apache spark: local[K] master URL - job gets stuck - scala

I am using apache spark 0.8.0 to process a large data file and perform some basic .map and .reduceByKey operations on the RDD.
Since I am using a single machine with multiple processors, I mention local[8] in the Master URL field while creating SparkContext
val sc = new SparkContext("local[8]", "Tower-Aggs", SPARK_HOME )
But whenever I mention multiple processors, the job gets stuck (pauses/halts) randomly. There is no definite place where it gets stuck, its just random. Sometimes it won't happen at all. I am not sure if it continues after that but it gets stuck for a long time after which I abort the job.
But when I just use local in place of local[8], the job runs seamlessly without getting stuck ever.
val sc = new SparkContext("local", "Tower-Aggs", SPARK_HOME )
I am not able to understand where is the problem.
I am using Scala 2.9.3 and sbt to build and run the application

I'm using spark 1.0.0 and met the same problem: if a function passed to a transformation or action wait/loop indefinitely, then spark won't wake it or terminate/retry it by default, in which case you can kill the task.
However, a recent feature (speculative task) allows spark to start replicated tasks if a few tasks take much longer than average running time of their peers. This can be enabled and configured in the following config properties:
spark.speculation false If set to "true", performs speculative execution of tasks. This means if one or more tasks are running slowly in a stage, they will be re-launched.
spark.speculation.interval 100 How often Spark will check for tasks to speculate, in milliseconds.
spark.speculation.quantile 0.75 Percentage of tasks which must be complete before speculation is enabled for a particular stage.
spark.speculation.multiplier 1.5 How many times slower a task is than the median to be considered for speculation.
(source: http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/configuration.html)


Implementing exponential backoff in spark between consecutive attempts

On our AWS EMR spark cluster we have 100-150 jobs running at a given time. Each cluster-task-node is allocated 7 of 8 cores. But at some hour in a day the load average touches 10 --causing task failure/ task lost/ executors lost/ heart beat missed. If we decrease the allocated cores/node the cluster is under utilised (load avg 4)
To avoid executors lost/ tasks lost --we tried increasing maxAttempts, but all the attempts are happening in that hour window only and the job is failing.
So, as intermediary we are thinking of
having try catch in the main method. So that executor lost, max attempts exceeded exceptions can be caught and... re-trigger the code
The EMR-core-nodes have 6 of 8cores allocated to spark --May be for this reason the driver never crashed!
So the questions
Will re-triggering main code in the same JVM several times any side affects? It can happen that there are some dataframes already created in the previous run and now they are getting recreated. Or recached or the SQL is getting re-executed
if this is not the way then any suggestions on how to get exponential backoff?
we are using spark 3.3 on AWS EMR 6.X. The spark job is triggered via sh file.

Apache Spark standalone settings

I have an Apache spark standalone set up.
I wish to start 3 workers to run in parallel:
I use the commands below.
I tried to run a few jobs and below are the apache UI results:
Ignore the last three applications that failed: Below are my questions:
Why do I have just one worker displayed in the UI despite asking spark to start 3 each with 2 cores?
I want to partition my input RDD for better performance. So for the first two jobs with no partions, I had a time of 2.7 mins. Here my Scala source code had the following.
val tweets = sc.textFile("/Users/soft/Downloads/tweets").map(parseTweet).persist()
In my third job (4.3 min) I had the below:
val tweets = sc.textFile("/Users/soft/Downloads/tweets",8).map(parseTweet).persist()
I expected a shorter time with more partitions(8). Why was this the opposite of what was expected?
Apparently you have only one active worker, which you need to investigate why other workers are not reported by checking the spark logs.
More partitions doesn't always mean that the application runs faster, you need to check how you are creating partitions from source data, the amount of data parition'd and how much data is being shuffled, etc.
In case you are running on a local machine it is quite normal to just start a single worker with several CPU's as shown in the output. It will still split you task of the available CPU's in the machine.
Partitioning your file will happen automatically depending on the amount of available resources, it works quite well most of the time. Spark (and partitioning the files) comes with some overhead, so often, especially on a single machine Spark adds so much overhead it will slowdown you process. The added values comes with large amounts of data on a cluster of machines.
Assuming that you are starting a stand-alone cluster, I would suggest using the configuration files to setup a the cluster and use start-all.sh to start a cluster.
first in your spark/conf/slaves (copied from spark/conf/slaves.template add the IP's (or server names) of you worker nodes.
configure the spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf (copied from spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf.template Set at least the master node to the server that runs your master.
Use the spark-env.sh (copied from spark-env.sh.template) to configure the cores per worker, memory etc:
export SPARK_REPL_MEM="4g"
Since it is standalone (and not hosted on a Hadoop environment) you need to share (or copy) the configuration (or rather the complete spark directory) to all nodes in your cluster. Also the data you are processing needs to be available on all nodes e.g. directly from a bucket or a shared drive.
As suggested by the #skjagini checkout the various log files in spark/logs/ to see what's going on. Each node will write their own log files.
See https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/spark-standalone.html for all options.
(we have a setup like this running for several years and it works great!)

