Autohotkey: Toggle caps lock on/off on activating certain windows - autohotkey

I want to write a script that will turn on caps lock when I activate a window containing particular keyword in its title(like SQL). I also want the caps lock to be turned off when I switch to a window whose title does not contain any of the keywords that I have specified.
How can I do it? I have considered #Persistent with a timer to periodically check active window. But, I think there should be a better way.

check answers at: Especially G33kDude's answer. It's a clever and efficient solution: check of current window is binded only to windows activation.
Edit: Code inserted below.
Please note that it's not a complete solution, you'll need to make some edits for your needs. Not a big ones, though.
#Persistent ; Don't close when the auto-execute ends
SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; Partial title matching
WinGet, myHwnd, ID, Notepad ; Get the handle to the your window
; Listen for activation messages to all windows
DllCall("CoInitialize", "uint", 0)
if (!hWinEventHook := DllCall("SetWinEventHook", "uint", 0x3, "uint", 0x3, "uint", 0, "uint", RegisterCallback("HookProc"), "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", 0))
MsgBox, Error creating shell hook
;MsgBox, Hook made
;DllCall("UnhookWinEvent", "uint", hWinEventHook) ; Remove the message listening hook
; Handle the messages we hooked on to
HookProc(hWinEventHook, event, hwnd, idObject, idChild, dwEventThread, dwmsEventTime)
global myHwnd
static lastHwnd
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %hwnd%
if (hwnd == myHwnd) ; If our window was just activated
tooltip, Gained focus
else if (lastHwnd == myHwnd) ; If our window was just deactivated
tooltip, Lost focus
lastHwnd := hwnd

If you want to do this without using SetTimer, the best way would be to use context-sensitive hotkeys. For Example:
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#If WinActive("SQL") or WinActive("Notepad")
;; etc.
You could also use the WinActive function with Window Groups instead of the title if you wanted to avoid a very long #If line.
EDIT: Case-Insensitive Example
SetTitleMatchMode, Regex
GroupAdd, Editor, (?i).*sql ; Regular expression for window title
GroupAdd, Editor, (?i).*ahk
#IfWinActive ahk_group Editor
;; etc.

Since you have a Autoit in your tag, here is how it is done easy in autoit.
Opt("SendCapslockMode", 0)
While 1
$title = WinGetTitle("", ""); will get the title of the active window
If StringInStr($title, "sql") Then

Milos' answer is quite straight forward, but it misses a vital point. You need to set SendCapslockMode to 0. Else the effect of the Send command will be useless, because after the command the original state will be restored.
The next thing is, you don't need to use an infinite loop with a Sleep which will execute the complete loop body every few milliseconds, but you can wait for the active window to not be active any more, which is less CPU intensive. So a fully working solution in AutoIt is:
Opt("SendCapslockMode", 0)
While True
$win = WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]")
If StringInStr(WinGetTitle($win), "sql") Then

SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; use RegEx for finer control
WinWaitActive, Notepad
WinGet, opVar, ID
SetCapsLockState, On
WinWaitNotActive, ahk_id %opVar%
SetCapsLockState, Off

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; This script solves the problem of forgetting to turn on or off the capslock when using specific programs
; I for one ALWAYS use capital letters when typing things in CAD. My problem was when switching to another
; program, usually e-mail, I'd start typing and then have to erase it. Problem solved!
; The beauty of this script is that you don't lose the ability to manually turn the capslock on or off
; My first few interations of this script would turn it on when in the CAD window but then
; I'd never be able to turn it on wihtout it being forced off again.
Loop {
state := GetKeyState("Capslock", "T") ; check toggle state, save in variable 'state'
if state = 0
status = Off ; this block converts the 1 or 0 of variable 'state'
if state = 1 ; into the word ON or OFF and stores it in variable 'status'
status = On
WinGetTitle, Title, A ; retreive current window title, store in Title
if title contains AutoCAD 2012 ; if title contains "AutoCAD" turn on capslock
; then go back to the BeginSub subroutine and see if the title
{ SetCapsLockState, on ; still matches "AutoCAD 2012" if it does not...\/\/\/
goto, BeginSub
SetCapsLockState, %status% ; ...Put caps lock back to the state it was when we started.
; 'SetCapsLockState' doesn't recognize a 1/0 variable
; therefore the use of 'status' and ON/OFF words
Sleep, 1000 ; only check every second


