Orchestrator won't run PowerShell Cloud Exchange task - powershell

I'm having a problem getting a PowerShell script which queries objects in a cloud-based Exchange resource to work in an Orchestrator runbook.
The PowerShell script (which works correctly from my desktop computer's command line and when stepping through it in ISE) sets up a remote management session to the cloud and looks like this:
$user = "username#domain.com"
$pword = convert-toSecureString -string "password" -asplaintext -force
$creds = new-object -typename system.management.automation.pscredential -argumentlist $user, $pword
$o365 = new-pssession -configurationname Microsoft.Exchange -connectionuri https://ps.outlook.com -credential $creds -authentication basic - allowredirection
import-pssession $o365 -allowclobber -prefix o365
get-o365Mailbox 'Doe, John'
throw $_.exception
As I mentioned, it runs fine when I step through it in the editor on my desktop but when executed inside the Orchestrator runbook it fails on the "import-pssession" command (because the $o365 is never set).
I've taken the PowerShell script and run it manually on the actual runbook server and it works there as well as it does on my own desktop -- it's only when run inside of an Orchestrator runbook that it won't function. I only have a few weeks experience with Orchestrator and didn't know I'd run into a problem like this so quickly -- I am trying to run the script in a "Run .Net Script" activity with the language set to "Powershell," which I believe is the recommended method.
I've tried saving the script as a file on the runbook server and then used the "Run Program" activity to run PowerShell with this file (recommended by someone during my searching) and that doesn't work either.

Is the Orchestrator service account that's running the script a member of the Exchange RBAC role groups? If not, it won't be allowed to connect to those Exchange management sessions.

The problem turned out to be related to the client's firewall and proxy settings for the service account they set up to be used by Orchestrator. They (the clients) would not grant the service account Internet access as a matter of policy.
A couple of different solutions came up: One was installing the PowerShell integration pack from CodePlex and using that -- the CodePlex PowerShell activity allowed me to explicitly set the security context of the activity, which let me get around their firewall issue by running the activity under an account which did have Internet access.
The second solution was installing the Exchange Admin integration pack and configuring a connection to the cloud host. Using the "Run Exchange PowerShell Command" activity rather than the more generic "Run .NET script" activity also allowed the code to work as expected.

Orchestrator is still x86 and the commands in your script will only run in x64.
Test this in your x86 ISE and see the same failure.
My workaround is to call the script using the "Run Program" activity within the System activities list.:
Program execution
Computer = I always start with initialize activity and then subscribe to the computer here
Program path: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
Parameters: full path to the .ps1 of your script
Working folder: c:\temp


TeamCity Remote Powershell Access Denied Suddenly

Disclaimer: I am not a DevOps guy so please forgive any ignorance. I'm learning this stuff to expand my understanding.
I've enabled remote Powershell on a Windows Server 2019 instance in order to stop/start scheduled tasks during deployment of files from my build server (also Windows Server 2019).
I followed the below steps in an Administrator Powershell as the Adminstrator user on the remote server:
1. Enable RSRemoting.
2. Remove existing listener.
3. Create self-signed certificate and export to crt file.
$Cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -CertstoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\My -DnsName "<subdomain.domain.com>"
Create listener.
Create firewall rules to allow secure PSRemoting and disable unsecure connections.
Copy certificate to build server.
Import certificate on build server.
From the build server, I've tested the configuration using the following commands in Powershell:
$username = 'Administrator'
$pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -string '<password here>' -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $username, $pass
Invoke-Command -ComputerName <subdomain.domain.com> -UseSSL -ScriptBlock {whoami} -Credential $cred
Which responds nicely with win-<some stuff>\administrator. However, when I execute a remote Powersehll command from within a TeamCity build step, I get a big ugly Connecting to remote server <subdomain.domain.com> failed with the following error message : Access is denied..
The weird part is, this worked two days ago and I have several builds that were able to complete all remote operations. From this morning, it's just stopped working - poof!
If I fudge the credentials, I do get an incorrect username/password error so it is definitely reaching the server.
Another interesting find is that if I run
on the remote server, I get True returned, but if I run the same command with -ComputerName <subdomain.domain.com> on the build server, I get
WinRM cannot complete the operation. Verify that the specified computer name is
valid, that the computer is accessible over the network, and that a firewall exception for the WinRM service is enabled and allows access from this computer. By default, the WinRM firewall exception for public profiles limits
access to remote computers within the same local subnet. returned.
Both the remote host and build server are logged on as the default Administrator.
Any ideas?
After more research and calling in a few favours, I was advised to tweak the TeamCity Build Agent and TeamCity Server services. These need to Log On As a User and not Local System. I can't explain how my previous settings worked. The Access is denied error I experienced has nothing to do with the Remote Powershell configuration mentioned above.

