greendao DaoException Entity has no key - greendao

Using GreenDao, I've somehow managed to put my db in a state where I have an entity that has no key.
My questions is how do I clear / delete this entity? I didn't see a function in the AbstractDao that will let me delete on another column name.

You can write a raw SQL-query to delete the row and execute it using the SQLiteDatabase that you can get from your readable DaoSession.
DELETE FROM YourTable WHERE someColumn=?
If you want to avoid typos you can use tableinformation from greendao:
String query = "DELETE FROM " + YourDao.TABLENAME +
" WHERE " + YourDao.Properties.SomeColumn.columnName + "=?";
For further information:
Depending on how you created your schema, there are some pitfalls:
If you created the primary key with AUTOINCREMENT and NOT NULL greendao will not insert the primary key correctly!
Insted of assigning an autoincremented primary key, the primary key will always be 0 resulting in an contraint violation upon inserting a second row into the table.
Therefore you shouldn't use notNull().primaryKey().autoincrement(), if you don't want to have to deal with greendao-sourcecode.
I have made some minor changes to greendao-core to be able to use the upper statement, but everything should work well, if only use primaryKey().autoincrement().

Primary key is itself unique and not null and even if I mention it explicitly (not null().primaryKey()) , it should work flawlessly. I want to point out, whether am I doing wrongly or is there a fault in greenDAO.
Is there any word from greenDAO to resolve the issue in the upcoming releases.
I did not have much reputation otherwise i would have asked it in a comment.


Why am i getting postgresql error "Key (id)=(357) already exists"? [duplicate]

