Solving systems of nonlinear equations - matlab

Help. I am trying to solve this system of nonlinear equations in MATLAB for a homework assignment. I have tried wolfram alpha and this online equation solver, and neither of them work.
I have tried my graphing calculator and it keeps saying non algebraic variable or expression.
These are my two equations in two unknowns:
.75*(1100)= x*10^(6.82485-943.453/(T+239.711))
I don't quite understand how to use MATLAB to solve this system. Please help.

You want the function fsolve in Matlab. Define a function myfun that returns [0,0] at the solution, then run fsolve(myfun,x0). x0 is a guess for the solution.
Define myfun:
function F = myfun(x)
F = [<put modified eqt1 here>;
<put modified eqt2 here>;];
Save it. Then solve:
x0 = [1,1];
options = optimoptions('fsolve','Display','iter');
[x,fval] = fsolve(#myfun,x0,options) % Call solver


Using Matlab to solve a system of ODEs using Euler's method

I have created a function Euler.m to solve a a system of ODEs using Euler's method. I wish to use this function to solve the system of ODEs defined by the anonymous function func=#(t) ([x(t)+4*y(t)-exp(t);x(t)+y(t)+2*exp(t)]) with initial conditions given by y0.
func=#(t) ([x(t)+4*y(t)-exp(t);x(t)+y(t)+2*exp(t)]);
y_exact=#(t) [4*exp(3*t)+2*exp(-t)-2*exp(t);2*exp(3*t)-exp(-t)+exp(t)/4]; %exact solution of ODEs
a=0; % such that
b=1; % a<t<b
[t,y] = Euler(func,a,b,y0,N)
However, the following error is displayed:
"Error using solution>#(t)([x(t)+4*y(t)-exp(t);x(t)+y(t)+2*exp(t)])
Too many input arguments.
Error in solution (line 7)
[t,y] = Euler(func,a,b,y0,N)".
Why is this error being displayed?
You are pretending that you already know when writing the ODE function func what the solutions x(t),y(t) are. Then you are going to compute solutions approximations for it. This is completely the wrong way around.
The function for the right side is just for a point in phase space, so you need
func=#(t,y) ([y(1)+4*y(2)-exp(t);y(1)+y(2)+2*exp(t)]);
where the input y is a two-component vector.

How to set up solving of multiple ODEs in Matlab propperly?

I have a task of writing an M script that would set up (and finally solve) a set of 19 differential equations and all of the equation coefficients. I am not sure what is the best way to input those equations.
Example of some equations:
Example of coefficients:
I don't think that this would be suited for Simulink. Other examples use a function in the form of #(t,x) where t is time and x the vector of all variables.
There are loads of "examples" online, but they don't seem to be appropriate for such a large set of large equations.
For example this exmple of solving 3 equatons
Even for 3 simple equations as they have solved, the functions are getting messy:
f = #(t,x) [-x(1)+3*x(3);-x(2)+2*x(3);x(1)^2-2*x(3)];
Using this notation and getting to the x(19) and cross-referencing all instances of x would be a mess.
I would like your help, and a simple example of how could I write these equations line by line, maybe using the symbolic toolbox, and then put them in an array that I can then forward to the solver.
As I said, I know there are examples online, but they tackle only the most basic system, and really they don't scale well if you want a clean and easily readable code.
I would like to have a similar to Wolfram alpha, where you type variable names as they are (instead od x(1), x(2), ... m x(19)) and if it's possible to get all solution vectors with their variable names.
You don't have to use an anonymous function handle as an ode function, you can create a separate function file (as shown in the odefun section of ode45.
For example, your odefun can look like:
function dy = myode(t,y)
% first unpack state variables
i_d2 = y(1);
i_q2 = y(2);
gamma2 = y(end-1);
omega2 = y(end);
% determine all constants
c34 = expression_for_c34;
c61 = expression_for_61;
% determine state derivative
i_d2_dot = expression;
omega2_dot = expression;
% pack state derivative based on order in state vector
dy(1) = i_d2_dot;
dy(end) = omega2_dot;
From this myode function you can also call other functions to e.g. determine the value for some coefficients based on the current state. Next, integrate the system using a suitable ode solver:
[t,y] = ode45(#myode,tspan,y0);

How can I solve an implicit equation without the symbolic toolbox?

