Scala/Play: access current url in a model - scala

I have a simple Play application in which I need to check url being called and use different database accordingly. I know that it's easy to access current url in the controller, but for this to work I need to access it in the model.
Passing the url from controller to each call of a model method would be too big of an inconvenience. Is there any other way to solve this problem?
Play Framework 2.2.1 / Scala 2.10.3
UPDATE: This is my basic example
Controller (Application.scala):
package controllers
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import models.Data
object Application extends Controller {
def index = Action {
//Call to model method - model should somehow get the URL without it being passed as a param
val smth: String = Data.getSmth()
Model (Data.scala):
package models
object Data {
def getSmth: Option[String] = DB.withSession {
val db = //this is where I need the url to decide which database to use
sql"""SELECT #$db.smth FROM smthTable""".as[String].firstOption

So, this is by design in the Play Scala API - there is no magic context, if you want data you will have to pass it along to whatever piece of your code that needs it.
You will have to take the url as a parameter of some kind, you could do it like this:
case class MyModel(someData: String, requestUrl: String)
object MyModel {
def apply(someData: String, request: Request) =
new MyModel(someData, request.url)
This would clearly express the dependency, but in your particular app you might call this from every request and want to avoid having to repeat providing that parameter, in that case you can use Scala implicits which makes the compiler look for a matching implicit instance that is of the same type in the current scope (you can read more about this here:
object MyModel {
def apply(someData: String)(implicit request: Request) =
new MyModel(someData, request.url)
which could then be called from a controller action like this
def myAction = Action { implicit request =>
val model = MyModel("blablabla")
Of course it may be a bad idea to tightly couple your model to the play Request API and you should probably introduce your own class to represent this 'context', you could then implicitly convert from Request to YourContext in you controllers and have the model implicitly use YourContext instead.
If all this sounds like gibberish to you, you should probably start with actually learning Scala before trying to build a web app in Scala. There are lots of good books nowadays ('Scala for the impatient' for example) as well as a multitude of good online resources (the neophytes guide to scala is a good one).
Good luck!


Testing Play controller with query parameter

given a simple Play 2.6.24 controller that handles a query parameter, i.e.
class MyController #Inject()(val controllerComponents: ControllerComponents) extends BaseController {
def foo(name: Option[String]= None) = { ... }
how should I test that foo works properly and gets the correct query parameter, using ScalaTest, and without instantiating a FakeApplication ?
The closest I've come with, is the following:
class MyControllerSpec extends FlatSpec with StubControllerComponentsFactory with Results with Matchers {
private val controller = new MyController(stubControllerComponents())
it should "read `name` query parameter" in {
val result ="GET", "/?name=test"))
contentAsString(result) shouldBe ...
but, as you know, this won't work: FakeRequest content will get ignored, and I must explicitly call the controller as"test")).apply(...) which doesn't look good, nor logical (why do I have to still provide a FakeRequest which won't get used?).
I have a feeling that, since it's done at routing level, I will have to use a FakeApplication... but maybe I'm wrong, and somebody knows a way to achieve what I'm looking for.
As far as I know, you can't test the query parameters provided in the FakeRequest unless you call the router which requires the actual app.
As you explained,"test")).apply(...) would work because query parameters are extracted into method arguments, but it doesn't actually add much value to your tests.
Instantiating the app and testing with the router allows you to verify that clients will be able to call your method in the way it is supposed to be supported, which includes the path, request methods, headers, etc. This also makes it simpler to detect incompatible changes if you ever update how the controller renders the result.

