phpChart in Laravel - charts

I need a library to generate some charts in my page. I found the phpChart, but I do not know how to install it.
My question is: How to install phpChart in Laravel via composer.

Unfortunately if there are no packages on packagist, you cannot install it via Composer.
But you can still install it on Laravel:
1) Download and unzip it somewhere in app/, you can create an app/libraries/phpChart and unzip it there.
2) Edit your composer.json and add your folder to it:
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
3) Run composer dump-autoload so Composer create a new map for your library classes.


eventnews - exception class EventNewsRowInitializeNew not found

i get the following error message in the backend:
Class 'GeorgRinger\Eventnews\Backend\FormDataProvider\EventNewsRowInitializeNew' not found
I run into the exception when i try to edit the page or open the template tool. So i cannot activate the static setup.
The file EventNewsRowInitializeNew.php is where it belongs:
The psr-4 definition in composer.lock seems correct:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"GeorgRinger\\Eventnews\\": "Classes"
TYPO3 8.7.9
News 6.2.1
eventnews 2.0.1
PHP 7.1.9 on mittwald server
Installation with composer
What i tried:
clearing all caches in install tool
deinstall and install the extensions once again
Any ideas?
Did you try composer dump to rebuild the autoloader?

how to update composer in zend framework 2 on wamp so that i can use zendserivice/twitter library

I am getting error in updating composer. i have tried this command in my command prompt."service" is my project name.
C:\wamp\www\service>composer update
Composer could not find the config file: C:\Program Files (x86)\ComposerSetup
To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file as described in the "Getting Started" section"
composer.json is already there in my "service" project. i have also installed composer.exe from ""

How to configure PHPUnit with ZF version 1.12.11

I am using zend framework 1.12.11 and now I want to use PHPunit with it.Pear has stopped it's stopped support for phpunit.Now it's working with composer.
I have install composer and phpunit via composer.But Where I have to put composer json setting file and my project and what should include in my project which automatically take phpunit of composer
Per the PHPUnit documentation for Composer installation, add PHPUnit to the dependencies in your project's composer.json file, something like:
"require-dev": {
"phpunit/phpunit": "4.6.*"
Then run:
composer update -vvv phpunit/phpunit
to actually bring PHPUnit and its dependencies down into your project.
I usually add the -vvv (maximally verbose) flag to see what's going on under the hood. Feel free to omit if you prefer.
Once they are all installed, you can run phpunit the usual way by accessing the executable bin script that PHPUnit and Composer expose for you. From the project root, you should be able to run:
./vendor/bin/phpunit --version
to confirm the install is ok.
Once you have a phpunit.xml config file set up that your test suites and directories, you should be able to run your tests using:
./vendor/bin/phpunit -c /path/to/phpunit.xml

How to add a plugin to eclipse via cookbook using chef-solo

I have chef-solo installed on ubuntu(12.04). I have been able to successfully install eclipse using the cookbook provided in the following site:
Now i wish to add the pydev plugin to this using chef-solo. Can someone help me on how i can do this. Do i need a new cookbook (if yes then where can i find the cookbook) or is some editing required in the existing eclipse cookbook(if yes then what is it)?
I am new to chef. Please help
Thank you
cookbook delivers a method to install the eclipse plugins.
default ['Eclipse'] ['plugins'] - list of repositories and install plugins to Automatically With This eclipse deployment
for pydev:
"default_attributes": {
"eclipse": {
"plugins": [{"" => ""}]
check this issues (certificate error)
I guess installing the certificate should work correctly.
you would have to adapt this code to automatically add the certificate.
Another option is to adapt the cookbook for install liclipse (eclipse + PyDev)
Sorry for my English.
Best regards
I ran the eclipse cookbook in a vm with ubuntu 12.04 and install pydev without problems, attached to the chef-solo json file.
"java": {
"jdk_version": "7"
"eclipse": {
"plugins": [ {"": ""} ]
"run_list": [
If it does not work, attached the json file and debug log of chef run
Best Regards

Composer cannot find package for a Symfony2 bundle

I'm creating a Symfony2 bundle hosted on GitHub. I suppose that everything is configured well! However, when I try to install it something goes wrong.
Here follows a summary of the key info.
First, in my Symfony2 app I update the composer.json as follows:
"require": {
"bundle-name": "dev-master"
When I try to install the bundle through the command php composer.phar update, I get the following error:
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- The requested package bundle-name could
not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.
Potential causes:
- A typo in the package name
- The package is not available in a stable-enough version according
to your minimum-stability setting
see <>
for more details.
Any idea?
You have to add repository for "bundle-name".
I couldn't find it on packagist, so register it first.