Facebook form app inside iframe loses cookies for Safari browsers in Windows platform - facebook

I have a facebook app built using iframe. It works ok on most modern browsers except Safari on Windows platform. On Safari windows platform, the cookies seem to get lost as a user move from initial form page to 2nd page with questions.
Here is the live link
Can someone help me on how to fix this?

Ok, i found a fix for it which works perfectly. Checkout the following links:
Safari 3rd party cookie iframe trick no longer working?
Facebook Iframe App with multiple pages in Safari Session Variables not persisting
I hope this will fix your issue also, as it fixed mine. If you got any problem, let me know.
Thank you

besides header, you might also need to add w3c/p3p.xml and w3c/policy.p3p files to your website. See here for more details and sample files: Session null in IFrame in ASP.net MVC only in safari browser


the toggle button on my divi website is not clickable when I open the link in facebook browsers through my iPhone6

I used divi built a website, my website address is www.pawtrails.ie, it is responsive to mobile screens, but I found when I open the link through facebook social media in my mobilephone, the toggle button is not clickable anymore. It is clickable in google chrome browser.
What is the cause for this? And what should I do for this please? I tried other social media, such as Wechat, the toggle button has the same problem.
The toggle button is not working when opening in facebook
The shop image is not displaying when opening in facebook as well
Thank you very much
It's the facebook in-app browser.
Their browser sucks, and has major display issues for most wordpress sites. If you're on an android, you can set your phone to open links through another browser. But the iPhone app forces you to open links through facebook browser.
So far, I can't find a fix for this issue.
(Edit to answer the question - sorry about that mods - noob error) There appear to be two possible issues. Firstly mixed content (http) on https enabled sites won't appear, so images etc. that have been hardcoded to "http://", perhaps from before a switch to SSL. Secondly for other issues, the Divi WP theme does crop up quite often and updating that theme seems to have fixed it for the OP when I check their site.
(Original message)
Wasn't sure if you were getting the replies in my conversation app. I replied on the post too: https://charlesr.co.uk/why-doesnt-my-site-display-properly-in-the-facebook-in-app-browser/#comment-9
Did you change something since yesterday, because it's working for me?

Facebook Page not Displaying Google Map Frame in Mozilla and Chrome

to all. I am new to Google Map APi.
I have made the Dynamic Google Map which fetches the values from My DB.
Here, is it http://pollinator.org/fb/sharapp/
and I have added that page using my app on FB on this link :
I can show exactly output in All browsers except Mozilla Firefox 24 and Google Chrome Browser.
I have also HTTPS connection link for that,
I tried also above link to integrate into the my FB page. But, Its also not showing in Mozilla and Chrome.
If anyone have solution please help me to solve out. I have tried lot of solutions.
Thanks in advance for help.
instead of
Google Chrome and Firefox will block a unsecure url due to browser security settings

Implement the facebook connect on uiwebview using HTML5/JavaSCript for iphone sdk

I need to implement the facebook connent on UIWebview using HTML5/ Javascript. Presently what I implemented is working fine on iphone safari but not in native application. Please Suggest. Thanks
when the app loads up have it open a web view that point to a website that does what you want it to. see facebooks graph api documentation for web apps/websites
I'm working on this kind of app also. I haven't finished it yet but after googling I found just this link that seems to work with UIWebView
I've tried the HTML5 code on the comment plugin page but it doesn't work. The UIWebView just shows nothing.
I'm still looking for the best solution.
Ok now I got my app working. What I did was creating a HTML file, containing the code from facebook comment plugin page, and put it in my project (I think this should work fine with file on server also). I use this
[UIWebView loadHTMLString:baseURL:]
since my HTML file is local.
This is the facebook comment plugin page

FB App works in Iframe, but doesn't appear when used as Page Tab

Okay, allow me to say first off that I am working on developing my first FB app/page tab at the moment. I'm not looking for anything fancy yet, just workability.
That being said, I have managed to create a FB app that loads from the hosting requested, and displays it under the app page. I have also made it so that I can add it as a page tab to FB pages. What I am having an issue with is that clicking on the page tab for the app, it does not show any content in the iframe on the page, though it shows on the canvas page for the app.
So, my question is, do you have any ideas as to why it might be showing on a canvas iframe and not the page tab iframe? I am currently guessing that it has to do with how the signed request is processed, but am not completely sure. I am using the PHP SDK for FB given here: https://github.com/facebook/php-sdk/ for the FB-related functions, and am tracing through that currently for where I might be going wrong.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks. =)
I had the same problem and was able to solve it by providing different (http vs https) URLs for the secure and non-secure canvas and page tab URLs. Just remove post the non-secure URL for the non-secure canvas/page tab URL fields. I believe this is because Facebook doesn't check to see if the user has secure browsing turned on until after they have logged in.
You could try to change the order of appear of the app tab; it worked for me.

Facebook Oauth authorize redirect fails in Internet Explorer for extended permissions

I am using facebook oauth with web authentication and extended permissions
My resulting authorization URL ends up like
This works fine in Mozilla and Chrome however IE cannot display the webpage.
however if i reduce the number of extended permissions to just offline_access,read_stream,friends_activities,user_activities it works fine in IE too.
I see that facebook redirects this above request to the login.php page for some reason if I have more than 6 permissions in the scope paramter It will not redirect in IE
Anyone sees this issue ?
I am experiencing the same thing, I think!
Does anyone know how to solve this?
My code seems to work in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari but not in IE (tested in IE9 beta, not sure about other IE versions).
Maybe this perms list is too long:
What can we do?
UPDATE: I may have found a workaround. IE doesn't seem to let Facebook logon from the main page. For whatever reason, IE8 works when logging on from a page other than the root. I haven't tested other versions of IE. I added some javascript/jquery to check for visitors using IE and bounce those people to a separate logon page that is identical to the root page. And it seems to work. When testing, be sure to clear your browser history/cookies and close and restart your browser.
var ieLogonPage='/logon/' ;
if(($.browser.msie)&&(window.location.pathname=='/')) window.location=ieLogonPage;//IE doesn't seem to let Facebook logon from the main page.
I don't know why this seems to work.