Matlab memory management - matlab

I am simulating a set of differential equations in Matlab, for which I will save a struct of at least 400 x 80 000 x 24 doubles.
What in your opinion is the easiest way to control memory load? Memory mapping or a parallel process for memory checking, data writing and clearing? The program is single thread, but potentially will be re-written for a parallel computing.

Problem statement
Here are two problems, I think you are facing one of these:
Your data is really a block of mxnxz
Your data is not really a block of mxnxz
Solution for 1
If your data is really a block form, it is likely the best solution to store your data in a matrix.
Solution for 2
If your data is not a nice block, there are some choices to be made.
If your data is nearly a nice block, (for example mx(0.99~1.01)nxz, still consider using a matrix. Think about padding the gaps with zeros or NaN values.
If your data is very much not a block, (for example mx(0.01~100)nxz, consider using a more flexible data structure.
On flexible data structure usage
The trick to using data in a flexible way, is to try to identify the big matrices (that may vary in size) and let those be regular matrices. In your case the data is about 400 x 80000 x 24, hence you will definitely want the 80000 to be the dimension of a simple storage structure. The 24 and 400 are quite small so we don't care whether they are flexible or not.
The most efficient data structure that is not very flexible is a matrix of 400x80000x24
The most flexible data structure that is still fairly efficient is a cell array of 400x24, that contains vectors of approximately 80000x1
The most efficient data structure that is still fairly flexible is a cell array of 1x24 that contains matrices of approximately 400x80000. As 24 is small you could even use a struct for this in a meaningfull way, but usually a cell array will make more sense.


Multidimensional array or cell array in Matlab?

I want to create a multidimensional array A in Matlab of dimension NxMxG with N,M,G very large (e.g. 10^6).
Then I need to access Ain a loop as
for g=1:G
%etc etc
What is more convenient in terms of speed and memory between storing the values of A in a multidimensional array or in a cell array?
If you always loop on slices in the same way, and process them one at a time, as your bit of code seem to suggest, then the performance should be roughly equivalent.
If you really intend to store 1e6x1e6x1e6 double's, Matlab is definitely probably not your tool. However, if slices are sparse, then it's probably a bit more efficient to store them as a cell array, so Matlab does not have to search the full 3D space when "cutting" the slice, and Atemp=A{g}; simply copies a sparse matrix.
If you are working on full (nonsparse) slices then probably you should load/save your slice to disk and use instead a function/support class which loads from file: Atemp=A(g);. Mind that text loading takes up much more time than loading a binary file: so choose your file format carefully!
If you use numbers, a multidimensional array is the right thing to use. A cell array also allows other types, so is less optimised for numbers only. Because you are using very large arrays, maybe a sparse matrix may be appropriate for you.
First, note that neither pick will let you handle 10^18 values. You don't have exabytes of storage, let alone memory.
If you will ONLY ever use it as Atemp = A(:,:,g); with N and M always the same size for all g, having it multi-dimensional or cell shouldn't change anything meaningful as far as performance goes. N-D will be probably a bit faster, but nothing significant.
Obviously, if you ever want to have computation with different sizes of N, M depending on g, you need to pick cell array. And if you want to have computation with say Atemp = squeeze(A(:,g,:)); N-D array is clear choice here.
So, choice most likely depends if you prefer doing A(:,:,g) or A{g};, which depends on your meaning of data. Say if you have weather data and currently only care about what happens at specific height (not what happens between the layers), A(:,:,g) is clearly more sensible. It is possible you will require inter-layer calculations at some point. But if you have instead g meaning different measurement sites gathering data, A{g} should be used to pick the site. You will likely have some sites larger or smaller eventually.

matlab cell array size much larger than actual data

I recently discovered an strange behavour of MATLAB cell arrays that was not happening before.
If I create a cell array with
its size is 32 bytes.
If then I put something inside, e.g.
its size becomes 144 bytes. But if I remove this content by putting
the size becomes 132 bytes and so on. What is the problem?
Simply put, the Matlab cell array needs some internal data structures to keep track of what is stored within.
As it seems, Matlab allocates memory as needed, and thus extends the storage needed by the cell array as you insert data.
Removing the data doesn't mean that matlab can return the now unused memory to the OS or internal memory pool -- that might either be something that is impossible with the internal storage structure, or something that would be unwise with respect to performance, because cell arrays from which data is removed are (speaking over all use cases of cell arrays) be structures that get updated often, so that "prematurely" returning memory just to acquire it back again a few instructions later would be pretty CPU-intense.
As a general note: Matlab has pretty terrible storage approaches for nearly everything but matrices and sparse matrices (vectors of course being special cases of matrices). That's because it's not Matlab's job to be e.g. a string parser etc.
If memory becomes a problem, it might be worth considering implementing the math core of your problem in Matlab and doing the rest in other, more generally usable programming languages and somehow interfacing your Matlab code with that -- I haven't tried that myself, but Mathworks has a Matlab engine for python, and I'd take writing python for things like storing arbitrary data over using Matlab every day; with that engine, you can call Matlab to do your dirty math work, and use python to do your everyday scripting/programming work.
Notice that my bottom line here is that Matlab has great Math routines and impressive documentation, but if you want to actually develop software, using a general purpose tool/language is much more likely to be satisfying quickly.
I'd even go as far as saying that it's probably worth your time to learn python, just to be able to circumvent having to deal with things that Matlab wasn't designed for (and cell arrays are a prime example of what Matlab is really complicated about and what's extremely easy in python).
You use
to 'kill' the data in that field. In reality you actually do access the data, that is you leave a non-empty cell entry with an empty double array. (Thanks to matlab for representing empty cells as empty doubles...)
but if you use (no curly braces, but parentheses):
a(2) = cell(1,1)
then the cell array size is back to "empty" = 32 bytes.

