How to produce a log scale FFT with MatLab - matlab

It's my first time performing an FFT within MatLab by experimenting with some example code from the MathWorks website. I was wondering if it was possible to take the code I have and transform the x axis to a log-scale representation rather than linear. I understand most of the code, but it is the x axis line of code that I'm still not 100% sure exactly what it is doing apart from the +1 at the end of the line, which is that fact that MatLab's indexing structure doesn't start on 0.
My code so far is:
[y,fs] = wavread('Wav/800Hz_2sec.wav');
NFFT = 4096;
Y = fft(y,NFFT)/length(y);
f = fs/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1);

frequency usually comes out in linear scale from Discrete Fourier Transform. if you want, you can make a new frequency vector in log scale and interpolate the results you already have
Ynew= interp1(f,Y(1:NFFT/2+1),fnew);
where npts is the length of your new frequency vector. for just plotting
honestly IMO, the interpolation thing doesn't work very well because FFT of real signals produces strong peaks and troughs in spectra, so unless you smooth your spectrum first, the interpolated spectrum won't look as nice


Trying to plot the fft of a sinc function

I am trying to plot the fft of a set of data I have. These data form a nearly perfect sinc function. Here is the data of which I am trying to plot the fft:
I know the fft of a sinc function should look like kind of a step function. However, the results I get are nowhere near that. Finding the fft in itself is super easy, but I think my mistake is when I try to compute the frequency axis. I have found several methods online, but so far I have not been able to make it work. Here is my code:
sampleRate = (max(xdata) - min(xdata))/length(xdata);
sampleN = length(xdata);
y = fft(ydata, sampleN);
Y = y.*conj(y)/sampleN;
freq = (0:1:length(Y)-1)*sampleRate/sampleNumber;
plot(freq, Y)
I have found pretty much all of that online and I understand pretty much none of it (which might be why it's not working...)
Zoom on what I get using that code:
It now seems to be working! This is what I get when I subtract the mean:
What you see here is the zero frequency being much, much larger than everything else. Plot with plot(freq,Y,'o-') to prove that the shape you see is just the linear interpolation between two samples.
The zero frequency is the sum of all samples. Because the mean of your signal is quite a bit larger than the amplitude, the zero frequency dwarfs everything else. And because you are plotting the power (absolute square of the DFT), this difference is enhanced even more.
There are two simple solutions:
Plot using logarithmic y-axis:
plot(freq, Y)
Subtract the mean from your signal, remove the zero frequency, or scale the y-axis (these are all more or less equivalent):
y = fft(ydata-mean(ydata), sampleN);
y(1) = 0;
plot(freq, Y)

Matlab not plotting the exact fourier signal

I'm trying to plot a simple signal in fourier domain using Matlab. It's not plotting the correct signal. Here is my code:
clear all;
close all;
I've expected a peak at 10 since the frequency is 10. But it is giving a peak at some other point
Here are the two plot images:
This is the image for plot(x,fft(f1))
This is the image for plot(2*pi*x,fft(f1))
It is not showing the peak at 10.I even tried using abs(fft(f1)). No luck :/
Isn't it the correct way to plot signal in fourier domain?
The fft function assumes unit time step. In order to correct for non unit time step you need to define the frequency component based on the nyquist rate. The following code plots the magnitude of the fft with the correct frequency axis.
clear all;
close all;
% ^ this is your sampling time step
% bounds of fourier transform based on sampling rate
Fs = 1/0.001;
ff = linspace(-Fs/2,Fs/2,numel(x));
F1 = fftshift(fft(f1)/numel(x));
F2 = fftshift(fft(f2)/numel(x));
F3 = fftshift(fft(f3)/numel(x));
plot(ff,abs(F1),'-r'); hold on;
Edit: To answer OPs question in the comment.
Speaking in normalized frequency units (assuming sampling rate of 1). The fft function returns the frequency response from 0 to 2*pi radians, but due to some signal processing properties and the way that discrete signals are interpreted when performing an FFT, the signal is actually periodic so the pi to 2*pi section is identical to the -pi to 0 section. To display the plot with the DC component (0 frequency) in the center we use fftshift which does a circular shift equal to 1/2 the length of the signal on the data returned by fft. Before you take the ifft make sure you use ifftshift to put it back in the right place.
Edit2: The normalization term (/numel(x)) is necessary to estimate the continuous time fourier transform using the discrete fourier transform. I don't remember the precise mathematical reason off the top of my head but the examples in the MATLAB documentation also imply the necessity of this normalization.
Edit 3: The original link that I had is down. I may come back to add a more detailed answer but in the mean time I definitely recommend that anyone interested in understanding the relationship between the fundamentals of the FS, FT, DTFT, and DFT watch Professor Oppenheim's hilariously old, but amazingly informative and straightforward lectures on MIT OpenCourseWare.

Matlab fft on one period of sinewave returns phase of -pi/2. Why?

