How can I get exchange rates after google retired iGoogle? - igoogle

I used this link to fetch the pound to euro exchange rate on a daily (nightly) basis:
This returned an array which I then stripped and used the data I needed.
Since the first of November they retired iGoogle resulting in the URL to forward to:
Anyone knows an alternative URL that won't require me to rewrite the whole function? I'm sure google didn't stop providing this service entirely.

I started getting cronjob errors today on this very issue. So I fell back to a prior URL I was using before I switched to the faster/reliable iGoogle.
Url to programmatically hit (USD to EUR):
Details about it:
It works for now, but its prone to be slow at times, and used to respond with an "Out of space" error randomly. Just be sure to code in a way to handle that, and maybe run the cron four times a day instead of once. I run ours every hour.
Example code to get the rate out of the return (there is probably a more elegant way):
$ci = curl_init($accessurl);
curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1);
curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$rawreturn = curl_exec($ci);
$rate = trim(preg_replace("/.*<double[^>]*>([^<]*)<\/double[^>]*>.*/i","$1",$rawreturn));


How can I calculate business/SLA hours with iterating over each second?

Before I spend a lot of time writing the only solution I can think of I was wondering if I'm doing it an inefficient way.
Once a support ticket is closed, a script is triggered, the script is passed an array of 'status-change-events' that happened from call open to close. So you might have 5 changes: new, open, active, stalled, resolved. Each one of these events has a timestamp associated with it.
What I need to do is calculate how much time the call was with us (new, open, active) and how much time it was with the customer (stalled). I also need to figure out how much of the 'us' time was within core hours 08:00 - 18:00 (and how many were non-core), and weekends/bank holidays count towards non-core hours.
My current idea is to for each status change, iterate over every second that occurred and check for core/non_core, and log it.
Here's some pseudo code:
time_since_last = ticket->creation_date
foreach events as event {
time_now = time_since_last
while (time_now < ticket->event_date) {
if ticket->status = stalled {
} else {
work out if it was our fault or not
add to the appropriate counter etc
Apologies if it's a little unclear, it's a fairly longwinded problem. Also I'm aware this may be slightly off of SO question guidelines, but I can't think of a better way of wording it and I need some advice before I spend days writing it this way.
I think you have the right idea, but recalculating the status of every ticket for every second of elapsed time will take a lot processing, and nothing will have changed for the vast majority of those one-second intervals
The way event simulations work, and the way I think you should write your application, is to create a list of all events where the status might change. So you will want to include all of the status change events for every ticket as well as the start and end of core time on all non-bank-holiday weekdays
That list of events is sorted by timestamp, after which you can just process each event as if your per-second counter has reached that time. The difference is that you no longer have to count through the many intervening seconds where nothing changes, and you should end up with a much more efficient application
I hope that's clear. You may find it easier to process each ticket separately, but the maximum gain will be achieved by processing all tickets simultaneously. You will still have a sorted sequence of events to process, but you will avoid having to reprocess the same core time start and end events over and over again
One more thing I noticed is that you can probably ignore any open status change events. I would guess that tickets either go from new to open and then active, or straight from new to resolved. So a switch between with your company and with the customer will never be made at an open event, and so they can be ignored. Please check this as I am only speaking from my intuition, and clearly know nothing about how your ticketing system has been designed
I would not iterate over the seconds. Depending on the cost of your calculations that could be quite costly. It would be better to calculate the borders between core/outside core.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $customer_time;
my $our_time_outside;
my $our_time_core;
foreach my $event ($ticket->events) {
my $current_ts = $event->start_ts;
while ($current_ts < $event->end_ts) {
if ($event->status eq 'stalled') {
$customer_time += $event->end_ts - $current_ts;
$current_ts = $event->end_ts;
elsif (is_core_hours($current_ts)) {
my $next_ts = min(end_of_core_hours($current_ts), $event->end_ts);
$our_time_core += $next_ts - $current_ts;
$current_ts = $next_ts;
else {
my $next_ts = min(start_of_core_hours($current_ts), $event->end_ts);
$our_time_outside += $next_ts - $current_ts;
$current_ts = $next_ts;
I can't see why you'd want to iterate over every second. That seems very wasteful.
Get a list of all of the events for a given ticket.
Add to the list any boundaries between core and non-core times.
Sort this list into chronological order.
For each consecutive pair of events in the list, subtract the later from the earlier to get a duration.
Add that duration to the appropriate bucket.
And the usual caveats for dealing with dates and times apply here:
Use a library (I recommend DateTime together with DateTime::Duration)
Convert all of your timestamps to UTC as soon as you get them. Only convert back to local time just before displaying them to the user.