I have a question I know this was posted many times but I didn't find an answer to my problem. The problem is that I have a table and a column "id" I want it to be unique number just as normal. This type of column is serial and the next value after each insert is coming from a sequence so everything seems to be all right but it still sometimes shows this error. I don't know why. In the documentation, it says the sequence is foolproof and always works. If I add a UNIQUE constraint to that column will it help? I worked before many times on Postres but this error is showing for me for the first time. I did everything as normal and I never had this problem before. Can you help me to find the answer that can be used in the future for all tables that will be created? Let's say we have something easy like this:
id serial NOT NULL,
some_column text NOT NULL,
ALTER TABLE interesting.comments OWNER TO postgres;
If i add:
Will if be enough or is there some other thing that should be done?
This article explains that your sequence might be out of sync and that you have to manually bring it back in sync.
An excerpt from the article in case the URL changes:
If you get this message when trying to insert data into a PostgreSQL
ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint
That likely means that the primary key sequence in the table you're
working with has somehow become out of sync, likely because of a mass
import process (or something along those lines). Call it a "bug by
design", but it seems that you have to manually reset the a primary
key index after restoring from a dump file. At any rate, to see if
your values are out of sync, run these two commands:
SELECT MAX(the_primary_key) FROM the_table;
SELECT nextval('the_primary_key_sequence');
If the first value is higher than the second value, your sequence is
out of sync. Back up your PG database (just in case), then run this command:
SELECT setval('the_primary_key_sequence', (SELECT MAX(the_primary_key) FROM the_table)+1);
That will set the sequence to the next available value that's higher
than any existing primary key in the sequence.
I also encountered this problem and the solution proposed by #adamo was basically the right solution. However, I had to invest a lot of time in the details, which is why I am now writing a new answer in order to save this time for others.
My case was as follows: There was a table that was filled with data using an app. Now a new entry had to be inserted manually via SQL. After that the sequence was out of sync and no more records could be inserted via the app.
As mentioned in the answer from #adamo, the sequence must be synchronized manually. For this purpose the name of the sequence is needed. For Postgres, the name of the sequence can be determined with the command PG_GET_SERIAL_SEQUENCE. Most examples use lower case table names. In my case the tables were created by an ORM middleware (like Hibernate or Entity Framework Core etc.) and their names all started with a capital letter.
In an e-mail from 2004 (link) I got the right hint.
(Let's assume for all examples, that Foo is the table's name and Foo_id the related column.)
Command to get the sequence name:
So, the table name must be in double quotes, surrounded by single quotes.
1. Validate, that the sequence is out-of-sync
SELECT CURRVAL(PG_GET_SERIAL_SEQUENCE('"Foo"', 'Foo_id')) AS "Current Value", MAX("Foo_id") AS "Max Value" FROM "Foo";
When the Current Value is less than Max Value, your sequence is out-of-sync.
2. Correction
Replace the table_name to your actual name of the table.
Gives the current last id for the table. Note it that for next step.
SELECT MAX(id) FROM table_name;
Get the next id sequence according to postgresql. Make sure this id is higher than the current max id we get from step 1
SELECT nextVal('"table_name_id_seq"');
if it's not higher than then use this step 3 to update the next sequence.
SELECT setval('"table_name_id_seq"', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM table_name)+1);
The primary key is already protecting you from inserting duplicate values, as you're experiencing when you get that error. Adding another unique constraint isn't necessary to do that.
The "duplicate key" error is telling you that the work was not done because it would produce a duplicate key, not that it discovered a duplicate key already commited to the table.
For future searchs, use ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING.
Referrence -
I had the same problem try this:
python sqlsequencereset table_name
python sqlsequencereset auth
you need to run this in production settings(if you have)
and you need Postgres installed to run this on the server
Note: Prior to PostgreSQL 7.3, serial implied UNIQUE. This is no longer automatic. If you wish a serial column to be in a unique constraint or a primary key, it must now be specified, same as with any other data type.
In my case carate table script is:
CREATE TABLE public."Survey_symptom_binds"
id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('"Survey_symptom_binds_id_seq"'::regclass),
survey_id integer,
"order" smallint,
symptom_id integer,
CONSTRAINT "Survey_symptom_binds_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id)
SELECT nextval('"Survey_symptom_binds_id_seq"'::regclass),
FROM public."Survey_symptom_binds";
SELECT nextval('"Survey_symptom_binds_id_seq"'::regclass) less than MAX(id) !!!
Try to fix the proble:
SELECT setval('"Survey_symptom_binds_id_seq"', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM public."Survey_symptom_binds")+1);
Good Luck every one!
I had the same problem. It was because of the type of my relations. I had a table property which related to both states and cities. So, at first I had a relation from property to states as OneToOne, and the same for cities. And I had the same error "duplicate key violates unique constraint". That means that: I can only have one property related to one state and city. But that doesnt make sense, because a city can have multiple properties. So the problem is the relation. The relation should be ManyToOne. Many properties to One city
Table name started with a capital letter if tables were created by an ORM middleware (like Hibernate or Entity Framework Core etc.)
SELECT setval('"Table_name_Id_seq"', (SELECT MAX("Id") FROM "Table_name") + 1)
FROM (SELECT CURRVAL(PG_GET_SERIAL_SEQUENCE('"Table_name"', 'Id')) AS seq, MAX("Id") AS max_id
FROM "Table_name") AS seq_table
WHERE seq > max_id
try that CLI
it's just a suggestion to enhance the adamo code (thanks a lot adamo)
SELECT setval('tableName_columnName_seq', (SELECT MAX(columnName) FROM tableName));
For programatically solution at Django. Based on Paolo Melchiorre's answer, I wrote a chunk as a function to be called before any .save()
from django.db import connection
def setSqlCursor(db_table):
sql = """SELECT pg_catalog.setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('"""+db_table+"""', 'id'), MAX(id)) FROM """+db_table+""";"""
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
I have similar problem but I solved it by removing all the foreign key in my Postgresql

DB2 access specific row, in an non Unique table, for update / delete operations

Can I do row-specific update / delete operations in a DB2 table Via SQL, in a NON QUNIQUE Primary Key Context?
The Table is a PHYSICAL FILE on the NATIVE SYSTEM of the AS/400.
It was, like many other Files, created without the unique definition, which leads DB2 to the conclusion, that The Table, or PF has no qunique Key.
And that's my problem. I can't override the structure of the table to insert a unique ID ROW, because, I would have to recompile ALL my correlating Programs on the AS/400, which is a serious issue, much things would not work anymore, "perhaps". Of course, I can do that refactoring for one table, but our system has thousands of those native FILES, some well done with Unique Key, some without Unique definition...
Well, I work most of the time with db2 and sql on that old files. And all files which have a UNIQUE Key are no problem for me to do those important update / delete operations.
Is there some way to get an additional column to every select with a very unique row id, respective row number. And in addition, what is much more important, how can I update this RowNumber.
I did some research and meanwhile I assume, that there is no chance to do exact alterations or deletes, when there is no unique key present. What I would wish would be some additional ID-ROW which is always been sent with the table, which I can Refer to when I do my update / delete operations. Perhaps my thinking here has an fallacy as non Unique Key Tables are purposed to be edited in other ways.
Try the RRN function.
WHERE ...;
SET ...