Powershell remoting - cannot execute an exe as another user

I've a commandline program (c#) that encrypts config files based on machine key.
A powershell script copies the build to a Target Server, modifies configs accordingly and installs windows services.
All the windows services run as local system account (standard user, non-admin) - let's call this account "locuser".
The Target Server is a Win 2012 R2 Server. All of the above is achieved by PS remoting from the Build Server to this Target server.
Now, I need to run the encrypt commandline program as "locuser", so that the program can use the account specific key to do the encryption.
I know that this can be easily achieved by calling Start-Process cmdlet with -Credentials parameter. Well, here's the catch, the above works fine, if I remote in (RDP) to the Target Server and then run the Start-Process .... -Credential $cred from a Powershell Console.
However, I need this to be working while I remote-in (using my scripts) to the TargetServer whilst deploying. When I remote-in to the TargetServer I use credentials that has Admin privileges.
I've tried the following
I've granted "locuser" both "Full Control" and "Invoke (Execute)" permissions by using the Set-PSSessionConfiguration -Name Microsoft.PowerShell -ShowSecurityDescriptorUI command. I've run this command for both Microsoft.Powershell and Microsoft.Powershell32 - Still get Access Denied
I've edited the "Local Security Policy"->"Local Policies"->"User Rights Assignment"->Impersonate a client after authentication - and added both the Admin account (that I login with) and the "locuser" account - Still get Access Denied
I've also granted locuser admin rights - Still get Access Denied
I'm pretty sure, there is some configuration on the PS Remoting Side of things that I'm missing out but can't figure out what - because all Powershell throws me is a Access Denied error (see screenshot) with little to no useful information to troubleshoot further.
Also, checked Event logs for any traces but to no avail.
You've fallen prey to the dreaded Double Hop. Basically you're authenticating from computer A to computer B, then trying to authenticate again from computer B to computer C (which also happens to be B in this case).
If at all possible, you would be better off ending the session and starting a new one with the locuser credentials, then just calling Start-Process. Another, more messy approach is to use schtasks.
I can tell you how to do it in the same session but it's a bit messy and very complicated, and should only be a last resort:
On the originating server (Build Server):
Run the command Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Client -Delegate [name] where [name] is an IP or DNS address / range including any target servers (eg "192.168.1.*")
Open GPEdit.msc, navigate to Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Credentials Delegation and check that the rules Allow delegating fresh credentials and Allow delegating fresh credentials with NTLM... are enabled and include [name]
On the Target Server:
Run the command Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Server
Running the command:
Invoke-Command [targetserver] [-Credential $cred] -Scriptblock {
## do stuff
Invoke-Command . -Credential $locusercred -Authentication Credssp -ScriptBlock {
Start-Process -FilePath $sc #etc
Some things to be aware of:
Firstly I used this setup to create a local session, then remote from there (so A-A-B instead of A-B-B) so the Group Policy stuff might be in the wrong place but pretty sure it's right.
Secondly I found that credentials are a pain to get working in sessions (in this case $locusercred). I did get it going natively but weirdly it suddenly couldn't decrypt the securestring. I ended up saving a securestring with a defined key to the registry so it can always be decrypted from any account, you may need to come up with your own solution there.
All this stuff is explained in the free eBook "The Secrets of PowerShell Remoting", if you go for the double-hop approach I recommend giving it a read.

remote powershell script issue for adding IP address as relay - exchange 2010

firstly just to say my powershell skills are limited so please be gentle ;-)...
So I've built 4 or 5 runbooks using microsoft Orchestrator to essentially run some remote powershell scripts which do various simple exchange tasks, such as setting OutOfOffice reply, enabling mailboxes, creating shared mailboxes with various permissions etc. I had been using the same basic connection structure/method for these which works fine, ie
$ExchangeCAS = "<CASServerName>"
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri http://<CASServerNameFQDN>/PowerShell/
import-PSSession $Session
<script body with exchange cmdlets>
remove-PSSession $Session
However, I'm trying to create an additional runbook to automatically add IP addresses as relay to our 4 hub servers - its a pretty basic script (that I dug out/tweaked from internet) but its not working when run from Orchestrator. It does work fine when I run it from the Powershell ISE on the server that has the Exchange Tools installed, and the fact that the other exchange (similar) scripts that do work would at least rule out any permissions issues for the Orchestrator service account executing the script. For reference below is the full script I'm trying to run from Orchestrator as a .Net Activity and am testing using the powershell ISE on orchestrator server:-
$ExchangeCAS = "<ExCAS>"
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri http://<ExCASFQDN>/PowerShell/
import-PSSession $Session
# Get Receive Connectors to update
$listofIPs = Import-Csv \\<TargetSERVER>\d$\psscripts\MailboxRightsScript\scorch\AddIPlist.TXT
$recCons= Get-ReceiveConnector | Where {$_.Name -match"Anonymous Relay"}
ForEach ($recCon in $recCons)
Write-Host "Updating", $recCon.Identity
forEach($line in $listofIPs)
$recCon.RemoteIPRanges +=$line.IP
Set-ReceiveConnector $recCon -RemoteIPRanges $recCon.RemoteIPRanges
remove-PSSession $Session
The error I can see from the Orchestrator server ISE is as below:
Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'Identity'. Cannot convert the "\Anonymous Relay" value of type "Deserialized.Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration.ReceiveConnector" to
type "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.ReceiveConnectorIdParameter".
From trawling through some articles it seems this is an issue with how data is passed between local and remote powershell and 'hydration' of objects. TBH a lot of the detail of those discussions is a bit over my head when it comes to powershell, so not wishing to be lazy would anyone be able to provide a powershell script solution based on what I was trying above which I can run as a .net activity from Orchestrator to add an IP address/addresses (prefer from input file) as relay. It would be good to know if the solution is easily modified to remove an address as relay aswell.
Any help much appreciated...
Use server distinguish name. It will work
Set-ReceiveConnector $recCon.DistinguishName -RemoteIPRanges $recCon.RemoteIPRanges

