Exclude "hated buffers" from switch-to-buffer list - emacs

I have this in my .emacs:
(global-set-key "\M-s" 'switch-to-buffer)
And also:
(defvar crs-hated-buffers
'("KILL" "*Compile-Log*" "*Buffer List*" "*Messages*" "*Occur*"
"*Completions*" "*compilation*" "TAGS" "*scratch*" "*grep*"
"source" "headers"))
(setq iswitchb-buffer-ignore (append '(
"^ "
"^\\*Dired log\\*"
"^\\*Quail Completions\\*"
"^\\*Disabled Command\\*"
How do I exclude these hated buffers from the switch-to-buffer list?

Maybe something like:
(global-set-key [?\M-s] 'my-switch-to-buffer)
(defun my-switch-to-buffer ()
(let ((completion-regexp-list '("\\`[^*]"
(call-interactively 'switch-to-buffer)))
It probably deserves a feature-request via M-x report-emacs-bug.

You might have a look to ErgoEmacs' "switch to user buffer" functions: http://www.ergoemacs.org/emacs/elisp_next_prev_user_buffer.html
He excludes all internal buffers (the ones starting by *), which can be a problem if you're used to using magit, shell or even grep buffers.
«Emacs often generates a lot internal buffers that users are not interested in cycling thru. ⁖ {scratch, Messages, shell, Shell Command Output, Occur, Completions, Apropos, info, …}. You might define your own next-user-buffer that skips emacs's buffers, and you might define next-emacs-buffer that cycles thru just the emacs's buffers.
I myself find I don't need that kind of filter since I use ido to switch buffers.


Use the default-input-method when doing an incremental search in EVIL?

Before loading EVIL for vim emulation in emacs, I have the following in my .emacs file:
(activate-input-method "english-dvorak")
(setq default-input-method "english-dvorak")
However, when I type / to start an incremental search with EVIL, the default input method is not used. Why is this? How can I make it so EVIL uses default-input-method whenever I am typing letters on screen?
I was able to hack in proper support for the f and t commands by mapping the qwerty characters to dvorak before the rest of the those function's code executed, but I still haven't been able to get my searches with / to use dvorak.
I've tested the following configuration on my PC and it seem to make Dvorak to be on everywhere in Emacs:
;; Main setup for all the buffers
(defadvice switch-to-buffer (after activate-input-method activate)
(activate-input-method "english-dvorak"))
;; Sets up Dvorak for the minibuffer
(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook (lambda () (set-input-method "english-dvorak")))
;; Sets up Dvorak for *scratch* buffer (used Qwerty on my PC otherwise)
(set-buffer (get-buffer "*scratch*"))
(set-input-method "english-dvorak"))
The problem is that Evil's incremental searches are performed in normal-state, which, to my knowledge, cannot be used with an input method. This is a quick hack that switches to insert-state just before performing a search to allow the use of input methods. Since it switches to back normal-state immediately after the search is finished, the only quirk is a different cursor in the buffer while you are performing the search.
(evil-define-motion evil-search-forward ()
(format "Search forward for user-entered text.
Searches for regular expression if `evil-regexp-search' is t.%s"
(if (and (fboundp 'isearch-forward)
(documentation 'isearch-forward))
(format "\n\nBelow is the documentation string \
for `isearch-forward',\nwhich lists available keys:\n\n%s"
(documentation 'isearch-forward)) ""))
:jump t
:type exclusive
:repeat evil-repeat-search
(evil-search-incrementally t evil-regexp-search)
(evil-define-motion evil-search-backward ()
(format "Search forward for user-entered text.
Searches for regular expression if `evil-regexp-search' is t.%s"
(if (and (fboundp 'isearch-forward)
(documentation 'isearch-forward))
(format "\n\nBelow is the documentation string \
for `isearch-forward',\nwhich lists available keys:\n\n%s"
(documentation 'isearch-forward)) ""))
:jump t
:type exclusive
:repeat evil-repeat-search
(evil-search-incrementally nil evil-regexp-search)

Sublime Text 2's "Goto Anything" (or instant search) for Emacs?

