Is install4j jdk 8 compatible? - install4j

I'd like to know if install4j is jdk 8 compatible or tested against or will be :)
Just found 1.7 Version to be tested on there site.
And if not what is the roadmap for next release supporting that?

Install4j installers work with Java 8. The install4j currently (as of 5.1.6) requires Java 6 or Java 7.

From their blog Migrating to install4j 6:
The minimum Java version for the install4j IDE and the compiler is now Java 7. If your build machine only has Java 6 installed, you have to install a Java 7 JRE. On Windows and Mac OS X, Java 7 JREs are bundled in the install4j downloads.
Therefore, I suppose install4j IDE version 6 supports also Java 8, because they did not specify maximal Java version.


The Services under window menue does not work

My NetBeans enviroment information is:
Product Version: NetBeans IDE 8.2 (Build 201609300101) Updates: NetBeans IDE is updated to version NetBeans 8.2 Patch 2 Java: 11.0.1; Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 11.0.1+13-LTS Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 11.0.1+13-LTS System: Windows 10 version 10.0 running on amd64; Cp1252; en_US (nb) User directory: C:\Users\eebrwal\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\8.2
Cache directory: C:\Users\eebrwal\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache\8.2
But when I press Services under Windows menu it does not do anything!
Please help if you can.
The problem is that you are using JDK 11 on NetBeans 8.2. That combination just won't work.
You have four options:
Configure Netbeans 8.2 to use JDK 8 instead, since that is the most recent JDK that NetBeans 8.2 supports. See this SO answer for details on how to do that.
Download and install NetBeans 9.0, which will allow you to use JDK 9 and/or JDK 10 as well.
Wait for NetBeans 10 which will allow you to use JDK 11. It should be released in the next week or two.
Download and install a beta version of NetBeans 10 and use JDK 11 at your own risk.

install4j v6 ant tasks compatibility issue?

We have recently upgraded to install4j v6 and discovered that tasks located in $INSTALL4J_HOME/bin/ant.jar are not compatible with JDK 1.6 and require JDK 1.7 at least.
Am I correct or we do something wrong?
That is correct. The install4j IDE and the command line compiler require Java 7 or higher for install4j 6.x.

Different Java developer and program versions?

I've installed JDK7 java version and selected version 7 as the JVM in Eclipse. The version of compiler remains being 1.6 and it doesn't shows a greater version.
Is it correct?
Current version of Eclipse (3.7) does not support compiling Java 7 sources yet. The support is coming in 3.7.1 update soon. You can run your application with Java 7 JRE, but there is no support for compilation at the moment.

Eclipse and JDK 7

I wish to find out does anyone have problem compiling JDK 7 code with Eclipse? Because currently I only able use JRE 7 in Eclipse to test run but as for trying to use JDK 7 features into my code, it will state it will not support.
Eclipse 3.8 M1 (Juno) is the earliest stable version to have support for Java 7. Java 7 support will also be available in the upcoming 3.7.1 release.
Unfortunately, since Java 7 released after Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) release, the Java 7 support could not make it to 3.7.

JVM terminates when launching eclipse with J2SE 6.0 on mac os x (need J2SE 6.0 for Oracle enterprise pack for eclipse)

I know my issue has party been addressed at this link
JVM terminates when launching Eclipse MAT on Mac OS with J2SE 6.0
but it was a year+ ago.. plus the link that's provided in there
does not seem to be alive (i mean the download section on that link no longer provide the 32-bit port of j2se 6.0 for mac osx 10.5)
I am trying to run eclipse 3.5 on mac OSX 10.5. It works fine with J2SE 5.0. But when I installed the Oracle enterprise pack for eclipse - it requires to start eclipse with J2SE 6.0 JVM otherwise it will get disabled. Here's the exact message I get from it -
"You are running Eclipse on Java VM version: 1.5.0_22
Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse requires Java version 6 or higher.
Click next to configure a compatible Java VM."
It asks me to point to J2SE 6.0 JVM, when I do that (i.e point it to "/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home") , it asks to restart eclipse , when I do that, eclipse just bombs .. with JVM terminated error ..
SO I need to start eclipse with J2SE 6.0 JVM but eclipse needs carbon which is only available in 32 bits and hence I cann't start eclipse with J2SE 6.0 JVM which is only available in 64bit mode from mac. And the site providing 32 bit port of J2SE 6.0 JVM does not seem to be active anymore..
Can someone help me on this issue,
Thanks in advance,
Use the cocoa 64 bit version from