How to change the name of a gist in github? - github
Is there a way to change the name of a gist (github) ?, apparently it is ordering the files of the gist in alphabetical order, an naming the gist according to the file that appears first.
Even better, you can add a file with a leading space in its name. It's virtually invisible and gives you more freedom when choosing the title and names for the files:
Considering the order of files within a gist is asciibetical, you can try and add one file in uppercase.
That file will come before any other and will define the name of your gist.
Note that it won't change the url of said gist, as explained in "Namespaced Gists".
Currently, there's no way rename a Github gist. There's been an open issue on this. I would suggest you add a text file to your gist. The file name should start with space ( ), a hash sign (#), an exclamation mark (!), a dollar sign ($) or an ampersand (&). You can add a long description to the body.
For example, naming your file #Github Tricks will change your gist title to #Github Tricks. This will also work if your file name starts with a space ( ) like Github Tricks. If both files exist, the title starting with space takes precedence.
The file names in your gist determine the gist title. The order is listed below.
\t, \n, \x0b, \x0c, \r, , !, ", #, $, %, &, \', (, ), *, +, ,, -, ., /, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, [, \\, ], ^, _, `, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, {, |, }, ~
What I do is creating a first file with leading underscore example : '_simple' and set it's type as markdown so it also serves as description of my gist .. after reading this post, I will prefix a leading space.
An even better way is to use an ! (exclamation) in front of the name of the file that you always want to be the first in the order. That way you avoid having to add a space everytime you edit the file, as well as adding a tilde ~ to all the remaining files which can be an arbitrary long list.
If you edit the Gist an input box with the filename appears. That can be used to change the filename.
My gist contained a .gitignore which sorts above a leading underscore. I ending up using two leading periods:
Is there a way to Include underscores when using word movements (<e>, <b>, <w>) VSCode VIM?
I am always frustrated when using move keys such as e, b or w in python variables or strings that are separated with underscores, due to the fact, that instead of stopping in the last/next underscore, it stops and the start/end of the string/variable Is there a way to Include underscores when using word movements (e, b, w)?
kdb: does a leading plus sign mean a Q table?
I often see output like +`col1`col2`col3!(,`a`b`c;,{x+1};,()!()). I suspect it means a table, but wasn't able to find documentation on this syntax. What does the leading + mean? Could someone provide a link to a reference page?
It's notation in K, the language Q operations are built in. + is the flip operator when used monadically, and internally tables are referred to as Flips. In Q, flip is built from this and the : operator, which forces the + to be interpreted monadically. Similarly for the where keyword: q)flip +: q)where &:
Unicode set notation meaning?
Where can I find info about the meaning of this notation? What is "\p", "{L}", for example? [\p{L}\p{Nl}\p{Other_ID_Start}-\p{Pattern_Syntax}-\p{Pattern_White_Space}]
From context, it looks like the syntax \p{name_of_character_class} means “all characters from type name_of_character_class. The notation [abc-x-y-z] seems to mean “any character of type a, b, or c, but not type x, y, or z.” So the example above would be read as “any characters of type L, Nl, Other_ID_Start, except for characters that are Pattern_Syntax or Pattern_White_Space.” Some of these groups are defined in the document itself. L and Nl, I think (?), are “lowercase” and “normalized lowercase,” but I’m not sure. Hope this helps!
How to use a multiset? (guava)
Is it possible to use a Multiset for the purpose of counting letter frequencies of the first letter in a word. Those words exist in a list. example. [the, quick, brown, fox, jumped, over, the, lazy, dog] Output: most common first character: [t, q, b, f, j, o, l, d] Output: Most common first character ignoring word frequency: [t] I just started researching how to use guava solutions.
You'd just need to create a Multiset<Character>, then iterate over the words and add their first character to your multiset (note: there are i18n issues with this, as a general thing). You could either keep track of the most common character as you go or iterate over the multiset later to get it.
Regex Text Field Validator for iPhone
I have the following behavior of a desktop version of a software: a text field is validated with a regex abc|xyz this means that a user is allowed to type a, ab, x, xy, abc, xyz, other symbols will not be shown in a text field I have to port such behavior to iphone. Strings a, ab, x, xy does not match to regex abc|xyz that's why matching user input will restrict typing any char to a text filed. Is there any way to match a user input as a beginning of a regex string? Initial regex should not be modified (^$ could be added). The desktop version uses QRegExpValidator class from Qt. QRegExpValidator has Intermediate state that is a, ab, x, xy in my case. It uses matchedLength() to determine Intermediate state Also I had a look through NSRegularExpression and RegexKitLite
Have a look at PCRE - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions. It is rumored to be used in Apple products.