AutoHotkey - send hotkeys to nested folders

Using Autohotkey, I can send "ctrl+" to Windows File Explorer, to auto adjust column width.
Manually, it's ctrl+ (the + in the numpad).
This code below works, but only for first level folders, not if I open a folder within a folder.
Is there a way to send "ctrl+" again for each subfolders I might open?
Gui, +LastFound
DllCall("RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt, WinExist())
MsgNum := DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", Str, "SHELLHOOK")
OnMessage(MsgNum, "ShellMessage")
ShellMessage(wParam, lParam) {
wTitle = ahk_id %lParam%
WinGet, pname, ProcessName, %wTitle%
If (wParam != 1 || pname != "Explorer.exe")
WinActivate, %wTitle%
Send ^{NumpadAdd} ;ctrl+ (numpad)
Seems like a pretty questionable approach.
I would rather see about somehow setting this to be the default behavior, or automating this with COM instead of sending a hotkey.
Anyway, for the hotkey approach, this seems to do the trick:
;No need to create a gui, A_ScriptHwnd is used for this
DllCall("RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt, A_ScriptHwnd)
MsgNum := DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", Str, "SHELLHOOK")
OnMessage(MsgNum, "ShellMessage")
ShellMessage(wParam, lParam)
static _time := 0
if (wParam = 6 && A_TickCount - _time > 100 && WinActive("A") = lParam)
_time := A_TickCount
WinGet, pname, ProcessName, % "ahk_id " lParam
if (pname = "explorer.exe")
ControlFocus, DirectUIHWND2, % "ahk_id " lParam
SendInput, ^{NumpadAdd}
So, first ditched the legacy way of getting a hwnd for the current script, and used A_ScriptHwnd (docs).
Also, ditched legacy syntax overall.
Then switched over to the HSHELL_REDRAW (docs) event to check for window title changes.
And the timing stuff is to filter out duplicate shell messages. When the title changes, we actually receive like 10+ of those messages at once. Only need to run the hotkey once.
So a simple 100ms cooldown does the trick.
A_TickCount (docs) is used for this.
Also made the checking order smarter.
No need to get the process name if we didn't even receive the correct shell message.
And finally before sending the hotkey, activate the correct control so the hotkey will work. This part is likely going to be wrong for you if you're on some older or future Windows version.
Also switched over to SendInput (docs) due to it being the recommended faster and more reliable send mode.

AHK: Assign hotkey only for one specific active window and not for others

I have just done a piece of code that does the following thing. When I make a selection by mouse in Firefox or EndNote, the script sents a Ctrl+c and checks the clipboard for a regex match. If there is a match, it changes the clipboard contents and shows a tooltip. It works fine for these two programs. Adobe Acrobat sometimes shows an error when a Ctrl+c is sent (even if a user presses a ctrl-c Acrobat sometimes shows famous "There was an error while copying to the Clipboard. An internal error occurred). So it decided to assign an F9 hotkey, but it works for all programs and not just for Acrobat. How do I assign an hotkey for only one window – Acrobat? Here's my code. I know it's lame – I am a newbie to programming in general, and in AHK in particular.
#If WinActive("ahk_exe firefox.exe") || WinActive("ahk_exe EndNote.exe") || WinActive("ahk_exe Acrobat.exe")
if WinActive("ahk_exe Acrobat.exe")
ClipWait, 1
ToolTip % Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard, "\r\n", " ")
SetTimer, ToolTipOff, -1000
now := A_TickCount
while GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
if (A_TickCount-now > 500 )
Send ^c
if WinActive("ahk_exe firefox.exe")
If RegExMatch(Clipboard, "[0-9]\.\s[A-Za-z,]*\s[A-Za-z]*")
regex := "[0-9]\.\s*|\s?\([^)]*\)|\."
replace := ""
else If RegExMatch(Clipboard,"[0-9]{2}[-\/][0-9]{2}[-\/][0-9]{4}")
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard, "^0", "")
regex := "\/"
replace := "."
else return
else if WinActive("ahk_exe EndNote.exe")
If RegExMatch(Clipboard, "[a-z]+\,\s[A-Z0-9‘“]")
regex := "\??!?\:|\?|!"
replace := "."
else return
ToolTip % Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard, regex, replace)
SetTimer, ToolTipOff, -1000
I see some very fundamental problems in the first few lines. Let me explain...
There are two types of if-statements in AutoHotkey If and #If.
You usually always use the normal If-statements unless you are doing something with hotkeys and you want specific hotkeys to be context-sensitive.
Here are some important rules:
Normal If-statements have to use curly braces {} to mark the area of code that should be executed if the expression is true. If you don't use curly braces, the If-statement will work as if you had put curly braces around the first command directly under the If-statement.
If WinActive("Firefox") {
Send, Test
MsgBox, The script just typed "Test.
Another example:
If WinActive("Firefox")
MsgBox, Firefox is the active window.
Normal If-statements cannot be used around a hotkey definition, but only within it.
This is allowed:
If (A_OSVersion = "WIN_7") {
MsgBox, Your operating system is Windows 7 and you just pressed F1.
This is NOT:
If (A_OSVersion = "WIN_7") {
MsgBox, Your operating system is Windows 7 and you just pressed F1.
But there is a way around that and that is #If-statements.
#If-statements don't use curly braces ever.
They can only be used on hotkey definitions.
And they can only be closed by another #If-statement.
(It's very common to simply use an empty #If to close it.)
#If (A_OSVersion = "WIN_7")
MsgBox, Your operating system is Windows 7 and you just pressed F1.
A more complex example:
#If (A_ScreenWidth >= 1920)
MsgBox, Your your screen is at least 1920 pixels wide.
MsgBox, Your operating system is %A_OSVersion%.
#If (A_ScreenWidth < 1920)
MsgBox, Your your screen width is smaller than 1920 pixels.
As you might have guessed by now, hotkey definitions are always started by a pattern like this hotkey:: and closed by a Return. Although you can define hotkeys on a single line.
F1::MsgBox, Hello!
F2::a ;This will remap the F2 key to an a-key.
Hotkeys by themselves do never use curly braces! Though an If-statement within a hotkey still has to use them according to the before mentioned rules.