I have an equation like this:
Can MATLAB solve this equation directly, without having access to the symbolic toolbox? If it can not do this, how can I resolve this problem?
It's possible, but requires some hand work.
Your function is a polynomial:
x^2/6 - (2*x)/15 + 49/15 = 100
When pulling the 100 to the left hand side, we can find the roots:
roots([1/6 -2/15 -1451/15])
ans =
where the argument is specified as the prefactors in decreasing order of power.
Code with which I found the polynomial (requires the Symbolic Math toolbox):
syms x
fun = (5+x)^2/15+(x-4)^2/10-100;
f = simplify(fun);
How about using an anonymous function:
X0=1; % initial guess

Matlab: Is it possible to numerically solve a system of ode's with a mixture of initial and terminal conditions?

I'm trying to use ode45 to solve a system of ODE's:
[X,Y]= ode45(#sys,[0, T],y0);
function dy = sys(t,y)
dy(1) = f_1(y)
dy(2) = f_2(y)
dy(3) = f_3(y)
The problem is that the function ode45 requires that y0 be initial values [y_1(0), y_2(0), y_3(0)], while in my system, I only have the values [y_2(0), y_3(0), y_3(T)] available.
Mathematically, this set of initial/terminal conditions should be enough to pin down the system, but is there any way I can work with that by ode45 or any other functions in MATLAB?
After digging in the Matlab documentation for a little bit, I think the more elegant way is to use the bvp4c function. bvp4c is a function specifically designed to handle boundary value problems like this, as opposed to ode**, which are really for initial value problems only. In fact, there's a whole set of other functions such as deval and bvpinit in Matlab that really facilitate the use of bvp4c. Here's the link to the Matlab documentation.
I'll post a brief (and perhaps a bit contrived) example here:
function [y1, y2, y3] = test(start,T)
solinit = bvpinit(linspace(0,3,10), [1,1,0]);
sol = bvp4c(#odefun,#bvpbc,solinit);
tspan = linspace(start,T,100);
S = deval(sol, tspan);
y1 = S(1,:);
y2 = S(2,:);
y3 = S(3,:);
plot (tspan,y1)
plot (tspan,y2)
plot (tspan,y3)
%% system definition & BVCs
function dydx = odefun(t,y)
dydx(1) = y(1) + y(2) + t;
dydx(2) = 2*y(1) + y(2);
dydx(3) = 3 * y(1) - y(2);
function res = bvpbc(y0,yT)
res= [y0(3) yT(2) yT(3)];
The test function outputs 3 vectors of solutions points for y1, y2 and y3 respectively, and also plots them.
Here are the variable paths plotted by Matlab:
Also, I found this video by professor Jake Blanchard from WMU to be very helpful.
One approach is to use the shooting method to iteratively solve for the unknown initial state y_1(0) such that the desired final state y_3(T) is satisfied.
The iteration proceeds by solving a nonlinear equation F = 0:
F(y_1(0)) = Y_3(T) - y_3(T)
where the uppercase function Y is the solution obtained by integrating the ODE's forward in time from a set of initial conditions. The task is to guess the value of y_1(0) to obtain F = 0.
Since we're now solving a nonlinear equation, all of the usual approaches apply. Specifically you could use either bisection or Newton's method to update your guess for the unknown initial state y_1(0). Note a couple of things:
The ODE's are integrated on [0,T] at each iteration of the nonlinear solve.
There may be multiple solutions for F = 0, depending on the structure of your ODE's.
Newton's method may converge faster than bisection, but may also be numerically unstable unless you can provide a good starting guess for y_1(0).
Using existing MATLAB functions, the bounded scalar nonlinear solver FMINBND might be a good choice as a nonlinear solver.
Hope this helps.

How to solve complex system of equations using matlab?

I have to analyze 802.11 saturation throughput using matlab, and here is my problem. I'm trying to solve parametric equations below (parameters are m,W,a) using solve function and i get
Warning: Explicit solution could not be found
How could I solve above equations using matlab?
I guess you were trying to find an analytical solution for tau and p using symbolic math. Unless you're really lucky with your parameters (e.g. m=1), there won't be an analytical solution.
If you're interested in numerical values for tau and p, I suggest you manually substitue p in the first equation, and then solve an equation of the form tau-bigFraction=0 using, e.g. fzero.
Here's how you'd use fzero to solve a simple equation kx=exp(-x), with k being a parameter.
k = 5; %# set a value for k
x = fzero(#(x)k*x-exp(-x),0); %# initial guess: x=0