Moving from file-based tracing session to real time session

I need to log trace events during boot so I configure an AutoLogger with all the required providers. But when my service/process starts I want to switch to real-time mode so that the file doesn't explode.
I'm using TraceEvent and I can't figure out how to do this move correctly and atomically.
The first thing I tried:
const int timeToWait = 5000;
using (var tes = new TraceEventSession("TEMPSESSIONNAME", #"c:\temp\TEMPSESSIONNAME.etl") { StopOnDispose = false })
using (var tes = new TraceEventSession("TEMPSESSIONNAME", TraceEventSessionOptions.Attach))
Here I wanted to make that I can transfer the session to real-time mode. But instead, the file I got contained events from a 15s period instead of just 10s.
The same happens if I use new TraceEventSession("TEMPSESSIONNAME", #"c:\temp\TEMPSESSIONNAME.etl", TraceEventSessionOptions.Create) instead.
It seems that the following will cause the file to stop being written to:
using (var tes = new TraceEventSession("TEMPSESSIONNAME"))
But here I must reenable all the providers and according to the documentation "if the session already existed it is closed and reopened (thus orphans are cleaned up on next use)". I don't understand the last part about orphans. Obviously some events might occur in the time between closing, opening and subscribing on the events. Does this mean I will lose these events or will I get the later?
I also found the following in the documentation of the library:
In real time mode, events are buffered and there is at least a second or so delay (typically 3 sec) between the firing of the event and the reception by the session (to allow events to be delivered in efficient clumps of many events)
Does this make the above code alright (well, unless the improbable happens and for some reason my thread is delayed for more than a second between creating the real-time session and starting processing the events)?
I could close the session and create a new different one but then I think I'd miss some events. Or I could open a new session and then close the file-based one but then I might get duplicate events.
I couldn't find online any examples of moving from a file-based trace to a real-time trace.
I managed to contact the author of TraceEvent and this is the answer I got:
Re the exception of the 'auto-closing and restarting' feature, it is really questions about the OS (TraceEvent simply calls the underlying OS API). Just FYI, the deal about orphans is that it is EASY for your process to exit but leave a session going. This MAY be what you want, but often it is not, and so to make the common case 'just work' if you do Create (which is the default), it will close a session if it already existed (since you asked for a new one).
Experimentation of course is the touchstone of 'truth' but I would frankly expecting unusual combinations to just work is generally NOT true.
My recommendation is to keep it simple. You need to open a new session and close the original one. Yes, you will end up with duplicates, but you CAN filter them out (after all they are IDENTICAL timestamps).
The other possibility is use SetFileName in its intended way (from one file to another). This certainly solves your problem of file size growth, and often is a good way to deal with other scenarios (after all you can start up you processing and start deleting files even as new files are being generated).

Powershell download page in 0 milliseconds

I have a strange problem with my script in powershell, I want to examine the average time of downloading page. I write script which fires frequently. But sometimes my script returns result 0, which means it downloads site in 0 ms. If i modified my script to save whole site to the file when the download time is about 0ms it doesn't saves anything. And I'm interesting if I do something wrong, or powershell function isn't too accurate to count such "small" times.
ps. other "good" results are about 4-9 ms.
Here is a part of my script which responds to count the download time:
$StartTime = Get-Date
$PageDownload = $Request.DownloadString("")
$TimeTaken = ((Get-Date) - $StartTime).TotalMilliseconds
Get-Date should be as precise as the system clock is.
There could be web caching going on. Unfortunately, disabling caching for WebClient is not possible, from what I see elsewhere. The "do it right" method is to construct your own Http request with the TcpClient class, but that's also pretty complex.
One easy way to make sure you're not being cached is to put an arbitrary value as a GET request. It's a hack, but it is often enough to fool a cache. So, instead of:
You use:

