How to make breadcrumbs responsive? - iphone

I have used bootstrap3 for RWD and customized my breadcrumb. But, it's not fitting in mobile size.
How can I make it responsive?
Attached screenshot of the problem.

I have created a snippet on bootsnipp that may fit your needs.
You can configure this breadcrumb to
display only the last n elements. Ellipses are added at the beginning of the list if elements are hidden.
set a maximum size for each elements. Ellipses are added after the label if it's too long.
By setting breakpoints you can set the number of elements to display and their maximum size for different screen sizes and hence make sure there won't be any overflow.

You are going to have to code that yourself. Without your specific code, no one will be able to give you specific answers. That being said, here is how I would get set up to add custom code to my Bootstrap website.
Using less
First, create a new .less file - this file will be your new primary style sheet. In that file, import in the bootstrap.less file. Compile that file and link it in your HTML files. You should now have an exact copy of the out-of-the-box Bootstrap CSS, with access to all of the Bootstrap variables.
To make any additions, add them to that file underneath the import statement. So in your case, I would grab the variables for the media queries and breadcrumbs (found in variables.less), and customize the style of the breadcrumbs at smaller screens.
Note that Bootstrap is mobile first, which means that the default styles will be applied at the smaller screen, and you override for larger.
Not using less
If you are not comfortable using less, I would say this is a great opportunity to start. That being said, if you want to do it the old fashioned way, then just create a second style sheet that you link in, add it underneath the Bootstrap sheet, and code away.


Qt form embedded in GUI results in shrinking to minimum size

So I have this GUI .ui file made with Qt, which is embedded inside a sidebar on some Qt app I'm working on. Problem : it gets shrinked to an unsuable size.
My ui form starts with a QWidget, which is the main and base area for adding more things. This is set to be a grid layout (I didn't insert a grid layout manually, I just set the base QWidget to have one using the dedicated button at the top).
And it contains one thing only : a tab widget with all my stuff inside on two tabs.
And that's it.
Of course I did play with the size policy of everything, it's all set to Expanding and all.
This form is embedded by code into a larger tab widget. There is a new tab for every new form, I have like 10 different forms like this one.
Some actually have a QMainWindow at their base, and are not shrunk to death. I don't understand the difference, but I when I set my base thing to be a QWindow, the form does not shrink.
I also have one form in another tab that has a QWidget at its base and is not shrunk to death.
Any other information I could provide to help you guys help me ?

Plugin Typo 3 Text box slide open

Are there plugins that achieve the following:
You can add text blocks into a section of a page (left, right, normal,bottom). the text isnt shown ommediately but after clicking the title/header of the text block which slides open the text. I'm in need of such an extension as I want to place much content on a site without throwing the whole text on a viewer. There seem not to ve any available.
By default TYPO3 doesn't force any particular frontend library so probably you won't find such ext (maybe somebody created extension like this but for 99% it will be required to fit it tou your needs)
Instead there are generic extensions like Grid Elements or Dynamic Content Elements (DCE) - you can use it to predefine your custom HTML structures and then reuse them easily (no need for advanced PHP programming of your own plugins).
So finally you can combine them with dedicated JS libs for frontend i.e. Bootstrap and its Accordion Collapse
If you use TYPO3 6.2 or higher have a look at df_contentslide. After install you'll find another section under appearance in CEs. Now you can slide every content element. It is easy to use and with little knowledge also easy to style.

AEM dynamic components parbase

I have components that are generated dynamically after they are added to the page. These components are generated on the fly and in some instances are floating elements. This makes it very dificult for parsys to draw correctly. All the time the parsys (parbase - css class name) has a height of 0. I can fix that by changing the default property of parbase from overflow="visible" to overflow="auto". However I want to know if anyone else has run into this issue and what is the best method to do this implementation when you are only on edit mode but ignore it on any other view.
So you have a few options.
First, you can check the WCMMode in the page header and if the mode is EDIT then you can load an "editmode.css" after your main CSS has loaded. This is where I put overrides to handle drawing issues like what you encountered.
This keeps it all in one place, and in any mode other than edit that css will never load.
The second option is to allow these items to flow normally in Edit mode and disable floats, as suggested above. Depending on how editing works, one or the other might be superior.

Binding to custom built control according to different data

Here's the issue, I build a special book reader/browser (For holy quran), my code behind loads the page and constructs how it should look. and then it should bind that look to a some kind of data-bindable custom control to view it properly. the problem is, the look differs from page to page, so I cannot bind to a certain control or wrap panel.
here's how it generally looks:
The decorative border top of the page is always there at any page, it indicates the part and chapter the viewer is in.
If you're starting a new chapter it have additional image under that decorative border or anywhere in the page (there can be multiple chapters in the same page) something like this
or this:
The normal text is not an issue, it's just a special font, however, I put each individual word in its own text block for reasons of user selection by word.
The issue here is, given the previous information, and knowing how random it is to place the decoration picture or the amount of words (text blocks) per page. how can I bind that to some kind of view to separate the view from the VM and Engine that builds the page.
my past solution was to actually build everything in the VM in a wrappanel built inside a scrollviewer having lots of textblocks and images according to the page. but that's naiive solution. I want to rebuild that in a more professional separated way. I also want to do this for Windows RT beside Windows phone so I need to reuse the code behind in a Portable class library.
I think all you need to do is slightly adjust your current design. So perhaps have a VM that represents the entire content, and that would have a Collection of say Pages or Sections. A second VM would represent the Page/Section, allowing you to create a property for the WrapPanel content (i.e. the words) and another property for the Header and or other things.
In the View you would have the scrollviewer and bind to the main VM collection. Then create another View or DataTemplate that represents the Page/Section.
You should be able to do this is a strict MVVM sense quite easily and it will be dynamic based on the content.
You could even cater for advanced scenarios where each section has a different template/view.

Joomla: How to show a different image on every page

I'm new to Joomla, but I figured out how to set it up and create my first joomla template which only includes the content area and a top menu.
Now I want to display a different images on every page.
I do not know how to do it in Joomla, because as far as I know I can only write articles (with images in them, which is not what I want) and include them in the Menu Items as Layout: Article.
Can I somehow create my own parameters for the Layout: Article and use them in my template? The cms user should be able to decide which image to show on each "page".
You can do it by means of a module. You can define for which menu position each module is visible. You can put any article inside a module with a Article as Module extension
You can find a lots of modules at which you can install from your administrator and enable it on a position to show different images on different pages.
check this page
Header Image
This allows you to place your images in a folder and name them according to the page. You can match to articleid, menuid, category, section, or even show a rotating random image.
You would then just need to publish the module in the correct position.