How to transfer old email message from PLESK to cPanel - email

I have redirected a domain from PLESK to another server (cPanel) and also I have transferred the code from PLESK TO cPanel. Now my website is running well. I have created my email on cPanel and i am using webmail to access my email account.
But want to transfer old email messages from PLESK to cPanel. I have searched and found that email messages are stored on PLESK on this location:
# /var/qmail/
Is there any way to transfer email email messages from PLESK to cPanel?
Thanks in advance for any replies.

You can fetch mail from your PLESK server and have it imported into cPanel.
Simply login to your cPanel
Access your webmail and access Horde
Once logged in, on the left hand side, click OPTIONS then Mail
On the center of the screen under “Message Options” click “Fetch Mail”
Create a new account, enter your details from your email account located on your PLESK server (for the incoming/outgoing servers, use your PLESK server hostname)
Email will then begin to be downloaded into your cPanel inbox.
That should do the trick :)

Horde doesn't have the Fetch Mail option anymore.
So, the easiest solution is manual transfer using Outlook or Thunderbird.
How to move email from any server into cPanel use an IMAP client like Microsoft Outlook or Thunderbird?
First, configure each new email account on cPanel (including any sub-folders). Next, configure your IMAP client (Outlook or Thunderbird) with each email account on each server.
One account for the old account (if it is not already there) and one account for the new account created with cPanel.
You may find it easier to use the actual IP addresses of each respective server to avoid name resolution issues.
Replace with IP address (use ping on your CMD console to find out the IP of the old server)
After that, you just need to drag-and-drop the old messages from the old account into the new account on Outlook or Thunderbird and delete the old account.
When finishing with all accounts, change your domain DNS to the new cPanel hosting server and you're done.
It will be downtime?
Depends on the number of email boxes you have to transfer and on other websites or applications you have to move from the old domain name. Normally it should work fast enough to not have any problems but I suggest doing this after working hours.


How to route mails outside Mac Os X Server host

I have a mac osx server at my office. I have only one email address configured on it because it's an email address outside my GSuite account. That email address was created for sending mails from a php script (I don't want to pay to Google for that email address because I don't need all of the Google Services on it). I configured PHP Mailer for sending mails using that email account.
It's connecting perfectly fine, authentication is correct, etc., but there is one problem: if I send mails to it says that account doesn't exist, but it does exist, only that it is hosted on GSuite. If I send mails outside mydomain, it works fine.
Question is: how do I route those mails to look up for the correct MX récords? I mean, how to make those emails reach the GSuite host?
You can have multiple MX records per domain. It is possible. They will use priorities. You can even have multiple email servers checking emails from each other.
However, you case with hosted emails this won't work. Google is not going to let you do this.
You will have to pay.

Unable to connect to the email server (pop3) with Gmail

I am trying to connect to a secure outgoing server(pop3 port) of my website to receive all emails to my Gmail inbox.
but in my web control panel, the name of the outgoing server is "centos-2gb-nbg1-4" without any domain name or domain suffix in end. I am unable to connect to the server with Gmail when I put the exact name(centos-2gb-nbg1-4) copied from web panel to Gmail. Is anything should be added before/after this outgoing server name before putting in gmail? like this: ?
Your outgoing mail server is to send mail out, in your question above you are requesting to receive e-mail to your inbox, so you want to login to your cPanel of your website lookup your Mail settings for your server and look for "Incoming Mail Server" and Port. That is the value you need. To check outgoing, look up your DNS records within your CPanel, it usually is "" (, or Your webhosting provider support team can help with specifics.

cPanel 'No such user here'. Local account issue?

I have a website hosted outside the organization. The mail server to recieve the message is inside the organization. The website submits a simple form to email using PHP mail function. Works on every domain tested for the recipient except for ones internal to the domain.
So website is Mail server is Hosted at separate sites. When wants to send a message to it should lookup the mx record and notice that is at another location and forward the message.
If I configure it to send to, the message is successfully sent and received. But sending to the same domain responds with 550 error 'No such user here'. So I'm wondering if the webserver thinks it is supposed to be the recipient of the mail, and thus responds with 'No user here' because, frankly there is no user configured there.
So does anyone know what cpanel/whm settings need to be added/adjusted to allow this server to know that it is not responsible for mail exchanging for this domain. I do have the mx record setup properly, but don't know if it also requires an A record for the address. Any help much appreciated.
I did notice others having the same issues, but no solutions were actually proposed, so I figured I would make my own question, and see if it get's a good answer for others too that may experience the same issue.
It looks like your routing settings are incorrect. Navigate to cPanel >> MX Entry and verify that the routing setting is Remote Mail Exchanger
As the mails are to be delivered externally, setting this as Local Mail Exchanger will make cPanel think the mails are setup locally and cPanel will try to deliver mails locally. As there are no local mail accounts configured with that name, it bounces with the mentioned error.
I would suggest avoiding sending directly to the MX. Submit your message to a local mail server and let it relay to the MX for you. If you send using PHPMailer with SMTP you will get much better feedback on deliveries. As for what cPanel is doing, check the local mail server log, usually in /var/log/mail.log.
You have to change the setting from local to "Remote Mail Exchanger" in dns zone file. and also create mail account at remote location site.

Sending email CPanel

the problem is this:
I need to send an email to a Google Apps account with the same domain that I have delegated to our server from CPanel.
The problem is that when I send an email from (email server) to (gapps email) [same domain, different servers] not from the server, but it tries to find "support" on the local server and can not find (No Such User Here).
Is there any way from CPanel, so that if the user does not find email (support), send it the same? Considering that to send email have the account and use local data.
I believe you are using Google Apps for email service. It seems that your mail exchanger is set to local in your cPanel.
Go to WHM -> Edit MX and edit this domain. Here you will get an option to set remote mail exchanger for your domain.

Mail server redirect to another server

I have a site, which has a server with "Parallels Plesk Panel" installed. I want to send an email from that site a "Contact Us" message to email.
The problem is that this email was already created by one of the programmers using the google mail system (apparently you can create accounts there with a domain name different from
So now, the server rejects my message, telling me that it can't find an email with this name. It works fine when I send to any other domain, but when sending to the same one, it fails. I've created another email and sent emails there and it works.
My question now is, how do I send emails to the existent which is already created in gmail without making the server block me. One of the options I saw at this panel is to redirect the request for that email to another mailing system (and to specify its IP). Maybe that would help if I would to put there gmails IP?
Using my contact us form I am sending an email to I get an SMTP error 550, can't find the mail box. When sending to anything but it works. When adding that email to my server, it is also fine.
Now, the previous programmer already created, but not with our plesk panel, but using gmail server. Apparently, using gmail you can create an email of the type and not just The obvious problem is then that I try to send to this email. It sees that the server is and tries to find it there (same domain as the site from which I send the message). It fails and gives me the 550 error.
I want the server to send the email with that message to which is actually on gmail.
if I understand correctly, your problem is that two servers think they host the maildomain: your plesk server and gmail.
solution: disable local mail delivery for that domain on the plesk server and make sure plesk can correctly resolve the mx records of that domain , runing dig mx +short on the plesk server should return a google owned hostname, not the local hostname.
I don't own a plesk server, so I can't tell how how exactly to disable the mail domain, but a quick google search returns:
try a remote email form service. most hosting companies' mail servers are local. to do this, you would have to make your own .htaccess file which contains php.ini mail server settings. i THINK this is correct. you can install php yourself to see what those settings are.
this is something you will probably have to do through the web hosting control panel.
and by the way, XHTML is served up as HTML unless you configure the server to serve XHTML up as XHTML. so use HTML when possible unless you know how to do that. here's how.