Below is a powershell script I am trying to get working. Its designed to run with GitHub for Windows git shell and I have am trying to call "Hub" (, but thats not relevant. I can call it fine except in one of the command line parameters I want to have some newlines. Is there some way to do this? The new lines are being interpreted as the end of the command.
The newlines are the $msg variable. So the (abbreviated) output is something like:
hub pull-request -m "PFR-1
But the command line just sees: hub pull-request -m "PFR-1
$branch = $Global:GitStatus.branch
$segments = $branch.split("/")
iex "git push -u origin $branch"
if ($segments.Length -eq 2 -and $segments[1] -match "^\w+\-\d+$")
$jiraItem = $segments[1].ToUpper()
$msg = "$jiraItem`r`n``r`nn$jiraItem"
echo "hub pull-request -m ""$msg"" -b kiandra-projects:develop -h kiandra-projects:$branch"
iex "& hub pull-request -m ""$msg"" -b kiandra-projects:develop -h kiandra-projects:$branch"
iex "hub pull-request -b kiandra-projects:develop -h kiandra-projects:$branch"
Have you tried a here-string?
$MultilineString = #"
More stuff
# in your case:
$msg = #"
Note: The closing "# must be on its own line
Also, check, it may do what you need
I would like to download a 20GB dump, replace strings and pipe it to mysql.exe while it still downloads in Powershell. But I'm having issues piping the stream.
If my file was already downloaded, I could stream while replacing strings in the file to StdOut with:
Get-Content 'dump.sql' | %{ $_.replace("production_db", "staging_db") }
Or if I also download the file while streaming and replacing strings to StdOut , I could do this:
$url = 'http://MyServer.ext/dump.sql'
& {
$myHttpWebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($url)
$myHttpWebRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("MyUsername:MyPassword")))
try {
$res = $myHttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
catch [System.Net.WebException] {
$res = $_.Exception.Response
if ([int] $res.StatusCode -ne 200) {
'Error: ' + [int]$res.StatusCode + " " + $res.StatusCode
} else {
$receiveStream = $res.GetResponseStream()
$encode = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("utf-8")
$readStream = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($receiveStream, $encode)
while (-not $readStream.EndOfStream) {
$readStream.ReadLine().replace("production_db", "staging_db")
But in both cases, I fail to pipe this as a stream to mysql.exe. It seams the whole stream is first loaded into memory, before being passed on to the mysql.exe process, when I append:
| & 'C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\mysql.exe' -u MyUsername -pMyPassword -h
How do I manage to pipe a stream to another process in Powershell?
We know mysql.exe will take standard input because we can run mysql.exe < myfile.sql and it works great. I found this fantastic answer about sending lines of text to the standard input of a process, and it seems to work for me. I'm using the CMD shell to test with since I don't have mysql handy:
# Setup: example commands to feed via stream to process
'echo "hello"
echo "world"
echo "bye"
exit' > 'C:\temp\file.bat'
# create streamreader from file
$readStream = [System.IO.Streamreader]::new('C:\temp\file.bat')
$encode = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("utf-8")
For you, just update your replacement and the exe name:
# Create a process for the job
$psi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo;
$psi.FileName = "cmd.exe"; #process file
$psi.UseShellExecute = $false; #start the process from it's own executable file
$psi.RedirectStandardInput = $true; #enable the process to read from standard input
$psi.RedirectStandardOutput = $true #send standard output to object
$p = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi);
# Send each line of the file to the process as standard input:
while (-not $readStream.EndOfStream) {
($readStream.ReadLine().replace("l", "L"))
# Make sure you don't accidentally close mysql before it's done processing.
# For example, add WriteLine('exit') after the While{}, then use Wait-Process.
# get the output of the process, should also wait for the process to finish
In my tests it's working, replacing the commands as they're read, and sending them to the process, and shows the output:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19043.1110]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\>echo "heLLo"
C:\>echo "worLd"
C:\>echo "bye"
I think you should be able to hook into $p.StandardOutput and read it as you go, but when I tried it would cause the process to hang? Maybe just use mysql logging instead.
After switching an application from Linux to Windows, I need to convert a shell script to a Windows equivalent. My choices were basically batch and PowerShell and I decided to give a shot to PowerShell.
For anyone interested, it's a local check for Check_MK to get information about SoftEther installed version and the number of sessions with performance data.
The initial shell script was as follow:
cmd=$(/usr/local/vpnserver/vpncmd localhost:port /server /password:password /in:/usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local/vpncmd.txt)
version=$(echo "$cmd" | head -4 | tail -1)
sessions=$(echo "$cmd" | grep Sessions | awk '$1=$1' | cut -c21-22)
if [ -z "$version" ]; then
echo "3 VPN_Version - Can't get the information from vpncmd"
echo "0 VPN_Version - SoftEther VPN Server $version"
if [ -z "$sessions" ]; then
echo "3 VPN_Sessions - Can't get the information from vpncmd"
echo "P VPN_Sessions sessions=$sessions;2;2"
I basically got everything working except the 2 hardest lines of code:
cd "C:\Program Files\SoftEther VPN Server"
$cmd = vpncmd localhost:port /server /password:password /in:vpncmd.txt
if($version -eq $null) {
echo "3 VPN_Version - Can't get the information from vpncmd"
} else {
echo "0 VPN_Version - SoftEther VPN Server $version"
if($sessions -eq $null) {
echo "3 VPN_Sessions - Can't get the information from vpncmd"
} else {
echo "P VPN_Sessions sessions=$sessions;2;2"
I need help with going from the head, tail, grep, awk and cut one liners to whatever is equivalent in PowerShell. I read about Get-Content but I'm not sure if it's the most efficient way to do this and would like to prevent going from 1 line definition to 10 lines if that's possible to be as efficient in PowerShell.