WWW::Mechanize in Perl, Script Gets Killed

I have written a Perl Script which uses WWW::Mechanize to connect to a site, login and then visit a few pages inside the site. It all works good, however, when I try to visit a large number of pages, the script gets killed. I am sure this has got nothing to with the HTTP Server's Configuration and the connection limits configured. This is because, the script is running on my own site.
Here's a high level overview of my script:
login to the site using the form fields.
Now, once I am logged in, I connect to URLs within the site as follows:
$i is the iteration counter in a for loop
perform some operations on the page returned ($mech->content using HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath)
now, I iterate over the for loop connecting to a different internal_url, since the value of $i is incremented in every iteration.
As I said, it all works good. However, after about 180 pages, the script gets killed.
What could be the reason? I have tried multiple times.
I even added a $mech->delete; right before the end of the FOR loop to prevent any memory leak.
However, the only issue is that the login session which was maintained by $mech would be destroyed as a result of this.
I have tried multiple times and this script always gets killed after visiting the same number of pages.
Try this code:
According to the docs: Get or set the page stack depth. Use this if
you're doing a lot of page scraping and running out of memory.
A value of 0 means "no history at all." By default, the max stack
depth is humongously large, effectively keeping all history.

Perl CGI gets parameters from a different request to the current URL

This is a weird one. :)
I have a script running under Apache 1.3, with Apache::PerlRun option of mod_perl. It uses the standard module. It's a regularly accessed script on a busy server, accessed over https.
The URL is typically something like...
Which is then brought into Perl the usual way...
my $action = $cgi->param("action");
my $id = $cgi->param("id");
This has been working successfully for a couple of years. However we started getting support requests this week from our customers who were accessing this script and getting blank pages. We already had a line like the following that put the current URL into a form we use for customers to report an issue about a page...
$cgi->url(-query => 1);
And when we view source of the page, the result of that command is the same URL, but with an entirely different query string.
A query string that we recognise as being from a totally different script elsewhere on our system.
However crazy it sounds, it seems that when users are accessing a URL with a query string, the query string that the script is seeing is one from a previous request on another script. Of course the script can't handle that action and outputs nothing.
We have some automated test scripts running to see how often this happens, and it's not every time. To throw some extra confusion into the mix, after an Apache restart, the problem seems to initially disappear completely only to come back later. So whatever is causing it is somehow relieved by a restart, but we can't see how Apache can possibly take the request from one user and mix it up with another.
This, it appears, is an interesting combination of Apache 1.3, mod_perl 1.31, and Apache::GTopLimit.
A bug was logged against in May last year: RT #57184
Which also references params not being cleared? registers a cleanup handler in order to cleanup all of it's cache.... (line 360)
Apache::GTopLimit (like Apache::SizeLimit mentioned in the bug report) also has a handler like this:
$r->post_connection(\&exit_if_too_big) if $r->is_main;
In pre mod_perl 1.31, post_connection and register_cleanup appears to push onto the stack, while in 1.31 it appears as if the GTopLimit one clobbers the entry. So if your GTopLimit function fires because the Apache process has got to large, then won't be cleaned up, leaving it open to returning the same parameters the next time you use it.
The solution seems to be to change line 360 of to;
$r->push_handlers( 'PerlCleanupHandler', \&CGI::_reset_globals);
Which explicitly pushes the handler onto the list.
Our restart of Apache temporarily resolved the problem because it reduced the size of all the processes and gave GTopLimit no reason to fire.
And we assume it has appeared over the past few weeks because we have increased the size of the Apache process either through new developments which included something that wasn't before.
All tests so far point to this being the issue, so fingers crossed it is!