Gui clipboard not working

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance force
; empty window sample
Gui, Show , w260 h100, Temmie Clipper
Gui, Add, Button, gINTRO ,Hoi
Gui, Add, Button, gBount ,Bount
Gui, Add, Button, gDog ,Dogresidu
clipboard = hOI!!! i'm temmie
clipboard = giv temmie dogresidu... NOW!!!!
clipboard = us tems are normally BOUNTS!
Those are labels, not functions, so they will not return automatically. Therefore the execution always proceeds to the last instruction which is clipboard = us tems are normally BOUNTS!, if any button is pressed.
Change the syntax to:
clipboard = hOI!!! i'm temmie
And do the same for labels: Bount and Dog.

How to pass window title to user function in AutoHotKey

I want to pass the window title into a function I wrote in AutoHotKey, is window title WinTitle a string? I have 4 window titles, and I need to pass them to the same function.
Extract(my_window_title) {
; Wake and select the correct window to be in focus
WinWait, my_window_title,
IfWinNotActive, my_window_title, , WinActivate, my_window_title,
WinWaitActive, my_window_title,
; ... do a bunch of things
I call the function like this
title1 = "Some title"
and I also tried putting % in all the variables
Yes WinTitle is basically a string.
Check out your Autohotkey-folder, there should be a file called "AU3_Spy.exe". Use it to find the window titles.
And as Elliot DeNolf already mentioned, you made some mistakes with variables. You should also take another look at the syntax of IfWInNotActive.
This should work:
Extract(my_window_title) {
; Wake and select the correct window to be in focus
WinWait, %my_window_title%
IfWinNotActive, %my_window_title%
WinActivate, %my_window_title%
WinWaitActive, %my_window_title%
msgbox, %my_window_title%
; ... do a bunch of things
title1 = MyWindowTitle
Extract(title1) ;functions always expect variables, no percent-signs here
There are a few things that look like they are causing an issue in your script.
When assigning a string value and using =, quotes are not needed. If you assign the value using :=, then you need the quotes. These 2 lines are equivalent:
title1 := "Some Title"
title1 = Some Title
Once these values are called via a function ie. Extract(title1), % symbols must be used (as you mentioned at the end of your question). This can be called in 2 ways:
WinActivate, %my_window_title%
WinActivate, % my_window_title
If the title is invalid, your script will wait indefinitely on WinWait and WinWaitActive. I would recommend using a timeout value and then checking ErrorLevel to see if it was successful or not.

How to get window handle by PID in autohotkey?

I want to get window handle by PID in autohotkey, because title of the window is always changing. If anyone wonder, I want to get handle of main window.
To get the first window Class/ID of a PID you can do the following:
Process, Exist, "notepad.exe"
NewPID = %ErrorLevel% ; Save the value immediately since ErrorLevel is often changed.
if NewPID
{ ; process exists!
WinGetClass, ClassID, ahk_pid %NewPID% ; ClassID will be read here for the process
WinGetTitle, Title, ahk_pid %NewPID% ; Title will contain the processe's first window's title
IfWinExist ahk_class %ClassID% ; this will find the first window by the ClassID
WinGet, WinID, ID ; this will get the ID of the window into WinID variable
WinActivate ; this will bring this window to front (not necessary for example)
ListVars ; this will display your variables
IfWinExist %Title% ; this will find the first window with the window title
WinGet, WinID, ID
WinActivate ; this will bring this window to front (not necessary for example)
there are other methods to convert the PID other than IfWinExist I'm sure, and it is possible to have more than one process with same class ID. :)
Additionally you can use
As a reusable function:
getHwndForPid(pid) {
pidStr := "ahk_pid " . pid
WinGet, hWnd, ID, %pidStr%
return hWnd
You can use the WinGet command with the Cmd paramter as ID.
Cmd is the operation to perform, which if blank defaults to ID.
ID: Retrieves the unique ID number of a window. Also known as the window handle (HWND).
WinTitle can be a PID.
WinGet, UniqueID, ID, ahk_pid %VarContainingPID%
Another option is WinExist()
UniqueID := WinExist("ahk_pid" . VarContainingPID)