Sample output of vpncmd's output:
with the data being an array of lines & the word Version appearing multiple times in the actual source, the code needs to change a tad. in this version, it uses the way that -match works on an array to give the whole line as a result. that requires working on the output line to parse the desired data.
$Version = ($Vpncmd_Output -match '^Version \d{1,}\.\d{1,}' -split 'Version ' )[-1].Trim()
$SessionCount = [int]($Vpncmd_Output -match 'Number of Sessions\s+\|').Split('|')[-1].Trim()
output ...
4.29 Build 9680 (English)
using the data in your PasteBin post, and presuming that is a multiline string, not an array of strings, this seems to work [grin] ...
$Vpncmd_Output -match '(?m)Number of Sessions\s+\|(?<Sessions>.*)'
# output = 0
$Vpncmd_Output -match '(?m)Version (?<Version>.+)'
# output = 4.29 Build 9680 (English)
i tried to combine the regex into one, but failed. [blush] the way i have it requires two passes, but it does work.
Currently, I'm writing a PowerShell module which automatically configures aliases for all git commands, inspired by git-sh.
Then I wrote functions below.
The Enable-GitAliases function is the entry point to configure aliases automatically.
it collects git's subcommands by Get-GitCommands, which parses git --help -a to get all git's subcommands.
Then it defines the wrapper functions for the collected git commands.
My question is: why is git --help -a called so many times (possibly infinitely) when invoking Enable-GitAliases, which causing significant slow down?
After writing the code, I found Enable-GitAliases takes too much time (I've never seen it finishes).
According to the Task Manager, the git --help -a command is launched and exits repeatedly.
I expected the git --help -a command is called only once.
Actually, Get-GitCommands | % { echo $_ } calls git --help -a only once.
What is the difference, and what is best way to fix?
function Get-GitCommands {
-Split (git --help -a | select-string -pattern '^ [-a-zA-Z0-9.]+\s*')
function Enable-GitAliases($avoidConflicts = $true) {
Get-GitCommands | % {
$aliasName = $_
if (-not ($avoidConflicts -and (Get-Command $aliasName 2> $null) -ne $null)) {
Enable-GitAliases $aliasName
function Enable-GitAlias($commandName) {
$wrapper = #'
function global:{0} {{
git {0} $args
'# -f $commandName
Invoke-Expression $wrapper
You call Enable-GitAliases recursively, but is this intended?
Is your intention this?
function Enable-GitAliases($avoidConflicts = $true) {
Get-GitCommands | % {
$aliasName = $_
if (-not ($avoidConflicts -and (Get-Command $aliasName 2> $null) -ne $null)) {
# Enable-GitAliases -> Enable-GitAlias
Enable-GitAlias $aliasName
I need to open a folder on a FTP server. The folder name [DAILY Files Folder] has SPACE between the words. If I try it in CMD I can use double quotes and it works. but in power shell I need the double quotes to run the actual command! does anyone know how can I add the space in my folder name without using double quotes?
$cmd = #(
"cd /DAILY Files Folder",
"put $file",
[String]($cmd | & $program -pw $pass "$user#$hst" 2>&1)
Escape nested double quotes with backticks (`):
$cmd = #(
"cd `"/DAILY Files Folder`"",
"put $file",
[String]($cmd | & $program -pw $pass "$user#$hst" 2>&1)
or use single quotes as the outer quotes if you don't use variables inside the string:
$cmd = #(
'cd "/DAILY Files Folder"',
"put $file",
[String]($cmd | & $program -pw $pass "$user#$hst" 2>&1)
you can use the back tick character (`) to escape each space:
DAILY` Files` Folder
I want to use a powershell variable for a cmd argument but I don't know how to make it.
function iptc($file)
$newcredit = correspondance($credit)
$cmd = '& C:\exiftool\exiftool.exe -S -t -overwrite_original -Credit=$newcredit $file.FullName'
Invoke-Expression $cmd
For example newcredit can be "James" but in my case when I run the command -Credit will only be "$newcredit".
Single quotes (' ') do not expand variable values in the string. You can address this by either using double quotes (" "):
$cmd = "& C:\exiftool\exiftool.exe -S -t -overwrite_original -Credit=$newcredit $file.FullName"
Or, by the method I most often use, by using string formatting:
$cmd = '& C:\exiftool\exiftool.exe -S -t -overwrite_original -Credit={0} {1}' -f $newcredit, $file.FullName
If either of the parameters has a space in it then the parameter will need to be surrounded by double quotes in the output. In that case I would definitely use string formatting:
$cmd = '& C:\exiftool\exiftool.exe -S -t -overwrite_original -Credit="{0}" "{1}"' -f $newcredit, $file.FullName