GC in a spark/scala job?

I've inherited two spark scala jobs, which have previously been launched sequentially, but independently:
dse spark-submit <job1 params>
dse spark-submit <job2 params>
Both jobs more-or-less max out the system resources, but run successfully with the current --executor-memory/--driver-memory/--memory-fraction settings.
There is considerable overlap between the two jobs, and we would like to merge them into a single task. It seemed reasonable to define a new App which launches each, individually:
def main(args: Array[String]) {
Watching in the spark console, job 1 runs and completes, then job 2 begins but runs into out of memory errors.
In Java, I believe that an OOM error usually means that GC ran, and that there wasn't enough resulting free space. Being new to spark and ignorant, this raises a few questions.
How does spark 'scope' an Rdd? For example, shouldn't any objects
defined in job 1 should be marked for GC before job 2 begins? Would
the OOM failure in this case then indicate a memory leak in job 1?
Will scala block the workers while a GC is going on? Would it even know, or would the jobs just run more slowly?
GC is run by the JVM. Does this mean that something like System.gc() would only trigger a GC on the master node? Is it possible to trigger a GC at the workers?

Launch spark job on-demand from code

What is the recommended way to launch a Spark job on-demand from within an enterprise application (in Java or Scala)? There is a processing step which currently takes several minutes to complete. I would like to use a Spark cluster to reduce the processing down to, let's say less than 15 seconds:
Rewrite the time consuming process in Spark and Scala.
The parameters would be passed to the JAR as command line arguments. The Spark job then acquires source data from a database. Do the processing and save the output in a location readable by the enterprise application.
Question 1: How to launch the Spark job on-demand from within the enterprise application? The Spark cluster (standalone) is on the same LAN but separate from the servers on which the enterprise app is running.
Question 2: What is the recommended way to transmit the processing results back to the caller code?
Question 3: How to notify the caller code about job completion (or failure such as Spark cluster down, job time out, exception in spark code)
You could try spark-jobserver . Upload your spark.jar to the server. And from your application, you can call the job in your spark.jar using the rest interface . To know whether your job is completed or not , you can keep polling the rest interface. And when your job completes and if the result is very small you could get it from the rest interface itself. But if the result is huge it is better to save to some db.

Spark: long delay between jobs

So we are running spark job that extract data and do some expansive data conversion and writes to several different files. Everything is running fine but I'm getting random expansive delays between resource intensive job finish and next job start.
In below picture, we can see that job that was scheduled at 17:22:02 took 15 min to finish, which means I'm expecting next job to be scheduled around 17:37:02. However, next job was scheduled at 22:05:59, which is +4 hours after job success.
When I dig into next job's spark UI it show <1 sec scheduler delay. So I'm confused to where does this 4 hours long delay is coming from.
(Spark 1.6.1 with Hadoop 2)
I can confirm that David's answer below is spot on about how IO ops are handled in Spark is bit unexpected. (It makes sense to that file write essentially does "collect" behind the curtain before it writes considering ordering and/or other operations.) But I'm bit discomforted by the fact that I/O time is not included in job execution time. I guess you can see it in "SQL" tab of spark UI as queries are still running even with all jobs being successful but you cannot dive into it at all.
I'm sure there are more ways to improve but below two methods were sufficient for me:
reduce file count
set parquet.enable.summary-metadata to false
I/O operations often come with significant overhead that will occur on the master node. Since this work isn't parallelized, it can take quite a bit of time. And since it is not a job, it does not show up in the resource manager UI. Some examples of I/O tasks that are done by the master node
Spark will write to temporary s3 directories, then move the files using the master node
Reading of text files often occur on the master node
When writing parquet files, the master node will scan all the files post-write to check the schema
These issues can be solved by tweaking yarn settings or redesigning your code. If you provide some source code, I might be able to pinpoint your issue.
Discussion of writing I/O Overhead with Parquet and s3
Discussion of reading I/O Overhead "s3 is not a filesystem"
I faced similar issue when writing parquet data on s3 with pyspark on EMR 5.5.1. All workers would finish writing data in _temporary bucket in output folder & Spark UI would show that all tasks have completed. But Hadoop Resource Manager UI would not release resources for the application neither mark it as complete. On checking s3 bucket, it seemed like spark driver was moving the files 1 by 1 from _temporary directory to output bucket which was extremely slow & all the cluster was idle except Driver node.
The solution that worked for me was to use committer class by AWS ( EmrOptimizedSparkSqlParquetOutputCommitter ) by setting the configuration property spark.sql.parquet.fs.optimized.committer.optimization-enabled to true.
spark-submit ....... --conf spark.sql.parquet.fs.optimized.committer.optimization-enabled=true
pyspark ....... --conf spark.sql.parquet.fs.optimized.committer.optimization-enabled=true
Note that this property is available in EMR 5.19 or higher.
After running the spark job on EMR 5.20.0 using above solution, it did not create any _temporary directory & all the files were directly written to the output bucket, hence job finished very quickly.
Fore more details: