Coffeescript static inheritance of child classes - coffeescript

This works :
class Foo
class #_Bar
#narf = ''
#point : ->
#narf = 'what'
class #_Baz extends #_Bar
#point : ->
#narf = 'woo'
This does not
class Foo
class #_Bar
#narf = ''
#point = ->
#narf = 'what'
class #_Baz extends #_Bar
#point = ->
#narf = 'woo'
running Foo._Baz.point() will throw and error.
Please someone explain what is going on here.

It seems like a bug in the compiler to me. Writing
class X
#classMethod: ->
class X
#classMethod = ->
should be equivalent, yet super compiles differently across the two methods. In the first, it compiles correctly:
X.__super__.constructor.classMethod.apply(this, arguments);
In the second, it compiles as if classMethod were an instance method:
X.__super__.classMethod.apply(this, arguments);

This works:
class Foo
class #_Bar
#narf = ''
point : ->
#narf = 'what'
class #_Baz extends #_Bar
#point = ->
#narf = 'woo'
alert Foo._Baz.point() # 'what'
alert new Foo._Bar().point() # 'what'
That is, the compiled #point= super ends up pointing to the instance point:. Its JS is:, which is (extends defines: child.__super__ = parent.prototype).
It's clear from past Coffeescript changes that #point: is the intended syntax for static (class) methods (and used that way in the compiler itself).

There are a couple of fixes now on github.
Currently the node tree for a #foo= method is different from that of a #foo: method. Because of that, a node created with = is never passed to the Class addParameters method, and is never flagged as static.
One solution, which will probably be accepted, makes sure both forms produce the same node tree.
The one I contributed
adds a method to class Class. This method is a stripped down version of addParameters, and specifically checks a = node tree.
If you need a fix in your own Coffee compiler, modify your src/coffee-script/ file, compile it, and put the resulting node.js in the lib directory (or use the cake build).


AngelScript - Avoid implicit default constructor from running

I'm currently testing some simple AngelScript stuff, and noticed something I find a bit strange when it comes to how objects are initialized from classes.
Let's say I define a class like this:
class MyClass {
int i;
MyClass(int i) {
this.i = i;
I can create an object of this class by doing this:
MyClass obj = MyClass(5);
However it seems I can also create an object by doing this:
MyClass obj;
The problem here is that obj.i becomes a default value as it is undefined.
Additionally, adding a default constructor to my class and a print function call in each one reveals that when I do MyClass obj = MyClass(5); BOTH constructors are called, not just the one with the matching parameter. This seems risky to me, as it could initialize a lot of properties unnecessarily for this "ghost" instance.
I can avoid this double-initialization by using a handle, but this seems more like a work-around rather than a solution:
MyClass# obj = MyClass(5);
So my question sums up to:
Can I require a specific constructor to be called?
Can I prevent a default constructor from running?
What's the proper way to deal with required parameters when creating objects?
Mind that this is purely in the AngelScript script language, completely separate from the C++ code of the host application. The host is from 2010 and is not open-source, and my knowledge of their implementation is very limited, so if the issue lies there, I can't change it.
In order to declare class and send the value you choose to constructor try:
MyClass obj(5);
To prevent using default constructor create it and use:
abort("Trying to create uninitialized object of type that require init parameters");
assert(1>2,"Trying to create uninitialized object of type that require init parameters");
in case that any of those is working in you environment.
declaring the constructor as private seems not to work in AS, unlike other languages.

Create coffeescript class

I have simple class in coffeescript (this class is located in
class ExampleClass
constructor: (arguments) ->
makeSTH: (page) ->
makeSTHElse: (data) =>
I have another coffee file. I included above file and I tried to create instance of ExampleClass this way:
/#= require
class ExampleClass2
constructor: (arguments) ->
#ex = new ExampleClass(sth)
But I got something like this:
ReferenceError: ExampleClass is not defined
I don't know how to correctly reference to ExampleClass. Thanks for all answers and sorry for my English.
CoffeeScript will compile each of the source file as a separated compilation unit. Each of the compilation unit will be wrapped inside a block, so that the global namespace won't be polluted by mistake. So, ExampleClass actually get compiled to something like:
(function () {
var ExampleClass;
ExampleClass = function (args) {}
You can see that ExampleClass can only be accessed from the same source. In order to access it from other source file, you need to bind it to window.
class window.ExampleClass
constructor: (args) ->
PS. you're not allowed to use arguments as formal parameter name in CoffeeScript, as it has special meaning in JavaScript.
And /#= require is not valid in CoffeeScript, you need to remove the leading /. I think that's just a typo.

