Angular 1.2.0: Error: "Referencing private fields in Angular expressions is disallowed" when attempting to access Mongo _id fields - mongodb

When attempting to read a mongo _id field from an angular expression:
<tr ng-repeat="person in people">
the following error is thrown:
"Referencing private fields in Angular expressions is disallowed"
plunker link:
This change has been reverted in Angular 1.2.1:

The Current Solution
This is due to a breaking change in Angular 1.2.0 ( discussed here: )
There's an easy, if not annoying, fix to this.
In your function, you can add a $rootScope level accessors object that contains a function to return the correct Mongo ID.$rootScope) {
$rootScope.accessors = {
getId: function(row) {
return row._id
Then, in your markup, use that method instead of directly accessing the data point:
<tr ng-repeat="person in people">
A plunker with the fix:
This will allow you to progress forward with your development, but know that it does come with more overhead than if you could just access the variable directly. For small projects, this should not impact performance at any perceptible level, though you might see some measurable amount on larger apps. However, this concern is, as of right now, purely academic.


How to do a regexp in a waitForPopUp Command in Selenium IDE?

I have popups with this name structure:
The dynamic part changes each time I log in so my test cases fail each time. I thought about solving the problem with a regular expression like this:
Command: waitForPopUp
Target: regexp:static_.+_static
But this doesn't work. What do I do wrong? Is this even working. If not, is there another way to solve this problem?
From my experience you don't need to declare it as a regex within the target field, you should just be able to have the target as:
and that should do it
If you've got only one popup window you can use null as a target and test will take the first popup:
waitForPopup | null
The other option is to get dynamic part before popup opening. It is very likely that the dynamic part could be retrieved from the page. If so you can get it using storeEval, and than use like:
waitForPopup | javascript{'static'+storedVars['dynamic']+'static'}
If you can't store the dynamic part please provide an html of your page or only the part where the dynamic part mentioned.
I see that theoretically it could be possible to get all the names of your windows and than to use pattern in a loop to get the one.
Also (theoretically) it is possible to expand default waitForPopup function.
But the second way and especially the first are much cheaper.
The best way to handle this might be to run a snippet of javascript to handle this:
<td>var myRe = new RegExp("^prefix.+", "g"); var mywin; windows=selenium.getAllWindowNames();for (i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) { if(myRe.test(windows[i])) { mywin=windows[i]} }; mywin;</td>
That javascript isn't fully function (no null checking) but should help get you on the right track.

Meteor Handlebars templates: switching from text to input

One part of my meteor application is a semi-collaborative table where users can edit different rows at the same time. When a user is editing a row, the static text values need to switch to input boxes so that the values can be edited and then saved. I would like a template/helper to do this, essentially I want:
{{#if iAmEditing}}
<input type="text" name="foo" value="{{foo}}">
except that there are several columns with different values of "foo" and I don't want to copy and paste this several times. What's the right way to approach this with templates and helpers?
Another approach might be to use the HTML5 contenteditable attribute. Either way, what is the right way to template these values with handlebars?
You should be able to integrate with Bootstrap Editable
For reference, an answer to the original question...
As of today, handlebars partials can't accept anything other than a context argument, but helpers can. Hence. you can define a helper that sets up the context for the template:
Handlebars.registerHelper "eventCell", (context, field, editable) ->
return new Handlebars.SafeString(
_id: context._id
field: field
value: context[field]
editable: editable
<template name="_eventCell">
<td><div data-ref="{{field}}" class="{{#if editable}}editable{{/if}}">
Then, I just use the following to render each field:
{{eventCell this "province" iAmEditing}}
I ended up integrating with bootstrap editable, so the template is a little different than my original question. Also, I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it, but it's a lot cleaner than what I had before.
meteor-editable is a new project implementing something like x-editable, but nicely integrated with Meteor reactivity. Unfortunately inline editing is not supported yet (you have to use a popover the way it's set up now).

Meteor use fetch or find in template helper functions?

Inside a meteor template helper function, is there any difference in performance, number of re-renders, or anything else if I return the result of a find vs a fetch?
For example, the find approach:
Template.players.topScorers = function () {
return Users.find({score: {$gt: 100}}, {sort: {score: -1}});
Or adding a fetch:
Template.players.topScorers = function () {
return Users.find({score: {$gt: 100}}, {sort: {score: -1}}).fetch();
The find-only approach is what is currently in the docs, but I’ve seen lots of other people using fetch.
Yes there is.
By using fetch you register a dependency on the entire query result set on the spot. By using find and later on iterating using {{#each}} a dependency is registered on every document separately. So when one document changes, only the relevant code is re-rendered. When using fetch, changing any document in the result-set would re-render the entire scope in which you used fetch.
For small result-sets it doesn't make any difference. For larger sets with frequent changes it could slow down computation and cause undesired visual artefacts.
I wrote a post which may help you understand it (it doesn't answer your question directly though)
This is what we follow in Oodles Technologies.
For defining helper just go to your template js file for example if you have a template name as allInventory so just go to allInventory.js file and write the helper as follows:-
make a function inside this helper in which you put your logic for getting data from Database or Session or from other service and than use that in you html like:-
productDetails: function() {
return Session.get('dbData');
On html side you just need to use the function name as follows:-
{{#each productInfo in productDetails}}
<div class="imgb"><img src="{{productInfo.image_url}}"></div>
<a type="button" class="full-view text-success"><i id="fullView" data="{{productInfo._id}}" class="fa fa-eye"></i></a>
As you can see in above productDetails a function name in your helper class on which you get the data you want to render on your Html is accessible directly via that name and you can traverse that via each loop in html templates.