Efficient way to store single matrices generated in a loop in Matlab?

I would like to know whether there is a way to reduce the amount of memory used by the following piece of code in Matlab:
for w=1:BS
bsuppostmp_{w}= randi([0,1],n*T,2^(n-1),r,b);
I have decided to use cells of matrices because after this loop I need to call separately each single matrix in another loop.
If I run this code I get the message error "Your system has run out of application memory".
Do you know a more efficient (in terms of memory) way to store each single matrix?
Let's refer the page about Strategies for Efficient Use of Memory:
Because simple numeric arrays (comprising one mxArray) have the least overhead, you should use them wherever possible. When data is too complex to store in a simple array (or matrix), you can use other data structures.
Cell arrays are comprised of separate mxArrays for each element. As a result, cell arrays with many small elements have a large overhead.
I doubt that the overhead for cell array is really large ...
Let me give a possible explanation. What if Matlab cannot use the swap file in case of storing the 4D arrays into a cell array? When storing large numeric arrays, there is no out-of-memory error because Matlab uses the swap file for caching each variable when the used memory becomes too big. Whereas if each 4D array is stored in a super cell array, Matlab sees it as a single variable and cannot fragment it part in the RAM and part in the swap file. Ok I don't work at Mathworks so I don't know if I'm right or not, it's just an idea about this topic so I would be glad to know what is the real reason.
So my advice is the same as other comments: try to free matrices as soon as you've done with them. There is not so many possibilities to store many dense arrays: one big array (NOT recommended here, will reach out-of-memory sooner because Matlab makes it contiguous), cell array or struct array (and if I correctly understand the documentation, the overhead can be equivalent). In all cases, the data amount over all 4D arrays is really large, so the best thing to do is to care about keeping the memory constantly as low as possible by discarding some data once they are used and keep in memory only the results of computation (in case they take lower memory usage ...).

Multiplication of matrices when cannot loaded into memory at once

I've read some similar posts, while none of them actually tackled my problem.
I need to do a series of multiplication-similar operations for A, B, specifically calculating kernel matrices, on Windows Platform. While, the problem is both of A, B could be really large, let us say, 20000-by-360000. While, my server can only provide 96 GB memory. It may seem infeasible to have them in memory at the same time and do the calculation. So is there any good way to efficiently handle such a large multiplication? Btw, The size of result, which is 20000-by-20000, is much less than the multiplier and can fit in the memory properly.
Because I do it on Windows, it may be not feasible to call functions like mmap2.
I wonder whether converting them into sparse matrix is a good option. However, it may heavily depend on the properties of data.
Another solution I've come up with is to partition the origin matrix into blocks. Then do the calculation block-by-block.
Is there any other better solution? Any practical suggestions would be really appreciated.
Best regards,
If I where you I'd look into the block processing function:
B = blockproc(filename,[M N],fun)
and use the Destination parameter to allow saving the results without overflowing your memory.

Where do I find the memory requirements of a MATLAB function?

I have a 3D array of values (0 or 1), which is very large (approx 2300x2300x11). I want to fit a surface to these values using for example interp3, but when I try MATLAB runs out of memory. Thus, I've decided to reduce the size of my array enough for MATLAB to accomodate it in memory.
Now, the smaller I make the reduced array, the worse my results will be (the surface fitting is part of a measurement process with high precision requirements), so I want to reduce the array as little as possible.
Is there any way to determine on beforehand how much memory a certain array size will demand and how much memory is available, and then use this information to resize the array enough to avoid out of memory exceptions, but not more?
I don't know the answer to this, but I wonder if you can have your cake and eat it, too.
If your data set is too big, why not do a piecewise fit? Do it in chunks rather than omitting data points.
Or be smarter about how you omit data points. You want them in areas of high curvature - where your data is changing fastest. Leave out points in areas far away from the action, where nothing interesting is happening. You might have to do a fit, look at the surface, add and remove more points and try again.
It might an iterative process, but I'll bet you'll be able to get a nice fit with a little luck and effort.
You can look at the maximum array sizes that are supported on different platforms. In general, if you have a PxQxR sized 3D array of doubles, then the size of your array in bytes is P*Q*R*8. For your matrix, the size is ~ 444 MB. You can also try reducing it to a single, using single(A). single uses 4 bytes per element and you can reduce the size of your array by a factor 2.
I haven't really poked into the inner workings of interp3, but the exact memory requirements will depend on the interpolation option you choose. So, you can first try to convert it to single and see if it works. If not, try with 80% (90%) of the number of rows and columns. This way you have a good chunk of the original array, but the memory requirement is only 64% (81%) of the original.
If that doesn't help, duffymo's suggestion is what you should be looking into.