CodeMirror: How add tables to sql-hint? - autocomplete

I can't figure how add tables to codemirror. I have sql-hint.js included, and work for keywords but don't understand how add tables and columns...

Sadly, this does not appear to be documented anywhere.
With some trial and error I was able to figure out that you can pass in a structure of table and column names as options when invoking the hinter, like this:
CodeMirror.commands.autocomplete = function(cm) {
CodeMirror.showHint(cm, CodeMirror.hint.sql, {
tables: {
"table1": [ "col_A", "col_B", "col_C" ],
"table2": [ "other_columns1", "other_columns2" ]
} );

I know that this question is somewhat old but..I found an interesting way, valid in 4.3 release (I don't know anything about older releases): Just add the "CodeMirror.hint.sql" value (without quotes, as its a function) as "hint" option and add the "tables" object as a sub-object defined in "hintOptions" object.
Something like:
CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0], {
mode: "text/x-sql",
extraKeys: {"Ctrl-Space": "autocomplete"}, // To invoke the auto complete
hint: CodeMirror.hint.sql,
hintOptions: {
tables: {
"table1": [ "col_A", "col_B", "col_C" ],
"table2": [ "other_columns1", "other_columns2" ]
That's it. Note that the "extraKeys" is absolutely not needed, but I found it to be great to test the autocomplete more easily. =)
Good luck. :)


MongoDB View vs Function to abstract query and variable/parameter passed

I hate to risk asking a duplicate question, but perhaps this is different from Passing Variables to a MongoDB View which didn't have any clear solution.
Below is a query to find the country for IP Address 16778237. (Outside the scope of this query, there is a formula that turns an IPV4 address into a number.)
I was wondering if we could abstract away this query out of NodeJS code, and make a view, so the view could be called from NodeJS. But the fields ipFrom and ipTo are indexed to get the query to run fast against millions of documents in the collection, so we can't return all the rows to NodeJS and filter there.
In MSSQL maybe this would have to be a stored procedure, instead of a view. Just trying to learn what is possible in MongoDB. I know there are functions, which are written in JavaScript. Is that where I need to look?
$and: [
"ipFrom": {
$lte: 16778237
"ipTo": {
$gte: 16778237
"active": true
$comment: "where 16778237 between startIPRange and stopIPRange and the row is 'Active',sort by createdDateTime, limit to the top 1 row, and return the country"
'createdDateTime': - 1
'countryCode': 1
$limit: 1
Part 2 - after more research and experimenting, I found this is possible and runs with success, but then see trying to make a view below this query.
var ipaddr = 16778237
$and: [
"ipFrom": {
$lte: ipaddr
"ipTo": {
$gte: ipaddr
"active": true
$comment: "where 16778237 between startIPRange and stopIPRange and the row is 'Active',sort by createdDateTime, limit to the top 1 row, and return the country"
'createdDateTime': - 1
'countryCode': 1
$limit: 1
If I try to create a view with a "var" in it, like this;
var ipaddr = 16778237
I get error:
[Error] SyntaxError: expected expression, got keyword 'var'
In the link I provided above, I think the guy was trying to figure how the $$user-variables work (no example here: That page refers to $let, but never shows how the two work together. I found one example here: on variables, but not $$variables. I'm
"ipFrom": {
$lte: $$ipaddr
I tried ipaddr, $ipaddr, and $$ipaddr, and they all give a variation of this error:
[Error] ReferenceError: $ipaddr is not defined
In a perfect world, one would be able to do something like:
get['ip2Locations_vw-lookupcountryfromip'].find({$let: {'ipaddr': 16778237})
or similar.
I'm getting that it's possible with Javascript stored in MongoDB (How to use variables in MongoDB query?), but I'll have to re-read that; seems like some blogs were warning against it.
I have yet to find a working example using $$user-variables, still looking.
You want to query a view from some server side code, passing a variable to it.
Can we use an external variable to recompute a View? Take the following pipeline:
var pipeline = [{ $group:{ _id:null, useless:{ $push:"$$NOW" } } }]
We can pass system variables using $$. We can define user variables too, but the user defined variables are made out of:
Collection Data
System Variables.
Also, respect to your Part2:
A variable var variable="what" will be computed only once. Redefine variable="whatever" makes no difference in the view, it uses "what".
Views can only be re-computed with system variables, or user variables dependant on those system variables or collection data.
Added an answer to the post you link too.

