Conditionally intercept a mouse click in Autohotkey? - toggle

I want to have a script which will intercept a mouse click and send a key press instead, but only when the capslock key is toggled on. I want the mouse click to be sent normally if the capslock key is toggled off.
Currently I have made this:
if GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T") = 1
send, {a}
send, {LButton}
The problem with this is that when the capslock key is off, the left button can click perfectly normally but it cannot drag.
If I change $ to ~, it is able to drag but it also performs a click when the capslock key is toggled on.
Is there any way to make the script ignore the click completely if the capslock key is toggled off?

AHK_L's #If will give you what you want:
#If GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T")
LButton::Send, a
With this code, you won't have to bother what happens when capslock is off. AHK will intercept the click on a lower level and let it trickle through.

How to use the symbol UP.
SetBatchLines, -1 ; you pretty much have to include this to speed up the execution
if( GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T") )
tooltip, ignore left click
send, {LButton Down}
LButton UP::
send, {LButton Up}


Making two AutoHotkey key remapping scripts work together correctly

I have two AutoHotkey scripts that enable the use of the Ctrl key on both sides of my laptop's keyboard:
Map Caps Lock to (left) Ctrl:
SetCapsLockState, Off
Map Enter to (right) Ctrl when pressed down; otherwise (if no timeout) send Enter:
~Enter Up::Send % "{RCtrl up}" (A_PriorKey = "Enter" ? "{Enter}" : "")
The two scripts work perfectly with almost no edge cases.
However, I'm unable to trigger Ctrl + Enter, which is a shortcut that I usually use to open a new line on my text editor. Pressing down Caps Lock and hitting Enter, nothing happens. Even if I press down (left)Ctrl (the real key) and hit Enter, nothing happens as well.
What should I do to enable both scripts to work together in order to enable Ctrl + Enter?
I managed to solve the problem in two steps:
Natively map CapsLock to Control. AutoHotkey thinks my CapsLock key is indeed the Control key, which exempts me from handling weird CapsLock on/off edge cases within AutoHotkey.
Use the following script to map Enter as dual-function RCtrl/Enter:
LShift & Enter Up::
GetKeyState, state, Shift
if (A_PriorKey = "Enter" and state = "D") {
Send +{Enter}
Send {LCtrl Up}{RCtrl Up}
LCtrl & Enter Up::
GetKeyState, state, Control
if (A_PriorKey = "Enter" and state = "D") {
Send ^{Enter}
Send {LCtrl Up}{RCtrl Up}
LAlt & Enter Up::
GetKeyState, state, Alt
if (A_PriorKey = "Enter" and state = "D") {
Send !{Enter}
Send {LCtrl Up}{RCtrl Up}
Send {LAlt Up}{RAlt Up}
~Enter Up::
Send % "{RCtrl up}" ((A_PriorKey = "Enter") ? "{Enter}" : "")
It's super exciting because it works very well! The modifier dance between CapsLock and Enter as symmetric control keys is perfect and I can seamlessly alternate between both sides without nasty edge cases, unexpected modifier presses, releases, or {Enter} presses. The order of the declarations is very important for that to work; the edge cases must come first.
However, as you can see, it is necessary to explicitly handle Alt + Enter, Ctrl + Enter, and Shift + Enter. If I ever need Ctrl + Alt + Enter, I will need to handle that as well.
I wonder if there's a better way to make that work without having to define these additional mappings.
I've tryied on Libreoffice Writter, where CTRL+ENTER go to the next page..
The above code worked fine.
Just added ~ before Enter::RCtrl to not block native function from Enter key.
SetCapsLockState, Off
~Enter Up:: Send % "{RCtrl up}" (A_PriorKey = "Enter" ? "{Enter}" : "")
And i think you may use only one script with both instructions, instead of using one script for each..

Autohotkey Click and hold RMB+W macro

I'm trying to make a macro that clicks and holds "W" key and "RMB" when "RMB" is being held.
So far I've came up with something like this:
if( not GetKeyState("RButton" , "P") )
Click, down, right
Send {w down}
RButton Up::
Click, up, right
Send {w up}
This only holds "W" key, but not "RMB".
I would appreciate some help.
RMB - Right mouse button

AHK Script to send two button presses on one button press+release

Hi im trying to make an AHK Script that sends a button press twice, once when i hold the button down and the second time when i release the button on my keyboard. So far i've only figured out the opposite of making any button a toggle, however that doesn't really help me D: any help appreciated!
The $-prefix prevents the hotkey from triggering itself, because it forces the keyboard hook to be used.
SendInput, a
KeyWait, a ; wait for the key to be released
SendInput, a
For more than one keys, you can use:
#SingleInstance Force
SendMode Input
#UseHook ; prevents the keys from triggering itself
keys := ["a","b","c","d","1","2","3","4"] ; ....
for each, key in keys
hotkey, %key%, send_key_twice, on
Send, %A_ThisHotkey%
KeyWait, %A_ThisHotkey% ; wait for the key to be released
Send, %A_ThisHotkey%

Mapping Capslock to Esc and Capslock & C to a function in Autohotkey

I want to configure autohotkey in the following way:
Capslock & C::
So if I just press Capslock it treated like if I would have pressed Esc. If I on the other hand press both Capslock and c, it call the function that opens the browser with
At the moment the remapped seems to break when I have the other function in the script. When I press capslock now it toggles it for a short time, so the key alone does effectively nothing. I don't get my Esc.
Pressing capslocks + A on the other hand activates capslock and produces a real A.
Is there an easy way to fix this?
Check out this code:
inProcess = 0
Gui, 93:+Owner ; prevent display of taskbar button
Gui, 93:Show, y-99999 NA, Enable nav-hotkeys
inProcess = 1
KeyWait, Capslock ; wait until the Capslock button is released
Gui, 93:Cancel
if (inProcess == 1){
Send, {Esc}
#IfWinExist, Enable nav-hotkeys
inProcess = 0
#IfWinExist, ; end context-sensitive block
I've modified an answer available here:

script to use Left Click as Left Shift does not work correctly

I've search AHK forums but couldn't solution.
The script I found on AHK to use LShift as LButton does not work correctly..when press & hold left shift and move the mouse pointer, it can't copy text exactly like as if click and hold left mouse. What I mean by exactly is.. press & hold left shift and move the mouse pointer copies the whole paragraph or section of text..not just the few words I wanted.
My first time here & newbie w/ AHK. Your time is appreciated.
Send {LButton}
you could try:
Send {LButton Down} ; Press the LButton key Down
KeyWait, LShift ; Wait for the LShift key to be lifted
Send {LButton Up} ; Release the LButton key