Access Play Framework Router routing table at run time

I am writing an EssentialFilter so I can perform an operation on every request. However all that the filter receives is a RequestHeader object and I need to know information about the actual controller that will be handling this request later down the line.
This information is plain and clear in routes.conf:
GET /foobar controllers.MyController.foobar()
GET /bashbaz controllers.MyController.bashbaz()
And I can even see that in my target folder a generated routing table is laid out very neatly in a documentation object:
// This example greatly simplified for clarity
class Routes() {
def documentation = List(
("""GET""", prefix + """foobar""", """controllers.MyController.foobar()"""),
("""GET""", prefix + """bashbaz""", """controllers.MyController.bashbaz()""")
My only question is: how do I access this during runtime?
This answer coincidentally shows that the routes used to be available via Play.maybeApplication.get.routes but that is now deprecated. How do I get a Routes object at run time?
Play actually makes Routes available via dependency injection (DI) of its Router object. If you already have DI set up in your app then you only need to inject it into your constructor:
import play.api.routing.Router
class YourFilter(router: Router) extends EssentialFilter { ... }
If you haven't set DI up yet then I recommend reading the official reference on the subject. This third-party blog post also details some modern libraries that can be useful.
However, if you want to see what controller handles a particular RequestHeader, then I recommend ignoring the Router and documentation objects entirely and make use of the convenient handlerDef implicit:
import play.api.routing.Router.RequestImplicits.WithHandlerDef
override def apply(next: EssentialAction) = { request: RequestHeader =>
val handlerDefOpt = request.handlerDef =>
// Would be "controllers.MyController" in your example
// Would be "foobar" or "bashbaz" in your example
// Would be "GET" in your example
// Would be "/foobar" or "/bashbaz" in your example
Or you can also get the HandlerDef from within the request's attrs:
val handlerDef: Option[HandlerDef] = request.attrs.get(Router.Attrs.HandlerDef)

How can I perform session based logging in Play Framework

We are currently using the Play Framework and we are using the standard logging mechanism. We have implemented a implicit context to support passing username and session id to all service methods. We want to implement logging so that it is session based. This requires implementing our own logger. This works for our own logs but how do we do the same for basic exception handling and logs as a result. Maybe there is a better way to capture this then with implicits or how can we override the exception handling logging. Essentially, we want to get as many log messages to be associated to the session.
It depends if you are doing reactive style development or standard synchronous development:
If standard synchronous development (i.e. no futures, 1 thread per request) - then I'd recommend you just use MDC, which adds values onto Threadlocal for logging. You can then customise the output in logback / log4j. When you get the username / session (possibly in a Filter or in your controller), you can then set the values there and then and you do not need to pass them around with implicits.
If you are doing reactive development you have a couple options:
You can still use MDC, except you'd have to use a custom Execution Context that effectively copies the MDC values to the thread, since each request could in theory be handled by multiple threads. (as described here:
The alternative is the solution which I tend to use (and close to what you have now): You could make a class which represents MyAppRequest. Set the username, session info, and anything else, on that. You can continue to pass it around as an implicit. However, instead of using Action.async, you make your own MyAction class which an be used like below
myAction.async { implicit myRequest => //some code }
Inside the myAction, you'd have to catch all Exceptions and deal with future failures, and do the error handling manually instead of relying on the ErrorHandler. I often inject myAction into my Controllers and put common filter functionality in it.
The down side of this is, it is just a manual method. Also I've made MyAppRequest hold a Map of loggable values which can be set anywhere, which means it had to be a mutable map. Also, sometimes you need to make more than one myAction.async. The pro is, it is quite explicit and in your control without too much ExecutionContext/ThreadLocal magic.
Here is some very rough sample code as a starter, for the manual solution:
def logErrorAndRethrow(myrequest:MyRequest, x:Throwable): Nothing = {
//log your error here in the format you like
throw x //you can do this or handle errors how you like
class MyRequest {
val attr : mutable.Map[String, String] = new mutable.HashMap[String, String]()
//make this a util to inject, or move it into a common parent controller
def myAsync(block: MyRequest => Future[Result] ): Action[AnyContent] = {
val myRequest = new MyRequest()
try {
block(myRequest).recover { case cause => logErrorAndRethrow(myRequest, cause) }
} catch {
case x:Throwable =>
logErrorAndRethrow(myRequest, x)
//the method your Route file refers to
def getStuff = myAsync { request:MyRequest =>
//execute your code here, passing around request as an implicit