How to create a Powershell scipt to automatically connect to o365 and run as a schedlued task

I would like A PowerShell script to automatically connect to office 365 and to run as a scheduled task twice a day, THEN assign Reviewer permissions to new users if not possible then reviewer for all users. the reason being is because when a new user is created in outlook 365 their calendar permissions are set to free/busy.
i suggest you take a look at: OfficeDev/PnP - TimerJob
Shows how to create "remote timer job", which could be installed to be running as a WebJob to Windows Azure or scheduled to windows scheduler for on-premises deployment.
This is entirely possible, with the obvious downside that you'll need to store credentials for an account with permissions to edit all user calendars by default to run the script with.
There are two parts to the script that you'll require:
Connecting to Exchange Online
As shown here, connecting to Exchange Online is a very simple process.
Leaving the question of how to store credentials in a secure method out of scope of this question, this will result in a PowerShell session to the Exchange servers:
$UserCredential = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/ -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session
Selecting New Users
You'll then need to either select the new users (by passing them to this script, or scanning AD - this will depend on how you're creating your users - synced from AD or just created in-cloud), and apply the permission change to them. However...
Changing Default Permissions on Calendars
In this case, as I don't know how you're creating the new users, or how best to test that, I'm simply applying it to everyone. This will take far longer in a large environment, and is just a pretty bad idea.
Get-Mailbox -Filter {RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox' -and IsShared -eq $false}| %{
Set-MailboxFolderPermissions -Identity "$($_.Alias):\Calendar" -User Default -AccessRights Reviewer
Finally, according to the original article, you should close the remote session.
Remove-PSSession $Session
Scheduled Tasks
After fixing the issue with credentials, you'll then want to save the script (ensuring that it complies with the Execution Policy on the system you'll be running it on), and create a new scheduled task to run it.
Configure a Scheduled Task as appropriate (in terms of triggers and conditions), and set the Action as Start a program, with that program being powershell.exe. Arguments should include -File C:\Path\to\Saved\Script.ps1 and any arguments (such as a file of new users).
Having said all of that, what you should actually do is change the sharing policy in 365, which will allow you to set the default permission for calendars.

How to remotely register static ETW manifests as part of a website deployment?

I'm doing a pilot effort to use the new EventSource (Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource from nuget) and its new support for ETW channels in order to write to the windows event log. The code is in place, and it writes properly to my workstations event log. I'm thrilled.
Now comes the difficult part. The application that's taking advantage of this capability is a web service, and we deploy it with webdeploy as part of a build-deploy-test system. Because usage of ETW channels requires static registration of provider manifests via wevtutil.exe. The EventSource documentation states that this is best done as part of an installer, but this seems a bit out of webdeploy's capabilities.
Our aim is that we would be able to automatically uninstall the manifest resident on the target server immediately before executing the webdeploy package, and then to import the new manifest after the webdeploy sync has completed. We're not set on this, but it seems like the most sensible way.
For that reason, it seems like maybe this is something that powershell remoting might be able to solve, but it's not an area I know much about.
Has anyone done something like this? Is there a better or simpler way?
There are only a few requirements here. A) the remote machine must have PowerShell remoting enable which also means it must have PowerShell 2.0 or higher B) the script running on the local machine must be able to run as administrator and the credentials used must have admin privileges on the remote machine. If you can meet those requirements then this should be cake.
On the remote machine you need to execute two commands to enable remoting:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Enable-PSRemoting -Force
Then on the local machine from an elevated prompt you should be able to execute something like this from a script:
# these two paths assume these files have been copied to the remote computer and to a directory
# in which the service account has privileges to read i.e. not under a userprofile dir.
$etwDllPath = c:\somepath\myassembly.mysourcename.etwManifest.dll
$etwManPath = c:\somepath\myassembly.mysourcename.etwManifest.man
$s = New-PSSession -ComputerName <remoteComputerName>
Invoke-Command -Session $s {param($man) wevtutil.exe um $man} -arg $etwManPath
Invoke-Command -Session $s {param($man,$dll) wevutil.exe im $man /rf:$dll /mf:$dll} -arg $etwManPath, $etwDllPath
Remove-PSSession $s
If you can avoid a remote path with spaces, try to. It will make this easier. :-)