While trying to understand Fast Fourier Transform I encountered a problem with the phase. I have broken it down to the simple code below. Calculating one period of a 50Hz sinewave, and applying an fft algorithm:
fs = 1600;
dt = 1/fs;
L = 32;
signal = sin(t/0.02*2*pi);
Y = fft(signal);
myAmplitude = abs(Y)/L *2 ;
myAngle = angle(Y);
Amplitude_at_50Hz = myAmplitude(2);
Phase_at_50Hz = myAngle(2);
While the amplitude is ok, I don't understand the phase result. Why do I get -pi/2 ? As there is only one pure sinewave, I expected the phase to be 0. Either my math is wrong, or my use of Matlab, or both of them... (A homemade fft gives me the same result. So I guess I am stumbling over my math.)
There is a similar post here: MATLAB FFT Phase plot. However, the suggested 'unwrap' command doesn't solve my problem.
Thanks and best regards,
The default waveform for an FFT phase angle of zero is a cosine wave which starts and ends in the FFT window at 1.0 (not a sinewave which starts and ends in the FFT window at 0.0, or at its zero crossings.) This is because the common nomenclature is to call the cosine function components of the FFT basis vectors (the complex exponentials) the "real" components. The sine function basis components are called "imaginary", and thus infer a non-zero complex phase.
That is what it should be. If you used cosine, you would have found a phase of zero.
Ignoring numerical Fourier transforms for a moment and taking a good old Fourier transform of sin(x), which I am too lazy to walk through, we get a pair of purely imaginary deltas.
As for an intuitive reason, recall that a discrete Fourier transform is averaging a bunch of points along a curve in the complex plane while turning at the angular frequency of the bin you're computing and using the amplitude corresponding to the sample. If you sample a sine curve while turning at its own frequency, the shape you get is a circle centered on the imaginary axis (see below). The average of that is of course going to be right on the imaginary axis.
Plot made with wolfram alpha.
Fourier transform of a sine function such as A*sin((2*pi*f)*t) where f is the frequency will yield 2 impulses of magnitude A/2 in the frequency domain at +f and -f where the associated phases are -pi/2 and pi/2 respectively.
You can take a look at its proof here:
So the code is working fine.

FFT Plot of an Audio Signal - MATLAB

I'm using MATLAB to plot a recorded sound using the FFT. I want to take the log of the y-axis but I don't know what I did if correct.
Currently, my FFT plotting code looks like this:
nf=1024; %number of point in DTFT
Y = fft(y,nf);
f = fs/2*linspace(0,1,nf/2+1);
title('Single-Sided Amplitude Spectrum of y(t)')
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
What I did is: plot(f,log(Y(1:nf/2+1)));. I replaced abs with log. Is this correct?
Applying log on the coefficients itself doesn't make any sense... especially since the spectra will be complex-valued in nature. However, some people usually apply the log on the magnitude of the spectra (hence the abs call) mostly for visualization purposes so that large values of the magnitude don't overwhelm the smaller values. Applying log in this case will allow the larger values to taper off and the spectrum can be visualized easier. but applying the straight log in my opinion isn't correct. The code you have provided plots the magnitude of the single-sided spectrum and so there's no need to change anything.
If you provided more insight as to why you want to use the log, that would be helpful but right now, I would say that the straight log is incorrect. However, if you really must use the log, apply it on the magnitude instead. Also, to prevent undefined behaviour, make sure you add 1 to the magnitude before applying the log so that zero values of your magnitude get mapped to zero, rather than undefined.
As such, do this instead:
nf=1024; %number of point in DTFT
Y = fft(y,nf);
f = fs/2*linspace(0,1,nf/2+1);
plot(f,log(1 + abs(Y(1:nf/2+1)))); %// Change
title('Single-Sided Amplitude Spectrum of y(t)')
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')

Confusion in figuring out the relation between actual frequency values and FFT plot indexes in MATLAB

I know that there are a lot of similar questions to this, I am still unable to figure out the answer.
Let's say we have time signal in MATLAB:
and a cosine signal with frequency 500Hz:
Now, I am trying to plot the magnitude spectrum obtained using the fft command on signal x
According to the theory, we should get two peaks in the plot, one at -500 Hz and the other at 500Hz.
What I don't understand is that I do get two peaks but I can't figure out at what frequencies these peaks are. I know there is a way to figure out the frequency using the FFT index, length of the input signal and the sampling frequency but I still can't calculate the frequency.
I know that there are methods to align the FFT plots so that the peaks lie at the index number of the frequency they represent by using the fftshift function, but what I want is to figure out the frequency using the the plot resulting from simply calling this function:
In this case, I already know that signal contains a cosine of 500Hz, but what if the signal that we want to get the FFT of is not known before time. How can we get the frequency values of the peaks in that sample using the output from the fft function?
You need to generate the frequency array yourself and plot your FFT result against it.
Like this:
function [Ycomp, fHz] = getFFT(data, Fs)
len = length(data);
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(len);
Ydouble = fft(data, NFFT)/len; % Double-sided FFT
Ycomp = Ydouble(1:NFFT/2+1); % Single-sided FFT, complex
fHz = Fs/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1); % Frequency array in Hertz.
semilogx(fHz, abs(Ycomp))
You will see peaks at 500 Hz and Fs - 500 Hz (i.e. 44100 - 500 = 43600 Hz in your particular case).
This is because the real-to-complex FFT output is complex conjugate symmetric - the top half of the spectrum is a "mirror image" of the bottom half when you are just looking at the magnitude and is therefore redundant.
Note that of plotting power spectra you can usually save yourself a lot of work by using MATLAB's periodogram function rather than dealing directly with all the details of FFT, window functions, plotting, etc.