Dependency injection with Scala

I was searching a way of doing dependency injection in Scala kind of like Spring or Unity in C# and I found nothing really interesting.
MacWire: I don't understand the benefit as we have to give the class in wire[CASS]. So what's the point if you give the implementation when you call wire? I can do new CASS it will be the same.
Cake pattern with self type: Seems to not answer what I'm searching for.
So I decided to make my implementation and ask you what do you think because it's surprising me that nothing like this has been done before. Maybe my implementation have lot's of issues in real life also.
So here is an example:
trait Messenger {
def send
class SkypeMessenger extends Messenger {
def send = println("Skype")
class ViberMessenger extends Messenger {
def send = println("Viber")
I want here to inject everywhere in my app the implementation configured in only one place:
object App {
val messenger = Inject[Messenger]
def main(args: Array[String]) {
Note the Inject[Messenger] that I define like below with the config I want (prod or dev):
object Inject extends Injector with DevConfig
trait ProdConfig {
this: Injector =>
register[Messager](new SkypeMessager)
register[Messager](new ViberMessager, "viber")
trait DevConfig {
this: Injector =>
register[Messager](new ViberMessager)
register[Messager](new ViberMessager, "viber")
And finally here is the Injector which contains all methods apply and register:
class Injector {
var map = Map[String, Any]()
def apply[T: ClassTag] =
def apply[T: ClassTag](id: String) =
map(classTag[T].toString + id).asInstanceOf[T]
def register[T: ClassTag](instance: T, id: String = "") = {
map += (classTag[T].toString + id -> instance)
To summaries:
I have a class Injector which is a Map between interfaces/traits (eventually also an id) and an instance of the implementation.
We define a trait for each config (dev, prod...) which contains the registers. It also have a self reference to Injector.
And we create an instance of the Injector with the Config we want
The usage is to call the apply method giving the Interface type (eventually also an id) and it will return the implementation's instance.
What do you think?
You code looks a lot like dependency injection in Lift web framework. You can consult Lift source code to see how it's implemented or just use the framework. You don't have to run a Lift app to use its libraries. Here is a small intro doc. Basically you should be looking at this code in Lift:
package net.liftweb.http
* A base trait for a Factory. A Factory is both an Injector and
* a collection of FactorMaker instances. The FactoryMaker instances auto-register
* with the Injector. This provides both concrete Maker/Vender functionality as
* well as Injector functionality.
trait Factory extends SimpleInjector
You can also check this related question: Scala - write unit tests for objects/singletons that extends a trait/class with DB connection where I show how Lift injector is used.
Thanks guys,
So I make my answer but the one from Aleksey was very good.
I understand better the Cake Pattern with this sample:
Take a look also to the other implementations without DI and compare:
And so the cake pattern doesn't have a centralized config like we can have with my shown lift style DI. I will anyway use the Cake pattern as it fits well with Slick.
What I didn't like with Subcut is the implicits everywhere. I know there is a way to avoid them but it looks like a fix to me.
To comment on MacWire, you are right that you could just use new - and that's the whole point :). MacWire is there only to let you remove some boilerplate from your code, by not having to enumerate all the dependencies again (which is already done in the constructor).
The main idea is that you do the wiring at "the end of the world", where you assemble your application (or you could divide that into trait-modules, but that's optional). Otherwise you just use constructors to express dependencies. No magic, no frameworks.

Play 2.0 models best practices

I am looking for best practices regarding models and ways to persist objects in database with play 2.0. I have studied the Play and typesafe samples for play 2.0 using scala.
What I understand is :
The model is defined in a case class
All the insert/update/delete/select are defined in the companion object of this case class
So if I need to update my Car object to define a new owner i will have to do:
val updatedCar = myCar.copy(owner=newOwner)
// or
Car.updateOwner(, newOwner)
I am wondering why the update or delete statements are not in the case class itself:
case class Car(id: Pk[Long] = NotAssigned, owner: String) {
def updateOwner(newOwner: String) {
DB.withConnection { implicit connection =>
update car
set owner = {newOwner}
where id = {id}
'id -> id,
'newOwner -> newOwner
copy(owner = newOwner)
Doing so would permit to do:
val updatedCar = myCar.updateOwner(newOwner)
Which is what I used to do with Play 1.X using Java and JPA.
Maybe the reason is obvious and due to my small knowledge of Scala.
I think part of the reason is the favoring of immutability in functional languages like Scala.
In your example, you modify 'this.owner'. What's your equivalent operation look like for a delete, and what happens to "this"?
With a companion object, it seems a bit more clear that the passed object (or ID) is not modified, and the returned object or ID is the relevant result of the operation.
Then also, I think another part of the issue is that your example requires an instance first. When you delete an Object, what if you just want to delete by Id you got off a form, and don't want to first build a whole instance of the object you intend to delete?
I've been playing with play2.0 with mongo, and my companion objects look like:
object MyObject extends SalatDAO[MyObject,ObjectId] (collection = getCollection("objectcollection")) {
These companion objects inherit CRUD like operations from SalatDAO (, MyObject.find(), etc). I'm not entirely clear on how it is implemented internally, but it works nicely.