Int)
implicit class FooUtils(f: Foo) {
def string() = s"${}: ${f.value}"
def map(func: Int => Int) = Foo(, func(f.value))
def map(func: String => String) = Foo(func(, f.value)
def main(args: Array[String])
def square(n: Int): Int = n * n
def rev(s: String): String = s.reverse
val f = Foo("Test", 3)
val g =
val h =
Of course, because of type erasure, this won't work. Either version of map will work alone, and they can be named differently and everything works fine. However, it is very important that a user can call the correct map function simply based on the type of the function passed to it.
In my search for how to solve this problem, I cam across TypeTags. Here is the code I came up with that I believe is close to correct, but of course doesn't quite work:
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
object Test {
case class Foo(name: String, value: Int)
implicit class FooUtils(f: Foo) {
def string() = s"${}: ${f.value}"
def map[A: TypeTag](func: A => A) =
typeOf[A] match {
case i if i =:= typeOf[Int => Int] => f.mapI(func)
case s if s =:= typeOf[String => String] => f.mapS(func)
def mapI(func: Int => Int) = Foo(, func(f.value))
def mapS(func: String => String) = Foo(func(, f.value)
def main(args: Array[String])
def square(n: Int): Int = n * n
def rev(s: String): String = s.reverse
val f = Foo("Test", 3)
val g =
val h =
When I attempt to run this code I get the following errors:
[error] /src/main/scala/Test.scala:10: type mismatch;
[error] found : A => A
[error] required: Int => Int
[error] case i if i =:= typeOf[Int => Int] => f.mapI(func)
[error] ^
[error] /src/main/scala/Test.scala:11: type mismatch;
[error] found : A => A
[error] required: String => String
[error] case s if s =:= typeOf[String => String] => f.mapS(func)
It is true that func is of type A => A, so how can I tell the compiler that I'm matching on the correct type at runtime?
Thank you very much.
In your definition of map, type A means the argument and result of the function. The type of func is then A => A. Then you basically check that, for example typeOf[A] =:= typeOf[Int => Int]. That means func would be (Int => Int) => (Int => Int), which is wrong.
One of ways of fixing this using TypeTags looks like this:
def map[T, F : TypeTag](func: F)(implicit ev: F <:< (T => T)) = {
func match {
case func0: (Int => Int) #unchecked if typeOf[F] <:< typeOf[Int => Int] => f.mapI(func0)
case func0: (String => String) #unchecked if typeOf[F] <:< typeOf[String => String] => f.mapS(func0)
You'd have to call it with an underscore though: _). And it may throw match errors.
It may be possible to improve this code, but I'd advise to do something better. The simplest way to overcome type erasure on overloaded method arguments is to use DummyImplicit. Just add one or several implicit DummyImplicit arguments to some of the methods:
implicit class FooUtils(f: Foo) {
def string() = s"${}: ${f.value}"
def map(func: Int => Int)(implicit dummy: DummyImplicit) = Foo(, func(f.value))
def map(func: String => String) = Foo(func(, f.value)
A more general way to overcome type erasure on method arguments is to use the magnet pattern. Here is a working example of it:
sealed trait MapperMagnet {
def map(foo: Foo): Foo
object MapperMagnet {
implicit def forValue(func: Int => Int): MapperMagnet = new MapperMagnet {
override def map(foo: Foo): Foo = Foo(, func(foo.value))
implicit def forName(func: String => String): MapperMagnet = new MapperMagnet {
override def map(foo: Foo): Foo = Foo(func(, foo.value)
implicit class FooUtils(f: Foo) {
def string = s"${}: ${f.value}"
// Might be simply `def map(func: MapperMagnet) =`
// but then it would require those pesky underscores ` _)`
def map[T](func: T => T)(implicit magnet: (T => T) => MapperMagnet): Foo =
This works because when you call map, the implicit magnet is resolved at compile time using full type information, so no erasure happens and no runtime type checks are needed.
I think the magnet version is cleaner, and as a bonus it doesn't use any runtime reflective calls, you can call map without underscore in the argument:, and also it can't throw runtime match errors.
Now that I think of it, here magnet isn't really simpler than a full typeclass, but it may show the intention a bit better. It's a less known pattern than typeclass though. Anyway, here is the same example using the typeclass pattern for completeness:
sealed trait FooMapper[F] {
def map(foo: Foo, func: F): Foo
object FooMapper {
implicit object ValueMapper extends FooMapper[Int => Int] {
def map(foo: Foo, func: Int => Int) = Foo(, func(foo.value))
implicit object NameMapper extends FooMapper[String => String] {
def map(foo: Foo, func: String => String) = Foo(func(, foo.value)
implicit class FooUtils(f: Foo) {
def string = s"${}: ${f.value}"
def map[T](func: T => T)(implicit mapper: FooMapper[T => T]): Foo =, func)
Given the following method:
scala> def f: List[Any] => Any = xs => 1234 // this output does not matter
f: List[Any] => Any
Is it possible to pattern match on List[Any] => Any? I don't see an unapply method on Function1, so I believe the answer is no.