Run method with reference to it's static vars from a child class

I have a class Child which extends Test. I want to call a function from Test from Child.
I tried this:
class Test
constructor: ->
#i = 'hello world'
f1: -> console.log #i
f2: -> console.log 'hello'
class Child extends Test
run: ->
hello = new Child()
When I call, it calls Test.f1(), but the result is undefined. It's not setting the static variable #i before it's running Test.f1().
If I switch Test::f1() to Test::f2(), it gives me the correct result.
I need to know how should I make Test's constructor run when I create a new Child() so that #i is defined in Test when I run Test::f1() from
Thanks! :D
Here's one way of doing it:
class Test
#i: 'hello world'
#f1: -> console.log #i
f2: -> console.log 'hello'
class Child extends Test
run: ->
hello = new Child()
Notice, the i variable is static, so it doesn't make sense to set it in the constructor. Also, the f1 method is now static as well.
(I'm not an expert with CoffeeScript, so I'm not sure what the :: syntax is needed for.)
The constructor is being run when you create a new instance of Child. The problem is the way that you're invoking f1.
You don't want to say Test::f1(). You can just say #f1(), since Child is a subclass of Test. These are different in a very important way: Test::f1() does not set this, so when that function requests this.i, it finds only undefined, because this is set to Window (or something ridiculous like that in the browser, not sure if you're running this in Node). Saying #f1() is the same as saying This is one of the nice things that CoffeeScript's class system lets you do.
Finally, a pedantic note: there are no static variables in the code you've written. i, as you've written it, is an instance variable. Static variables look like this:
class Test
#staticVar = 1234
Or like this:
class Test
# ...
Test.staticVar = 1234
Instance variables look like this:
class Test
fn: ->
#instanceVar = 1234
Or like this:
test = new Test()
test.instanceVar = 1234
Or even like this (for the default value of an instance variable shared among all instances):
Test::instanceVar = 1234
In a similar vein:
When I call, it calls Test.f1(), but the result is undefined. It's not setting the static variable #i before it's running Test.f1().
You're never calling Test.f1(); you're calling Test::f1(), which is very different. In the code you've written, there is no Test.f1, only Test.prototype.f1.

Call static method in constructor — CoffeeScript

Say I'm declaring a class Game.
class #Game
constructor: ->
#id = Game.generateNewGameId() # <---
player1: null
player2: null
#generateNewGameId: -> "blahblah23"
Here, I'm using generateNewGameId as Game.generateNewGameId().
Is this the right way or is there a better way? I've tried using this::generateNewGameId() but the scope's different.
If you really want generateNewGameId to be a class method then you can use #constructor to get at it:
Returns a reference to the Object function that created the instance's prototype. Note that the value of this property is a reference to the function itself [...]
So something like this:
class Game
constructor: ->
#id = #constructor.generateNewGameId()
#generateNewGameId: ->
Note that this will do The Right Thing if you subclass Game:
class C extends Game # With an override of the class method
#generateNewGameId: ->
class C2 extends Game # or without
Demo (open your console please):
I think the way you are accessing it is OK. You can also do #constructor.generateNewGameId() if you don't want to write Game.generateNewGameId() for some reason, but i'd prefer the later. Update: as #mu is too short mentions, the #constructor allows you to get the constructor of the instance, which can be differ from Game (in a subclass) so it has greater flexibility; if that flexibility is required in this case, definitely go for that :)
If the generateNewGameId function will not be accessed from outside the Game class, you can use a private function instead of a class method:
class #Game
gameIdCounter = 0
generateNewGameId = -> gameIdCounter++
constructor: ->
#id = generateNewGameId()
player1: null
player2: null
console.log (new Game).id # -> 0
console.log (new Game).id # -> 1
Example at
There both gameIdCounter and generateNewGameId are private variables inside the Game class.

Subclassing native objects: instanceof not working properly

I'm trying to subclass the native JS Error object in CoffeeScript to get specialized error types, but i found that the instanceof does not work correctly if i don't define a constructor in the subclasses:
class SimpleError extends Error
class EmptyConstructorError extends Error
constructor: ->
class SuperConstructorError extends Error
constructor: ->
new SimpleError instanceof SimpleError # -> false
new EmptyConstructorError instanceof EmptyConstructorError # -> true
new SuperConstructorError instanceof SuperConstructorError # -> true
The problem seems to be caused by how the generated JS constructor functions are defined. When i don't define a constructor in CoffeeScript:
SimpleError = (function(_super) {
__extends(SimpleError, _super);
function SimpleError() {
return SimpleError.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
return SimpleError;
And when i do define a constructor in CoffeeScript:
SuperConstructorError = (function(_super) {
__extends(SuperConstructorError, _super);
function SuperConstructorError() {
SuperConstructorError.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
return SuperConstructorError;
As you can see, the difference is a simple return in the first case. I don't understand why this makes any difference in the instanceof behavior though, as the super constructor is just being applied to the this object (i.e. the super constructor is not being called with new), but then again i don't understand a whole lot of how JS constructors work =P
And the weird thing is that this behavior seems to only happen when subclassing native JS objects. If i subclass CoffeeScript classes everything works as expected.
Any idea of why this might be happening and how could i avoid writing dummy constructors just for the instanceof operator to work correctly?
So the user matyr answered with a link to the commit where this behavior was introduced, but it doesn't quite explain what is happening here, so i'll try to explain that a little bit in case anyone else wonders why this works this way.
The main problem is this inherited nasty "feature" from JavaScript which let us define a constructor function that returns an object other than the one being constructed:
function Foo() {
return {'LOL': 'You fool!'};
new Foo() instanceof Foo // -> false
And there is also the fact that some native constructors, like Error, Array, String and whatnot don't need to be called with new: they will just return a new object of the corresponding type if you happen to forget it.
In the end, add these two ugly things together and the result is that you should remember to write class MyError extends Error then constructor: -> super instead of the more intuitive class MyError extends Error if you want the instanceof operator to work properly with MyError. That's because CoffeeScript's implicit constructor will just return whatever the parent constructor returns, and in this case will do return Error.apply(this, arguments) which will just return a shinny new error object instead of the object you passed as the this argument. Yay!
Update 2 (Feb 25 2013)
This problem was fixed in CoffeeScript 1.5.0! =D
Now extending native objects works as expected:
class MyError extends Error
new MyError instanceof MyError # -> true :)
Update 3 (Mar 04 2013)
Aaand it's gone on 1.6.0 =P
For better or worse, the return was added on 1.3.1 to fix #1966 (and #2111).