automatic transpose of vectors for binary operations - matlab

I know there are alternatives exist. But just curious to know. When I perform some binary operations such as *,-,/,+ between two vectors of same size, some times the dimension does not match. For eg., for a*b a is of size (m,1) and b is also of size (m,1). or for a-b, the size of a,b is (m,1) and (1,m) respectively. Is there a way that matlab automatically matches dimension of vectors and performs the operation.

A simple approach is to use
instead of a-b. The linear indexing (:) turns everything into a column vector.
If one of the operands is in turn the result of an operation, for example b+c, you can't directly write a(:)-(b+c)(:) in Matlab. In that case you can use reshape, like this:
reshape(a,[],1) - reshape(b+c,[],1)
This works because reshape(...,[],1), like (:), converts its argument into a column; but now that argument can be the result of an operation.


What is the difference between matrix and array?

What is the more generalized term?
Why is MATLAB named matrix laboratory, then?
A matrix is a practical way to represent a linear transformation from a space of dimension n to a space of dimension m in the form of a nxm array of scalar values.
It is also very practical to perform linear algebra operation in a very systematic way that can be implemented on a computer. For instance if matrix A represents the linear transformation f and matrix B the linear transformation g, then the composition f o g writes as A*B where * denotes matrix multiplication. Matlab has also a lot of routines related to matrix operations (i.e. linear algebra operations) like det, pinv, svd etc...
As you can still see nowadays in Matlab, operators like *, / are strongly tied to matrix operations and thus strongly tied to linear algebra operations, which I think was the original goal of matlab in its early elaboration, hence its name (surely quite speculative but guess not so far from reality).
To perform element-wise operations on n-dimensional data sets, you have to write .*, or ./. denoting you are now performing array operations.
I would not say array operations encompass matrix operations, they are different. The later ones relate to linear algebra, while the other ones just relate to a practical way to operate on large sets of data. These data are not limited to be numbers, they are just n-dimensional data sets of whatever (string, numbers, cells, etc...).
Matlab also has a very synthetic syntax to perform array operations on sub-blocks (i.e. linear/logical subscripts) that makes it very easy to reorganize data sets in just one line of code before applying subsequent matrix or array operations.
If you're asking about MATLAB, the word "matrix" typically refers to a 2d array, whereas an "array" can be n-dimensional.
Early versions of MATLAB supported only 2d matrices, not n-dimensional arrays. I believe support for n-dimensional arrays was introduced in version 5 of MATLAB.
I would say that MATLABs matrix is a more advanced kind of array if you compare to the c-style arrays, eg double array[], or the Java array, eg double arry2[]. I would also say that the matlab matrix is better for mathematical purposed than the c++ vector or Java ArrayList. However, if you mean the matlab array I would say that it is more complicated. I would then recommend the link about matlab data which describes the mxArray type, used to store most of the data in matlab. The question is hard to answer completely without better description of what you mean with array, but I would say that regarding the type there is no difference between an array like a = [1,2,3,4] and matrix like b = [1,2,3,4;5,6,7,8]. There can also be matrices of higher dimensions as c = ones(3,4,3). These are in general called matrices as well in MATLAB, or if you need to be more specific N dimensional matrices.

MATLAB: Efficient (vectorized) way to apply function on two matrices?

I have two matrices X and Y, both of order mxn. I want to create a new matrix O of order mxm such that each i,j th entry in this new matrix is computed by applying a function to ith and jth row of X and Y respectively. In my case m = 10000 and n = 500. I tried using a loop but it takes forever. Is there an efficient way to do it?
I am targeting two functions dot product -- dot(row_i, row_j) and exp(-1*norm(row_i-row_j)). But I was wondering if there is a general way so that I can plugin any function.
Solution #1
For the first case, it looks like you can simply use matrix multiplication after transposing Y -
If you are dealing with complex numbers -
Solution #2
For the second case, you need to do a little more work. You need to use bsxfun with permute to re-arrange dimensions and employ the raw form of norm calculations and finally squeeze to get a 2D array output -
squeeze(exp(-1*sqrt(sum(bsxfun(#minus,X,permute(Y,[3 2 1])).^2,2)))
If you would like to avoid squeeze, you can use two permute's -
exp(-1*sqrt(sum(bsxfun(#minus,permute(X,[1 3 2]),permute(Y,[3 1 2])).^2,3)))
I would also advise you to look into this problem - Efficiently compute pairwise squared Euclidean distance in Matlab.
In conclusion, there isn't a common most efficient way that could be employed for every function to ith and jth row of X. If you are still hell bent on that, you can use anonymous function handles with bsxfun, but I am afraid it won't be the most efficient technique.
For the second part, you could also use pdist2:
result = exp(-pdist2(X,Y));

How do you compose functions in matlab?

I would like to chain these two functions:
1. select the third dimension of a m x n x 3 matrix
2. flatten the matrix into a (m+n) x 1 vector
Something like: mat(:,:,1)(:) or (mat(:,:,1))(:)
But this is not the correct syntax.So how do I chain these two functions together without assigning some variable to the intermediate result mat(:,:,1) ?
You can't chain those two indexings in Matlab. But in this case you can substitute the second indexing by a reshape:
If the second indexing is more complicated than just flattening the matrix, the reshape trick will not be applicable in general. In that case there is a way to avoid using an intermediate variable, but it results in cumbersome and ugly code, so it's not recommended.

MATLAB: why transpose single dimension array

I have the following Matlab code snippet that I'm having to translate to VBScript. However, I'm not understanding why the last line is even necessary.
clear i
for i = 1:numb_days
doy(i) = floor(dt_daily(i) - datenum(2012,12,31,0,0,0));
doy = doy';
Looking over the rest of the code, this happens in a lot of other places where there are single dimension arrays (?) being transposed in place. I'm a newbie when it comes to both these languages, as well as posting a question on Stack, as I'm a sleuth when it comes to finding answers, just not in this case. Thanks in advance.
All "arrays" in MATLAB have at least two dimensions, and can be treated as having any number of dimensions you wish. The transpose operator here is converting between a row (size [1 N] array) and a column (size [N 1] array). This can be significant when it comes to either concatenating the arrays, or performing other operations.
Conceptually, the dimension vector of a MATLAB array has as many trailing 1s as is required to perform an operation. This means that you can index any MATLAB array with any number of subscripts, providing you don't exceed the bounds, like so:
x = magic(4); % 4-by-4 square matrix
x(2,3,1,1,1) % pick an element
One final note: the ' operator is the complex-conjugate transpose CTRANSPOSE. The .' operator is the ordinary TRANSPOSE operator.

MATLAB submatrix

MATLAB question:
I have an array A(2,2,2) that is three-dimensional. I would like to define a 2x2 array as a subarray of A, as follows:
B = A(1,:,:).
That is, we are simply projecting on the first component. But matlab will now treat this 2x2 matrix as a 1x2x2 array instead, so that I can't do certain things (like multiply by another 2x2 matrix).
How do I get B as a 2x2 subarray of A?
If you think about a skyscraper, your A(1,:,:) is taking the first floor out and this operation inevitably happens across the 3rd dimension.
You can use reshape(), squeeze() or permute() to get rid of the singleton dimension:
squeeze() pretty much does all the job by itself, however it is not an inbuilt function and in fact uses reshape(). The other two alternatives are expected to be faster.
You'd want to use the function squeeze which removes the singleton dimensions:
B = squeeze(A(1,:,:))