Mutation cache update not working with vue-apollo and Hasura

I'm completely new to these technologies, and am having trouble wrapping my head around it, so bear with me. So, my situation is that I've deployed Hasura on Heroku and have added some data, and am now trying to implement some functionality where I can add and edit certain rows of a table. Specifically I've been following this from Hasura, and this from vue-apollo.
I've implemented the adding and editing (which works), and now want to also reflect this in the table, by using the update property of the mutation and updating the cache. Unfortunately, this is where I get lost. I'll paste some of my code below to make my problem more clear:
The mutation for adding a player (ADD_PLAYER_MUTATION) (same as the one in Hasura's documentation linked above):
mutation addPlayer($objects: [players_insert_input!]!) {
insert_players(objects: $objects) {
returning {
The code for the mutation in the .vue file
addPlayer(player, currentTimestamp) {
variables: {
objects: [
created_at: currentTimestamp,
updated_at: currentTimestamp,
first_name: player.first_name,
last_name: player.last_name
update: (store, { data: { addPlayer } }) => {
const data = store.readQuery({
query: PLAYERS
store.writeQuery({ query: PLAYERS, data });
I don't really get the update part of the mutation. In most examples the { data: { x } } bit uses the function's name in the place of x, and so I did that as well, even though I don't really get why (it's pretty confusing to me at least). When logging data the array of players is logged, but when logging addPlayer undefined is logged.
I'm probably doing something wrong that is very simple for others, but I'm obviously not sure what. Maybe the mutation isn't returning the correct thing (although I'd assume it wouldn't log undefined in that case), or maybe isn't returning anything at all. It's especially confusing since the player is actually added to the database, so it's just the update part that isn't working - plus, most of the guides / tutorials show the same thing without really much explanation.
Okay, so for anyone as stupid as me, here's basically what I was doing wrong:
Instead of addPlayer in update: (store, { data: { addPlayer } }), it should be whatever the name of the mutation is, so in this case insert_players.
By default a mutation response from Hasura has a returning field, which is a list, and so the added player is the first element in the list, so you can get it like so: const addedPlayer = insert_players.returning[0];
I didn't want to just delete my question after realising what was wrong shortly after posting it, in case this is useful to other people like me, and so I'll leave it up.

WaterlineJS/SailsJS: Query "contains" array

how do i accomplish multiple value inside query 'contains' ?
name: {
contains: [
address : {
contains: 'york'
Having checked up on it via the gitter channel you need to do...
If you wanna use contains then you need to use LIKE! if you want a straight match then use a normal query.
Model.query("SELECT whatever FROM MyTable WHERE someFielding LIKE '%THEVALUE%'", function(error, myRows) {
// do some stuff

Display information of mongodb

Hi all I am very new in mongodb and I have some problems when I try to do some find in a collections I hope so someone can help me.
Imagine I have the following collection:
) c
Now I want do some find inside the collections for example:
A-I want to bring me all currencies search by date range 05/10/2015 to 01/10/2015 then I need that return something like this:
I want to know what is the structure of the find that I need to use for have a result similar.
B-Also I need to know how do a find that return all the information related with a currency, for example I want searh all releated with the currency 'USD', I need return something similar to:
I want to know what is the structure of the find that I need to use for have a result similar.
C-And finally I need to know how do a find that return all the information related with a value, for example I want search all the information with value of 0 between 12000, I need return something similar to:
I want to know what is the structure of the find that I need to use for have a result similar.

REST, cross-references and performances, which compromise?

After reading this excellent thread REST Complex/Composite/Nested Resources about nested structures in REST responses, I still have a question. What's the best choice in terms of performance about the response ?
Let's take an example.
I have an Category object, which contains some Questions. Those Questions contains some Answers. All of these structures have meta-informations.
Now, when querying an url like GET http://<base_url>/categories/, should I include a description of the Categories only, include Question description ? Which one, full description or simplified one ?
In other terms, what's the best solution between those :
'question':'My question',
'author' : 4235345,
'answer':'It's an answer !'
'answer':'It's another answer !'
Or maybe another solution ?
Thanks !
That depends on what the application will do with the data. If it is only going to display a list of categories, then it is very inefficient to transfer all the data it ever needs at once, especially if the categories are many, which will decrease response time of user (absolute no no).
These scenarios depend heavily on application and usage of data.
One optimization that we can do is, we can create two requests,
GET http://<base_url>/categories
Which will return minimal data immediately and another request,
GET http://<base_url>/categories?all=true
Which will return all data.
Then the client app can make some clever optimizations like, when user requests for categories, request one is sent and it will immediately render the data. Then after getting the list of categories the user will be idle for some time looking and we can use this opportunity to request all data using request two.
However, as I said this will largely depend on the application.