jQuery Traversing + Live Event Handlers

I'm having some issues with attaching live event handlers to particular rows.
What I have and what I'm after:
I have some HTML that will be generated dynamically after page load as follows:
<td class="bonus"></td>
I would like to have two click events:
One for rows that aren't a "bonus row"
One for rows that have a "bonus row" after them
What I've tried and the problem:
However, I cannot work out how to use a selector to select "element that has a particular element after it" (i.e. a "previous" selector). As such, the best I can arrive at is:
Rows that aren't a "bonus row": $('tr:not(:has(.bonus))')
Rows that have a "bonus row" after them: $('tr + tr:has(.bonus)').prev()
This is all well and good, except whenever I use the live() method on a jQuery object that was obtained through traversal, rather than pure selection i.e.
$('tr:has(.bonus)').prev().live('click', function() {
I get this error:
uncaught exception: Syntax error,
unrecognized expression: )
The issue as an even more minimal example:
I was hoping this was localised to some script I am using, but I've isolated this to a minimal jsFiddle example which still replicates the issue for me:
<div id="target"></div>
$('#target').prev().live('click', function () {
It seems from this answer that this is a known limitation of live.
My workarounds
For reference, my workarounds are either:
Mark the rows that have a "bonus row" after them in some way
Bind the click to all rows, and do a check to see if there is a "bonus row" after them within the handler.
But if I can get a "nicer" solution, even out of curiosity in case I run into this problem in a different situation, I'd appreciate it.
$('tr + tr:has(.bonus) ~ tr') //for row whose next sibling is a bonus row
Will do what you want with the .live method.
For all the people who get here in the future using google.
uncaught exception: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: )
That is happening because .live() uses the original selector that was given to the first call in the jQuery chain. It doesn't no consider additional methods used after the initial $('selector').
To be honest, I'd just use your second idea and bind click to all rows, then check to see if next row has a bonus td in it, like this:
$('tr:not(:has(.bonus))').live('click', function () {
if ($(this).next().children('td').hasClass('bonus')) {
alert('next row has bonus td');
else {
alert('next row does not have bonus td');
fiddle located here:
I don't think there's a pure selector way to do it, and this isn't really a workaround - I'd call it a valid solution to your problem.

ASP.NET MVC 2 - Control Advice

I'm new to ASP.NET MVC 2, and I need some advice on the best 'Control' to use for this situation. (I'm know ASP.NET MVC doesn't really use server controls, but there are a number of add-ons such as MVC Controls ToolKit).
Here's what I need to do. I have a table in a database which contains a list of tests. I need to be able to display these in a View, and allow the user to select them in some way (via checkboxes or whatever).
Then I need to be able to determine which items are selected.
Can someone tell me the best way to achieve this?
Any help/comments are appreciated.
If you do it with client side functionality, it will end up consisting mainly of two parts:
The visual HTML
The functional Javascript
How would I'd do it
I'd create a partial view that displays the table. If you need to reuse this, put the partial in Views/Shared folder
Each TR of the table would have serialized JSON of the object that is displayed in that particular row. Serialization can be done by writing a custom object extension method, so you can call ToJson() on any object afterwards
<tr data='<%= this.Model[0].ToJson()'>
<td class="actions"> Select ... </td>
Mind the extra column with actions that you need to provide.
also add a Javascript that would provide the client side functionality (important: this script uses jQuery)
var selection = {};
$(".actions a.action-select").click(function(evt){
var context = $(this);
var rowObj = $.parseJSON(context.closest("tr[data]").toggleClass("selected").attr("data"));
if (selection[rowObj.Id])
// deselect
delete selection[rowObj.Id];
// select
selection[rowObj.Id] = rowObj;
This way your rows will have additional selected class when they're selected and your selection object will always have selected rows (or better said their objects) taht you can use however you please.
Additional note
Why did I set selection to be an object rather than an array? Because Javascript objects are kind of associative arrays so searching for a particular element is faster than enumerating over its elements it it was a normal array. This way I can immediately see whether row is selected or not and also remove an element from it directly.
This way you'll have a reusable table that you can put on various pages (hence similarities with user controls). but in case you'd need to add several of these tables to your pages you'd have to tweak them a little so that client-side functionality won't mix data between different tables.