How to INSERT OR UPDATE while MATCHING a non Primary Key without updating existing Primary Key?

I'm currently working with Firebird and attempting to utilize UPDATE OR INSERT functionality in order to solve a particular new case within our software. Basically, we are needing to pull data off of a source and put it into an existing table and then update that data at regular intervals and adding any new references. The source is not a database so it isn't a matter of using MERGE to link the two tables (unless we make a separate table and then merge it, but that seems unnecessary).
The problem rests on the fact we cannot use the primary key of the existing table for matching, because we need to match based off of the ID we get from the source. We can use the MATCHING clause no problem but the issue becomes that the primary key of the existing table will be updated to the next key every time because it has to be in the query because of the insertion chance. Here is the query (along with c# parameter additions) to demonstrate the problem.
UPDATE OR INSERT INTO existingtable (PrimaryKey, UniqueSourceID, Data) VALUES (?,?,?) MATCHING (UniqueSourceID);
this.AddInParameter("PrimaryKey", FbDbType.Integer, itemID);
this.AddInParameter("UniqueSourceID", FbDbType.Integer,;
this.AddInParameter("Data", FbDbType.SmallInt,;
Problem is shown that every time the UPDATE triggers, the primary key will also change to the next incremented key I need a way to leave the primary key alone when updating, but if it is inserting I need to insert it.
Do not generate primary key manually, let a trigger generate it when nessesary:
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_existingtable;
CREATE TRIGGER Gen_PK FOR existingtable
IF(NEW.PrimaryKey IS NULL)THEN NEW.PrimaryKey = NEXT VALUE FOR seq_existingtable;
Now you can omit the PK field from your statement:
UPDATE OR INSERT INTO existingtable (UniqueSourceID, Data) VALUES (?,?) MATCHING (UniqueSourceID);
and when the insert is triggered by the statement then the trigger will take care of creating the PK. If you need to know the generated PK then use the RETURNING clause of the UPDATE OR INSERT statement.

EF db first and table without key

I am trying to use Entity Framework DB first to do quick prototyping of a reporting website for a huge db. The problem is one of the tables doesn't have a key. I got an 'Error 159: EntityType has no key defined'. If I add a key on the model designer, I got 'Error 3024: Must specify mapping for all key properties'. My question is whether there is a way to workaround this WITHOUT adding a key to the table. The table is not in our control.
Huge table which does not have a key? It would not be possible for you or for table owner to search for anything in this table without using full table scan. Also, it is basically impossible to use UPDATE by single row without having primary key.
You really have to either create synthetic key, or ask owner to do that. As a workaround, you might be able to find some existing column (or 2-3 columns) which is unique enough that it can be used as unique key. If it is unique but does not have actual index created, that would be still not good for performance - you should create such index.

