I have a client that is really wanting thumbnails of uploaded PDF files on their site. Unfortunately the host does not / will not support ImageMagik as part of their hosting. They do support GD but that's not helpful in this situation.
Has anybody run across this problem before? Any suggestions or recommendations? Almost every solution I come across for doing PDF > jpeg conversion involves ImageMagik.
I am implementing an application which its main idea is reading books using it.
the pdf files are on my server and I want the user to read the book without saving it on their device.
I thought about streaming the pdf file or embedding it. but it has some difficulties.
So, what is the best solution for this issue?
I am using Django-Rest-framework and Flutter
i think you have to use list of this packages for reading pdf files into flutter.
I've been playing around with making a draftjs plugin that lets the user paste in mixed text&image content from websites and have images auto-uploaded to the server. I've quickly come to the realization that it's not easy, simply because of how many different sites use different kinds of counter-measures for copy/pasting images. Standard image tags in page content are no problem - easily grab the src and handle the file upload from the url. However, many sites use all kinds of trickery to make this a pain. For example, some will only serve small thumbnails, requiring a GET request on the image with a hash key in order to retrieve a larger version. Others somehow seem to corrupt the image so that it's unreadable by the time it's been retrieved. Others still play with weird embed tags to mess with draftjs' image blocks.
But then I open up a Google Docs file, and find that when I copy any images into that from a website, there's never any troubles whatsoever. All the problematic websites that I'm finding myself having to write specific methods for retrieving from seem to be handled by Google Docs with ease.
Am I using completely the wrong approach by trying to retrieve images from a url? Does Google use a far superior approach (yes, I presume) - in which case, does anyone have any idea what that approach might be?
I'm using jQuery fileupload on a site to upload a single file for processing. I've got a simple upload working based on the Basic Plus demo, but would like to upload files to a given path and filename on the server (independent of the filename on the client machine). It seems like this should be straightforward, but I'm having problems figuring it out or finding resources. Is this possible in jQuery fileupload? If so, can anybody point me in the right direction for how?
Thanks for your time!
Answered? Found some helpful information here on changing the filename of uploads.
Using DOCX to make sync, Insert, Download, Update works find but JPEG image header disappears. Questions is that is it forced to get rid of on the server while converting JPEC header?
I’m using mimeType as "application/msword".
Ask Google Drive product questions on the Google Drive product forums.
We're currently working with Filepicker.io to allow users the ability to upload both images and videos. It appears that if we specify image conversions in the Javascript API options, video uploads don't process and instead get stuck at 99.30%. If I remove the 'conversions' option, video uploads process without issue. Is it not possible to specify image conversion options and accept both type of uploads? If so, this should really be specified in the docs.
I attached a JSFiddle with the code in question. http://jsfiddle.net/BYkD4/
It might be an issue on our end, taking a look now. For large files (+1Mb) we split the file into chunks, upload them in parallel, and then reassemble them on the server side. We use browser progress up to the 90% mark, after which we have to "best guess" what the server-side progress looks like, for now at least. That's the reason why it's hanging at 99.30% - it may actually be able to complete if you give it enough time.
In any case, looking into it
Edit: looks like this was an issue on our end. Fix deployed, everything should be working fine. Sorry about the issue