I tried out Sublime Text 2 recently, and I found Goto Anything superbly useful for navigating source code (Ctrl-P file#symbol seems to work really well). Is there something similar for Emacs? Preferably something that just works, without a ton of custom elisp.
What I've tried so far:
I've seen Helm and Anything, but as far as I understand neither of them is capable of actual "instant" search (see edit below).
I've used multi-occur-in-matching-buffers, but it too seems unable to satisfy the "instant" criterion.
imenu / idomenu works well for single files, but doesn't work across files.
I currently use #2 and #3 together, as a poor substitute for Goto Anything.
If not an exact clone of Goto Anything, then I could make do with a naive instant search solution (one that searches for a given string across all open buffers and displays results dynamically). So that's acceptable too.
I use Emacs 24.2, so any v24-only elisp is also fine.
EDIT: I gave Helm another shot, at event_jr's suggestion, and I found that it does support instant searching across all open buffers. helm-multi-occur + helm-follow-mode comes surprisingly close to meeting my needs, the only minor issues being (at the risk of sounding nit-picky):
I haven't found a way to turn on helm-follow-mode automatically when I run helm-multi-occur. I have to invoke it manually with C-c C-f. Anyone care to take a shot at this with a snippet of elisp? (see edit #2 below)
it isn't "intelligent" like ST2's Goto Anything (i.e., it doesn't understand "symbols" in source code, like Goto Anything does).
EDIT #2: Now I've got most of Goto Anything, thanks to event_jr's answer below (and of course, thanks to Helm's creator, Thierry Volpiatto). I recommend it heartily to anyone looking for a similar feature. Below is the elisp I'm currently using:
;; instant recursive grep on a directory with helm
(defun instant-rgrep-using-helm ()
"Recursive grep in a directory."
(let ((helm-after-initialize-hook #'helm-follow-mode))
;; instant search across all buffers with helm
(defun instant-search-using-helm ()
"Multi-occur in all buffers backed by files."
(let ((helm-after-initialize-hook #'helm-follow-mode))
(delq nil
(mapcar (lambda (b)
(when (buffer-file-name b) (buffer-name b)))
;; set keybindings
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-s") 'instant-search-using-helm)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-S-s") 'helm-resume)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-g") 'instant-rgrep-using-helm)
Just use helm.
It is perhaps more configuration than you asked for, but once you get it
configured how you like, it should be quite comfortable. Very much like Emacs
And you should file a bug with Thierry for getting some more newbie friendly
defaults. He is quite responsive with issues.
Primarily multi-buffer interactive "occur" is provided through
helm-multi-occur. If you execute the command, you'll notice that you have
to pick some buffers first (use C-SPC to select from the list,
M-SPC to select all). Then you can enter your query at the next
prompt. It's easy to make your own version that skips the buffer selection
like so:
(eval-after-load "helm-regexp"
'(setq helm-source-moccur
(helm-make-source "Moccur"
'helm-source-multi-occur :follow 1)))
(defun my-helm-multi-all ()
"multi-occur in all buffers backed by files."
(delq nil
(mapcar (lambda (b)
(when (buffer-file-name b) (buffer-name b)))
Often you don't care about the exact occurrences of the query string, but want a
list of all buffers that contain it.
helm-buffers-list has some tricks up its sleeve. The first symbol you
specify is filtering by major-mode, and you can use the "#" prefix to narrow
the list to buffers that contain a string.
To wit, "ruby #prompt" will show you a list of buffers whose major-mode
