Sphinx Search term boost - sphinx

Is there a way I can add a weight to each word in my query?
I need to do something like this (Lucene query):
All answers I found online are old and I was hoping this changed.
Sphinx introduced term boosting in version 2.2.3: http://sphinxsearch.com/docs/current/extended-syntax.html
select id,weight() from ljplain where match('open source^2') limit 2 option ranker=expr('sum(max_idf)*1000');

No nothing really changed. The same old workarounds should still work tho.


Simple `to_tsvector` configuration - postgres

How can I change the to_tsvector configuration to use a simple tokenization rule like:
split by spaces only
Executing the following query:
SELECT to_tsvector('english', 'birthday=19770531 Name=John-Oliver Age=44 Code=AAA-345')
I get these lexemes:
'-345':9 '19770531':2 '44':6 'aaa':8 'age':5 'birthday':1 'code':7 'john':4 'name':3
The kind of searching I'm looking for is like:
(!birthday | birthday=19770531) & (code=AAA-345)
It means, get me all records that has a text "birthday=19770531" or doesn't have "birthday" at all, and a text equals to "code=AAA-345"). The way lexemes are being created it is not possible. I was expecting to have something like this:
'birthday=19770531':1 'age=44':2 'code=aaa-345':4 'name=john-oliver':3
You would have to code a custom parser. This can only be done in C.
But you might be able to use the existing testing parser test_parser, it seems to do what you want. If not, it would at least be a good starting point.
The problem may be that this is in src/test/modules/, and I don't think it ships with most installation packaging. So it might take some effort to get it to install. It would depend on your OS, version, and package manager.

TYPO3 queryBuilder: How to work with BINARY in where() clause?

I just have a short question.
There's no description in the following API overview of TYPO3 how to use a "BINARY" in where() clause: https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/reference-coreapi/master/en-us/ApiOverview/Database/QueryBuilder/Index.html#expr
What I want to achieve? this one:
WEHRE BINARY `buyer_code` = "f#F67d";
Actually I can only do the following:
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('buyer_code', 'f#F67d')
But in this case I don't get a satisfying result for myself because I need case-sensitive here :-)
An another buyer_code exists "f#F67D" (the last char is uppercase) but I do need to look for the other one.
Thanks for helping.
Since TYPO3 is using Doctrine API here, you could try to do
->where('BINARY `buyer_code` = ' . $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('f#F67d'))
Please keep in mind, that this query now only works for database backends, supporting the BINARY keyword!
Please have a look at Doctrine2 case-sensitive query The thread is a bit older, but seems to cover background and solution for your problem.

SphinxQL MATCH - how to use?

Explain to me please, what's the MATCH() operator in SphinxQL - how to use it?
Sorry if my question is stupid for somebody, but I really couldn't find any normal explanation in the Web of this.
For example, I have this request:
SELECT tid FROM message WHERE MATCH('test');
What does it mean?
Its quite literally the 'workhorse' of sphinx. The query you want to 'search' the index with. Pretty much the point of Sphinx is to run 'full-text queryies'

Negation of osm class or type

If you search for an airport (aeroway=aerodrome) around brescia, italy, you will also receive a hit for a military airfield, which happens to be tagged as an aerodrome also (it's taggged: aeroway=aerodrome, landuse=military, military=airfield). To avoid this I want to search for aeroway=aerodrome but exclude [military]. I've tried [! military] and [military~"^$"]. Any suggestions?
This particular case may be rare, I realize, but the concept of negating multi-classed elements is useful. And multi-classed elements is not a rare occurance. In general, they seem to be complimentary, not conflicting, so it's not an issue. I also realize that I can weed out conflicting hits with some back-end processing. I wasn't expecting a military airfield to appear with a commercial aerodrome.
In any case, here is a shortened version of my query. I include node, way and relation in full query:
(node[aeroway~%22aero|term|heli%22][! military]; ... ) out etc
(node[aeroway~%22aero|term|heli%22][military~%22^$%22]; ... ) out etc
If you try to run it, you'll need to include way and relation.
Also, as you can see I don't exactly ask for aeroway=aerodrome. I include terminal and variations on heliport. My experience has been that some aerodromes are tagged only as "terminal", so if you're looking for an airport, asking for "aerodrome" isn't enough.
The correct syntax for negation is as follows:
[military !~ ".*"]
Please see the documentation on the OSM wiki for details.

CQ5 QueryBuilder Search Not Working as Expected (when property NOT present)

I'm trying to produce a query that will return all pages under a path where a property is NOT present.
Effectively I want the query builder query that will produce the following xpath: /jcr:root/content/site/my/path//element(*, cq:Page)[not(jcr:content/task/#finished)]
For CQ 5.3 the 'exists' property doesn't seem to be present (according to the docs: http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/5-3/javadoc/com/day/cq/search/eval/JcrPropertyPredicateEvaluator.html), however it looks like I can use 'not', so I've tried the following two examples but neither work as I expect in query debugger:
I've also seen pages that suggest these should work, and I can't seem to see any hotfixes that would cover fixing this (assuming it isn't actually working correctly).
Can anyone offer a solution or point out where I'm going wrong?
Using CQ 5.3, upgraded to crx 2.2.
I have a few resource that I hope help you:
My blog post about query API options: http://itgumby.github.io/blog/2014/10/cq-queries-demystified/
6 Dimension's post about specific query examples: http://labs.sixdimensions.com/blog/2014-10-07/9-jcr-sql-2-queries-every-aem-dev-should-know/
Adobe QueryBuilder documentation: http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-0/develop/search/querybuilder-api.html
Non-empty SQL2 (From the 6D post):
SELECT * FROM [cq:PageContent] WHERE [jcr:title] IS NOT NULL
Which means you could convert that to WHERE [jcr:title] IS NULL
If using QueryBuilder predicates, the property generally won't exist (deleted from node) if it is false. Please manually verify in your case using CRX-DE lite and examining the node & its properties. If the property does exist, but its value is false, then:
For any still struggling, this is how you do it