postgresql duplicate key violates unique constraint

I have a question I know this was posted many times but I didn't find an answer to my problem. The problem is that I have a table and a column "id" I want it to be unique number just as normal. This type of column is serial and the next value after each insert is coming from a sequence so everything seems to be all right but it still sometimes shows this error. I don't know why. In the documentation, it says the sequence is foolproof and always works. If I add a UNIQUE constraint to that column will it help? I worked before many times on Postres but this error is showing for me for the first time. I did everything as normal and I never had this problem before. Can you help me to find the answer that can be used in the future for all tables that will be created? Let's say we have something easy like this:
id serial NOT NULL,
some_column text NOT NULL,
ALTER TABLE interesting.comments OWNER TO postgres;
If i add:
Will if be enough or is there some other thing that should be done?
This article explains that your sequence might be out of sync and that you have to manually bring it back in sync.
An excerpt from the article in case the URL changes:
If you get this message when trying to insert data into a PostgreSQL
ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint
That likely means that the primary key sequence in the table you're
working with has somehow become out of sync, likely because of a mass
import process (or something along those lines). Call it a "bug by
design", but it seems that you have to manually reset the a primary
key index after restoring from a dump file. At any rate, to see if
your values are out of sync, run these two commands:
SELECT MAX(the_primary_key) FROM the_table;
SELECT nextval('the_primary_key_sequence');
If the first value is higher than the second value, your sequence is
out of sync. Back up your PG database (just in case), then run this command:
SELECT setval('the_primary_key_sequence', (SELECT MAX(the_primary_key) FROM the_table)+1);
That will set the sequence to the next available value that's higher
than any existing primary key in the sequence.
I also encountered this problem and the solution proposed by #adamo was basically the right solution. However, I had to invest a lot of time in the details, which is why I am now writing a new answer in order to save this time for others.
My case was as follows: There was a table that was filled with data using an app. Now a new entry had to be inserted manually via SQL. After that the sequence was out of sync and no more records could be inserted via the app.
As mentioned in the answer from #adamo, the sequence must be synchronized manually. For this purpose the name of the sequence is needed. For Postgres, the name of the sequence can be determined with the command PG_GET_SERIAL_SEQUENCE. Most examples use lower case table names. In my case the tables were created by an ORM middleware (like Hibernate or Entity Framework Core etc.) and their names all started with a capital letter.
In an e-mail from 2004 (link) I got the right hint.
(Let's assume for all examples, that Foo is the table's name and Foo_id the related column.)
Command to get the sequence name:
So, the table name must be in double quotes, surrounded by single quotes.
1. Validate, that the sequence is out-of-sync
SELECT CURRVAL(PG_GET_SERIAL_SEQUENCE('"Foo"', 'Foo_id')) AS "Current Value", MAX("Foo_id") AS "Max Value" FROM "Foo";
When the Current Value is less than Max Value, your sequence is out-of-sync.
2. Correction
Replace the table_name to your actual name of the table.
Gives the current last id for the table. Note it that for next step.
SELECT MAX(id) FROM table_name;
Get the next id sequence according to postgresql. Make sure this id is higher than the current max id we get from step 1
SELECT nextVal('"table_name_id_seq"');
if it's not higher than then use this step 3 to update the next sequence.
SELECT setval('"table_name_id_seq"', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM table_name)+1);
The primary key is already protecting you from inserting duplicate values, as you're experiencing when you get that error. Adding another unique constraint isn't necessary to do that.
The "duplicate key" error is telling you that the work was not done because it would produce a duplicate key, not that it discovered a duplicate key already commited to the table.
For future searchs, use ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING.
Referrence -
I had the same problem try this:
python sqlsequencereset table_name
python sqlsequencereset auth
you need to run this in production settings(if you have)
and you need Postgres installed to run this on the server
Note: Prior to PostgreSQL 7.3, serial implied UNIQUE. This is no longer automatic. If you wish a serial column to be in a unique constraint or a primary key, it must now be specified, same as with any other data type.
In my case carate table script is:
CREATE TABLE public."Survey_symptom_binds"
id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('"Survey_symptom_binds_id_seq"'::regclass),
survey_id integer,
"order" smallint,
symptom_id integer,
CONSTRAINT "Survey_symptom_binds_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id)
SELECT nextval('"Survey_symptom_binds_id_seq"'::regclass),
FROM public."Survey_symptom_binds";
SELECT nextval('"Survey_symptom_binds_id_seq"'::regclass) less than MAX(id) !!!
Try to fix the proble:
SELECT setval('"Survey_symptom_binds_id_seq"', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM public."Survey_symptom_binds")+1);
Good Luck every one!
I had the same problem. It was because of the type of my relations. I had a table property which related to both states and cities. So, at first I had a relation from property to states as OneToOne, and the same for cities. And I had the same error "duplicate key violates unique constraint". That means that: I can only have one property related to one state and city. But that doesnt make sense, because a city can have multiple properties. So the problem is the relation. The relation should be ManyToOne. Many properties to One city
Table name started with a capital letter if tables were created by an ORM middleware (like Hibernate or Entity Framework Core etc.)
SELECT setval('"Table_name_Id_seq"', (SELECT MAX("Id") FROM "Table_name") + 1)
FROM (SELECT CURRVAL(PG_GET_SERIAL_SEQUENCE('"Table_name"', 'Id')) AS seq, MAX("Id") AS max_id
FROM "Table_name") AS seq_table
WHERE seq > max_id
try that CLI
it's just a suggestion to enhance the adamo code (thanks a lot adamo)
SELECT setval('tableName_columnName_seq', (SELECT MAX(columnName) FROM tableName));
For programatically solution at Django. Based on Paolo Melchiorre's answer, I wrote a chunk as a function to be called before any .save()
from django.db import connection
def setSqlCursor(db_table):
sql = """SELECT pg_catalog.setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('"""+db_table+"""', 'id'), MAX(id)) FROM """+db_table+""";"""
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
I have similar problem but I solved it by removing all the foreign key in my Postgresql