contains "ruby" and whose contents contains "prompt". Or you can just use "#prompt" to show all buffers that contain "prompt".
Powerful and comfortable once you get used to it.
EDIT modified my-helm-multi-all to enable helm-follow-mode.
EDIT 2 update helm-follow-mode code to reflect helm changes.
EDIT 3 updated again to reflect helm changes
Emacs has Projectile satisfy your need:
jump to a file in project
multi-occur in project buffers
Heml is far from the fuzzy searching of ST3.
Fiplr looks promising but doesn't work on my laptop (see first issue on the github)
Simp.el looks like Fiplr but doesn't work either on my end.
Projectile works for me! Here's your solution!
I used also ido-mode and flx-ido for the fuzzy searching,
and for the vertical way of displaying results I use this in my .emacs:
;; Display ido results vertically, rather than horizontally
(setq ido-decorations (quote ("\n-> " "" "\n " "\n ..." "[" "]" " [No match]" " [Matched]" " [Not readable]" " [Too big]" " [Confirm]")))
(defun ido-disable-line-truncation () (set (make-local-variable 'truncate-lines) nil))
(add-hook 'ido-minibuffer-setup-hook 'ido-disable-line-truncation)
(defun ido-define-keys () ;; C-n/p is more intuitive in vertical layout
(define-key ido-completion-map (kbd "C-n") 'ido-next-match)
(define-key ido-completion-map (kbd "C-p") 'ido-prev-match))
(add-hook 'ido-setup-hook 'ido-define-keys)
Icicles offers some features that are similar to what it seems you are looking for.
C-x b and C-x C-f, to choose buffers or files, allow multi-completion: you can type a pattern to match the buffer/file name and/or a pattern to match content in the buffer/file. Candidates are filtered incrementally as you type (what you call "instant" is what Emacs calls "incremental"). You can refine either or both search patterns progressively, narrowing the choices in different ways. You can visit any number of buffers/files that match, at the same time. You can also use the same method to search the marked files in Dired: C-F.
C-c `(icicle-search) incrementally searches across multiple buffers or files. Again, progressive refinement etc.
The main difference between #1 and #2 is this:
For #1, you just want to find matching buffers or files. You don't care immediately about finding particular occurrences --- any match suffices.
For #2, you provide the buffers or files to search, and you want to navigate among search hits.
You can also use #1 to locate the buffers and files you want, then search their contents: The content-matching pattern you last used is available as the search pattern for Isearch (C-s).
for emacs I customize and modify this solution (for use install helm):
(defun helm-occur-from-point (initial-value)
"Invoke `helm-occur' from point."
(let ((input initial-value)
(bufs (list (buffer-name (current-buffer)))))
;; (isearch-exit)
(helm-attrset 'moccur-buffers bufs helm-source-occur)
(helm-set-local-variable 'helm-multi-occur-buffer-list bufs)
(cl-loop for b in bufs
collect (buffer-chars-modified-tick (get-buffer b))))
(helm :sources 'helm-source-occur
:buffer "*helm occur*"
:history 'helm-grep-history
:input input
:truncate-lines t)))
(defun get-point-text ()
"Get 'interesting' text at point; either word, or region"
(if mark-active
(buffer-substring (mark) (point))
(thing-at-point 'symbol)))
(defun helm-occur-1 (initial-value)
"Preconfigured helm for Occur with initial input."
(helm-occur-from-point initial-value))
(defun bk-helm-occur ()
"Invoke helm-occur with initial input configured from text at point"
(helm-occur-1 (get-point-text)))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-s-o") 'bk-helm-occur)
primary it based on
#see https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6872508 but on last helm versions not work but fixed with my changes (just copy/paste from some internal helm modules)

Execute a particular command on multiple emacs buffers

Is there a way to execute emacs command on multiple buffers without having to selecting them individually and executing it on each individual buffer.
I usually open multiple files matching a particular regex, e.g. ~/*.py and wish to enable a particular mode, say hs-minor-mode or glasses-mode on each, or say execute C-c # C-M-h on each. Currently I have to select each one of them and do it individually. So is there a hack or a loop to automate the task.
Lets say I mark the buffers from the buffer-list and then run the command for all those marked.
I tried this but after executing the commands in eval-expression I completely lost access to my minibuffer, meaning whenever I typed M-x the minibuffer returned this
unable to access the minibuffer emacs error "Process Menu Mode doesn't support Hideshow Minor Mode"
and I was forced to actually kill the entire emacs process because the C-x C-s wasn't working neither was the End Task.
PS: I have no experience in elisp
You can use ibuffer mode for this (It is part of the default Emacs distribution).
(global-set-key "\C-x\C-b" 'ibuffer) ;; make ibuffer the default
In *Ibuffer* you can mark the required buffers with m and then
execute a form in each with E.
Generally, ibuffer is a lot more flexible then the usual buffer list and I think ibuffer should really be the default buffer-list in Emacs.
If you do this often, you might want to switch those particular modes on every time you enter python mode by attaching them to the mode-hook:
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'hs-minor-mode)
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'glasses-mode)
I didn't know ibuffer had that feature!
Anyway, for those who are more familiar with dired, here is a command that do the same. Select the files in dired with m or any other more powerful method. Then do, M-xdired-do-command and write a form or a command just as in M-x.
(defun dired-do-command (command)
"Run COMMAND on marked files. Any files not already open will be opened.
After this command has been run, any buffers it's modified will remain
open and unsaved."
(let ((print-level nil)
(minibuffer-history-position 0)
(minibuffer-history-sexp-flag (1+ (minibuffer-depth))))
"Command: " (prin1-to-string (nth 0 command-history))
read-expression-map t
(cons 'command-history 0))
;; If command was added to command-history as a
;; string, get rid of that. We want only
;; evaluable expressions there.
(if (stringp (car command-history))
(setq command-history (cdr command-history)))))))
(dolist (filename (dired-get-marked-files))
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect filename)
(if (symbolp command)
(call-interactively command)
(eval command)))))

How do I answer y automatically (kill-matching-buffers asks if I should kill a modified buffer)?

In Emacs - how do I kill buffers matching regexp?
How do I answer y automatically (kill-matching-buffers asks if I should kill a modified buffer)?
Something like this?
(defun bk-kill-buffers (bfrRgxp)
(kill-matching-buffers bfrRgxp)
How do I answer y automatically (kill-matching-buffers asks if I should kill a modified buffer)?
kill-matching-buffers calls kill-buffer-ask which calls yes-or-no-p. You could temporarily redefine the latter, but for safety reasons I am inclined not to do that -- killing a given buffer could trigger other functionality which needs to ask a yes-or-no question.
Redefining kill-buffer-ask seems a safer bet (or simply copying and modifying the kill-matching-buffers function itself).
(require 'cl)
(defun bk-kill-buffers (regexp)
"Kill buffers matching REGEXP without asking for confirmation."
(interactive "sKill buffers matching this regular expression: ")
(flet ((kill-buffer-ask (buffer) (kill-buffer buffer)))
(kill-matching-buffers regexp)))
For Emacs version >=24, the kmb.el library from ELPA repository
does exactly that with the command kmb-kill-matching-buffers-no-ask.
It also provides the command kmb-delete-process-and-kill-buffer-no-ask,
which kills the current buffer (without confirmation).
I bind the latter command as follows:
(global-set-key (kbd "H-M-<delete>") 'kmb-delete-process-and-kill-buffer-no-ask)
so that i don't call it accidentaly, just when i need it.
You can use kill-matching-buffers. Below code effectively behaves as if kill-buffer (which does not ask before killing) was called instead of kill-buffer-ask:
(defun kill-matching-buffers-just-do-it ()
"Kill buffers whose names match REGEXP, without asking."
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'kill-buffer-ask) #'kill-buffer))
(call-interactively #'kill-matching-buffers)))
M-x kill-matching-buffers
This will prompt for a regex, check the documentation for details.

emacs: interactively search open buffers

Is there a way to search all the open buffers for a particular pattern?
C-s interactively searches current buffer.
Similarly, is there something that searches all the open buffers?
I know I can use "occur", but "Occur" brings a new buffer and changes/messes with the buffer organization.
The built-in multi-occur-in-matching-buffers hasn't been mentioned. I use a modified version of this (because I invariably want to search all buffers, and specifying a buffer name pattern each time is annoying).
(defun my-multi-occur-in-matching-buffers (regexp &optional allbufs)
"Show lines matching REGEXP in all file-visiting buffers.
Given a prefix argument, search in ALL buffers."
(interactive (occur-read-primary-args))
(multi-occur-in-matching-buffers "." regexp allbufs))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-s /") 'my-multi-occur-in-matching-buffers)
To invert the behaviour of the prefix argument so that the default behaviour is to search all buffers, change the call to:
(multi-occur-in-matching-buffers "." regexp (not allbufs))
(and, of course, update the docstring accordingly.)
I've fixed the TODO:
;; I know that string is in my Emacs somewhere!
(require 'cl)
(defcustom search-all-buffers-ignored-files (list (rx-to-string '(and bos (or ".bash_history" "TAGS") eos)))
"Files to ignore when searching buffers via \\[search-all-buffers]."
:type 'editable-list)
(require 'grep)
(defun search-all-buffers (regexp prefix)
"Searches file-visiting buffers for occurence of REGEXP. With
prefix > 1 (i.e., if you type C-u \\[search-all-buffers]),
searches all buffers."
(interactive (list (grep-read-regexp)
(message "Regexp is %s; prefix is %s" regexp prefix)
(if (member prefix '(4 (4)))
(lambda (b) (some (lambda (rx) (string-match rx (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name b)))) search-all-buffers-ignored-files))
(remove-if-not 'buffer-file-name (buffer-list))))
(global-set-key [f7] 'search-all-buffers)
ibuffer might help you. Have a look at this article. I imagine that this might be most interesting for you:
'O' - ibuffer-do-occur
- Do an occur on the selected buffers.
This does a regex search on all the selected buffers and displays the result in an occur window. It is unbelievably useful when browsing through code. It becomes truly awesome when you combine it with the ‘filter’ powers of ibuffer (coming up ahead). Eg: Do C-x C-b, mark all files using (say) Perl major-mode, do occur to find out all places where a certain function is mentioned in these files. Navigate to the point at will through the Occur window.
'M-s a C-s' - ibuffer-do-isearch
- Do an incremental search in the marked buffers.
This is so awesome that you have to try it right this instant. Select two or more buffers, hit the hotkey, search for something that occurs in all these buffers. These two features alone are enough to make me a lifelong fan of IBuffer. Go do it now!
Taking a clue from Leo's comment to Bozhidar:
(defun my-isearch-buffers ()
"isearch multiple buffers."
(delq nil (mapcar (lambda (buf)
(set-buffer buf)
(and (not (equal major-mode 'dired-mode))
(not (string-match "^[ *]" (buffer-name buf)))
You might have to tweak the conditions inside the and to filter whatever other kinds of buffers you want to ignore.
Although this is not exactly what you're asking for, I search multiple files using grep (M-X grep) and grep-find (M-X grep-find).
This sort of does what you want, in that when you've come to the end of matches for the string/regexp you're searching for, the next search command will start in a new buffer.
(setq isearch-wrap-function 'isearch-bury-buffer-instead-of-wrap)
(defun isearch-bury-buffer-instead-of-wrap ()
"bury current buffer, try to search in next buffer"
It doesn't switch to a different buffer when the search fails, and when you "back up" the search results by pressing <backspace>, you won't pop back into the previous buffers searched.
In Icicles, C-c ' is command icicle-occur, which can search multiple buffers.
C-u C-c ' searches a set of buffers that you choose. You can choose by dynamically filtering the buffer names with your minibuffer input, then hit C-! to search all of those buffers whose names match. Similarly, C-99 C-c ' searches only the buffers that are visiting files.
Like occur and grep, icicle-occur searches line by line. More generally, instead of using lines as the search contexts you can use any buffer portions at all. C-c ` (backquote instead of quote) is command icicle-search. With a non-negative prefix arg it searches a set of buffers that you choose.
The first thing you do is give it a regexp that defines the search contexts. E.g., if you give it .* then it acts like icicle-occur: each search context is a line. If you give it a regexp that matches only function definitions then those are the search contexts, and so on.