Here's what I'm trying to do:
def foo(x: Any) = x match {
case ... // to handle the case of List[Any] => Any]?
case ...
Perhaps I can figure out the arity of x: Any to differentiate between List[Any] => Any versus everything else (_)?
I hope that I do not have to rely on f.toString == <function1>.
No, you can't match exactly on List[Any] => Any due to type erasure, but you can match on Function1 itself:
def foo(x: Any): String = x match {
case _: Function1[_, _] => "some function1"
case _ => "other"
Any other matching, like case _: (List[Any] => Any) => "function from list to any" will act the same as case _: Function1[_, _] => "some function":
scala> def foo(x: Any): String = x match {
| case _: (List[Any] => Any) => "function from list to any"
| case _ => "other"
| }
<console>:8: warning: non-variable type argument List[Any] in type pattern List[Any] => Any is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
case _: (List[Any] => Any) => "function from list to any"
foo: (x: Any)String
scala> def aaa(l: Any): Any = null //it's `Any => Any` - not `List[Any] => Any`!!
aaa: (l: Any)Any
scala> foo(aaa _)
res11: String = function from list to any
scala> foo(1)
res12: String = other
You can match purely on type, even without an unapply method:
def foo(x: Any): String = x match {
case _: (Any => Any) => "some function1"
case _ => "other"
And then you can check:
foo(f) //"some function1"
foo(1) //"other"
Tried this:
scala> 2.isInstanceOf[AnyVal]
<console>:8: error: type AnyVal cannot be used in a type pattern or isInstanceOf test
and this:
scala> 12312 match {
| case _: AnyVal => true
| case _ => false
| }
<console>:9: error: type AnyVal cannot be used in a type pattern or isInstanceOf test
case _: AnyVal => true
The message is very informative. I get that I can't use it, but what should I do?
I assume you want to test if something is a primitive value:
def testAnyVal[T](x: T)(implicit evidence: T <:< AnyVal = null) = evidence != null
println(testAnyVal(1)) // true
println(testAnyVal("Hallo")) // false
println(testAnyVal(true)) // true
println(testAnyVal( // false
I assume that your type is actually Any or you'd already know whether it was AnyVal or not. Unfortunately, when your type is Any, you have to test all the primitive types separately (I have chosen the variable names here to match the internal JVM designations for the primitive types):
(2: Any) match {
case u: Unit => println("Unit")
case z: Boolean => println("Z")
case b: Byte => println("B")
case c: Char => println("C")
case s: Short => println("S")
case i: Int => println("I")
case j: Long => println("J")
case f: Float => println("F")
case d: Double => println("D")
case l: AnyRef => println("L")
This works, prints I, and does not give an incomplete match error.
I need define some case classes like the following one:
case class Gt(key: String, value: Any) extends Expression {
def evalute[V, E](f: String => Any) = {
def compare(v: Any): Boolean = {
v match {
case x: Number => x.doubleValue > value.asInstanceOf[Number].doubleValue
case x: Array[_] => x.forall(a => compare(a))
case x => x.toString > value.toString
i don't like repeat that for > < >= and <=
i also tried this:
trait Expression {
def evalute[V, E](f: String => Any) = true
def compare(v: Any, value: Any, cp: (Ordered[_], Ordered[_]) => Boolean): Boolean = {
v match {
case x: Number => cp(x.doubleValue, value.asInstanceOf[Number].doubleValue)
case x: Array[_] => x.forall(a => compare(a, value, cp))
case x => cp(x.toString, value.toString)
case class Gt(key: String, value: Any) extends Expression {
def evalute[V, E](f: String => Any) = {
compare(f(key), value, ((a, b) => a > b))
but that not working :(
error: could not find implicit value for parameter ord: scala.math.Ordering[scala.math.Ordered[_ >: _$1 with _$2]]
compare(f(key), value, ((a, b) => a > b))
Is there a way that pass a operator as a function in scala?
(a, b) => a > b works fine. Your problem is with the types.
What are V and E in evalute[V, E] supposed to be?
You pass it (a, b) => a > b as the parameter cp: (Ordered[_], Ordered[_]) => Boolean. So you have a: Ordered[_] and b: Ordered[_]. Which is the same as a: Ordered[X] forSome {type X} and b: Ordered[Y] forSome {type Y}. With these types, a > b doesn't make sense.
In Scala, those are not operators, but methods. You can lift any method to a function by putting an underscore after it. e.g.
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scala> val f: (Int => Boolean) = 1 <= _
f: (Int) => Boolean = <function1>
scala> (0 to 2).map(f)
res0: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Boolean] = Vector(false, true, true)
I'm not familiar with Scala, it does seem to have support for anonymous functions/lambdas: